JE NINE OTHERS WOUNDED IN AXE ATTACKS North Korean guards kill two US officers SEOCL AP About 30 North Korean guards armed with axes and metal pikes killcil two United States Army officers and wounded four other US soldiers and five South Koreans in the demilitarized zone today the United Nations Command an nounccd The UN ommand said the two US of ficers were bnitally murdered in an un provoked assault The announcement made no mention of any North Korean casualties The UN Command gave this account of the attack The two US officers South Korean of ficer and several other US soldiers were escorting five Korean service corps workers who were trimming trees in Panmunjom the truce village in the centre of the buffer zone between North and South Korea Two North Korean officers and several North Korean guards came to the area in midmorning as the South Koreans were trimming branches from tree in the jomt security area The tree was about35 to 40 yards from UN Command checkpomt at the south side of the Bridge of No Return over which prisoner exchanges took place after the Korean armistice OBJECT TO WORK After some discussion during which one of the North Korean officers expressed objec tion to the tree trimming the North Koreans demanded that the South Koreans stop the work Shortly after North Korean vehicle brought additional guards and one of the North Korean officers was heard to tell them to kill the Americans and South Koreans The attack followed The two US officers died from head in juries and stab wounds spokesman said in Washington The UN Command called meeting of the Military Armistice Commission on Thursday to protest the attack but it was not learned immediately whether the North Koreans agreed Pentagon the joint armistice meetings between the UN Command and the North Koreans are held It was the second violent incident in the demilitarized zone this month On Aug the UN Command reported sixminute ex change of fire between North and South Korean troops but no casualties or damage The two US officers were the first persons was reported Each side accused the other of ai WA mm ever killed in the joint security area in which EXAMINER TELEPHONES Clttulotiori Classified Advertising All Othru Dcportmsiits lthh Yeor No 193 The Lieutenant iovcrnor of Ontario latilinc Mctiibboii paid visit to Canadian Forces Itasc Rordcn Iucsdiiy to inspect the Toronto Militia llistrict Summer toiicciitra tion being licld thcrc this uck About 8th rcscrc iiicii 726 6539 728 2414 726 6537 LIEU TENANTGOVERNOR LOBS GRENADE 97 an and women from the Toronto area arc spending the week in battle schools staffed by infantry ligiit armored and artillery regiments and the 3th Service Battalion of yliiclitliclt io Mctlibhon CAPSULE NE WS Spacecraft lands on moon Mi st it Rcutci Luna 24 iiiaiic soft laiiia on manned Soyict space station iii on thc moon today Syrian forces move back lilflRlT Syrian fotccs hac iiioyed back from the mountain town of llamiiiana to clear the way for Palestinian withdrawal iroiii tiiristiiiii tim iis and illagcs Along the mm taiiis cast of this lclincsc capital Christian spokesmen said today Missing men re Ililii int tl scued lw Iictivn mcn missing stltt Monday in 19 foot inboard boat hayc been rescued by the Canadian oast Guard is honorary colonel In above photo Capt Larry Williams shows Lt Gov McGibbon the operation of hand grenade and in the lower photo Lt Gov McGibbon throws the grenade Examiner Photos MANASLEEP 0N STA GE ORILLIA Barrie man who was found sleeping on the stage of the rillia Opera House by construction workers Tuesday morning has been charged with break and enter by Oriliia city police Iolicc report that at 1215 ani Tuesday man climbed inside fencedoff area of the opera house which is now under renovation pparcntly the man removed shch of plywood climbcd iii side the arca and forced open door at the top of stairwell Hc forced open further doors leading to the stage where he was found sleeping at 30 in liicsday police said laiil Kirk Rattersby 17 will appear in rillia Provincial toiii Friday Label hazards jury urges TORONTO tl cor oiicrs niry investigating thc iicaths ot woman aiid her daughter last June 23 recom iiicndcd Tuesday that all flani iiiablc matcrials bc labelled as such lhc iiiiy recommended that fic taiicriil department of con saiticr and corporate affairs imiiid tiic lliiardous Products hi to force such labelling ï¬rsMas The cost of living must be up again 0hr Idiotic Examiner The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday August l8 1976 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly shooting first WEATHER FORECAST 22oges Will plan financing for township arena By JIM DALZIEI IixaiiiinerStaff Reporter ANGUS Itsmember committeeincluding Essa township Reeve Eugene Smith was formed Tuesday night to plan financing for the proposed township arena at Angus The committee will try to set up corporation to take over the project About 200 people attended public meeting in the Lions Hall Angus haggling at times over the arenas stormy history and eventually nominating the committee The new group is to meet again within two weeks Incorporation of fund raising body was suggested by Uwe Sehmrau field consultant with the ministry of culture and recreation While admitting ignorance of the fouryear struggle to build an arena Mr Sehmrau said in corporation seems to be the on ly recourse Council opinions vary in task force issue MIDHIYRST Midland Rccvc Moreland Lynn says Simcoc tounty council made ii mistake Tuesday in not approv ing the Simcocticorgian Area Task Force report in principle Rut councils move was praised by Innisfil Reeve Bill iibhins and deputy rccvc Blake Constable said the report our lines an immediate area for