Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1976, p. 16

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iLhoagslssmmsmmuwm1m Tiimsirnro granola ffiWiTWW Dan spoclallles Canada FOX AND Hound Tack 3mm Ellullstl rldlng equlpmenl and llplernl holrlrlsan quraulvo organlmllon has lmmodlata openlngo lor dynamlc 1n dlylrllmls ouklnq challnnglng posltlom Hardware Dunlap SI narrll Ill AQSFMIII IOREMAN ruuln arlantad panon raqulrad for small TAJI pom momnhly artlvlty Maul appllconl wlll hallo prawn WP NFW HORSE IRAILERfi JIM mm In Used Ilorsl Irnllrrl WM Ime lullr vlmry uhlllIy obl In work dlllarant mm and tom automotlvo purl alrpaIIm Hm hrlrw lrnllnr Flu nIlarlI Illllllllrlr IHMNIUAN 1N9 TION Eyrallant npporlunlly lor rotor Rlmunrllllyprll MI Illmm llrl mlullmla wltll mung hmllqmuml In hluaprlnt Intnrprotatlon and HORSE BOARDING nyallnlrlu rrIlolll lnrr llan MINI larun hm nulls wmllrlg Iumwlquqa at prrlslan momman lmtrumanto Rowan oIlrl lm anunlrmtlrm and lrlwnrtlan at lnramlng part0 Mmmmxrum PUGET COURT IN AM 31 RAM FOR LEASE fivWQ lw nuMNHM and Mtwmu va Rx ws Mmt luv xxx TN or hnwl Nwln no no MK toawlmu VV Call 3628 Au rm HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look we the ads below The advertisers llhlull ulo anpalls lll lllou llalll lllll Will ouure you Ol the hunt gull luoolhla Nnrlr Orillln JIM J75 396 Illllll NI VIANI INI IllMIrllnI Inn rlunrlm tlrllsln wnll Illnrlllrlrml nll if lulunwml IMHO PI IAlNl MAHF lly CImrI 051 Arab Il1lIW lIlIllI lmlll WIlll lllllllrr Sllllllll lllrllIl Wm lrm ll Alan Aral llrllu E4011 lllnrllr TM All POULTRY AND CHICKS II III III IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII IUOM ll IIavlnus Cup710mb Is mmtlar Ibls poslllon whlcll NWT NOVN 35 my lnu IIlllmlm lunlllr mm lIlvrllns all Irmrn mulrllommra In our wowlnq doparlmont 19 Illuusluw rmmwm arllllad alortrklan with procllcal momma comucms IAVISTIOOOIIINO IIIATINO COOLING PAVING 55 AND GRAIN llrmwlarlua rumba nrmllnq and Inpair at motor control and Nut re gg AN 3L sum Wm Mm mm lnlimzll Almun Iumrlquuulunu All IIIMhlIlL It Ill AllNl II lIlurnlllIngI IIIIIIIIIIxxxLInIIIIfIIIIIIIffI Lmflr ll ICONY ml sun ill Tun umuml um ly llwllul nu ll ul Iyl Illll ull lllrll Inrl llg In HCE su 33 ttllLuLlraaIl2m lunar Na Olav Illloll llllllll llllull Sarylr and MA MrHAHK low so mm In RIM imam uwnmmunmu mtllllallunla ulmur noryllo 0909 BY NI Tlldlw In Snll Mnul onto our pllrunIs with HOIIOIII 197M In an and 9ylm meg and Ism In vwn ILLs llullm NunNIT ml qullllll Illmu In filmy Ill Illllm allllllrultJl Mb tllu amt mad pl um kl sn wv Uhlluhlhi lulllu 19M Nawluwoll IV llllllM llsl mu IIIN lulu llalll PW h412m7 II IIIIQIAI lll IXCAvfluo lellon IITMOOllllNc Klldlom 12IfIf2fl Wm Chm li ALK ALUMLNUM ll llulllu llll eru 36 3M altar 30 II II MI II II A02 he yinlt Lkv xs At Ammuuwuflnm II null rl IA CIAN 7° NONI lam MI is Illlflllgll lLLN WISlllll Ilrmll splI lrlll lllllllllL Mr IHl MORI llvlng Ipma rat room all IL AInd Im WIIHEOWI DWIHHQI llll llmlnmln pluy Iuorn laundry olllra Dnvewoys Paklng 05 guIIILIIIIaulIIIII13213IITL