PROPERTY FOR SALE DIRECT SALE ONLY Barrie close to Highwa 75 400 foot lots $500 Call collect 70542931 Tor Line WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS Aluminum siding bungalow beautiful yard $35000 538 000 EARN $30000 YEAR Operating your own grocery store owner will house for house in Barrie area BRACEBRIDGE COMMERCIAL 55 Collier St Ph 7371771 REAL ESTATE PRINCIPALS y400 Brand New and bedroom homes down payment Au2I 360 8808 bedroom bungalow fireplOCe IOO TSO treed landscaped lot trade store and Beautiful Victorian home Ideal for steak house boutique etc With elegant living quarters HWY II AT GUTHRIE bedroom brick bungalow WIIh commercial outlet BUILDING LOTS On Lake Couchiching mature trees ALLANDALE HEIGHTS $45000 Back split $45000 I0°° financing bathrooms fully fenced separate dining room asking $520000wner anxious rill Peter Simpson 726 2263 or 737l77l Aul8 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE REAL 7071 Complete Realtor Service AGENT TOR LETIZIA HOMES IN MIDHURST JOHN COLE 72880I7 BI Ieuv no PROVIDING COMPILTf PERSONALIZED RIAL STATE SERVICE IBODUNLOPST BARRIE REALTOR OBBArflfLLST BARRII 18 406 OPEN DAVS AWILR TORONTO APPRAISALS MORTGAGES PETER GUBBELS 72B 2425 TF Zli 1169200 the APPRAISALS l6 889 948 WELKDAYS UNTIL Harald Davis 728 7543 Frank Hooey 72076 Paul Arbour 72¢ 3897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Norman MMIII° 726 8957 Larry DeWilde 7203253 Brute Lotfiii 72877 Chuck Lambert newer Bill Evans me will 32 l575 Lorry Brewer 7289745 Bert Cu 728 4067 Harry Magill 7263864 John Colwell 72¢ 7726 Simon Beekuixen 737 3795 Doug Baker 723 327 eemmmxxswmmmms RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR 10 Collier St Bertie 7284401 44 m2 Direct Toronto Line 54 6625 BARle OFFICE l09 Bayfield Street 7399301 Let us HELP you BUY SELL or LEASE any type of REAL ESTATE in On IOTIO wash iiitirro PHONE RA PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES TE 79 BAYFIELD ST mm 7261405 TF REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE MORTGAGE SALE 37 Unit Townhouse Condominium Proiect May Street Beaverton Ontario The First Mortgage to Federal Trust Company registered as Num ber 020553 being in default and the mortgagee having been per mitted by Order of The Supreme Court of Ontario to exercise its power of sale in the mortgage without notice the undersigned shall and hereby gives notice that pursuant to its power of sale in the mortgage it will offer the lands described in the mortgage for sale by public auction in one parcel through its agent WardPrice Limited at Chelsea Inn 33 Gerrard Street West Wren Room 3rd Floor Toronto Ontario at the hour of 130 oclock in the afternoon on Tuesday the 24th day of August I976 subiect to reserve bid The lands offered for sale consist of Ports of Block Plan 81 and Lots and South side of Wood Street and Block Plan 97 designated as Parts and Plan 40R7I0 Land Registry Office Registry Division of Ontario County No 40 now Part on Plan 4OR2900 Land Titles Division of Durham No 40 Terms of Sale The highest bidder above the reserve bid will be accepted Ten per cent of the purchase price by certified cheque payable on the 24th day of August I976 to Geisler Burgess Macdonald solicitors for Federal Trust Company by way of deposit and the balance of the purchase price in cash or by certified cheque on closing Purchaser to have fifteen days to search the title at his own ex pense Sale to close on the 24th day of September I976 Conditions for sale available at the place of auction at 100 oclock in the afternoon on the 24th August T976 For further particulars as to viewing the lands for sale and deter mining the conditions of sale including financing contact Mr Gerald Rose Federal Trust Company Yonge Street Toronto Ontario Tel 416 8641720 DATED at Toronto this 6th day of August I976 FEDERAL TRUST COMPANY Per Gerald Rose Authorized Officer WThFAu20 MOrtgogos 726465I Appraisals DAVID WAS HI IIill ITII QUALITY BUILT HOUSE with access to Lake Simcoe south of Barrie bedroom rec room with fireplace plus pool