Barric annexation Some members of council dont ap prcciatc just what the rcport says he said Reeve iibbins said he was glad to see the county take stand on annexation and begin study that will be separate from the task force report fresh look is needed The task force has been the problem all along Reeve iibbins said But Reeve Lynn argued that the task force can be used to limit Barries growth The report he said called for MORELANI LYNN criticism Budget cuts hit area hospitals Barries Royal Victoria Hospital appears able to sur vive the Ontario Ministry of Healths latest budget cut without too much damage but some other area hospitals may belessfortunate The ministry has informed an estimated 80 per cent of hos pitals across the province that they must cut their 1976 budgets by one per cent The move has drawn cries of protest from the Ontario Hos pital Association because hospitals will have only five months to find full years sav ing Its little late in the year agreed Cameron ad ministrator at the Royal ic toria but noted that it wasnt too unexpected He said Tuesday the cut will have to be evaluated by hos pital staff before its effect will be known and necessary llttiir sures will have to be approved by the hospital board at its September meet mg dont think its going to be too severe he said The cuts appear to have hit tollingwoods icneral and Marine hospital somewhat liar der Administrator William Powell said Tuesday both staff and bed cuts are possibilities The hospital is already down to 97 beds follow ing 25bcd cut during provincial budget chops earlier this year and Mr Pow ell said he will confer with medical staff and ministry of ficials before taken Current contract negotiations with employees could also af fect the significance of the cut he said Its not very pleasant day for hospital administrators he said The traumatic days of the spring have now been repeated Ted Iiitchard administrator at St Andrews Hospital in Midland said today he does not know how much money one per cent will represent because his hospitals budget has still not received ministry approval months after the usual ap proval datc He said he has been unable to learn the reason for the delay The larger lliironia District Hospital scheduled to replace St Andrews is due to open at the end of September and Mr Iritciiard said the latest cut may force him to hire fewer any action is new Slilll llltlllliers than had been planned Arthur Consaul adminis Itlllt of Stevenson Memorial Hospital in Alliston said be ex pccts no staff or service cuts to result from the newest budget measure He said retirements and con solidation enabled the hospital to keep staff cuts to one position carlicr this year The only pos sibility of scryicc cuts lies in the hospitals ambulance serr mi fiicii is under separate budget and not affected by the one per cent chop growth in four urban centres in Simcoe County Barrie rillia ollingwood and Midland Decentralization of growth would be impaired by exteme development of one community Barrie Reeve Lynn said But how can our planner use that argument if the County of Siincoc has not endorsed that task force strategy question our approach to the planners Reeve Lynn said If we are asking them to define the countys problems we should at least offer some direction Ilc said the task force report is not specific about the citys future boundary Councils decision not to ap prove the task force report in principle was carried by vote of 2822 with the reeves of both Vespra and r0 voting in favor of the report To study annexation proposal MIDHURST Better late than never Simcoe County council jumped into the Barrie annexation dispute on Tuesday Just two months away from an Ontario Municipal Board hearing athat will decide if Barrie can annex 20000 acres county council authorized planning study on the annex ation proposal The county will give its opi nion on annexation at the ct whearing But the council withheld approvalfor the moment at leaston document that says fullscale annexation will have potentially devastating ef fect on the County of Simcoe The county has 33 member munimpalities mostly rural townships and small comv munities and the cities of Bar rie and rillia are not aft filiated After reviewing the planning sTLdy county planning com mittee is to make report to council analysmg the effects upon the county of the annexa tion boundaries offered to the City of Barrie by Vespra Oro and Innisfil townships and of fering to county council recom mendations on which boundary lines would best serve the needs of the county and its municipalities 30 000 REPOR TED HOMELESS MANILA iAP The official toll of dead and missing in the No injuries in Japan TOKYO tReuteri An ear thquake described as moderate damaged property on the lzu peninsula 75 miles southwest of Tokyo early today but no iii juries were reported The quake was also felt in Tokyo and parts of central Japan 5300 dead missing in earthquakes and tidal waves in the southern Philippines soared to more than 5300 today with nearly 30000 reported homeless The National Disaster CoOr dinating Centre said 3l03 deaths have been confirmed and mat there are at least 2282 missing 688 injured and 28716 homeless following Tuesdays catastrophes The casualties were concen trated in the towns and cities along Mindanao islands 500 miles of coastline around the Moro Gulf on the northern side of the Celebes Sea The Philippine air force was flying tons of medicine food and other supplies to Cotabato on the eastern shore of the gulf and Zamboanga across the gitlf at the tip of the lam boanga peninsula They were among the hardesthit cities Navy ships stationed in Zam boanga were transporting relief goods to other stricken areas along the coast