Wl rm CONSTRUCVON FARM CANADYLET LIMITED II IL may LN To pm now II fiQM II IN MI Installed wltll Backhoe EXCOVI IIARNN PM IIOVIIIIUII Concrete Work ACHNERY nixn lot luv1 WWW 132Irrq355 FREE ESTIMATES 23 71 °Y °°P9 °Wc°°m °°w9 FOR RE NT RUCKS AND RALERS HOI lzonlal Augerlng In no AND moving collogu loun Written Guarantee V1NNw P0$lll0n$ llll alloratlonl addlllom unlom MAITI IllI413 III lIIlInIlv Mm rm LRL tow spam General COILTTOCOI Tango to ConlIacllIIq 776 l7l0 ml lulr llmu lllnlllmrl wlwnl Hrnw PLAHNG Pfiasosu EIIpnmv in ma nth bo pk ImIlla 444 Ir lt llt 00v Lat Rhos 1h allI5pln III III an wax Ld lARLSlDL AVAIING allll lnlullulp Senin Simcoe Conn ll 10 lrnrlnr Ill llfllillllllll film SPACE FOR RE NT nu 83¢ IAN SILTin SUHII FALIA Aln ll Imllllln hullllmlng IOIVlII Tlan gr léyears llrlIl Ptmlll 714 IMI SPRhAIV OPEKSIOR Ifpnd lalm and Mm pww 9s sure tuntum lung Ila ullmmu llulll hill lllmluga Ilmll 137 an ml 776 3206 mqu 0y gtk II up II IId PNhk Lummum INCOME TAX Iolurlu prapornd Angus FR lTS AND Inf uw runs If one REPLACE Barrlo uroo $55 up Batman 424 5910 MANerl PAVING lIllIIn QU 0N JL Etparlantad In tho roadlng nu sux an allISOM WOOkNli Sidwalk mid 510 WWW Nll MIMI WM 10 drawiflghluoprlntt mlnIOrnMML and armor 0090 Day shill nl cc LCx Work quorumlad Book now Plum IPlllII 070 776 ml Illt Hdhl CHAIM It if L9Tll lkl LAD ND 776003L tUlllrIr Illllr IInllllf METALlZlNG OPERATOR PM Vlnncl Ham $0 llflflq Iy IT GARAGES xv wmw Hummus43¢ m1 SIMCOE ECONOMY lnulallon llbraglass C0 Wr WWW 0l1 D°Y hl udowallu flap hIIanQyL rth erw Trlllll Illr rllv Inwvumdhh IMIHI III II II II INN III 93 0RD one NIH Ion In ull rllll Iorlngaallaupalllnq roe as mates WWII and pm Immm IIIJINII WIIII IIII VIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII In BUFHNG PfRJONNEL PlabIY 10me mo 909 mqu gt me NN 03 IlIIE Ingfllm 0N IIII II In SPBCLOIIIIOQ In GIUTOI 3009 458747310llar6p mm on lull My mum 4173575 procedu Day will 0m pImI 9° 12 midnighnhfiy osu anti ue brick ND CAPING HI all uwrr Mun l4r ll rrllrg row mm mo mugml ff2t S°°a 2n° hmm PICTURE FRAMING MATERIAL HANDIER 00y mm COYYAGES To RENT Irwin am rm Cuslom bunltond desugned nonmc PROPERTY SERVICES Lawn UIMW IlI Apply in person To Mr AndOHOfl 3° 43 59 and garden lnnlnl landscape sonIces IOAHS 37 Dunlm Lu Itlllflmnvml llll EM°EE wst USEDon hue oommnd AUTO PARTS w°r mans 9° 9° rosonablcmm 776 4596 gzzzmnuzagfiga$8323m WM MY MOM WT In T37 John Street LIJ 3613 uuqe RI xx 353 OI or 15 new lomtrallull ll EMERALD LANDSCAPING Complete lrrw No tummy VlJhldhllg La Lr week veLhDw QLT1ITI Trlvahonv 4J6 2M5 allel landscaplng molnlnoncg Sodding lgnc wllulwmln fiTll mm 17 mu Irlrm arne 39 MM WI ENGINES Me II BARRIE 737 87 ing patios docking mlolnlng walls ML Turk your own rurrl raullllrmw Au76 19 FORD Inn ll um good runnino mm bum If gm 7372651 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena DJIIII WINS Hlmlww mum IV Lonulllo ST 750 as It or best all Norms boarded Barrla llvn rnlrlulas ll Towpysmw 37 3100 PPYC0 72859 Windy Haugh Farm 776 019 ulllrrplll xfllllll l0 Bllrrll Prmlurr