CHILDREN ATTENDING the city recreation depart ments summer activity cen tres got their sweet revenge Wednesday during closing festivities After cartoon character parade from North Collegiate to Sunnidale Park the children could win an op portunity to throw pie in ail HEATHER FLYNN FtllNl WATER ttlll the face of one of their counsellors Paul Lemon was the first counsellor to taste the sweet revenge ther penny carnival activities in cluded fish pond wa termelon eating contest bake sale and dtiiik your leader contest Examiner lholoi Sewer line approvals might delay opening Students tanning to attend the new onSigiior Clair separate school in September may spend the first few days of school vismng other students in themty Ross Saunders Harrie trustee on the Sinicoe Count Roman Catholic Separate School Board said decision will be made Aug 30 as to whether the school Will open on time Construction of the school itself has gone well he said and landscaping has begun However sewer line ap prmals lroiii arioiis cominis sions were iiol received as quickl as expected and the subcontractor ma not be able to finish the sewer line on time In addition there are few heat pumps which wont be delivered until the end of the month lr Saunders said it is dth ficult to have workmen and children at the school at the sametinie He said the board ma have to consider housing children at other schools in the city for the first 10 days of school ACHVIHES FOR FAVE ONRAI ADl Ellir Illarrii Exziiiiiiur The Barrie Examiner Thursday August l9 1976 ll RUBBIE BELL MAKES HIS ltilNl FEW PROPER HES ESCAPE TAXMANS TIM IIISt NS DISUIRUVING til Proposed tax reforms outlined for board SHEILA MctitFR Eunniiier Staff He iorler Few proixrties will be ex eiiipt from the taxman it the Ontario government proposed tax reforms are implemented in the new car lnder the proposed reforms onl churches cctiictciics and lndiaii land will be considered ta frec ll othcr properties including municipal pro iiicial and federal government land will pa taes based on the market alueol the property Hcsidciitiai tltlllllilgt iiid businesses will pa ta litiscd on So per cent of the market value Farm land will be assessed at too per cent of market value but if the farm is in productnc use the prmince will pa the lits lhc pronnce introduced the proposed in changes is slip plciiieiit to its lltTti budget cdiicsdti night ltrucc Fraser lttllitlllll assessment commissioner cpliiiied thc proposed icloriiis to iiiciiilicrs ot the Siiiicoc toiint ltoiiiaii talholic Separate School Board Representatucs ot the public school board also at tended the meet int li Fraser cpliiiicd that for yours tho proiiiicc has used complicated lttllllllltt loi dctcr iiiiiitiii tics It is lio ictuiii mg to lisscssiiii llttllM or business illl its actual iiiarkct iliic or what the ow lltl would igcl tor the piopcij it it were stiltl RtiliVl Ill ltll llnt it it ltlitlllls iii not made hc said the lioiiiimwnci will end up itlll lli lic largest tiiirilcii til tiis llit iiEo no unlit Officials fear reform will cost taxpayers laws or just under lot pro perlics will be hcl items in cludc iii budgets for Sinicoc touiit two school boards llrucc litisir rcgional assess ment coinznissionci said lltNlH lr Finisev itindoit llts week meeting or the Siiicoc tount lloiiiari tiitholic Sc paratc School Board to explain the proxiiiccs proposed reforms Represciitatnes of the public board also llltlltltl Tlit meeting lnder the proposed changes schools will be considered la able properties but school boards will recene increased lthS from other pulilicl owned properties lr Fraser said lloweer school board of ticials were not totall con vinced the reforms would not end up costing the tavpirwr large amounts of mone Steve lus assistant su perintendent of busniess for the public board said his board would have to pay tattes on ll buildings The separate board has about 27 buildings He said school boards have been told the may end up pay mg 510 million in taxes With the province reducing its grant ldlt it stlttsii lunltils llt tlltl the Iiiiitr into end up pin ingroughl halt tlitif tilllitlifll lr Fraser iitllflltlttl that the school boards would lu ict ci till great tintitle llCtht ot ltsi latk litisi director ol education toi the public board said is ditticul for the local boards to st tht 1tliklltllklt iit draw iii conclusions wthoii the necessar figures lklllï¬ prin ded the pro incc He noted some boards hau bcen told the ill be receii iig their tigurcs this month tin the Siincoe Count Board has not recen ed figures et He asked when the gures would be recen ed and it the would be recened in time for the boards to prepare briefs to tliltist the wtdci present to the propert tax reform commission There is meeting of the commission in ttrillia Sept and the tinai deadline for sub missioiisisNox 15 Mr lrasei said he did not know when ziiicoc tount would receive its figures but that his deadline is October Both boards have indicated the ill be presenting briefs to the commission BRl HEH The out iii LUfilpit sent it in tin tear llic Lilian would then be re tiilired to nfroduct to ltigti tiiltiflel till Frasci said illtil prc lic new legislation ltls Ml pioi iilt that all