Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1976, p. 4

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Elie flame Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfiold Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Honshaw Managing Editor 4Tho Barrie Examiner Saturday August 1976 Permanent separation not abuse solution Child abuse The very expression is enough to make most of us see brilliant red when we arent being slightly sick at the thought of what some parents do to their children children most of us firmly believe are meant to be loved cherished and protected And its the easiest thing in the world to safyI that anyone who beats to be made to pay the penalty of the law or maybe child oug full even little extra The only problem with that ap roach is it doesnt help the child it Don Jackson local director of the Childrens Aid Society CAS es timates that half the children his workers must remove from their homes because of illtreatment can be put back safely after their parents receive therapy emotional problems which led to the abuse When up with considerable its job No one with any feeling for the raising of children can doubt that goal And it is this is desirable clearly goal which will harder if not impossible to achieve taking vindictive approach to them like criminals throwing them in jail or ild abusers treating the like True some parents are hopeless and should be kept as far from possible until doomsday if need be And some acts their children as you add to that the number of cases which can be solved without taking the child away at all you end percentage of abused children who will be able to stay with their parents and enjoy normal life once the CAS has done of abuse are so atrocious that the sidered law would be failing in its dut if the perpetrators went unpunishe But people who call for permanent separation or jail terms as stan dard proach to child abuse are misgui ed comes first and only subject to that criterion should any against the parent even be con The good of the child harsh action While on the subect what have you done about chil If you are neighbor doctor teacher nurse or whatever and abuse lately you have reason to suspect that for the certain child is being abused it is your legal and moral duty to report it to the Childrens Aid Society or as very poor second to the Crown Attorney It is the CASs job not yours to determine necessary is in fact cannot in if action and they vestigate cases no one has told them about in any and be made The CAS will not disclose your name to the parents you have the right to remain anonymous unless called to testify in court case and event the law protects you from legal action by the parents unless your maliciously or without reasonable probable cause You should not be kept from reporting by your relationship to the parent If it is your friend your pa tient your wife or husband or even yourself report anyway You can reach the CAS at 7266587 report is made And remember as Don Jackson says if you suspect abuse but dont report its hell of thing to have on your conscience if something ser ious happens Foot long and getting bigger how will it all end By McFARIANE Shafts of light from the dying sun shone into the bedroom catching highlights on the gold snuffbox atop the bedside table Inside the box the only il lumination filtered through the crack between the lid and the box proper There was light enough to reveal the dull red pills piled haphazardly on each other in the velvetlined receptacle Suddenly slight movement in the aforementioned crack revealed two tiny redrimmed eyes which squinted as they strove to penetrate the dimness The intruder was common ant tauntus rimevusi and its antenna fair quivered as it ized the candy coating onthe redpills The insect emitted fierce shriek made all the more fierce by the echo effect of the cavernous snuffbox The tiny antennae sent out radars of welcome and within mini seconds hundreds bf the little monsters were scrabbling and crawling over each other to get at the candycoated morsels As they scurried toward the confectionery on their six tiny extremities their shrieks became concerted roar of estasy which reverberated from the walls of the giant snuffbox That muffled roar reached the left ear of the sleeping woman who just happened to beMladv Ehr Barri Examinrr 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return tage guaranteed Dai Sundavs and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 rl Single copies 15 cents whim Barrie $44 20 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $36 00 year ly National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 541710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cirlt culations The Canadian Press is ex elusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims yright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and uced in this newspaper opyright Registration Number 203815 register 61 WW She moved restlessly as the sound penetrated then suddenly sat upin bed What was that Dad she asked in tensionridden tones In the first place Im not your Dad we mumbled sleepi ly then sounds like so meone or something at your pills we added grimly We switched on the light and Mlady reached gingerly for the snuffbox from which the sound seemed to be emanating She lifted the lid and gasped Its ants Its hundreds of bleeding great ants