rp HITTI I76 85 ms FORD Super Cab Ion IrULk AUTO REPAIRS AND MASONRV Speciallzlng SWING ClEAN UP wnmsr MDWW ROOFING vw l700l mules It Crlckcl truck ATM Hum CARS FOR SALE Lamplr lully eqmppod WI sell we REPAIR British European and EggfIfJIIownggg szggmml Ah hm dwd°m768 °°° AND ROOFING New and old PERSONM II ll as 17 W72 CHALLENGER mmllent anal mm BESS RM 78 8°90 imnse72g°wm IO COLOMAL FIREplACESI he odow WEED spnAleGI grililingI mowing Ropers Free asllmatas 322 1897 altar lI tron vmyl rap ernlln Ilrs stereo AUTO ACCESSORIES NTEINOR MODELLING KiIh bum 303 numI 7284040 hedge and shrub lrimmlng rough mowmg McDonaKfs aulomallc console etc Phone 726 9433 36 Vic IriomslroJRoonr asklorJahn CAR MOTORS radiators batteries Inrfizmenfuuvgfdbl 3651 ANDYMAN STUCCO Low 1974 55 NOVA Guam condmm starters alternators Ilrc exchange IT Jambs Terrace I08 pm RUSSEL TEXTURE Spray altarlor n00 ack In nt Tale none 726 23333 50 SHELBY Mao rims Ford Pimo GUHAR 550Nle cloukal and slutca lnIerlor Iaxlurad walls and colllngs aIIonI conduion popular Marcel Povin Gum SudioI Free oallmalas Dale Russell Midllursl From return wroCAMARo 69000mlles good canal 06 AND General Contractor Kitchen rec FREE mum Ialaphona 728 cm Non Telephone days 728 7749 or oven TelPDhOMCWS 35 rooms renovations additions liraplacas WA ar alr l0m or ampa mgsm 0687 MOTORCYCLES guaranteed 7374507 Garages cleaned MUSIC IlIfiWUCTgD SgIIIIOIIIIIY SI TELEVISION LEASING or week holiday Dont delay Act 77 corlan IOHOI aalan II $550 Ciarboireigl l87 KAWASAKI l00 Enduro trail blke lo lc lceazgmcfasll TrOSh haued away Mmmv BOVLEd two 0th IOL Barries onl House al Leaslng Lease can OdOY cquner and knchen posnlorI avalabl Ia Mcoonod Raaufon JacobsTorracoHoODm 5310 Ioood condition Telephone nmuahmpm JUST GIVE US Lrggxmngndlgggggwgo28w provm IIzuIrvngyccorIIzIgmgaIngarweek clam HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE Pofd breaks as food unlorms supplied Ichodule pay Iain 19 DODGE DART Ymder aulo 28 ems erbp 550 winds Id CARPENTER WI do rot rooms ronova EXNDSANB MUSIC SUdiosI aévfiefd 72847 sh embllllY 335irmlérS55Lraiei°°££fgfi3 flngikiErrTér fond rear 600 mllis m°d°i9 N° i°b Mall GuIor classes Yamaha mehod WATER HAULAGE Au2H Apply atResIauranl 230 pmo Iod30pm Monday thru Frlday Comma mg 31075 Telephone medlcal reason Ior selling Pleaso call 726 4875525 726344 999° 995776773 HE WAIERMAN he 6398 wens Au2l232527w 66 733 CARPET CLEANING PAINTING 773 between 10 oImI and 530 pm ClsIerns swummlng pools llllad 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS 350 vs power 1974 KAWASAKI 450 Male Cross Boughl 00mg and brakes common new in l975 excellonl conmtlon new START vouR spring cleaning today PAINTING lnleriar axleriof eslobllshed WlNDow CLEANLNG 77000ml1rswlllcrrllly $2850 or bastol spare parls Must sell $500 Telephone Ravilalixe yaur arpols with AI carpal LAWN over 75 Year Free esnmales work ler Telephone 737 2245altcr5p 456 3937 WWW 77663 Main once summttd 7787696 VfiINDOW CLEANNG PRIVATE SALE I974 Ponllac Catallna 1975 SUZUKI 360 Sllvor like new only ener PNNnNGI