44A At ll roadside booth just north of Thornton Kathy OBrien and ebbie Hill coni plete sale of sweet corn to STROUD public meeting is to be called soon to determine the use of two new communi ty centres in lnnisfil township Township clerk Richard Groh told council that the Simcoe County Board of Education has turned over to lnnisfil the unused Bell Ewart school for $1 plus legal costs The deed for the Lefroy school is expected soon also for the sum of $1 But the school board will retain ownership of the Crawford area school because it can be used for storage Reeve Bill Gibbons said public meeting will be called to see how the two old schools can be used by community resi dents ARTS AND CRAFTS ALCONA BEACH The ad visory board of the Alcoiia com niunity centre will sponsor an arts and crafts show on Satur day and Sunday Aug 28 and from 10 am to pm in the Alcona community centre 8th Line of lnnisfil IOIIITION COINT ALLISTON Town council has been advised by Census Ry FLORENCE HOLT THORNTON Mary Sher idaii of Painswick had the se cond highest number of points in the senior section of the an nual flower show of the Thorn ten and District Horticultural Society on Aug to Top pointgainer and winner of the Eastern Greenhouses trophy was Sylvie Ward of Toronto Mrs Neville Jamieson was judged to have the best spectmen bloom with Mrs George Watson placing second Mrs Ward received the Luckys trophy for best ar ran emeiit and Ralph Cook se OITSTANIHNG new Lioivs trophy went to Mrs George Watson for the most outstanding exhibit secondplace going to Mrs Jamieson Ralph Cook received the Royal Bank Rose Bowl trophy while Mrs John Sander won the Ralph Cook trophy for best chrysanthenium Another new trophy donated by Leonard anderpost for the best senior citizens arrange ment was won by Mrs Doris Brown The best novice exhibit was Deidre Sheerans In the Junior section Sheelagh Sheeran reported that 161 exhibits were shown by 28 children The trophy for most pomts in to years group went to Teresa anderpost She received the Scope trophy Kent Dervell had the second highest number of points In the to 11 years group the Darvell imphy will be shared by Susan Watson and Kent Darvell In the grou aged 12 to 15 the Spencer tr went to Sheryl Spencer Ruth Ann Peacock had the most outstanding ex hibit winning the Len anderr positrophy Denise Keown won the Peacock trophy with the best specimen Several plants and insec ticides were won as door prizes by lucky ticketholders VISITORS Recent visitors with George and Florence Holt were Georges sister Ettie and bus band Charlie Degeer of Mines ing and their son Wilfred of Etobicoke on Aug 13 Don Fraser of Toronto and Garry Wilson of Barrie also called earlier in the week Charlie Betteridge is pa tient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston Mr and Mrs Gordon Cochrane returned home Aug 14 after spending seven weeks it or Vera Whale of Mississauga The two girls along with Ed die Ilill of Thornton and QOUNTY GLIMPSES Meeting to discuss use of old schools Canada that the population count for Allistoii on June was 4l29 REEMORE LIONS CREEMORE Staff Spon sored by the Collingwood club Creeniore Lions club received its charter eight years ago with ohii Ney the charter president Cecil Stamp secretary and Grant McKnight treasurer Carniaii Gowan and Reg Westbrooke were among charter members NAME TRACEI GURHRIE Staff 77 This ro township community was named in honor of pioneer set tler Duncan Guthrie and first postmaster Thomas Guthrie who served from 1876 to 1880 The post office was closed in l952 PIONEER FAIR HILLSDALE Staff Agri cultural fairs in this area date back to 1859 with the first held at the onetiiiie Hamilton Inn site now marked by plaque opposite Highway 93 on the Flos side STEVENSON HOSPITAL ALLISTON Staff The Stevenson Memorial Hospital touring the western provinces by car The weather was coma paratively kind to the Cochranes on their trip Much of their time was spent renew ing acquaintances with re latives and friends Two houses were sold recent ly on the Barrie Street or Highway part of Thornton Mr and Mrs GrootAMcLaren sold to Mr and Mrs Chubbs of Utopia and Dalton Banting sold to Mr Fish of Toronto The McLarens plan to move in early Se tember and Mr Banting wil hold sale of household items Sept Watch the classified ads for more details MINISTER BACK Signs of the Times was the theme of Rev Kelvin Johnstons sermon Aug 15 at Trinity Liiited Church Rev Bruce Mctallum will resume his duties Aug 19 at the North Essa Parish after being on vacation for month Come Cruise the Rhine iiunuuv holandnveiiine ROADSIDE CORN BOO Doug DeLiind of lottenhiini ltltttl