she shrieked We smartly reached under the pillow for our can of trusty Raid but it wasnt there Neither was our pillow These sevenletter word in the plural are sure taking over we said through gritted teeth and headed for the bathroom we had to get substitute for our insecticide even can of hair spray would do we reckoned If yoy spray my vitamin pills shant be able to take them screamed Mlady Take the box and dump the whole 101 down the toilet Not stopping to argue with this reasoning we did as we were bid even scraping the re maining monsters off the velvet sides of the snuffbox We came back into the bedroom somewhat out of breath Look we gas grinning We didnt get al of the ants you know The one that escaped might breed strain of giant ants what with these vitamins and all We both had bit of giggle at that Most of the preceding is vir tually true and it hap ned last summer atour oldish ouse Now its this summer and our house is inundated with veritable horde of gigantic ants which have taken over our do main They pluck quilts from under our chins at night in bed they tickle between our toes they crawl into our car canals and roar causing sound waves which echo and reecho in our sinus cavities making it so we can hardly breathe weve ac tually seen the ants raising their by now sixinch bodies and beating their hairless chests like miniature gorillas Its all getting pretty hard to live with We have nightmares where were being lifted bodin by hordes of peat shiny black ants and deposited on our front lawn being thrown out of our own house as it were Somethings got to give We noticed Mlady or was it Maunt sitting up in bed the other night feeding the red pills to the monsters who were sit ting in the begging position The ants are now about foot orig and getting bigger by the hour How will it all end Are we going bananas or is that really our typewriter those giant whiteuniformed insects are carrying into that sani tarylooking van INTERPRETING THE NEWS False hopes raised by demonstration By ROD ClRRlE LONDON ICP The recent spectacular demonstration by some 10000 Roman Catholic and Protestant women united in urging peace in Northem Ire land may have done little more than raise false hopes Courageous though their ac tion was in land where it is often fatal to defy the men of violence most observers agree it will have little impact on the bleak future shaping up for U1 ster For instance bipartisan sup port for the British govern ments Irish icy now seems in danger breaking down with opposition Conservative spokesmen criticizing the Labor government for the failure of its weak security policy Open disagreement would be serious blow since successive governments have always en joyed allparty support for their tactics against Ulster terrorists There also are rumors that the British Army on the front line in Ulster is disgruntled over the governments refusal to allow the army to go on the offensive against the illegal Provisional Irish Republican Army IRA Others also urge of in ternmentimprisonment of terrorists without trialand allege there are more ring leaders enjoying freedom of operation now than at any time in recent years Meanwhile as terrorism this month reached one of its high est points since fighting began six years ago bleak warning came from Brian Faulkner for mer Ulster prime minister and one of its most respected politi clans Retiring from active politics after failing to persuade fellow Protestants to accept even modest form of flowersharing with Roman Cat olics in gov ernment Faulkner said he sees no likelihood of any new politi cal development in Ulster for at least two years PRIME MINIfTER TRUDEAU CLAIM THAT PEOPLE WHO DONT WANT CANADA T0 ELL NUCLEAR REACTOR T0 FOREIGN NATIONQ APE PACISTS FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Spreading word on restraint appears to be main strategy By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Earlier columns dealt with the governments spending re straints program and how many of savings were ac tually more apparent than real since all the em basis was being placed on ighprofile projects You know the can cellation of the July celebrations the elimination of the annual childrens party at Rideau Hall and the replacement of colored light bulbs along the Rideau Canal Those bulbs you might recall were replaced with white ones of the same wattage Anyway after writing that the restraints program was more psychological than eco nomic several people said this was an unnecessarily cynical viewpoint Perhaps so but re cent confidential letter written by GF Osbaldeston secretary of Treasury Board to all dep uty ministers certainly sup ports the view that the chief government strategy is to spread the good word about re straint The need for more effective information on spending re straint is predicated upon re cent findings that fewer Cana dians now believe that govern ments have either subjected themselves to antiinflation controls or are fully committed to the success of the program writes Mr Osbaldeston And his threepage message to the deputies is that they must visibly demonstrate programs of economic restraint He offers all sorts of fascinat ing suggestions for convincing everyone that the government really means business when it comes to saving dollars GREAT DEA There is one that appeals to me particularly since Treasury Board has already decreed that all