Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1976, p. 2

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purebred llolstein hiill owned and bred by erswell of lecumseth township Roiid Haven New star has been classified exr celleiit the highest classifnxition for body eon COUNTY GLIMPSES formation given llolsteiii Newstar was sired by Roy brook lelstai who was TECUMSETII HOLSIEIN BULL GIVEN llltiill RATING classified excellent and class extra Photo by Holstein Iriesian Association Building permits down in Innisfil Sllttllll lhc aliie of new construction in Iiiiiisfil town ship is almost $3 million less thaii it was at this time last year In hisJiily report building in specter Doug Reid says new construction is valued at S5iiti911 down from 9027841 by the end of July last Only 470 building permits were issued in the first seven months ot this year compared to son by the end of July 1975 III RICIIITLEGATE ALLISIUN =Statf Mrs Ruth Mctiillagh will represent the town at the ninth annual conference of the Association ot Municipal lav tollectors of in arm to be held in Scarborough September 12 to 15 HILFTUIRNEY MIDLAND iStaffi First annual loliiiiiy Walker trophy golf tournament will be played at the Rrooklca golf and coun try club on Sunday August 22 TOSINILI NEW LOWELL Stafii Former Sinicoe county warden Lloyd Iridhani has annoiiticeil his intention of standing for re election in the contest for reeve in Sunnidale township at the end of his current term Reeve Pridham has served years on the township council IS INllEtllilII DUNIRUUNStaff Reeve ngar Currie now feeling bet ter after recent operation stated he was undecided as vet To straighten road in Oro RU SIAlltiN iro town ship council will try to remove ctitve in the road leading to the Woodland Heights estate subdivision mile south of raighiirst After listening to about dozen residents council said it would try to buy land from Sun coc litiiberlands lid to allow straightening oi the road tlcotge litittihani spokesman lot the residents said the in tersection at llighway tilt ls shifted recently to iniproie visibility but there is still some difficulty The sharp ciirie resulted trotn the sliitt Other residents asked what they were getting for then 11 money after Rieye illace Key said paying ot the road is not likely net year irant Valkci said his proper ty 1a is almost $1 one those who built houses recently are ltNllllL lllt litll lIII llliisi wliiy built in the distant past he said Pioneer day at museum MIDIIIRSI iStatt lio neer day will be held at Simcoe ounty museum and archives on Sunday Septeiiibei 151 it was announced by Reeie Ingram Amos oi Meditate chairman of the board This is wondertiil day tei all ages and we are looking tor ward to large attendance said the reeye yesterday county council meeting he tended special imitation to all the iiienibeis and their families whether on to staiid for re election in Nottawasaga It depends on my health he said stating that he will be making decision later Reeve urric was county warden last year FLOWER Slit MINESING Staff espra Horticultural Society will hold its annual summer flower show at the community centre here on Saturday August 21 from 230 to 930 pm Winner of the most points will receive the SlitlpStiiTSttllS award LNIMINHSCORNERS FERGIYSUNVAIM Stuff This Flos township community was known as ummings or ners 111 its pioneer era The place was renamed 111 ititii in honor of settler who was lar ely responsibile for getting the irst post office here TOIRlRRiUVISEI ALLISTUN Registratiiins are currently being received at the South Sinieoe agricultural office for tour to Elora Research station on Wed nesday Sept starting at 10 in There will be discussions and demonstrations on tillage equipment new hybrids and herbicides for corn farmers The LAST FRIHI ll LUREITU The township of Adjala hasnt had coiiiiiy council representative elected warden since John Small held the honor 20 years ago in itihti Before that the last warden from Adjala was elected in 1899 Eldon lrecr was the mayor of Barrie who extended congratulations to Mr Small in 1956 IIEAIISiMMIITIIlC MIIHIlRSIStatti hair man of Simcoe County agricultural and reforestation committee Deputy Reeve