Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1976, p. 18

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At mum Not Par mm mm Mm WM anmn ltnvmov kn 7l7mplmmom For am AM Today aptahi Kangaiw Marni Show it Special lace Rockmhip 2d ii no Vein Movie dmyperoo Mom ti 24 Room Definition 79 New in Touch ii Party am thm Won 3mm TM it Th loffoiwuo Rmiblwnr inr lmlmti it Strikes Show Am Mowx irrwr imi 75 HAN mhnmm Tr lnl ht will Hort How no iiiiiimi kh ii Smiihiiviii fibrin Ki unliiil touii the Fixr ii id ts on liiriiiiilialiiiti Sherlock Holmes Ryans Hope llii ii iii like it lloiitilc Eposiire Marcus elliy Jill no 243 ll 13 11 News io li The Sweet and the llitl 24 Hours il lliliiiitioii tilitl llt eiis Si in Touch iil ll ii ts ll lirl llatiii Family iiihalt no Strikes Spares lllti Misses lleiiiililiian tiiii tllllllll tiooii touri llolici iiiooiiers vans will lBTho Bottle intend it MINT not Wednesday August we $94 homo INEMLO mom Joel Mm owe iwlm TameMm obmi Room Room 10 limv Nrfih lhii Danishq My SJ l9 Hannah hism if MN ivvuhlc ii mum my View Vivi ulfiv Vin bn Vv View New tough Mo 47 Ilmvc bk bVi tvs nmoi VD RmiNoprim ion has to Van lyka uw liich Lvrl iolvih ltl PM GT t1lgtlfif win Thi ibmm oiN gt R4 Va do tkb Rev ma homoan convention mu Ayx WV Anothei orlii lake Thirty in The Family HilallhlliLdhlltfldt Ii ll 330 It telelirity ooks latclitianie lie ly iiiiesl Illtl Moi It Strange lne THURSDAY EVENING it The Practice lcrtiiriiiaiiii Special llrancli Republican toii llllltlll Miiiiii ll loiiiioiitaiioii 81 What llappeuiiiu on ltcpiitilii ziiit illl illiltlll ll Ilittl llt Suiiiniei Eiciiiiig ltiptililicaii toii tllililll 22 itiliirio lotler him ie The iii illlltlllv ll Moi ie llit lleaiily iieiietai Hospital m0fl umuuuu 0M1 mum MONO 39 mi lwwoonnia PM ti sum mm ms Nomi tween Mowimm Filmymiy oi the as News hi it li ivwe il WWW it Not iwtmqi has Routinely tVillAi Wind PM mild louoiw no ammo Mixer JAAMNI MW ulu haiwoo¢w it Home Miinioi it liI oyll vino it Roth now we MN MW Woolen than luv to am now it moltate ooii We loon how NA we Mom wng iwyiinmnirin grit that un we hobo Wyn Jeimliie and Johnny ii toin SAN Show one tuntr oi lnvolw it My hymn Movie Nnm lli lhmx Mon iiiilin 93 Rt ciu Move lho Printout Fawn Toma ion Ply Ver Conduct The hi hi art ha lnis Moo out Fan Rangers em ts tonziiiamioi Tom 21 cl oman hoallc iih Tracy it mm and The Restless txraiiy Riiiicli il ilressiip ioii Squad Little Rascals Diiiih Mike Douglas lbu 500 lronsidc Ll Truth or Consequences 42 That Girl Its Your Choice 12 Family Affair 530 Ne lane American Style Sll Partridge Family 23 Jokers ilti ll Fun larlory ll lo ltlilllll tlhitll Merv iiltiii Fitiiil Edition Mm lt September Sltlllll ll Larry Stiluay Show 22 ilolialJoiirnal 50 loy It The Human illlllliil lLtltl 1oic illie Key ol quar Klllfltitilll LL Monc liciiut foii tract it Movie iitintirpninli zi Minlt ilarvaii And the cuu ii To llie lriitli LINN Valley of tiiilii lllh lK llW 92m ll Moyie llllll at Hall IN George iitliiiii Vtitli Dialilui 123 liwiN liicnili time Merv Hill Holly ood qiiitlts 23 xttu poo nlflf 51 Pill ii oil Toiiiorriiii lieiilliy lllllllllt ll it News lzlw HUN lllllll Site Re My Eiicsl Movie Taran anti Um ll fill The 13 Hill PM it Late Edition Great River Night Real News 203 l2 Night liiial ll Mery irifliii IHE DOCTOR SAYS Rewards ridicule can confuse Hyfi1lltl1ESUN MI Dear Dr Thosteson My stx yearold son has been bed wetter Ive had him examined and the doctor finds nothing wrong and notes that he is sound sleeper accept this ex planation and dont punish him or make him feel guilty But when he goes to his far tliers to spend six weeks in the summer his father and his new ii ife punish hiiii for hedvietting either by putting diapers on him or iiiiikiiig him idlld in corner If he dotsilt wet they giye bun candy etc Alsoiould you possibly write to my bus band and explain the profileiiis that can come from this type of punishment tl taiit write to him or spend my time writing to cal lous fathen all over the coup try You can clip this item and send it along lie and his wife are wrong Ridicule punishment or re wards can be psy cliiilogscally damaging or at the wry least contUsiiig to the little guy Your ex husband needs more