tanc Tobey sits with her father liiscpli lobey full blooded ree lndian from Midlandwho took part Saliu Jay cveiiing iii the pageant relating the culture and history of the area at the hurch of Jesus hrist Lat tcr Day Saints oti Ferris Lane The pageant was spott sored by the Primary As sociation of the hurch of CULTURE IAGEANT Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints for members from Bracebridge rillia Midland and Barrie tEx aminer Photo Seek out alcoholic wives iirectors urge institutes HAMILTON UP The in note on Addiction Studies was ld Moitlay that it might be to dustrys advantage to help never the hidden alcoholic ives ofits workers Margiurite tiltourkc the di mini Hamilton crisis ceii for female alcoholics told instlutes l7th annual con rcncethat slie wondered how any ndnstrial accidents are iused by husbands worried pout iii alcoholic wife or worn it by trying to cope with the tuatioti Mrs Ultouike said coin inieshave come long Vt ay in ding educational ograms for alcohol workers it added wonder if it onldiit pay tlietii to educate ipleyces about the alcoholic oinan and where they can get lp she said llaiiiiltoii needs toxtcation centre for women fnilar to the one it has for en although few people he Now you can have the Genie youve been wishing for The Geniesewing machine versatile lieve there is need for one Female aloholics are not recognized because theyre not acceptable she said Almost half the Alcoholics Anoyomous AA members in Hamilton are women she said yet few husbands attend meet ings of AlAnon help group for families and friends of alco holics DONTSEEK HELP Few men seemed to seek help for their alcoholic wives she said Maybe they dont want to admit they may be part of the problem The conference was told by SSgt Fred Pawluk of the Halo iltonWentworth regional olice departments vice squa that fewer persons are being ar rested for public drunkenness but more are getting criminal records because of the new Li quor Licetice Act that came iii to effect Jan Under the old act it was an offence to have an open bottle goanywhere portable from Singer Our ieiiiiilable tienie machine is lightw ight compact and comes complete Willi its mm glide on carrying case inside theies talented gig mg machine with famous Singer ltldllfl built into every feature You get built in stretch Zigzag and straight stitches plus blindstitch and multi stitch Aiid theres the fumble free Singer front dropin bobbin needle positions and snapon presser foot Take quick advantage of this chance to save $30 on the Genie 5+ its everything you ve wished for and more Reg $22995 Now semng machine Hncc iiiat ai sliglitlt item that ei leaiei Tlttkitttldth of Siiigei Connunt at anadal id in public while now it is only an offence to consume from it he said So we now have mo torcycle gang downtown with open beer bottles taunting the police to charge them but not taking siphe said Even the winos are deliberately flaunting their wine bottles to officers Under the old act he said it was an offence to be drunk in public lace Under the new act drun in public can only be arrested to prevent injury to himself or others The result is that the drunk is more likely to be arrested for criminal offence such as creat ing disturbance resisting ar rest or asaulting an officer SSgt Pawluk said MIGHT BE WRONG Although the remark We are not amused has been attrib uted to Queen Victoria it has never been authenticated Snake lady gives them all good food and warm bed KITCHENER nt CP When people at so low that no bod else wil touch them the Sna eLady takes them in Shes living underground legend The cops all know her the hospitals know her said Marcus Roberts regional so cial worker and the doctors know her When people become so ob stre rous or so incapable of looking after themselves and no other social agenc can take themtheSnaketa ywili Her grey hair dishevelled and wearing pair of cute slacks an oversized mans sweater and pair of unzipped winter boots Anna Kaljas at 64 is not too fussy about her image Annas been on the run for over to years ministering to motle crew of discharged menta tients parolees the mentalT and physically disabled youths on robation and mena erie of andoned animals ich brought her nickname the Snake Lady COOKS FD 25 maximum of five hours sleep she singlehandedly ANN LILNQERS Son and friend display love cooks cleans and launders for about 25 people scatterer through four houses she owns in Kitchener Refusing any government funding she makes do on $35 weekly char for room and boardw when or boarders have the money Almost all are on some kind of government assistance and since many have trouble han dling the money Anna budgets it for them just as shedoes tlte drugs that most must ltave to function The Snake Lady hits never bothered to count her boarders and isnt sure exactly how many she has but she expects to have 35 when she gets an ad joining fifth house operating They have warm clean bed and good food she said Thats what anybodys on titled to have But those are just the basics and foregone conclusion when living with Anna ALLEDMAMA Her people call her Militia and she unfailingly refers to ev eryone reporters social work Dear Anii Lambrs great deal of professional counsel as well as unique atid special kind of pareiilal love Were ri qtiired before we were able to accept our sons liotnosexualit He lives with his friend in nearby city and they Visit us frequently We like his friend very iiiiiclt atid havr tried to make liirii feel welcome in our home The problem is that they hold hands caress one another atid sometimes even kiss III the presence of our friends neighbors and relat ivcs My husband and have learned to accept this but it loci make others uncomfortable Weve heard critical continents and unkind remarks about