CITIES HARD HIT Casualties were reported in the provmces of Northand South Zamboanga BaSilan The Ontario Municipal Board has twice rejected Essa coun cils attempt to borrow money for the project Therefore Mr Sehmrau said an independent group is necessary Sharing the stage with former arena board chairman Al Zaba Reeve Eugene Smith and councillors Ed Mac Donald Anthony Mancini and Don Elines Mr Sehmrau outlined the provincial funding available He said Wintario could con tribute one third of the funds required as long as an equal amount is raised from the public Community Centres Act grant could provide another $75000 leaving the rest of the cost to be covered through public donations or grant from Essa council Named to the committee were township residents Ed LeClair Reeve Smith Eric Binns Mr Zaba Clifford Woolner Jack Curtis Margar et Mather Jack Louch Father Allan McRae Shirley Gardner Pat Guergis Ken Butler Eu gene Laden Ed Guergis Dave Desjardins and Ed Mather Mr Sehmrau said the com mittee should try to find group of people who would sit as directors on corporation responsible for the arena Because of the OMB decision the taxpayer cannot be made responsible for the costs of the project said Mr Sehmrau He pointed out that Etobicoke council has become burdened with an athletic complex that tripled in cost during construc tion Im personally quite excited about this because its obvious lot of people want an arena You have to organize Mr Sehmrau said He offered to give guidance when the committee holds its next meeting ESSA TOWNSHIP Eugene Smith right speaks at the public meeting on the township arena Tuesday night as Angus resident lifr ford Woolner listens along RV with about 200 people in the Lions Hall in Angus coin mittee was formed to see if coipiration can be estab lisiied ltfll1pll the arena lExaminer Photo Only wellknown volunteers are accepted by county CAS The Simcoe County Chil drens Aid Society does not ask volunteers if they have criminal record but only ac cepts volunteers who are well known in the community said Joan Parker volunteer co ordinator Mrs Parker said the society receives volunteer referrals from volunteer coordinators in areas or other volunteers and these people are generally known very well Concern over selection of volunteers arose after Bram ton man with criminal recor pleaded guilty Monday to charges of indecent assault against girls from Peel Childrens Aid Society foster home Mimi Carson of the Peel society said Allistair George Hardy 52 was permitted to take the children on several camping trips this summer because the foster parents knowhim Mrs Parker said the Simcoe County society does not permit volunteers to take children anywhere overnight and often has two volunteers accompany children The majority of volunteers in Simcoe County are women she said and where man is volunteer be is generally retired and is accompanied by his wife in 99 per cent of thc cases Mrs Parker said the society has received calls from men of fering to work as volunteers The society is leery of these people she said and rejects them if they are not well known to people within the society The only instance Mrs Iar ker could recall where child was left in the care of volunteer was an emergency situation The volunteer had picked the child up at bus depot but was unable to take her home because snow storm forced road closings Mrs Parker knew the woman personally and permitted an overnight stay Mrs Parker also said ol unteers from this area tend to be better known than they would be in Iecl as the com munities here are small and everyone know every one else Don Jackson director of the Simcoc tounty AS said local volunteers assist in transporta tion fix bicycles tutor or help social worker move child to another home But if an individual did have criminal record it is possible the society would not know he said Thc society inquires about the background of people in other facets of its work but must rely on the hoiicstv of the applicant riminal records are not available to anybody he said and tho socicty would have no way of checking if the in dividual istelliiigthctrulh Mrs Parker said the soCiety has never had problems with its volunteers but added it is possible the society should be looking closer at backgrounds survey conducted by Toronto newspaper following the ltraiiipton incident showed that most nlilflti Childrens ll societies do not investigate whether potciilial volunteers have criiiiinal records but rely instead on interviews and per sonal rcltNmis Philippine quakes North and South Lanao Cota bato and Misamis Oriental and the cities of Zamboanga Bas ilan Cagayan de Oro and Com bato Other provinces in the central Philippines and on southern Lu zon Island also felt the tremors but there were no reports of casualties in those areas The first quake struck shortly after midnight Monday night while the people of Mindanao were sleeping It was centred in the Celebes Sea between Mind anao and Indonesias Celebes island and sent 24foothigh tidal waves crashing ashore carrying away fishermens stilt shacks as far as 100 yards in land The first quake was followed by aftershocks and shortly afr ter noon Tuesday another ma jor tremor hit But by then the survivors of the first quake had moved into the streets and other open spaces and it was not likely that there were more casualties READINGSVARY The National Geophysical Observatory said the first quake registered 78 on the Richter Scale Tremor shakes Brisbane BRISBANE Reuteri An earth tremor shook the southern suburbs of this Australian city late today but no serious damage was report ed Residents of several suburbs said the tremor lasted for up to seven seconds shaking houses and causing cracks in walls