tectiiii cal understanding of the prob lem hope one of the booklets you ordered is for him and his one You say the boy has been ainined im wondering how ey leiisiye the eamiiiitioii was Has he been to urologist to see it there are detects iii the urinary tract an allergy to cer taiii foods defect in the urethra which would not nee essarily show up iii siiiiplecx atiiiiiatioii or tiny other eoiidi tioii that can iiise hedwettiiig lests can he made to measure his bladder capacity for ample Waiting for child to out grow such problem can be mistake especially when it be gins very early in life You dont say when he started bed wettiiig The sooner the child starts the less likelgethe chan ces are of emotions ing ac tor Bedwetting is particularly cruel affliction for youngsters to suffer eSpecially in summed when so many opportunities spread out before them for new enriching experiences camp visits to friends etc wish the notion that all bedwelting stems from personality traits such as laliness stubbornness etc would be squashed and proper treatment sought Dear Dr Thosteson is it customary for one Wllh hearing problem to have cer tain noises in the head have teen hard of hearing in my left ear for quite few years and have rierye deafness in my right one have had hearing aids but found them no comfortable and not of much USP ha this funny noise all the time but it seems worse when am trying to sleep ould it be hardening of the arteries am To and had stroke about five years ago LB Noises of various kinds from buzzing and ringing to musical tones are common with the problems you have High blood pressure which can ac company hardening of the ar teries is common cause But perfectly healthy people can have car noises in one ex periment among healthy adults who ere placed in noise tree room 94 per cent had some de gree of ear noise So your bed time noises are not unusual Many medications can cause ai noises alcohol tobacco caffeine some of the antibiot ics quinine and others Wax in the ca rs can be cause Except lll severe ear tn iection the only way the cars can signal that something is mug is through such noises Hearing aids would not be very effective in loss caused by nerve damage They should help the other car where as sume the loss is from some other cause Tests might be needed to see just how much hearing aid should be able to help Ask an ear specialist to recommenda reliable hearing aidman Astro Graph OMIOQ Md Cool in Thursday Aug it me AMI Much IiAprlt boot employ tlattuiy to try to out others to do thinm toi you today ll your ioniaikii mp ltirtltlittlttl theyll tenant tl TAURUS April IOMuy 20 tuity mliavaumicn today hi you ll spoon liiiidii toolislily Use one dollaiii in wayi that own you the moat niiioaon owmi May liJuno 20 lie muslin today in you may do nonivtliiiiu mellow and offend someone who thinks iiillioi iiiuiily or you lie polite and toiiitmliis at all little CANCRR Juno MJuly 22 You ham tendency to woni yoiii heart on your siloow today You could he needlessly wounded by one you lmo LEO July IAu9 22 its nice to do things toi others but totiiiy you may he tiitlo too generous to one who is not dosotvuiu VIRGO Aug 2390 22 this is not the time to coast if impot tint achioionioiits lll at stake hit that is what you re liltoly to iii LIBRA Stpt 23Oct 23 Your Splitldtti liltlli lllluillltli to situations is apt to tliisell you t0 tii and be replaced by lllllViC tcal rationaliralions lie careful SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Moms possibility nus untioistaiidiiii could arise today between you and friend over soiiiotliino material Watch out SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 Someone whom youve recently met and weie quite im piessed with may not be all she appears to he at first glance CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Devil allocate Creative work to day to anyone whose talents you re doubtful about The results could be mess AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Selldismpliiie is called for today or youll give the pursuit of pleasiire the priority you should give to your duties PISCES Feb 20March 20 You may be bit too lax today in dealing With those in your charge If firm hand iS necessary use it Your