The Barrie Examiner Tuesday August 17 9763 it lt HOSTAGE DRAMA An escaped prisoner who authorities identified as Henry Wilson 22 of Brooklyn leans out an Albany apartment window Monday as he and his uniden tified hostage watch the crowd below Wilson who held several people hostage for nine hours is holding knife below the throat of his hostagexWilson prisoner at Great Meadow Correc tional Facility escaped from Albany Medical Center where he was being treated for liver ailment AP Photo Roach poison found in migratory fish WASHINGTON Al Traces of the roach poison Ke pone the cause of liver and brain damage in Virginia chemical workers have turned up in nonhazardous levels in fish caught hundreds of miles from the plant where it was made federal agency says The pesticide residue was found in migratory fiin caught by commercial fishermen in hesapeake Hay and the Atlan tic Ocean off the coasts of llela ware New Jersey and New York The Food and Drug Adminis tration FDAi said today that all of its first samples of fish taken from the thesapeake and DISPLAY BUY I976 31 Pickups Liiicolns Mercury Meteors M0 Atlantic Ocean showed traces of Kepone but not at levels con sidered hazardous The initial results are preliminary however and it will he at least It weeks before federal scientists can deter mine how seriously Kepone pollution has spread up and down the East Yoast the FDA said The agency said seven sam ples of fish from Chesapeake Bay four of croaker and three of bluefish showed chone residues ranging up to 09 parts per million tppmt That is just short of the ppm level that would send the FDA into action to keep the fish off the market T8905 Copris lv C°° WE WANT TRADEINS FMCC FINANCING AVAlLABLE PRlCES GOOD TlL AUGUST 27 76 NO HIDDEN CHARGES ALL FACTORY lNVOlCES ON ORDER NEW I977 IF YOU DONT l0 SALESMEN TO HELP YOU MONTREAL CP French speaking air controllers held closeddoor meeting Monday night to discuss formation of breakaway union from the Ca nadian Air Traffic Control Association CATCA The French controllers were unavailable for comment on the outcome of the meeting The meeting followed news conference earlier Monday at which Paul Bibeau acting Que bec regional director for CAT CA advocated disaffiliation from the national organization and creation of an independent union for the provinces 300 Frenchspeaking controllers Similar statements by Jean Luc Patenaude whom Mr Bibeau replaced led to Mr Patenaudes suspension by the union July 13 Mr Bibeau criticized the CATCA for its refusal and in ability to represent Quebec air controllers The Frenchspeaking con trollers have opposed the CAT CAs fight against the extension of bilingual air commu nications now in effect at se lected Quebec airports Mr Bibeau said he believed most of the 2400 CATCA mem bers outside Quebec hated the Frenchs eaking controllers and woul be happy to see them expelled from the union And he estimated that more than 70 per cent of the prov inces controllers favored breaking away Lawyers for the Association des Gens dc lAir nonunion Frenchspeaking controllers discuss breakaway union idea group representing the prov inces Frenchspeaking air em ployees are studying the legal implications of such move he said In Ottawa CATCA president Jim Livingston said he was sur prised at Mr Bibeaus state ment He added he believed most Quebec controllers would choose to stay with the national union He said those who wished to break away would meet with opposition from the staff rela tions board and Transport Min ister Otto Lang But spokesman for Mr Lang said that while govern ment policy is generally to avoid splits in civil servants unions an exception will likely be made in TATCAs case Smallscale Wants troops out of Korea riot hits Detroit DETROIT AP Detroit is rehiring 450 laidoff policemen two weeks early and imposing curfew on persons younger than 18 to prevent recurrence of what the police chief called smallscale riot on the down town streets after rock con cert Were going to take the city back beginning tonight Dep uty Mayor William Beckham said Monday in announcing the measures He and Police Chief Philip Tannian said police lacked the resources to cope with the dis turbance which started when several hundred youths at tacked crowd Sunday night at the citys Coho Hall It ended in widespread robberies and as saults including one rape on the downtown streets Forty seven persons were arrested It was an outright flagrant challenge to our security and to police authority in Detroit and we failed to meet it Beckham mayor said It wont again The 450 policemen laid off because of the citys financial crisis were to have been re hired Sept with federal funds and would have returned to regular work Instead police said most will be deployed in special crimefight ing units Beckham said the early recall will cause temporary budget deficit of $432000 that might require cuts elsewhere to balance He did not specify what cuts might be made EXTENDS lRFEW In addition to the extra po lice Beckham extended the city curfew ordinance COLOMBO Sri Lanka AP North Korean Premier Pak Sung Chul told the nonaligned summit conference today that the US has 1000 nuclear war heads and 400000 troops in South Korea Paks demand for the with drawal of all US forces from Korea was seconded by Presi dent Tito of Yugoslavia who told the 85country conference that the Middle East is the most dangerous hotbed of crisis today and Israel supported by some big powers is the main cause Clergyman arrested JOHANNESBURG Reuter clergyman who heads an African church organization is the latest prominent black to be arrested by South African se curity police following two months of rioting in black town ships More than 20 leading South African figures are known to have been detained and uncon firmed reports put the figure as high as 50 They include Winnie Man dela wife of former black nationalist leader Nelson Man dela who is serving life jail sentence for plotting to over throw the state Security police in Port Eliza beth said Monday night that they have detained Rev Mz wandile Magina 38yearold president of the African Inde pendent hurches Association No reason was given 00K AT THIS SELECTION This is Retail Price baaCA 55c1A 333i The North Koreans figure of 400000 US troops is 10 times the number the US govern ment says it has in South Korea Washington has never given any information on its nu clear arsenal in Korea The real danger of war now in Korea is not the threat of southward aggreSSion as clam ored about by the United States