Muir hack of Mara has served nearly 20 years on the township council itlicr members of the agricultural committee include Recye Edgar iirrie of Not tawasaga former warden Reeve lames Elder of losoroii lio lieputy Reeve Bill alverley of trillia township Deputy Reeve Maurice Miller of Essa and the warden Reeve rville lliighes of West illllllllilll MEIHINIIIII£IC MiNSiNE Stafit Medonte township had population of 4451 people in 1903 it was shown by old recor ds oldwatcr was then police village in the township but now is full village with its own council Ilillsdalc has police villagestatus IIICAIISRIIARII MllillllRSl Staff Reeve Wallace Rey ol iro heads the Sinicoe oiiiity library board Elizabeth Ray follows Ford KANSAS CITY Mo Ali Iresident Ford doing some partygoing Monday evening was trailed through local hotel by Elizabeth Ray who was involved in sex scandal in Washington Ford climbed stairway to the mezzanine floor of the Radisson Muehlebach llotcl unaware that Miss Ray in blue Ishirt was close on his heels The former employee of ref iring Representative Wayne liays Dem Ohio was here covering the Republican na tiotial convention for lencsis magazine When Ford aide spotted her he insisted that Miss Ray rctirc behind rope barrier that restrained cheering on lookcrs Higher audit charges discussed by county MIDIIllRSl Staffl Following lively dispute over charges for the 1976 audit Simr coc ounty council yesterday approved report which said it was prepared to accept the auditing firms resignation oiincil later approved compromise proposal that would retain the firm on the condition that its 1976 audit lec be reduced The county audit work is also to be transferred to the irillia otticc ol the firm toinicil now will await the auditors response to the latest offer The report presented by Recye Rill libbms of Iiinisfil as county finance chairman said the audit charges had risen substantially during the last two years and while coin pttilittses had been suggested no agreement had been reached The NH cotiiplete audit ac count was said to amount to $11523 The firin claim they require total of $18333 for the 1973 audit StillSo in regular tees and $5182 lor etras said the report which epliined lhe auditors also claim that even at figure of $1835 they are iiing oft $34M out otiittitlfec were not satisfied 1111 the statement and retiucsted tiirthei breakdown of tlicSTioiio icy ised statement was sent giving summary ot ac counting work necessary to tinaiixc accounts iil and aboye audit work confirming this tigiire it was stated In letter troin the auditing firm the finance committee as told there was surprise shown that it as epccted to write ott room in addition to $3456 already written off to complete the audit tiit INTEL total Ill $Itlylti on an account of $23981 Wilson Burns Menzies Carroll Palmer Bumstead BARRISTERS SOLICITORS are pleased to announce the relocotion of their offices to 118 Collier St Barrie Ont The letter said it would be dif ficult for the firm to continue as the countys auditors utider such circumstances since they cannot continue to absorb such losses as in the past due to cirr cumstaiiccs beyond their con trol where accounting records are inadequate for auditors financial statement presen tatioii compromise of maximum fee of motion for the 1976 audit compared to $135o for 1975 with the ttit $685 charged to general account was suggested Reeve Gibbins moved motion seconded by Reeve Morris Darby of Tiny that the report be received and this was carried Reeve Moreland Lynn of Midland said he was distur bed about the situation and suggested the bill be paid as rendered Reeve Bruce Dockray said he felt council should support its finance committee which recommended the report be ac cepted The councillors then voted in favor of the motion Black and white show Barrie fair feature Sixteen classes of competr tion ire planned for the suit coi ioutity black and white cat tle show which is to beheld at the Itiiiie tall lair on Tuesday 11171L iigust it flames of lllackwatei ill tie the iiidge and prie awarts will include $43 for first $15 for second 33 for third $31 for fourth SJtl tor 1211 $13 for sith $11 for scyctdli $10 for eighth $8 for ninthandStttortenth