Birthday Aug 19 1976 Your financial pOSIiiOll is liker to be strengthened conmderably this year Also there is possmility you may deplete what you gain iiiiWisely lNAhllSEl liY llttillllES Torquay England itll ll ger the mighty iiioiiser has dis rupted Paddy Polands roman ce with Karen Kliiikenherg 2iyearold secretary Tiger at ginger tomcat liked displaying his hunting trophies such as it tiny mouse birds and rats on Karens pillow The breaking point came when Karen found dead mouse on her jeans ller ultimatum now is Either the cat goes or go tam af4 Vvoa 21 rzio lllt BOARDING HOUSE uniis once HEADEO MAP Mssmci EXPEDlTlON on THE DEMRT OTHER sclENTlsTé AfiSUMED SHIFTING 5AND BUT WE iiitiomxr THAT some posts wrwe PERMANENT NM usury we HAD TO AMP THERE FOR warm 10 seas PROOF IT WAS 000 T0 555 THE mercin BOILING AND we HAD TO LET THE AIR OUTOF THE TIRES sq THEY WOULDNT EXPLODE 119 liloT NR EVERYWHERE By lolly Cramer Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY My new bathtub came with slip resistant strips across the bottom but while it was be ing installed the men stood in the tub Now cannot remove their footprints have tried bleach cleansers etc but am scared to rub too hard for fear will scratch the finish Hope you can help me MRS GB DEAR MRS GB You paid for new tub and it should look like one so you should call the firm from whom you bought it if they did the installation or whomever did install it This is their problem and re quires their professional know how POLLY DEAR POLLY My Pet Peevc is really suggestion for pantyhose manufacturers as wish they would please place permanent cloth labels in their product so that after they have been worn once and washed we could still identify the brand and size we prefer and be sure We are buying more of the same MRS MB DEAR POLLY hope have some help for William whose neighbors cat devours the birds that he feeds Ask the neighbor if she or he would permit you to put bell on their cats collar you might eliminate or minimize ground feeding of the birds and rely on hanging or pole supported feeders with squirrel guards on them if all else fails try con ditioning the cat Everytime you see it in your yard race out and chase it away with as much noise as possible such as hang ing garbage can lid If this is dotie consistently for several weeks the cat will doubtless learn that it is more pleasant to hunt birds in someone elses yard at least most of the time JACKIE DEAR POLLY Fran who wants to reline cedar chest should btiy thin cedar boards that are tongue and grooved about threeeighths inch thick and glue them on the inside of her chest to make it dust proof and eliminate any spraying as the boards would have the natural cedar odor Your local lumber yard should have such boards and if necessary they might cut them to the required lengths LARENCE DEAR POLLY mi think it is fine to put oitt fats from roasts arid bacon for the birds in wmter but when warmer weather is iere we should remember to stop this Warm temperatures causes fats to spoil and when spoiled they contain harmful bacteria that might harm the birds and even the young to whom they may carry back small bits Nature provides food they need abundantly during the summer months When we want to mend crack in plaster ceiling we llll white liquid glue Wlill baking soda to form paste Simply apply to the cracks anti smooth have even applied toothpaste to very small cracks MRS DEAR POLLY My neighbors gave us an idea that has saved both my husband and much sweat anti irritation It you have stubborn lawn mower chain saw edger etc leave it in the sun until well heated When warm through the problem is solved no longer have to nag my husband to start the lawn mower for me ELIZABETH 7299 45 SLLJE 5655 lN 11E AT MOQNlNC if EVENING iv 5A212 no Ln BYOBKA 34 ii vmiwer 33 CLODDEARE LEAVNING SHORT RIBS BC KERRY DRAKE iiK 1t oi BUGSYS 899$ sumo won VI We Fig5 vAUbiJfi Addjomi den es raw mm erasure and luv ions rtc stat FE as 9x As AWE WyiE 5E NS and Left ris shower MLind dressed ccrnr E9006 OCot so swarm we AND cow 5b AN smame of Et l51 sue His vs lNXm ERDENTLY row$ Cosme SHORT CAT MAP II lt COT CAtJuH LE or Miss DETUNIAS VEHICLE III us IL NORTH Ai06 VKIOS OQ2 AJ9743 WEST AKQQii 32 OAJQBGS