paper hanging expefiemed ID lsIs In cases oparlmenls an sloras door hardtop mr conditioning hnvod 3000 mile new ghalleries 000 CLEANING Trees and Hedges lree esllmales Jack Rlchardson no 2012 WWW 79 00 25 dGYSIII ths 300 windows plus many extras wlllcerlily Telephone aul7761 53 756433 across Chic eemoun Train Excellonl ondllion Telephone no 3757 1976 HONDA aoor éupersporl 1300 miles ffzofigm COUZL figbdhfi 7313 Trmmed VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating I969 CHEV IMPALA door hardtop ll Blnsm HomC candied 778 8579 850 POTLOS Inslalled lnlerlor axlerlor Work guarunlaed Re uire for or nu chbre Hos Bowman comI actu ero ecoratlve meta trim art aulomalcr new 05 671000 Mes 1974 TRIUMPH Trident mlnl condillon COMMERCML Am Exerio Poinin 5=°b5°d 301m 77 09 690° LEARN TO SAIL appliance and automotive industr 96W 900 WWW 0rd km 00 Hooker Borne clutch K815 4700 PAVING ON KEMPENFE TBAY munlly Make Christmas ar Tolephenom 39150vcmnqs miles cz 409 Motocross new rlnqs COMMERCIAL Annsr logo design WlndowCleanlng Seerces 01 3I05yaars supervisionin metal processing andfinishing preferred 197 PONTIAC ASTRE GT Slandardr 00 Km5 DDSI GOOGV935 3mg artwork layout alc Plese call collert 416 es nner on lylindtr radlo 25000 mllos Musl sell Bassam Orlllla 325 8263 325 2103 436363 Small Movmg Jobs All lessons on board style FrankenmmhI Mach Twin Excellent fringe benefit package Salary commensurata with bosl oller Phom aronaa no 5936 even It out ualllicctions and ex erienca 195726 8101 days ARTICLES FOR SALE 510M NCING DOYS 726 8424 23 I5125 Book early mo 40 DART Swmqor speed bar Evenlngs 4362387 Slope hour HAY TRAVEL 7284700 Apply ln confidence lo rel headers and morll In good conrll CUSTOM FENCING and Supplles Phane AUQIH tinn Bosl olIIr Telephone All 779 2529 lor estlmalas Free dellvery Barre Fence GENERAL REPAIRS moInIenonce Specgal evenlng and II MIN altorbp Co 3068 Lamber178 7°70 comm renovclllons poinling plumb DRlVEWAYSI weekend roles 1976 CHEVROLET Monte Carlo power HVIH mg ElpeTlEVKe Ielerences reliable Sllfllnll power brakes rado rear 72b0038 PARKING LOTS CERAMIGOLD SAILS 14030 51 °° mu Wm nmssrs FIT made by JOSIE AQUINO SPRING CLEANUP Prunlng mowmg whllo hall Vlnyl lop 7000 Mllls Prlvalo 5IWml109 DOOSUIS QOWM and soddmg seeding general IOInlenOle allormlons 7O Worsley 726 6000 llowerbeds etc 726 855 ALL WORK GUARANTEED ln Id 728 4297 DRIWAu ggztgmpsdeg 3151315 FREEESTWATES mghs days Evean per EXPERIENCED TREE CUTTERS WI DRYWALL BOARWNG apIng mem Olc Reasonable rules 728 2567 do IoI Iemmg dead elm In Iurms DUI and lormancel NO nlghl drlvmg See stud parlllans accoustlc and laxlurod CARPENTER PAINTER You name dupefied 776 7260 728 375 OprylandI ridesI enr sprayodralllngs 7281 we dell Call72b3407 eroinmen free Twin Sl20 Oct 8l 1th was F0 mags on ARTICLES FOIL SALE ARTICLES FOIL SALE HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE Onr ownrr $4995 lash lollphona 728 393M 776 636 I974 GREMLIN automatlr munllenl Onclillon Zlvbart unmrcoal Askino $2500 Pllonc 416 4354 T966 FORD Muslana 789 hlull per