size lot Call Queenie Little 436l992 NICE LIT ILE STARTER minutes from lake must see inside to ap preciate modern renovations Make an offer Listed at $30900 Call Queenie Little at 436 992 BEAUTIFUL GARDENand mature trees surround this attractive level sidesplit with attached garage creative finishing on the in terior odd to the beauty of this home Asking $53900 For an ap pomtment Call Ingrid Miller 726465l or 7284998 SUPER VIEW from large cedar deck which is attached to great level sidesplit at only $61500 For appointment Call Ingrid Miller 726465l or 728I998 VENDOR HAS MOVED and must sell bedroom sidesplit an over sized fenced lot real buy at $48 900 Call Ingrid Miller 726465I or 728T99B INCOME PROPERTY for only 546000 Call Ingrid Miller for more in formation 726465l or 728 I998 JUST REDUCED TO $39 500 bedroom bungalow in Innisfil early possession good financing can be arranged Call Vic Small 726465I or 4362305 STOREY bedroom home large landscaped lot 24 lo pool with eqmpment For full particulars call Lou Gallant 726465I lNNlSFIL TOWNSHIP new home level SldeSpIII Huge lot with stream through property mature trees Call Lou Gallant 726465I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY groceteria in thriving resort area year round business Must sell due to illness Call Lou Gallant 726465T $29 900 two log cabins and bedroom fireplace large lot with many matuie trees on main road one block from lake south of Some Call Don Miller 726465I or 4364507 $85 000 large storey home south of Barrie with many rooms zoned institutional 20 beds includes bedroom bungalow on large lot Low down payment Call Don Miller 726465l or 4364507 JUST LISTED ideal DUIldlng lot miles south of Barrie in beautiful country setting Call Dan Miller 726465l cr 4364507 $39 500 bedroom home on large lot in south of Barrie newly renovated full basement quiet country setting Call Dan Miller 726 465i or 4364507 SI TO 000 MOTEL Main highway near Barrie bedroom full livmg quarters low down payment manage business while still working Call Dan Miller 726465I or 436 4507 l4 ACRE COUNTRY ESTATE I5 minutes from Barrie new split en ttry secluded bedroom home chalet style with rustic log beams in living room With large fir eplae European craftsman has done car pentry work decks balconies overlook small lake Asking $89 900 with $20 000 down payment Call Dan Miller 726465I or 4364507 THE BROKER HAS WASAGA BEACH COTTAGE all any of us at 726456I and we Will tell you all about it AulB 20 DAVE WASS 728 465l BERNIE ROTH 73700l7 INGRID MILLER 728 I998 ISABELL SIMPSON 726 I952 LOU GALLANT 726465I QUEENIE LITTLE 4364 DON MILLER 4364507 VIC SMALL lab25 KAREN PAWLIK 737 I096 grinstrong Residential Farms Acreages IOIEIT AIMIYIONO LIMITED nquon Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER I49 BAYFIELD ST 7269262 Teiiy vogan 456 2544 Elisabeth Rose 737 0625 Marilyn Mason 726 2895 David Wigley 7265497 Thomas Bioley 728 2994 Paul Dumoulm GraceBrolley 728 2994 737072 Biadley Watts 728 7209 Wayne Dobson 3222838 ErnestWatts 728 7209 Mon Altseimet 729 I762 Your Pomerov Allan Thompson 728 I024 Mortg°9° 099 72999 PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE PRIVATE SALE BROOKDALE DR 2200 sq ft PRIVATE SALE East End vii Steel Sires MODERN BEDROOM wrtli beautiful View on ravine BUNGALOW immaculate con lot overlooking Sunnidale Park drtion f2 stone fireplaces Nicely 2full baths ldecorated kitchen includes Family room fully 1builtin dishwasher and bar broadloomed floor to ceiling lbecue bathrooms Com natural stanefireplace pletely carpeted with top Double paved drive attached qUality broadloom Wolkom garage lfram family room to beautiful Nicely landscaped fully fen heated inground kidney shaped ced lot pool Yard completely lan Steps to all schools dscaped WITII fence Attached Immediate possession double car garage By ap Principos only by up pointmentonly $99 500 pointment 7288205 PHONE 7370468 WFSTF 315 bedroom home Viau Real Estate 776 I77 or 729 551 Skepit ownliom Barrie full price $39370 mtge as low as and TNE ILIILDEI RESERVES TNE RIGHT