EAST A82 VQJ7654 9104 SOUTH lm 10 NorthSouth vulnerable West North East South to Pass NT Pass Pass Pass pening lead By Oswald James Jacoby Secondhand low is one of the old bridge adages It is generally correct But as with all adages there are plenty of exceptions One holding that generally calls for secondhand high is when dummy holds queen and one small of the suit led Most of the time the only way you can get any value out of that queen is to rise with it at trick one Todays hand shows an ex ception West opens the eight of diamonds against Souths threenotrump contract If West holds the king of clubs South can get lot of tricks by rising with dummys queen of diamonds coming to his hand with the ace of hearts and taking the club finesse Suppose East holds that king He just happens to hold it this time and if South takes this line of play he will wind up two tricks short at three notrump What happens if South ducks that diamond lead in both GOOD THIN II In wag in ANDY CAPP BORN lOSER we 0qu LOST 84 Two Ronsmsiue mores NilMUTES OF SILENCE AND ANOTHER HOUR OF Lone FACES OUGHTA DO lT Complete Office Outfitters WIN AT BRIDGE An exception to an exception hands If West holds six card suit South is sure of nine tricks He will get five clubs one diamond one spade and two hearts It must be worth while to give himself this ex tra chance to win the rubber so he plays low and collects his nine tricks ne Kt Mew at With 40 highcard points and just 13 tricks each three points represents one trick yet an ace is valued at four points The reason is that you expect your ace both to take one trick and in addition help promote second trick Similarly king counts three points or one trick even though it may fall to an adverse ace In their initial point count the Jacobys and experts in general recognize that hand such as AAKxxxVAxxxxoxx 4x is better than AxxxxxVxxxxxOAK doA although each has the same highcard points and same three probable quick tricks ODDITIES AUGUSTA Me AP De spite repeated confessions by his lookalike brother Patrick John McDonough has spent six months in rison for holdup hesayshe idnt commit State officials considering whether to shorten Johns jail sentence say they are not re sponsible for judging his in nocence or guiltonly whether he has been rehabilitated and can go home Patrick 29 made his latest confession on Tuesday before Gov James Langley and the Maine Executive Council They took under advisement re quest by several of Johns rela tives and friends including his pregnant wife Candice to com mute his 212tofiveyear sen tence FUNNY BUSINESS ISO IM PARANOlDi MNEMELEDJVMENT FFMQE ir you up lM mi BOYFEIEND FLO ALLVOUR TROUBLE WOULD DAILY CROSSWORD The Desert ACIOCI 44 Dont May we in truvolnrq NI desert group Arid 46 Roman brunt Desert feature 48 Fainii two 12 Burl 49 wioimn 13 Female door 14 Understand trmirimi wds whenloi 15 thought 56 Astringent 16 Depot lab 57 i7 Arid olhem listini 6t l8 College ollicmts 63 Prumnnnde iti vim at win aims nqau 20 Make smooth 54 Want it nSNIIl fuli nimq wlib iooi 66 Sharp kill sworn Kind of lettuce 66 Gummy t4 crummy Finiv 24 Pavmq carbon mam material Dow 7t Cum Mom imp 75 Entarnnlly Dry tang up hum into rq 29 Untillntilc land 33 Retardant of 3d Kind of duck Athena 36 Narrow board 37 Close by 39 Winter vehicle 41 Soldiers adoreiii tab 42 Challenges tab Decay NI veqntalinr Put dririlr 60 marine lamb merit sound Newt alumni Wrn iri riiiidle rm anrrml Winter in mm Dental rioqren leaveniriq ingredient Animal to Wavion Fume mu innitml nirflrQnirifi timinrinl ring Carillon mom ml of 60 Miran Flt rllqiiaLI Illlill Jtim rim will removal 10 aveIn Flnllqa Um lriri Mulberry how 94 lrilatf Vernt or 19 am SOLAR ENERGY exEcuTiV ounces in lien on mu lfl Qiitigiliad II tli Il Hunlir jag 68 Smart art me can Clh If you dont pay your bill by the tenth othext month well turn off the sun DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS tt moon OFFICE OUTFITTERS mMIMmmoMMWdhmhdd fleeCII737010Homdtomfufload0fflcofluur 2Q Mop lurk 1310201 VOURE RIGHT RUBE EQ TQOUBLES WOULD BE OVER THE Benson we HAVE NEVER can To wok is we WANT 70 3E Al HOME NH OPPoRiumrv iF EVERONE wAS OUT TO ffl 40W 711m Ii hifiillf

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