Illrmanu motor norr01 Mb spard Iransrrllssmn body rmlqh As Tollphom 728 0184 1976 CUSTOM 500 powvr SllLrlnCl DOWN hlakls autalnalll and radln Midland Ont 7055265451 Au2l FLORIDA VACATION FOR Accommodations Only 7284700 11 000 R0 Tossllssmn lenr Dwc mm 1w9d5p WITH THE PURCHASE GARAGE SALE Auausl 2151 13 mp VgRTchL VINYL Slaina mom wall DOGS AND PETS BOATS AND MOTORS AImH CLERICAL Cr 3010 Rial Barqmnsv AMI now must 5011 Telephone 726 0610 alter 14 FT HUMBER Boat wnh 55 L68 CHEN lglpaln Il Ioorn IarnIO OF EVERY GUM max Hum 00 Ian rods 50 MAV Poodle Parlor Prolessmnal cIllp Chmm mmor and Eplorw an 00W QWDW DV l6kl dlsnos household llorns Murh mel and qroomlnq reasonable Ia es wnnul ondlllon vrrlmarl oi NEW ELECTROHOME mmmuanmus QNE KTCHEN oer Wm ba°°m Telephone 726 0061 00 Cm 56 79377 mmhdm IHIhu 00 Co 737 SIM black and whlteconsolo TV 26 all FT CATAMARAN sails plywood DUMP TRAILER It solldsloos pxcollonrmnaillon Ploasccall alter EDGEHLL AQUARA AQURWM hulls and docks hulls are llbreolassed THE JOB WV IVLEI WIS LII°mI dual Wllllls hand pump Opamled halsl 726 4537 planS auessoros LWOS Prltc$600 Tolephone 776 7593 roll sun mer mum 0r 74 FICI 143ArdT hRd 726 0094 dilflnprlnulsllll Tr1zLll10I1071171523 mfg am who SIKIL CHAIN saw bar veer old ARRIE POOQDLE Sann ShaIIImenq FOR SALE 19 lo mahogany plank V°°dYP9 and c°°°d°°s aso llrowood To lnr hardwood sell by 0011 pawvrod hy loo NOFSODOWIH fin tomero counls Ill01° WEWEIS fm fvdtIW WWII GUN Romlnuton e70 snolaun usld Ihe0rd Telephonens 459 and llpplnq OI all brllds Sophla WHpmrwnh anEmon olldrlve Equlp Febl II to Feb26 1977 87 Twp Wm 25 SW69 77 Sam KEMPENFELT KELLY 23 Gollath SW EM 77 poo wnn whllo Wm top and normal ac lSLANDS PWOflng d°Y and monhY cosh 90 19 ranm PIIML Ca7265361 Cruse plywood 59 SVOVQI POODLE TRIMMING prolossmnal ossones For lurmvr rnlormatron all PLENTY swwmm WWW 510 quImmInpw mom am 50650 Sup qroomlnu all brooms pltk up and 72b$891brlwemnvnmlfi Brochure OVOllObleo Personally THE SKILLS dvI0WpAN plugNLIIIFSVMVVVDUSI washmu malllrnl Ior SRIL TollOhom at BGITIL dork lockaqo pass $4500 or NW 776 8798 pmsmdo 14 FOOT SPRINGBOCK Alumrnum escorted Many extra tours in good typing ability II II IIII pp II II SIII 1373176attmIO Dost olllr Tolephonv 1269290 alter PUREBRED Ola Enallsh Shmp Doq Baal 9° EVlnIULTL and Vlhvnu lrarler CUded on 56qu If GARAGE SALE SaufiaY and sung I3 DUDDILS lOfldeldCllf OI Auqust Asklnq WIIlV armssarms $975 lurm Telnphomv sea remommg PreVOUS dermal 9Wr°n9 WI IIIIIII II II Household Iurnlsnmos MOVING MUST SELLchslerllold and $250 Telrnhonvmous allerbp 487 SNQAIINMJ Wordalllgh understanding and aptitudolor accounting Vfiv 1l Hum auoqy Don and molar babv and chairs nlnlnu room salle dressers and LAB PUPS FPQISLFDU shots tattoos 197470FT FIBREGLASSSammraII165 HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE LI TI vanw ulllarpns Illms rrrrs llC Tako Flnlov boas aquarlums 15 25 gallons W01 men rhalnplon slred parents ray no Morrrulsvr Inboard outboard hard rr in A8 Road In Mllllmrxl lurn mum Uh metylelwwoldlno LOmplLlC sot loxluro cloarod