the corn til it nearby arm and sold it for 80 cents it was opened here in 1928 it was shown by old records COUNTY WARDEN BRADFORD Staff Will den of Simcoe County Orville Hughes is serving his sixth year as reeve of West Gwilliinburv after succeeding Keith Langford Before that he was township dupiity recve ILOWING CHAMI OOKSTOWN Staff Now vicopresideiit of the Cookstown Agricultural Society Keith Robinson was iitario plowing champion back in 1965 He was one of Ontarios represen tatives iii the Canadian plowing match at Chilliwack BC that year LONG HYIASSED MIDLAND Staff The town of Midland hasnt had county council representative elected warden in nearly 60 years The last warden from this town was Digby Horrell in 1917 MORE DOCUMENTS MIDHURST Staff The archives section of Simcoe County museum has been con stantly attracting increased in terest with its collection of Thornton flower prize is won by Sylvia Ward Trinity United Church Women will resume meetings Sept when they will meet at the home of Mrs Carr at 745 pm Visitors are welcome and the roll call will be My pet peeve Scott Sharp spent the weekend of Aug 14 at the cot tage of Mr and Mrs Wes Hin die on Three Mile Lake Muskoka Other friends Mr and Mrs Joel Prosser of Bar rie were also there Mrs Wayne Tubman David and Leanne of Munster hamlet recently Int week on vaca tion witi Mrs Tubnians parents Mr and Mrs rval Carr Mrs Ken Black recently won two tickets to 0m Fest courtesy of CKBB Radio Six local women who have planned to take the tailoring short course attended preliminary meeting at Stayiier on Aug 17 to learn about necessary supplies and equip ment With Us at IO Im Ia LL IllInfo Illl lllIlIIIIu VIII onusoclnnin German Rhone Inc DU votiSclt tNiS iitititi Ciiismg ithiigT the heart Ejtitut 12m cm the sterev tn itxwnvtit Nearly 300 different sailing dates 0r Scountry cruises Amsterdam to Basie or vice versa Deluxe cabins all in single class KING RNOADES TRAVEL AGENCY 39 Owen Street Barrie 726722l TII NEAR THORNTON dozen The farmer gets ii share in the profits Ex iiniiner Ilioto documents and records grow ing steadily since it was opened decade ago Launched as Canada centennial project the project was officially opened by James Atild then minister of tourism and information on November 22 1966 George Mc Cagiie MII for Duffcrin Sim coe was then warden of the county Essa seeks injunction IlAXllilt linnii township council in looking Supreme Court injunction against an utiltcnnned kennel of 80 dogs in the iownnhlp Council authorized bylaw an increment fficcr Clifford Davin to take action against In thiin Canine Kenneln iriited by loter and Wanda onforti on the lift Line of Harm Adjacent to private home the kennel docil not conform to distance requirements in Ilnnnii tltllllllll control bylaw Neighlmrs have complained to council about barking dogs and do ii that have run loose and kil ed livestock Mrii Conforti has complained that council refuses to meet with her to discuss issuance of licence RADIO SYSTEM Erika council has agreed to meet with representatives of Canadian General Electric and Motorola to discuss radio system proposed for the township roads department ROAD HAZARD Council is complainin to five government agencies ut an excavation iii Concession Lot 30 Claiming very hazardous condition because the excava tion is close to township road against dog kennel council said it may hold the five agencies responsible for damage that occurs The ministries of transporta tion environment natural resources and agriculture and CNR will be asked to take ac tion to improve the situation AMENDMENT Essa council has approved an official plan amen merit to allow Maurice Millcr Lumber Ltd to operate sawmill at Con Lot 32 hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board may be held because at least one neighbor in opposed to the amendment Warden declares county joining Forester week MIDHURST Stuff Wur den rvillc Hughes has an nounccd he has officially declared on behalf of Simcoe County Grey and Simcoe Forester Week for the third week in September The warden is asking res idents of the county to join in recognition of this week mark ing the 110th anniversary of ser vice to the people of Simcoe and Grey counties and to Canada by the Grey and Simcoe Foresters regiment memorial service church parade and public display are planned by company of the unit located in Barrie on September 14 Captain Bradshaw officer commanding company asked the county to participate by declaring the special week TWO OLDEST The Grey and Simcoe Foresters Regiment was brought into being briii ing together two of 01 est lnnisfil members wary about health council