IOIS lhunllonl synrhlnnlttl lllllllll Inn lolnln tlmr mownunl nulll tnlvr xlwvl luring lltllll Itnmnslrnlmn by tho Ihnnl IE IS EVERYTHING lonl hn mun III Illll Iool in llnrlw SLIDING THROUGH SUMMER lhv playground qun null IlillIl lllllll nnusvnwnl ltu Illllllllttl ol IIllllIlLIl with 0le Iml Innkvs huluslllinp chorus vnsul lot good lnnn llll Kiln Vlollml proyulvs unnhng huntls us IIIIIHHIJ lhlplnnu lllll your old lnlws mm nl llu Illll IC llllllltlIlmln Evans says Wintario aided 2395 projects It Illlll ll I4 IIIIIlnrnrvnlrv Sinw ll Inuplmn lll lhmmlwr INTI Unlarms IIlllllt lml tmtvul Ion lHIllhll htmlwl In Ilolwll ltll1 Il play Iu nnnl lLillllllilIll rolv lll lhv cnllnml nul wnu honnl lllvol Illl prm nnv hvn lhv lllllllll nus lnrnwd thv vinphusis to luuu lopvlhcl nuinlwr nl pro grunts lloln ollwr lllllllslllt such as llw plmunml lllunl Stll lunnrh tron lln nl logos nml nnnlerlns nnlull lo nunn Illl onv ulnva Ilu plnnn pnrpnw nl tho non ministry lw lnuu Lillultl MIIM ol MIllllhlltlll to lhq gnmus rnllxnnl null sports plllulullh ollviml lln Hnlmio Ionunnun Iur lnulntl lIl llll ch ltul In lIll lml JIM nun In Non how lI ur hvlp in nnpornnu omhlln lmluzl uum ll lll 1hr lmll to lulp plonlul potf Ltllll1 hmhvx nul In Ill3 an HIV lvuiopnnnt illlldltlll pml lo th mvnxln Inn Itlll IHlNHlllt ln tnnmhm Ulnnpn wotzutlon 1n lln Uludlllï¬dlltllllhlitileJllUlznf tlnLlxtfllxnunmi Moro lhnn uu ltrzn viw the uuno Lotlon opcmtml In lhr IYlldllt lothz lolpom Hon hon nlnmmt outstanding HAHN Jun wowan from UllldlllltiItlll llnitn Itxm ollmml mom 1I nn pvmllhm lilxuxt Hz hum mnznnm nimme lnnlix lo rm xm oz md rufnvm pmlmk 13mlan 2hr lltlxx Ilklllzlr HI lIllil Im unplr 2hr lII wnl Sam nzzlmn rnorc than 93 ulnlllh unl lunnxh lhm lllt Inngnl Hom hundred lolln to Inn lulwlmll nunpnunl tor lull luaguv dubs To lhonxuuh Al dollars to help mnnnnnnx groin and sorucv clubs in hmld swxmm my pools and towns courts or to help public llIlIllgt ill dvnlon mg no plngldnh In Sumo kvnlrv the SIILHK Vxnlurio program has asmslod groups in prmluull ever conunuum The Home lnor Lacrosse mmnon the Brad lord Lions Club the Floss Him 310 Memorial Community Mona public libraries in East Uulllimbur Barrie and Icnctanguishemx the Gmgmn Buy Regional Library System the Ihornton District Minor llovlu Assmmhon tln Sunnn onnl Museum IIwnds ol lhv Finhull lux nul Iill Ill Strontl mcl Itnm lo nunn inst lvu Some runlsnl has lwcn rumtl rvgunhnu lho npphm llHll ot lhv Wnunmo lnnds lnln groups honltlnl rumm thvsv lnulllts luxnusv Ihv haw not prown lhon NONI Io lhnl um Just that Vlnlznxo lHIHIgt nv llslrlhulvd on nurnhvr ol gnulvhnvs Including tho ilnluy ol Ill orgznnmllon to lllIllélltlllllflIllllllls In lhv ms ol group pnr chasing nuisnul insnnnwnls no Iolzll nnount upprmml hnl onl olwlhml of tho ms ol cqlnpnnnl Is ollglhlv lor tun dun lhv hull gunn llllt tor opvrullnu uul ilpllill grunts nn lxuuh so out to all up pluxnux rmrtlon to how cn lltlsnhl does not suggest that lune HLMIIHI pvrlvclion on lln gunklines to hstrlhullng thow unlls Your Idem and suggestions arr ullgt mlxomml In order In unprmv the hm use of Vlnlurlo lunds thv prvscnt monwnl the hole purposv ol lnlu1o Is to help the cultural lnd townu honal plgtlttl and pursuits Arm Hntmlo to as mun poo plv as possible LIB RV BU IIIIS nothvr pnnlnxil mamplv XS Hilario and our lmrzn Starling Ium or llblu ammosnm low7m wwonlm nanr11 honnl Imhnn Imnll nunml and community hhmr group is 14111th for grants to purulqu more nnndmn hooky llltlllltr nul Inn on things nnmliun These would runni from hooks on Prvnrh nnn than and multicultural llunnx to materials about our unlin pooplv inlnrlo lunlls mailnhlv Io cmnlnnnllns hnsml on population Ihlulls nrv uunluhlv through Ill oflm ot the ultun and ermtinn Munslr 11 Qnmns Iurk Just ask lor tho pmnphhl Vnunrm zuul our l1lnu Illll ltv trying to mlnmc is in nnprou nn ItISlfllllIIIlL uhonl inmln nnl unmhuns Wlnlurlo and onI Liluzn also helps to prnnlv oniplonnnl for editors Ill publishing lnms to nnuthun llll1lLll lilin tnnkmsnntl £lllIImlgt IIwrthl an mlh llllllllll you as l£lltl ham lullc mon about our onnlr and ourwlt pltll good hgnunm lot strongtlwmnulunmlu In In mnul Mnluru trnl an outsmnnlmu gt11 wuss slur thunks In nnlhom of Mn arm nsnlcnt SIYIITI III II Imls wn created part of llw clothlug the mom lto that grntlvlmn Lould umr lhv lothm Inlv rulnu IlnlMIkuh The Market Place Wednesday August 18 1976 Over 40 Off the regular price of one year subscription ATTENTION SIMCOE COUNTY RESIDENTS HERES AN OFFER thats hard to beat year subscription of The Barrie Examiner SPECIAL GETACQUAINTED YEAR SUBSCRIPTION FOR ONLY Mail Offer $2050 month subscription for only $1200 ACT NOW JUST FILL IN AND MAIL COUPON BELOW to start receiving your BARRIE EXAMINER We will bill you for your Get Acquainted Subscription TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER 16 BAYFIELD STREET BARRIE ONTARIO POSTALCODE ADDRESS TOWN OFFER VAL IN NONCARRIER AREAS UNTIL AUG 31 I76