The premier ehibitor will receive the Sinicoe oiiiity op trophy from the Alliston llistiict toop while the pieiiiicr breeder will be awarded the iiarkei tats trophy The Allistoii oop also will give trophy to the exhibitor of the champion heifer calf The lrvin Varcoe trophy vill go to the exhibitor of the best senior heifer calf and ilenafton lariiis trophy for the leading iiinior better call The Riissel Hood memorial trophy ill be awrded to the ex hibitor ot the best junior herd anada lackers will give trophy for the best uddercd cow Eyhitiitors are asked to send entries at once to llrian Mo Vague secretary of the Sinicoc touiity llolstcin cltib at RR lliston WHERE ELSE IN BARRIE CAN YOU FIND GUARANTEED MERCHANDISE AT 50 BELOW RETAIL COME IN AND WATCH CANDLES BEING MADE FLORIDA TREES POTTERY RIGLES OFFICE EQUIPMENT MOTOR BIKES SNOWMOBILES GIFT WARE POTTERY CERAMICS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ALL AT 50 BELOW RETAIL GUARANTEED PRODUCTS ERRON SALES on town mam suiiomc 60 Foirvew Rood Just South of Holiday Inn Beside 400 Highway Phone 72354373 oclock Till Every Day Ask council approval for school debentures MIDHURST Staff Simcoe County council yester day voted in favor of legislation which would prohibit hoards of education from incurring capital debt without the con currence of municipalities in volved It was also recommended that school boards be required to stay within the maxtmum allowable ceilings and that councils opinions be solicited by the Ontario Municipal Board before giving approval to lllftposcd capital expenditures resolution from Peter botough county on the issue was endorsed by the councillors by margin of about three to one after brief but discussion RESPONSIBLE Deputy Reeve Edwin Hill of Tay in opposing the motion said do not believe council should tell the boards of education what to lo The trustees are elected by the people and ItSIMitiRililt to lllt voters for their actions Reeve Bill libhins chairman of the county finance coiii mittec which reconiiiiendmi eii dorsemcnt observed lin thinking of the committee was that the municipal Illllltllh have to ap ly to the Ontario Municipal Ifoard for the right to issue debentures and they lively DISTRICT NE WS The Barrie Examiner Wednesday August 18 I976 Sugarbush subdivision chalet homes seasonal Rt STATION Buyers of chalets in the 157lot Sugarbush subdivision in ro township are told not to live there year round according to de velopers representative Andy Smith of Abasco Management Ltd told ro council the seasonal nature of the development is pointed out in the sales agreement Meanwhile on the other side of ounty Road 22 Mcdonte township council is considering legal action against yearround residents in the ski resort zone Al McNair of Abasco Man agement said it is against the developers interest to have permanent residents because friction would develop with the trite seasonal dwellers Mr McNair also said it is hard to define permanent resident because he may oc cupy the home fulltime for on ly half of each year About 30 homes have been built and sold in the Sugarbush development near Coulson Mr McNair told council he would check to see that residents are using parking lots rather than individual drive iiililllllilliiLilliiilllllllilllllllitilllllllllll llllllllillll August 2425262728 AND LIVESTOCK SHOWS MISS BARRIE FAIR TUESDAY 730 HORSE SHOWS ways as proposed in it develop ment agreement Recreation facilities for use by all residents are planned when the population is large enough Wcie only uniting the saint tliingiiii school litiilltlh ficliool Imiiowing Itllltlh 1i iiiuiiictpiililys ciipiiiil iiiht standing when debenture up pliiiliiins inc inside it was Nilllllll out by Ilecve lelci hm ol Minn in upporling the motion IiXILilloi HIANII feel mliool boiiitls iegiii tics iiI high costs win It up posi ztiiingly should iinilva Ill illilfiltili icpitid licputy llccw llill an individual votci illli interested in llll icliool Iiuaidn iidiiitiiistiiitiun but dont think this cmiiiiil should do sons in body liceve llail liiandiin of old water said his Village found it affected llieii deliciituie boirowtng You assume iiiiimnsihility loi school IIUIIII debentures iii