STROUD proposal to establish health council for Simcoe County and area has not received approval from lnnisfil township council Meeting in committee of the whole council supported Coun Two oppose council raise RILLIA The mayor and council here have approved eight per cent raises for themselves effective Dec The mayor will receive $8660 year and council $3800 The action by council was op posed by only two aldermen Bob White and Frank Kehoe Aid Kehoe said he didnt want to vote himself raise adding that he served on coun cil when the honorarium was only $300 year ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER NOTICE TO EQUIPMENT OWNERS For Winter Maintenance Operations l976 Grant Andrade who said the health council could be another buffer between the provincial government and local hospital boards Coun Andrade represents In nisfil on Barries Royal Vic toria Hos ital Board Counci decided it would need more information about the governments plan before ex pressing approval Coun Andrade said the health council seems to be step toward regionalization and it is not clear how the in dependence of local boards and health units would be affected Reeve Bill Gibbins predicted that any change will cost money in the long run ORILLIA YS MEN ORHJJA Staff The local Ys Mens club has been active in rillia for 48 years The club was organized in 1928 with Stan Sarjeant the first president regiments in Canada the old that Regiment of Grey County and the old 35th Regiment of Simcoe County The earliest records of both the 318i and 35th regiments date back before the inauguration of those counties and before the time of Con federation Prior to this date records are rather vague but is is known that many volunteer companies were in existence throughout the counties of Grey and Simcoe The 3rd Battalion Grey Militia is known to have been in existence in 1860 There is militia notice dated April 12 1860 wherein all the members of the third Battalion were called out for muster call on the Queens birthday of that year How long the battalion was in existence before that date is not known but is believed the unit was formed at least as early as the inauguration of Grey Coun ty in 1854 Much the same set of cir cumstances applied in the case of Simcoe County Every man between the ages of 18 and 45 had to turn out on certain stated occasions for inspection and duties Penalties for failing to report were severe CAMPAIGN MEDALS good number of early members of the Grey and Sim coe Foresters fought in the Nor thwest Rebillion and this rch The Canada Manpower Centre for Students All of the Employers who have hired students this EMPLOYERS l976 Gulf SelfServe Car Wash Crock Block Adfec Mr Rand Barrie Diaper Service marf Department Store Corfina Pizza Paifenicks rncnt is one of the very few militia units to have had the honor of displaying the Baltic Honor Northwest Rebellion on the regimental guidon The regimental museum is in possession of several Fenian campaign medals that were earned by members of the units of Grey and Simcoe counties during this campaign It is of interest to note that this par ticular medal was the first over minted for the presentation to militia soldiers asii token of ac tive service in defence of Jan ada Reserve fund is endorsed MIDHURST Staff Estab lishment of new reserve fund for use in the future has been endorsed by county council for capital purposes The proposal was recomv mended by the finance commit tcc headed by Reeve Bill Gib bins of lnnisfil and will be known as the Reserve Fund General An amount of $300000 was suggested for this year Council was told this fund could be started without affec ting the 1976 budget with the provision made for 1976 reserves of $250000 4H training classes are planned at Stroud MR8WWampbell ROUD The 4H Home making Club will hold loaders training school in the basement of St James United Church on Sept and Stroud Womens Institute members will serve lunch each day Girls interested iihould cal Mrs Richardson or Mrs Taylor Victoria St Mrs Campbell has returned home after vacation in Ottawa with her daughter and honltrlflw Joan and George McFarlanc She met her new greatgrandson David iind renewed acquaintance with two groutgranddaughters Rev Bylaard minister of Stroud Presbyterian Church will be on vacation for the rest of August Rev McKillican will be the paidnr for the next two Sundays timgratulutiona to Mrs Roy lmxiicllow on her upcoming Mrs William Pratt the first 80th birthday Mrs Jacks lnnisfil Road off theth Line will hold open house on Saturday Aug 21 to honor her sisteriniaw and give Claras many friends chance to offer good wishes Trip conveners