residential property 11 pay taxes based on Tin per cent of their market valuc and that only ptuptll spttlfltnll used as llliltllt will be con sidcrcd residential lit the pit residential pro pert could tilt liidc icaiit land or toiiiiiicrttil propcit not in list lherc wcii nuiiicions dit tiiciitials ttlltl1ttl and different ti ratesiiscd li Fizisci said the old method is toiitusine and the new llltllilltl is simple and llJltlli filtknlil tlirii iic 1sststll too per ttt or licii ii land tlttl itl titl ll luHsidciifiii sand it tlii lli piodiittixe ilt lzi lttlitttl will pa orlx liw isiilciHn iits ltttl llc wot Local tiencral lllHllt 1i tt lltlllliiufinhl lu ii ll ti risk itaiiw pitl iikst lil tm limit It twiciswii tr ltipic ii tlIniV ltoss li on we rcmca oi Kw zms said to la tickig the sidewalk if lltt tis Eilt th liktlsrl ï¬ifti nunltiiiilop Hlt Il Nlt llit llii1cil Hand of the Rtlï¬lltll give tree cont c1 situtla it iu rlliitli lark lit Ttt lhe Downtown Imprintmen Board map of downtown Bar rie teaturnig directions to more that Lilli parking spaces is expected to be read for distribution to merchants next month total of 25011 maps are to be piinlcd at cost of $15m ll1ili province will assume the lai ii taxes This should tllttilllMLt lariiicrs to keep lllttl land in agricultural use Mi lrnsir said If lllt farm is sold and ltlitll out ot productive use tor usr is it siili illusion llt said the owner of lltt propcru il lit ltttllllttl to pat back tams ltit ltlttll llie prminiv is illlltlill fllllL 34 per tciit of ill tt tlllltlllllltttllitl ll lt ll li liiisiiivssc pm tllllt iii lllt ttiiilki Editit litlll itll MA li ll iiii int llllstfl rii itlioltl at pun ftpq til ltllsllitss tn1rsiiiii1iigtioii oi ilill park ltl ii llM li llltNt tis uit luciiipol iii tIIJ li humr si ti and nizim itlt ill0 no utltft lilil lle pullilttl ou ti tiriiif law has whnicsaicix tssossvl pa viiz in itiitu but but it lttf lli tiiisiricss itsalf iii iin iiiii wliitjoiv lllt lii tor iiiil Aliolimltiu iii linuiiiigatlilliiiilttiiiic ttlllt people argui this reform woulil piit iiiall ltiisiiivssis out ll tillldlitit hi said lll tlic piiniiii it sttk lllLllttlilll lioiiliipiittiit oi ltls iiiattci lhi iiinioi lltlllkct limitxii ttilllt iirla tlii llfdiliL ii piitilt ttllll tUltilt iiitiiriiou llttltult 2c oA csciiipt pit wtl1I llltllttl liiiid tliiirilir iiitl iiiiiitii to Lill Itll liiuissisutl liii ii ottwi pinsiiiti eviiip pimpthew siii li is tlirisi tvll if to non ltltill oigiitiia Mites it Mr pct tt la litlht ttlllt He it ltlii oiiw tll ltir stlft 1iii tili lu Amt wt iitiii titiiiwitiis iiwt lll Inn tlltpl Ill llFt 11 lleti saitl lii will tinik iigi fftiiviu ii iri Witt ti lti tnt ttli til lit it ti issrss tl lcy ltl it pd Illi ll pails Iilllit ion tl xatioii iiilh and other pillilii iiVlltl iiriiptrt will ll taxable it tlllt1il tilipei iriit Host Hliltt ilil ll laiiiliii illlltldl twothiids iilciiipt Alll lie iiiiiiilrltl tiilili lr Fiasci said llilllllt ipal lllllsl piii ltit sll itls to the putt li owned pioiwitiis and thin itv Ltiitlill iiscil ti poo tilt Aliii lli 1Ii tli lllt iinii ipii Hi tlitl hi1stiti is igiuul example lv1tli Ailt its lliktlsl iiitl lNllltllittll pvt li liv tttsllill tuisui hit ttlft iiit liii it ii in stliplv stl it ltixvinv fr fIili ll llllu pr ipii tic tumor iif stili iDlAib tim iiti iirt iItJltllos Am nulls Hoitwiiiit toi ltl JUtlll lvlll tillsv lii lt lioso titiltlii ltllltt lt ii Wu rpml twitiis Alll fir phim1 0w Hairs and tir grittyfl gtlIl Eni iii toot gm ililllt wE he iii tin Innisfil asks delay on annexation report llltlll ltil willitl llllt or iill liiso tlllll4ti si per ccr of is prupcrj Ti iississ llitl it lltirizc nc Jt ll report court ins week llarra propt Ltl lit annex ition if illowml to prmcof unaltered wii have serious raiiiifa trionswhnhwill lli1ttl potential deuistini effect oi the toiin of Smioc report endorsed taunt pain mm comm iitee ouiicil withhch appmiai of the report after lnnzsfii township reew Blake tonstatx llnwtil lit lt ii iiiltlilthl lit ptcsciicd to Itil2 stis said it didiit represent in nistils planning objectives conipletel Ht said Innisfil should meet with planning Clini mittec before council considers ti lgt Ill si llit tljll iwxi til away fo fgsi Hf lli lm titliltl il hp put is it it it ltiu it iv tlt flt il ldttlitlt pro tileiris iospm could lose alualiit stivipptricplatis ldlfï¬rllflll llv vititi titiiti ti wilt land use pltiniiiiu Entourage anncvaniiis elsew heri it the ountx Weaken the aurituttiirii lil of the counh througl loss of farmland to urban use and RtflllCt the iatiilitj of the count and its member tilll1itii iii in iixlst til tï¬ald sli iiillfiK ll 1i tuil ptist iig in for H1 intern TlJl 1hr wan pripatwl for the iiitlit3li¢ il lllight Illll lif tw will nirl lsiiii liittl vv sax wspii would lose 41 per cent of is Tax assess itll liiisiil iouid lose about to per tent and um men per ioii klhlo lm il 1th 131W artrs from liiiiisfil 4774 acres from ispra and 212 acres iron iro he tow iiships ma be agreeable to annexaton of smaller amounts The report urges substantial commitment of time and money to prepare case for the county at the Wt 28 hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board