and the South Korean author ities but the threat of nor thward aggression from the South Pak declared Unless this danger of war is removed in advance new war including nuclear war may break out again in Korea which would be expanded to war of Asianwide and world widescale South Korea was not invited to the conference ACHIEVE GOAL Although the conference will adopt lengthy political declar ation most of the delegates feel that with the end of colonialism everywhere except southern Af rica they have achieved their major political goal Now they are concerned with their cam paign on the economic front The developing countries complain that what they get for the basic commodities and raw materials they sell never keeps up with the increasingly higher prices they must pay for manu factured goods from the indusv trialized countries One idea is to develop pro ducer associations controlling all important commodities tur ned out by the developing coun tries central council would bargain on behalf of individual national associations to push prices up Canadian films win top prizes OTTAWA IP anadian filmmakers most of them cur rently working at the National Film Board Won six of the top nine prizes up for grabs at the International Film Festival which ended Sunday NFB filmmaker aroline Leaf of Montreal won the grand prize for 10minute movie she painted on glass and shot frame by frame ller color film The Street is based on short story by Canadian novelist Mordecai Richter about the death of grandmother in Jewish faiii ilv Ms Leaf also won first prize in the filinsforchildren cate gory with The Owl Who Mar ried the Goose depicting the Eskimo legend of an owl who marries goose and does ev erything conceivable to become goose Sound effects are Es kimo voices second NFH entry winner was Lynn Smiths Teacher Lester Hit Me showing daycare teacher trying to cope with 15 rowdy children Produced for the Education Development entre of the NFB the nineminute film merited Ms Smith first prize in the instructional films category special jury prize went to the NFHs Mindscape created by Jacques lrouin in one of the most difficult and rare anir mation techniques where mitr lions of pins are used to create shadows The fivevmember film jury representing Canada the United States Holland and Yu goslavia had to choose the best three films in each of six cate gories from 108 competing films NOBODY BUT NOBODY DARES TO MAKE THIS OFFER FOR UNITY Three members of the ina cinnati Bengals show off their shaved beads by strikv ing the bear see and speak no evil pose From top to bottom Ho Harris Ron Pritv chard and rookie Reggie Williams We lid it to develop unity among the linebackers said Prit chard Shearer Jim Letlair said that Harris hair was hardest to cut The clippers broke halfway through Letlair said Allhotot Skunk blamed in rabies HAMILTON It Re searchers studying the spread of rabies in southwestern Orr tario suspect the skunk is more responsible than the fox for keeping rabies going on long term basis an official of the ministry of natural resources said Monday The major carrier in On tario is red fox and the skunk is second most important said Dr harles Machines superv visor of the wildlife section of the mintstrys fish and wildlife research branch Gang tunnels way in to bank PARIS Reuter tunnelled it through sewers and into ank to empty 200 safedeposit boxes in what ap peared to be re at of spec tacular bank ro bery in Nice last month police said today The thieves working during the weekend drilled through an underground concrete wall to reach the vaults of the Societe Generale branch located on the exclusive lle SaintLouis home of many French film stars and politicians No official figure was given on the value of the haul but police spokesman said it is pos siblc the amount may exceed the $12 million taken by the gang that robbed the Societe Generale in Nice The robbery was discovered when the batik reopened after threeday holiday weekend Police said the thieves had in stalled their own ventilation gang system in the tunnel to ensure that they were not asphyxiated by the fumes of their drilling equipment The robbery took place at the height of the vacation season when many of the banks wealthy clients use their safe deposit boxes for their Vttltltlr bles In the Nice raid the thieves rifled 320 safe deposit boxes and emptied nightdeposit safe containing $25 million from the resorts super markets Hank officials said the thieves narrowly escaped detection Saturday afternoon when guard heard noises in the basement He told superior but batik spokesman said an fortunately this person mistook the noise in the basement for that of ventilation system on tliesideof thebuilding Pleads guilty to charges BRAMPTON Ont lt Allistair George Hardy of no fixed address indecently assaulted six area youngsters including nineyeanold ward of the hildrens Aid Society whom he raped on an overnight outing provincial court judge was told Monday Hardy 52 pleaded guilty to six counts of indecent assault and one count of having sexual intercourse with girl under 14 years old He was remanded for sentencing to Aug 30 ourt was told llardy was given permission by foster parv cats to take the nineyearold and 12yearold girl from the same home on overnight trips in his camper truck Ilc told the foster parents lie was going to take the girls on holidays with his llyeirvod daughter The foster children were as saulted on the trips to Wasaga Beach leterborougli and Sar nia but were afraid to tell the society about the incidents lllllll last week court was told Ilardy was arrested Friday after the society notified police Three other charges were laid in June after complaints to police by the parents of three Brampton sisters aged 10 to The three said llardy assaulted them while they were spending weekend with his two clnl dren The sixth charge was in con nection with an eight year old girl from nearby Mississauga oilrt was told she was as saulted when Hardy took the two foster children to the park ing lot of Mississauga apart ment building and stayed with them overnight III the truck Wilson Burns Menzies Carroll Palmer Bumstead BARRISTERS SOLICITORS are pleased to announce the relocotion of their offices to 118 Collier St Barrie Ont lOOK AT THIS EXAMPLE I976 Bobcat Douglas Mark up only Total Tax Lit Total Less down payment Balance to Ftnonre Plus Credit Lite plus Finance Charge APl ISJTA to own this car over 48 MONTHS $3008 00 too 00 $3308 TI 56 23 00 356256 St 56 S34l til PRICES GOOD TII AUGUST 27 76 ONLY