meetings organized by public servants should be held in government buildings Mr Osbaldeston now suggests that meetings with representatives from the public particularly from the business community could of ten be held on government premises or modestly ap pointed ones participants could then be asked to bear YOUR BUSINESS Economy of the States seen as electionproof By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Both major United States po litical parties have at last nominated their candidates for the Nov presidential election 0n the morning of Nov prices on the New York Stock Exchange will almost certainly react sharply on heavy volume to the news of the elec tion of Democrat Jimmy Carter or of Republican President Gerald Ford Canadian markets as usual will follow suit The stock market will be act ing in response to the deeply en trenched myth that new ad ministration means an early and farreaching change in eco nomic fiscal and monetary pol icy Investors and others who sub scribe to that myth ought to re mind themselves of the old ada about not believing ev eryt ing they hearespecially in an election campaign Eight years ago in 1968 Richard Nixon was promis ing to end inflation and restore price stability And eight years before that in 1960 John Kennedy was winning votes by pledging to get the country moving again economically Back in 1992 Dwight Eis enhower was vowing to reduce federal government spending reduce taxes and reverse the trend toward centralization in economic affairs CHECKS BALANCES Once in office each of them discovered that there were lim its to their elbowroom in deal ing with economic policyas will the president who is sowrn in next Jan 20 In the first place fiscal policy in the budget year ending Sept 30 1977 will be in operation at the time of the January in augural Even the budget proposals for the fiscal year beginning Oct 1977 will have to be finalized by the executive bran ch week before the Jan 20 inaugural of the president Therefore the first budget that president will be able to influence in 1977 will be the one for the year ending Sept 30 1979 But even then presidents economic clout is far weaker than those overblown cliches about the most powerful office in the world would suggest The basic questions as to how much to tax and how much to spend are answered in the US by the executive branch and the Congress jointlyand the in fluence of Congress is on the rise Responsibility for monetize policy isinthe ands of thef eral reserve board creature QUEENS PARK Sense of responsibility lead to idea column DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Lord Thomson of Fleet was personally respon sible for this column It was back in 1948 The then Roy Thomson was having discussion about his friend Leslie Blackwell who was contesting the provincial Conservative leadership While we were talking he suddenly veered off to ask me Don what about daily col umn out of Queens Park My immediate reaction was that there wasnt the volume of business to warrant thiswe were much much smaller ace in those daysand told so Well all know he said particularly from my ex perience in the smaller centres is that thelives of great many pimple are being run or in uenced from that lace And as publisher fee that if can let them know how and why this is being done then have responsibility to do so NEWSPAPER MAN Note the word responsi bility The column didnt start right away But soon after someone else did begin it and when he boobed out in week or so Roy asked me to take over and Ive been doing it since The main reason for men tioning this is that very little appreciated about Ro Thom son was that at heart was newspaper man and con scientious and intelligent one The world including many of his colleagues tended to think of him in terms of dollar sign But those closer to him early also knew that behind the dollar front in which he revelled there was very much newspaper mana man who in his very first days in the business in Timmins Ont used to take his pad and pencil and cover his own stories ACTION with the slight attendant discomforts for the sake of restraint Thats great ploy Another suggestion is that cabinet ministers talk more about restraints It should be recommended to ministers all speeches to be made by them during the next six mon ths should include section on restraint in government And Wherever possible policy or program an nouncements and other depart mental communications to the public should be related to the overall policy of restraint It would be useful for example to indicate the alternativeand generally more ex pensiveoptions which have been discarded in favor of the initiative being announced The whole idea he makes clear is to project an image corresponding to current reali ties in governmentthat of costconscious public serf ice have only one nagging res ervation about Mr Osbaldes tons proposals to create moneysaving image and that is it might cost few bucks You see whenever you ask the of the Congress but appointed by the president ECONOMIC INERTIA No matter what the con stitution might say about the di vision of powers however no onenot even US presi dentis powerful enough to stem the ebb and flow of eco nomics No conceivable amount of public spending for example could be pushed through the ad ministrative machinery rapidly enough to make an early dint in the unemployment problem And