TO CANCEL 0R CNANGE FINANCING PRICES AT ANYTIME WITHOUT NOTICE Call Collect Barrie 17057262621 We Pay All Charges YOUR KEYTO BETTER Livitic prim it IS ASSOCIATES lTD REALTOR 38 lllll£ll SllilIIII AGINTS OR CAMPEALI QUALITY HOMES Bill Robillard 7264744 Dora Barreto 728 8927 Joanne Thomson 728 77 John Themson 728 7177 Tf the home folks Ito car about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS MARIE 7262 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Iill McCreary 728 I865 Corby Adams 7286829 Dorothy MocOuorrie 7286358 Hn Hopkins 728 I66 George Wilson 7268927 Audroy Marshall 4362383 TF PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE THREE BEDRQ serr tuiiy broadloomoa retrigrator stove negat INN singt faintly homes under iw bie Asking s33 500w th St maman Catt Struction Georg Com9e air 23 8340 MIN Telephone Pratt Homes 78 I250 NEAp LAKE vtnCort otOro Jsrarey bedrooms well treeatot rear ala As 1981900 Donor Vdu Real Estate ot Barrie $45 00 tar as lt00l or Doris Boles 435 $690 72674230r724l77l HIDEAWAY DOWNOWN Commercial LOCGIiOn Ideal retail or attics setting IQ per financing available Boo UVy viaueeaizsiaremirriorm 58 cosy 390mm 0699 located at Balm 333 530 TWOlo 8580208066 pAgunmrnlun Beach minute walk 10 beach We siaing unga tr hen as maculate condition Gaage Auracwe area mod In living room oroealoom in living Erï¬urimsnasmigfrrbs SDEIIA VIM Real room 9000 well and septic patios fenced in tremendous retreat for BUILDING LOT 24000 l00 IBI WiTh young family Low down payment can septic permit Loltated in qmel Village tact Brian Millett to view 737 I771 or near Barrie Terms 300 Urry 7288494 representing Upiaroup lnc Real Estate Broker $26900 per month with AHOP financing You may also qualify for additional grants of up to $750 per year That will further help you lower your costs of ownership your monthly payments urtisin INTIICNANGI new Aoi RM LOWE REAL EST LTD BEDKER room roe 5m BEDROOM side split home outskirts L070 Marshall Rout The Barrie Examiner Wednesday August I8 1976 Newspapers Get Things DoneFor People Comm uniti esA dvertisers 7282414 SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE REAI THIS PAGE FOR VALIIIS IN THE HOME OFFICE ANI UN TIIIC FARM DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 10 main SIOdfvlf 0R0 4873437 80 ACRES of recreational property at Clear Lake I8 miles mg VI south of Parry Sound Vendor is Ianxioustosell VARIETY STORE and snack bar fully eqmpped in excellent con dition and shawrng good return Ideally located with living quay ters in the rear Vndor wrll hold mortgage at IO Asking $42 900 ORO BUILDINGLOTS Exellent treed lot with loo ft frontage $l2 000 ACRE bmldmg lot With sur vey and septir approva available AskingSH 5m LISTINGS REQUIRED Aul6 TB 20 iINESON PERSONALIIED SERVICE 7284294 II2ACDES House Jyeersoia andsw $55000 cash 72 7l4oaay or evenings Insrieiuc on went country iwmg ming 0007 lTexe look at Hillsdale 2milis to the llaxe miles to pen miles to slii slopes l4 miles to cities for shopping have re sale homes on large lots star ting at £37500 up to $84900 and new homes lrom $49900 to $54000 all are priced to sell and are ready to move in call me tor details AI Calhoun 729 I566 or 815 2742 m0 toll representing Lorrie Hav Real Estate JUST THINK Double lot trees stimm ing pool bedroom home brick all this for $37500 Cell AI Calhoun at 315 2747 or 728 ISM representing Lorne Hay Real Estate nomnton SALE mumtrmm NORMAN I68 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN Corner lot close to school and hospital bedrooms Call Jim Cross 7283293 or 7262159 AuT John Crawford 4875955 pm 5hwn 7232930 Phil Franchette 72826I9 Rog Sholgw 4372920 David shelswell 4875560 Raiph Wilson 4373609 Jim Cross 7262159 If 72631 REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYIIEIJ ST BARRIE Photo Multiple Listing Service JUST REDUCED TO $59900 Hobby farm approx acres bedroom home with all conveniences beautiful view vendor will hold first mortgage at reasonable rate of interest NORTH STREET bedroom townhouse Large bright kitchen garage