Black slsomcn 705 no 4373 lop sleeps also am 3000 In lralllr 7234700 Thus varletyplus poslhon In our branch office couldbayoun an an TV houseonlslt SDTaYITrLUTOITTal Iolophonvanswonnq NEwpouNDLAND ma amonymom Vlew al slrp NO 63 Barro Manna A021 l31£l MANTEL OCKS Swwal anhqae nfiChllllPCl71lyplWllPr$mflHaSh 737 3985 11 sz DW 0g Monh maan IIOKRSL murllnnl worklnu order 9090 WC Bronwoo xilloiflsrlfalg35113333330 Has had ARTICLES WANTED Mr Rdd 7283995 Of AUQUS and OnUIlOn Rvnsonably prlud Rd Angus Tellphomu 0310 DACHSHUND pUDDIpS IKNIIIN up TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORP LTD 57 if II 51 IfII 400mm 728 man sp red or blark and Ian had shots an ITI CASH FOR DIGIUV1U UM 11 69 Dunlop St 301 Ipffl it BUYER CHECK LIST REFRIGERATOR Iloor Dolrshvr roqlslurm Phonono 0691 alter 5p Old mamas £0ltklt was and mm Pro Ag III II II III II II II WI 3BL°°°I1I°III35 TWIGIIBIIII RADIO CONTROLLED PUREBREDCOlkwSpanielpup 7mon °5°5 78 WW 7g rollu 00 ND AIRPLANES ths Ola black spayed female coon PERSON WISHFSIODUHTGV ammo wl afilluwtlll 33 Iemperamonl Telephone 726 4136 alter del LUQLI 0r wllltmvr 9391 Mount lDlv S212 speciOI days Hawaiian II If It pORTABLF qrnlwrmlnq alanl Kohllr mm airplangs emulate wlth 30p In NTllanOBDI 57 Balrm EIamnnr do dr 1500 walls as new 537$ also hp engmvs Slq Kadm wm mrlerons nn Inc DOBERMAN pln5h Pupples black ARTICLES TO ENT LI III larl Alla Wul1 SIYOISJQSIIJIHKZI SIlrtIlljsIlrrrrnrllnl onqlnl supprhqm 40 nnalne KPIlkdtz Ide SImCh smaummSCoonm ighpIus monyeflros II II Th Augl IIPetwmq man To Cenqu hm Tnorl Loylnq ym nalural protoflors HARDTOP CAMPER oar wotll 0r HAYS TRAVEL SimK5 IsI III PINE NAIR tour Iamtm haul wlth alrplarlpsnomplptolyIlnlshod anllrladv pp mm NH 3250 phone monm weeps SUI 5m and IQ vIdl SPVI lfll tuna IHHS lu nvw Sum Ilq aq lar lquhl Hwalhllrl llannol dlal 77¢ 9170 vapnmhuse q777 7284700 ll tr Iran Ill Ilstransml or no Ir NDOVH SHOWROY 5133 5212 2le HEfiflr 7117 tissTlImrszIVO IM l3 aLlTIUm hal WANYFD wmkmmu DUO qmm wm AUQIH Reporhng Drxor Indu° Rah°n IVTI II III II II III IIrIIoIIxIl In IlIghuul 7ETTIIIIIURIIUHH23 IOIIIDIIIIII wInI sum Cum 9mm Term born lratlslrtlltlr and rooelTyIrIr ERIELNTTPIPIIIII$ For Lounlry Invoked rang pnonng°nd LOW dorm man llv uslao lnonltls 311728 Kill hallory oaks Chara dlm mUmd SHADE TREES 55 OM Dum salad now wot III III II II III Ivaramnvl pm ulur I968 CLENDALF II IMIIIII IWDS no on me 72 MHz nanu Full cochp SPANEL puppwg ready To In DICKUD Brascampn Cpmm Isa Candldolos should have good omblnohon at lormal tralnlng plot ml mu Una MXII mr nyrn stow washroom and awnan Ask gogugmnrgg 22m goo hem 805k Md no 295 eperence and ner5d In rflponby zlw TM II nlq 31200 Also Kormmrv llm lrll sluvu 51 rm loaf 37Tl731rr7 l0 mu vurlnnr wulklnq lumlnnn LOVFSEAT FOR sALE wllh LLdnl CAMPING EQUIPMENT PIG eiI°ltI° or $100M lllllar 71mm thkqluunn wmr rust Ilrlwms In wry Owen Sound IS an attractlvo mduslnol COMMUNW 000mm Mnm LlIILIITUIH 1260197 BOATS AND MOTORS 007 Glenda imm JUL an warmv Us rumn 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