similarly no proposals for tax increases would be ap proved in manner likely to sop up enough excess cash to curb inflation Even president with the enormous popular support of Franklin Roosevelt in the economic crisis of 1933 could only turn the US government machinery slowly in the direc tion of recoverya recovery that took many years to com plate In 1976 the US economy is enjoying moderate recovery and in lation is diminishing slightly Despite all their campaign rhetoric in the weeks ahead neither Mr Ford nor Mr Car ter is likely to have any major impact on the course of that re coverynor is either of them likely to try very hard to in fluence it Thomson litician He had politics in his loodand incidental good fortune Then there was Roy the In the 1951 provincial election he wanted to run and men tioned it to me told him blun tly he would be bored to death within week In 1953 he did run federally and despite plantgating door knocking coffee parties and the other standard campai mechanics which be faithful followed he was defeated it was unquestionably the best thing that could have hap pened to him As backben cher he would have been miser ably bored And as cabinet minister he would have been hopelessly frustrated by red tape Of course this was in earlier years He later used to volunteer that losing that 1953 election was the best thing that had hap pened to him HE FEELS THATTHEfE PANTS WANTTO DENY BLACK PEOPLE ANPYELLM PEOPLE PART OF THE public service to undertake any new project is always takes money And the secretary of Treasury Board has few little projects in mind WANTS LISTS He is asking all departments and agenCies to compile de tailed list of projects programs and other expenditures which have been abandoned post poned or significantly cur tailed This list could include the cutbacks in spending plans for fiscal ear 197677 an nounced by President of the Treasury Board on Dec 18 1975 but should focus on those measures taken by depart mental managers on their own initiative to reduce outlays and economize on human and other resources Then they should prepare similar list of projects program expansions or new programs which were autonomously excluded from program forecasts There is more Departments and agencies should prepare third list of measures they have taken or intend to take to im plement TBS circular 19762 whatever that is On restraint in government administration practices Preparing these lists will keep bevy of public servants busy for time For moment thought Mr Osbaldeston had great idea for cutting down on paper waste Publications for ex am le could often be edited wit greater austerityand at lesser costwithout their ef fectiveness as com munications instrument being significantly affected But he sort of lost interest in paper by the time he reached the next paragraph would be grateful if you could file three copies of all restraintori ented speeches and other com munications issued by your de partment and agency during the next six months with Claude Lemelin my special advisor on communications In these times of severe re straint you would think Treas ury Board could make do with just one copy Kiwis split on Olympics By JC GRAHAM CP Correspondent AUCKLAND NZ CP The Olym ics are over but the soulsearc ing continues over the African boycott of the Games that was prompted New Zealands sports links wi South Africa On the one side are those who say the Africans tried black mail tactics in Montreal their bluff was called and there is no reason to lament The Africans left the New Zealanders stayed and even won couple of gold medals Others reply that Montreal was only start unless New Zealand cuts sports ties with South Africa it will encounter increasing criticism and ostra cism Several returning Olympians have said they were ashamed to be members of the team that caused the African walkout This prompted an angry back lash Unlike the Africans their critics retorted New Zealand athletes had freedom of choice Their roper form of protest would have been withdrawrng from the team before going to Montreal not making the trip and complaining afterwards The National rty govern ment which as insisted throughout that it has no role to play in regulating international sports activities has been un der continuous attack from the Labor party op ition which accuses it of issipatin the good name New Zealan had enjoyed under its Labor prede cessors as liberal multira cial community Labor spokesmen contend that the government is out of touch with reality in clinging to the belief that sport can be di vorced from politics Government spokesmen have modified their position to the extent of suggesting that sports bodies might take heed of the trend of world opinion in ar ranging future international programs DIED FROM RADIATION AND HAYEA QUESTION WHAT Wit IPIERItE WHITE sonogram CAVEAT EMPTOR My theory By LEONARD NOBLE was walking down the street with my good friend Shlepper the other day and for lack of anything in particular to discuss we began talking about the weather Now should explain that my friend Shlepper is one of those people that has theory for just about everything He is the kind of guy that will speculate on the real story behind the story and bring out some unusual fact that gives completely different perspec tive to whatever the event hap pens to be For example if you were to say see by the papers that theyre