for Stroud senior citizens have arranged visit to the Lions Safari and the Hamilton flower ardenson Aug 30 Those wis ing to at tend ahould contact Mrs Ward Goodfcliow for tickets Barbara Steed spent last week on vacation with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Alan Todd Janice Todd of Toronto nt the weekend at home be ore leaving for Mediterranean tour SIMCOECENTRIZ WI lliELPSltN Staff Sim coe Centre District Womens Institute dates back to the year 1003 with old records showing president DISTRICT NE WS 2The Barrie Examiner Saturday August 2l l976 DIVDUO Sim cum Hm and no can an vacIr THANKS summer including Bertram Materials Firestone Humane Sodety Ontario Potato Distributors Dick Shoes Brass Group Savemari Gas Bar Dempsiers Automotive Brothers Building plies Pioneer Pools Bulldog Construction Progressive Wood Design Wall Furniture Huronia Restaurant Rix Farms Simcoe Aluminum Specialties Beefon Lumber Building Sup MT PRESS SILK SCREEN VMML PROOF SIGNS 77 season the following equipment is required TRUCKS with minimum GVW 27000 pounds suitable for mounting power san ding unifs are required at the following locations Truck Swan Lake Crone River Clovering Elsinore Wolkerton Meoford Kincardine Stoyner Trucks Durham Flesherfon TRUCKS with minimum 42000 pounds Tandem axle suitable for mounting power sander units are required at the following locations Truck Clovering Elsinore Kincordine Wolkerton Durham Chatsworih Meoford Sfoyner LOADERS with one Cubic Yord bucket oi the following locations with out operators Loader Swan Lake Crone River Clovering Elsinore Kincordine Walker ton Durham Flesherton Chotsworth Meoford Woodford Stoyner Sealed tenders on forms supplied by the Ministry will be received by the District Engineer until l200 Noon local time Wed nesdoy September leh 1976 Specifications fender forms and en velopes may be obtained in person or by mail from the District Office in Owen Saund When requesting fenders please specify location and type of equipment Bidder must have appropriate Class PCV Licence to be acceptable The lewest or any fender not necessarily accepted Carney District Engineer Ministry of Transportation and Communications 1450 7th Avenue East Box 520 OWEN SOUND Ontario N4K 5R1 Telephone No 519376 7350 Ministry of Transportation and Communications Federal Business Development Bank Simoro Golf Links Wayfare Restaurant Springwafer Golf Course Sheridan Nurseries Simcoe District CoOp Canadian Tire Shanty Bay Golf C0urse Berry Hill Farms imperial Eastman Loblaws Bamric Janitorial Radio Shack West Bend Ministry of the Environment Holiday inn Pop Shoppe Cedar Valley Golf Caurse Childrens Aid Society Allandale Golf Club Cornet Chemical Cunningfon Gulf Station Mr Quisf City of Barrie Corah Provincial Roofing Ontario Bureau of investigation Paul Sadlon Motors Roxy Theatre Sfrafhollen Woods 050 Plumbing Barrie Plumbing and Electrical Supply Cash Carry Lumber Tiffin Fence Janes Stationery Lake Simcoe Motel Ark Eden Nursing Home Culligan Water Conditioning Canodylef Chrysler Canada Victoria Woods Construction McDonalds Noffawasoga inn Simcoe Hotel Dickee Dee ice Cream Archer Refrigeration Midhursf Cornet DeVilbiss Georgian Bay Regional Library Ken Winter Sanitation Storer Sails ice Cream Unlimited Barnes Security Grove Park Home Rent Review Office Will Silks Country Store Cardinal Cash Carry Tail Trees Campground Parkland Tire Chicken King Lid Red Pine Motel Colonial Restaurant River Garden Tavern Restaurant Mikes Milk Stores Kempenfelf Manor Mortgage Funding Paper Barrie Raceway Bayfleld Lodge Nursing Home Allandalo Home Hardware Simcoe Outdoor Advertising Rays Shell Station Towers Gas Bar Murdock Steel Marks Spencer Loblaws Cliff Varcoe Lid Beacock Plating Stewart Wholesale Boyfield Mall Association Sf Vincent do Paul Society Department of Manpower im migration Caroles Restaurant Hays Travel Service Barrie Examiner Goodfeilows hip Lodge Moldex Dwight Norrena Bayshore Motor Motel Koffee Kup Harris Flowers Prince of Donogol Wall Furniture Post Office Clarkes Home Furnishing Sherwin Williams Sharpes Printing Service Brennans Meat Market Lakeviow Restaurant Skolley Wollins Ltd Cundlos Sf Vincent Sf Service Centre Ross Rolls Service Centre Versailles Restaurant Department of National Defence As well as very large num ber of employers who hired on casual basis that is for obs lasting for five days or loss Morchanfs Many more have hired students for temporary iohs We salute you all and look fonivord to helping you again next summer 17 mama Vanpowei en 11 Canada M4 Dower Man 11gtva igJ vi qualuof med Ann Horn1 Awivas Mw our vimsim er 3t Mam Puve Summastudmlhcyreallywk