ottr sons lifestyle and his onllan dish behavior with his lover Asking liitii to visit us alone in the future Wtittltl certainly bring about the alienation we have tried so hard to aVoid Is there solution Parents Dear Parents People of good taste keep their hands off each other in the presence of others heterosexuals as well as homosexuals if your son isnt aware of this you might to tell him youre afraid to hand him thiscoltiiiin lin not Dear Aim Iatnders am 62year old grandmother iii complete agreement with Santa lies three sons the young men who were turned off by modern medicine say Nature wrll heal anything in time with little patience lhcsc modernday doctors are only exiwrimcnting They dont know nearly as much as people give them credit for Also their fees area disgrace llow cart they associate life and death with money Ill bet you dont print this letter because of the pressure you will undoubtedly receive from your medical consultants litiic willtell PixNurse Dear Ex It has been known for soirictimethat certain dis cases are selflimiting which means if you do nothing they will disappear without treatment The common cold is the best example However hope you wont count in time and patience if you sltould have ruptured appendix or get go norrlica or high blood pressure or diabetes or breast cancer These arejttst few of the medical problems that doctoitTAN do something about Of course physicians fees are high What isnt As an ex nurse check and see what your employed colleagues are iiiak ing an hour People should be paid for their labor and salaries must keep up with the cost of livmg which is out of sight it you know of solution to the problem called inflation write to Washington Dear Ann Laiiders ur sons wife gave birth to son Before the child was born wrote and asked them to include my maiden name on the birth certificate explained it would serve only as record that they could call the child by any name they chose My father who passed away few years ago lost four sons two in the Second World War He was the last to carry the name My son and his wife let me know they felt was presump tuous that should not have had the nerve loask such favor They refused to honor my request Was out of line if you say solllap0logi1c lSS Dear 158 You were NOT out of line They Were SINGER Sewing Centres and participating Approved Dealers At Singer you get what you pay for and little bit more ers boarders and policemen as dearie And without second thought she takes on tasks that nobody else other than paid employees of government in stitution would do for another adult Since she shops every two days Annas not certain how iiiticli she spends week on food but knows the boarders go through 20 dozen eggs week iiitd an average of IS loaves of bread in two days Most of the years supply of vegetables is grown on ii seven acre plot on farm outside Kit chener The plot and ti cottage at nearby oiiestogo Lake provide summer camp area for the boarders This year theyll ride up in 12 iassenger station wagon An llil iotight this spring SAW NIIIIID Nobody will ever know why started it she said but saw need After 17 years as regis tered nursing assistant at Kit clietiei Waterloo Hospital she started liy taking iarolces frotit reform school and it local agcn lint after almost daily police raids on her house and the loss of money either through petty thefts or unpaid loans she was almost ready to gch up it was then that she dis covered the needs of discharged mental patients and began tak ing them iii She worked quietly for years with iatients from hospitals iii Lonilon llainilton WiiitlsorandWoodstock Nlllllilill FHH Itlltlt MAltMAlttiNlItli tAlI llIIVllltu tiny protein tiioleciilcs Wllltll speed up chemical reactions are titll tinl to all Vital body processes it liliiiiaii lllll lloctots have found that below inilk can llt properly digested lactose large sugar inoliciile loiiiid lll inilk must be broken down to siiiallci llltllttllltb llii li done by an ctiyiiii called littltttd which is found Ill tlic tllli lining the small lllltHllllth ORNE BETTY HAY HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 The Barrie Examiner Wednesday August l8 Visit Loblaws Polaroid at thecne August 18th to Sept 6th 976 Have your Polaroid color portrait taken here in any of fun ways with star eaten by shark walking on the in world of moon funny hats 79 275 Win Prontos You can win Fiat Pronto automobile full of groceries from Loblaws and Polaroid Pronto Instant Camera iiitud clinic iiiirltiitilil tiniitiaiiiliiii if llti lltf Illllltltlfl entry wtll bi tlmwn Jlt October 1li l4lllNllllllllrii71ll riiillliiiiiii1ir ill ieliqitilr fftllltf tlltl lli iiirliyi ill Nut the pitc ilk iltitIrl illfiiftl Hunt rimell tllflltf tom tiiiitiii illll titiiiii intention lllt lllifittl Will till1 itlliff iii ii itl liiiiitri tilll trtl illititt lili iitimia llii Mimei will filming inn winJim for Eifii mnt 1rllflll1ltill111ili1 lIitfwti lllJI vilifVt Vitltlt Hi the tiniv ipiiiimiiiatui SitUH See details at participating Loblaws stores Fiat dealers Polaroid dealers and the ONE Prize Home lt William Shatner will appear at Loblaws Polaroid photo fantasy booth daily Aug 20 21 22 for one color portrait including tax or FREE with Loblaws one family passport for two color portraits including tax or 179 with Loblaws one family passport Ii ii iii ii ll iritii iiiivn in iia on iill iui in ii Value over $10 in admission food and fun at the cne Heres how to get your passportsroflai regsteMapesumi L0baws 1551 iii cirescrirition QiaSESi or am intimate it MiJ teeiapes an ire itfw in excnange it we aim naw it 510 in savflgs to ai Loblaws warn czas nti fl i4 in Loretta1 ir Terri store in 1716 siCir Nomi oer mftn the cne family passports another reason why more than the price is right hlnL