blaming Castro for John Kennedys death Shlepper would im mediately say Dont you see President Nixons best friend was Bebe LeBozo who just hap pens to be Cuban My theory is that LeBozo was trying to br ing his influence to bear on the former President in order to create friendlier atmosphere between Cuba and the States lot of American Senators were concerned about the United States getting too friendly with the Cuban Commies and in vented the story about Castro Thus you will understand that when innocently remarked to my good friend Its been strange summer The weather isnt bad through the week but comes the weekend it rains Shlepper immediately laun ched into theory to explain the vacillating vagaries of our summer weather Has it ever occurred to you he replied rather em phatically that our weather is changing rather dramatically from what it used to be CANADAS STORY East property always sought By BOB BOWMAN Many people in the Maritime provinces are greatly con cerned because United States citizens are buying valuable property eSpecially along the seashore This isnt new Americans have been buying property in Canada for years Even as early as 1760 Ben jamin Franklin sent an agent to Nova Scotia to buy property Franklin was also Canadas first postmaster His colleague George Wash ington was also interested in Canada but did not try to buy property He tried to acquire it for the US by negotiation and then by military conquest When military measures be came necessary Washington ordered his generals to take possession of St Johns Mon treal and an other parts of the country will not be dis agreeable to the Canadians Those were the instructions Generals Montgomery and Schuyler received when they entered Canadian territory Aug 21 1775 with 1000 troops via the Lake Champlain route As it turned out American acquisition of Canadian terri tory was disagreeable to most Canadians although there were congressistes who were will ing to join the US Many of them were American mer chants living in Canada St Johns on the Richelieu River was stoutly defended for tw0 months before it fell This opened the way for the capture of Montreal which was taken easily The next part of the cam ign was to ca ture Que bec gay and that ha tle contin ued from November until the following May when British naval units arrived and the Americans had to retreat across the border According to the eternal purpose which he in Christ Jesus our Lord In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him Ephesians 311 12 The great need of the Chris tian witness is boldness without bigotry and compas sion without condemnation Well re lied know that weve had etter summers than this one But then weve had some summers that have been lot worse Im not talking isolated summers inter rupted Shlepper as he took the bit between his teeth No sir what Im talking about he went on is the fact that our summers winters springs and falls are quite different than they were say 10 years ago Knowing it to be useless to do anything else but agree once my friend had got started merely mumbled suppose so which needing no en couragement anyway he pro ceeded You see our weather system is changing because of over population He paused for effect and then continued You take the population of China Theres country with about six hundred million peo ple How do we counterbalance it he asked with our meager population in Canada of 22 or 23 million people Even if we throw in the Americans that is only another approximate 200 million people consquently the world is turning lopsrdedly That is the reason for all the earthquakes that have occurred recently The earth just cant take the strain any longer fugure the world is out of synch by about three days right now That is why we are getting nor mal weather from Monday through to about Friday noon Then as the world ins off on tangent because the added weight on one side we get pulled further away from the sun from Friday afternoon until Monday morinn and therefore these rotten wee ends about OTHER AUG 21 EVENTS ismHenry Kelsey was first man on Prairies 1820 Reformer Robert Gour iay was banished from Canada limoEdward Prince of Wales Opened Victoria Bridge Montrea 1890Gen Middleton retired as commander of Canadian mi litia under cloud for having made money in fur trade during Northwest Rebellion 1903Croatian Fraternal Un ion was formed in British Co lumbia 1957Prime Minister Die fenbaker announced $150 million loan for lowcost housing For Pierre The following poem submit ted to The Examiner by Taylor Ann St was first published in The Free Press Winnipeg FOR PIERRE Prime Minister Pierre know you dont care How busy you keep these taxpayers here You chase thru the province like hen in the hay not giving the people chance for their say But Mr Trudeau the time it is near for the people to vote you right out of here And for one wont be sorry for that because you remind me of hungry old rat But know if youre beaten You wont give heck cause youve got all you want for yourself and Quebec And the metric system which now we have here wish someone Would take and stuff in your car And Misters Basford and All mond Your partners in crime should have their heads ex amined from time to time But Mr Trudeau Its no time to be blue All our best wishes and Puddle Duddle to you TAYLOR 10 Anne St Barrie 1wfi wwtv

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