piopoitioii In your iiiiiiiicipiility rctciiiiig to the lli county IiiIIIIllIliiillIllt each being rcsimnsilile for its share Reeve Duane liillicld sup ported ReeVe Itoihis View and then Warden irvilli lluglics called the vote shownig about tWo thirds majority suppoit At the outset of the wanton Warden Hughes welcomed back Reeve Icier Keariis of Adjalzi who has recoVercd from recent illness He also extended congratulations to former war den Egar lurric reeve of Not tawasaga oti his tippflllilliltlll to the Niagara IIscarpmeiit Commission and Deputy Reeve Marjorie Ityer of Wasaga Reach on her election as director of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario ACCOUNT FOR YOURSTIME The Certified General Accountants Association offers one of the few courses of its kind You can work while you study towards Nationally recognized accounting designation Why not let your free time work for you in establishing rewarding professional career For more information write or phone THE CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO 25 Adelaide Street East Toronto Ontario MSC 1Y6 416 3666501 Collect calls accepted Says its believable good bad angels exist VANIUIIVIZR fli Relief in iiiigelii is as valid today as it wan dining the Renaissance tiiivii Iii Milo Kiitiliniinn pro tenant of IIiiglisli Ill University of llltnoiii whom iipccial inter eat III illlIlV of angels iii the woilci of the iItli century poet John Milton lfi Kiiiiliiniiiii says he has lead lot 24 ytlllti lli psychic Milltll and II it totally liclii valilc that the tliiivtl tie is Iiill of good and had iiigcltt who liaVc bodies lliough they the ditlci cnt lioin out and cat haw llfiltl Ifiltlliflil met in lim Will iiitliriiitiy her He says angel iii spiritual beings whit li in Iii Iilvcncd III siilihlaiilc Iii fhilzl let Itll IIMI IFIII built irititi phynn at 311 fund but win also ipalili Ill walking lliirnigti hailr and mails41 11gtLIA an In kilUlIIidLli alpha 547 the unit111t pun ltrif mg and lulai IIIIIAIItiilil1I iiixi liaiiN ciitI and of In git alt llilllihll than anything inum III Iliiiti 14 11 gt gt11 He says that rt is our mil cenluiy mind steeped in Mt ciilitii Iiiilllliillttll woild iitVv that prevent us from believing ill tlichisiciii cot angel He says that when it high school he cxpci ttiit ed an out of the body dciiionii lfllillitlll and knows of seycial peopli wliohawsmnangels liilly Grahams book An gels lods Secret Agents has sold three million copies be cause people want to put iin ages to their impulses of hope liesays The man in the street is aware that the closed scientific World he has been living in is showing lot of cracks Ihe oc cult and psychic world the new tliiiiensioiis of the spirit have liiokcii open his neat little box of tXlilIliIl and the super iiatiiial sunlight is flowing in faahains book offers very tidy orthodox vocabulary and IIIIIIHI siloinc for dealing with Ilti flood of new aware liI5 lion IIIIiIIl lfr Kauf tall 21 Hi my the line function of iiitIIr Inc II pitiVItlltillitl IHlll tn Jitttillittl illlfl care for inopli ljiil angel wet litiaiist if iaii IIixulndicnrc In God but an in Mint In people because lmt Intuit Inc llldll tfitt by not and lli Icalh In Kalil Manama III iticin I1illl ray tin tltl lcitaiiicnt lot ingclv is of f1 atiiies tlnittllittl with lid mustnt II the nations til llitlnlll And the SW lestaniciit iv1 Iiiinc fut angels is clear liillJIlfiiIliIl says lhc Apostle Paul tallc about principalities and powers and he was aware of tin walled spirits of initpiil This Months Special Drop in and see us today 180 Innilfil St COME TO THE BARRIE ZShows 78 pm FREE with general admission Sonny James Aug 24 Harness Racing Aug 25 28 Trons Canada Hell Drivers Aug 26 Chuck Wagon Chariot Races Aug 27 REFER TO FAIR EDITION IN SATURDAYS EXAMINER FOR DAILY EVENT SCHEDULE ARTS OUTSIDERS Add the Inuit of beauty and informalin to your Iigtl itlftdl li any type can or van installation extra till CRAFTS 7262282 llllllllllt Illllllllllli FLOWERS BAKING DAY Tuesday on the Midway until pm Admission Adults S2 00 High School Students with cards $100 Public School Students 50 Parking $100 PreSchoolers Free JAA on

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