8The Barrie Examiner Wednesday August 1976 ACCUSED Laiiiinco Silhtllltélll above tS ambassador to Yu goslavia has been accused by iiisiilint Tito of Yugoslavia it starting an anti Yiiulslav campaign and it lilttltnlllg in Yiiglstav afr tiiiis Silhiinizin angered both Yugoslav officials and tho Stiitt iiipartintiits East European disk by makng piihiii his tiotings about the llllpllSlilillitltt oi Yugo slav Aiiltlitfllt Limit Toll on ihaigis nt tliltlilliit pioiiaui Ap lhiitoi Takehome 933 40 cents day It AIIMIII LLFTY lAlJIiiA Egypt iMl Fi nancially Sptilkillfl Mussad Iiiigiy wuiikl ho hotter off it ho were watti hiiftalo His ttlktrhtillu pay would be Ill 1103 llllilt than it is now and hi would llit liot load and sholtm KIltih he doesnt got now For iliigry is lht lowest man on Egypts imnomic ladder lay lithttlli who is an immi grant In his own country His Sillltlp tn sundown efforts can ho had int 40 cunts day of which ho has in pa halt or food and drink provided by his om pliiyit It costs St iti In hill war ttl tiuttzilu tioqiiintl used in Hililtliiltllilt or construction pltilttls This liilldllltill ltplt Siiits iiiitiiiishil tiiiSilHHS for tho ilgypliiiii lt0ltillili of 24 ll ago one at whoso hasiC lililtS as in make man worth iiiniithanzinaiiinial Struggling to propel the cniin tl out it pmill thi govern monl has tiiiitintiitvd on is tahhsliing llldltStlltS and most ol the one million invmhvr la hm titltt nmi iiziins suhslan tiiilli liltilt lhziii liagi or the water tiitttaln IUSI Il ittliIJTSS Hut llitlt Jlit still mil million in lilhttitl llkt Hagr ii tiiilliiit to stint ti tho minis li iil Nitlitl illiiiis ivpivstiil int WI cunt iii the labor int Most ttlt iiitilvss tiii mori than tlt ttl The hard pixssit um ttllllttlli is only now gutting iiiiiiiiii ln plying lhtlil sniiiitiilp or morning sm on days uik ht iisis at iizmn when tho iiiii tiiiltgt hangs on it hm th situps iii Hl zishis iii iiiitiiatiit ltti truth the ilt HHtl iiii liicn hth tiiiuiktasl llUt iil tutuiil tliltt glass of suii Hui ltiiiii ith strum basket and hix tlt tiiiit titt iisl iii the CIT hmni in tin iniilliii toiistiiic ililil til mail this ilt Ltu mu itllii northeast of iiiin in thy tli irrigation iii Htil it niil lltl hi lilt iiii lit ililil Liitnti pltkt lit chmw in mi ll tililUll tiini iii tiltiii Lila UL itd Hlti its thilix iiiiix iiii it tlilt tt Il tsi ll Liliu iliin it iIgiplzaiis uhi ii sit 1hr Littitk ti tht ltt in itllltltlt Ham no illts Llh talt tlh initiiiiii unit lgt ltix1 11 lititz it and manmt hiit in LtLLiN sii his tt hit il lpiiit iigipl itlllt an Itii isl at tho liiiii no gt timim mixing liti mik vn tilt Hi iv ti in pimv iliiit tf in tii no longer wiiit l2 Aitlhtl1tl goat MdNtll Jq shunt illii illitllt Lgll l0 til hill llttt on ltlt 31m iii tlt ilitll Mi itiil ht il likii tliilit il iiit Mr is paid lt ptr litix tit cents halt tint altos lo ltic Jolt con v3 1n pi tiii tiilt loud and 1H Hliil tiixsnt haw lv luvs all his meagre iin unitiplittl 33 tin the iiiiitiattoi At tit itli bin i1iL titilllHIPRtHIVti llHK li Reliicar lttiikk to no employ gnpiming sis Ticor Mummy Management to inipmvc itlOCtllllitt sor tlliil However most lanai Stilts companies still miiiriing employees Lttttill than 1080 Of vinployoos The most thlttronces involve assistance l1ltII fiitiL ni iiii kw ttil tstdli cusmou TOP HAMPERS With Vinyl cushion top norust steel hinges trim Decorator col Ours Approx 12 21 20 mart Price DECORATOR TABLES Versatile plastic occasional tables in bold Red White Yellow or Black colours mart Price On sale ugust lth I4th0 While Quantities Last We reserve the right in limi Quantities STRETCH iiiruiii KNEERPS PKG GLAD GARBAGE BAGS Strong Glad garbage bags Approx 24 36 LIMIT PKGS PER CUSTOMER mart Price Approx 24 24 16 times the value in every peck With extra Wide top band tor nosiip tit Beige Spice Fits 9H Price pkg of comm iiYLoii BIKINI BRIEFS Pretty little unders with double gusset covered elastic waist One size in mart Price ii Your Satistaction Guaranteed Or Money Cheertutty Retunded not lust aslogan BUTA WAY OF LIFE Baby soil pty bathroom tissue in White BABIES ONLY PLEASE 2PLY TISSUE Pink or Yellow pastels mart Price QLO 00 Armanlit Jami no untan untangle an LIMIT PKGS PER CUSTOMER Pick and save Made oi iigure hugging 65 Polyester35 Cotton that keeps its shape washing after washing In screen print embrotdered de5igns Green Gold Red or Brown Small Medium Large Reg List Price 555 mart Special SAVE $389 JR MISSES CORDUROY PANTS The inrtispensahtes ahsmhraril Toddler Pampers per pttg mm was pen cusrouee mart Price disposable SAVE $156 WHILE YOU TOP OFFYOUR WARDROBE IN STYLE Asmart casual pant thatll march you through Fail Winter in steppedup style 100 Cotton Corduroy with leather trim Camel Steel or Brown Sizes 2634 Rog List Price 1288 oooboo Idlerfind cnhantliu Policy iIl lur ingum In Ian at III uni the IlI mm paint In It um Iut bed on Hsu uunam pLu¢ in are mart Special newDI animaly lMphnbolhlw maqu mutan an unmit iii OOOOOOOOOfOO it MARI PLAZA 465 BAYFIELD 51 BARRIE OPENMON to FRI io AM to to PM SATURDAYS T0 t0 PM One at our most pow trait yarns gorgeous comm Oleiin Ceiaspun LIMIT BALLS PER CUSYOHER mart Price