priced to sell at only $33500 LAKEFRONT PROPERTY near concession Oro Township 75ft on Lake Simcoe bedroom large living room beautiful hedged lat owner will hold first mortgage LAKESHORE ROAD Concession Oro year old bedroom bungalow full basement deeded beach rights lovely IOI 200 treed corner lot $59900 Aul8 Morg Wood no toll 4873I48 Larry Wood no toll 4873I48 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Bob Saunders 7263883 Bill Stewart 728l I53 Marion Bryk 7285405 Leo Cavanaugh 7284207 Ross Batstone 7263043 TF WILLsoii REAL ESTATE LIMITED ALLENDALE HEIGHTSSplit entry bungalow with over 2000 sq ft of finished living area Family sized kitchen with walkout to deck family room with fireplace and walkout also finished games room Home is completely broadloomed except kitchen and baths and in immaculate condition Call Mary Morrison 726l938 or 7289933 MLS l587 BE THE FIRST to view this lovely bedroom Sidesplit in Angus Large broadloomed living and dining room Roomy eat in kitchen tastefully decorated throughout Attached garage beautiful Ian dscaped lot on dead end street Asking $46 900 Please call Maureen Maier 726I938 or 7286294 No 992 3T3 LITTLE AVE bedroom bungalow Full basement rer roam beautifully landscaped lot 66 x200 Large garden very good soil Call Wilf Vezeau 726 I938 or 4246358 No 993 QUALITY BUILT HOME on Ottaway Ave bedroom two storey With and pc bathrooms family room and re room with billiards table and piano Living room and dining room features broadloom drapery and antique wainscotting Truly fainin home Call laii Rouse 726 I938 or 7265407 MLS I958 ll9 JUNIOP ST 15 ltiH iRNlllt1Irlr APPRAISING ANL NAN iNr OPEN UNTIL it AuIB MORTGAGEES SALE 92 MAPLE AVENUE BARRIE Under power of sale contained in first mortgage registered against the property as No 464383 Description Part of lot on the north side of Ross Street lBoultari Block Plan TSI Dwelling storey detached solid brick rooms modern piece bathrooms modern kitchen full divided basement pfhIIP paved drive close to all facilities No hottels IITLIUded outshone Terms Cash five per cent with offer balance on closing Offers Offers will be received up to August JI 1976 Suuessful of for will be accepted by September I976 The highest Or any offer not necessarily accepted Closing adiustments and possession September 20 I976 Offers must be made sublert to possible redemption by owners and subsequent mortgagees prior to closing Title Purchaser must satisfy himself as to title and desrription Von dor does not warrant title description or condition of dwelling Deed will contain trustee covenants orin For further particulars contact STERLING TRUST CORPORATION l6 Dunlap Street Barrie Ontario Attention Mr Ernest Reed 7266821 Aul2 EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR b7 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE TORONTO 364 791l fli muLti in 120 lrlh ALLANDALE BEAUTY year old split entry bungalow large bedrooms FP with heelalators car Garage sliding doors to large deck upgraded broadloom throughout large tgaoe TE mnmrossau 543900 REAL ESTATE We built Dedorr bunuainw ma wurr 7tuia0lr tuty tnmu rm 93 DUNLOP STREET ment one you am that an Iixetior EAST in riosq to lake inn Towt$7p rr yin 06 4m70venmgs 77824lq IALLISTON PLAYBOY Pennaso iOwrt rout own plane or noat° We tAvP PROPERTIES MORTGAGES the property lor both 32 outs lltr 8603 trustom made with long level not lend Mabd Moriho 76 and air to side are two beautiful niiis tor Lats Stansfield 728 382 estate type dwelling overlookino is spr mg led pona site Drwarg gym 705 Lorn° coulson 716 023 nu me or tosr in ma Edith Binnendyk 726 3679 NO DOWN payment 24 raiiriq dues beauttul buvlaino site west at Barrie TF rustsus per month Telephone noun BEDROOM Townhouse tuliy broadlwmea completely finished page ment one half Dams walkout to sun neck Asking only $35900 with small LEON aovrt payment Call Garry DAmorosio at 76 3422 or 737 7043 Representing 0r DAmrosio Realtor REAL ESTATE LTD BARRIE mor Z1531I Calhoun 728 I566 or 835 742 no toll representing Lorne Hay Real Estate