l4The Market Place Wednesday August 1976 Campers rap hike in fee SllttHl ampers in nistil Park are continuing to eomplziin about this years tee increases The latest protest has been made by Shelly luma ol Rex lzile who attacks the out rageous prices in letter to Innisfil council The camping fee was in creased to $7 train 55 and the parking lee lnr ears to $5 from $2 iezilile lllllillltill has hit us all hill everyone likes to get their moneys worth Mrs Piimri wrote Before making 2i reply ln nislil eriiiiieil has instructed the township elerk ltieliziirl iroh to find out it the lee increases break the regulations of the federal Anti lnllzilinn Board Meeting date is changed more proof that Loblaws is dedicated to save your has reseliiiliileil the first family money During Au ust were celebrating the The meeting ill helil iil lt rm fabulous 1976 one by ering this family The regular meeting time emillielerl with the Toronto coir paSSpO ree Wit every worth of Miiiiiiipnliliex at Ontario llltll Some ttlllltll inenilwrs cash register tapes E880 calls Taspes may be dated from Aug 1976 to eptember 1976 for kennel tree admissions to the one grounds Monday to or child 12 years prOb or under and Frday only its senior citizen lover 233 othree 10 otl iyfgafzfflti EOUpons here how raster éto get your Each good for$100 otfthe price ofa pv paSSporL $300 book of 14 Conklin Family ride Save $50 CUpmse ffmggworth of cash Mond register tapes Hid wwitrom Loblaws 15 Zlggys and 5w Tamblyn Drug vhf Marts excluding pre scription purchases or any combination of these Once you have collected the 71311 tapes turn them in at the cour tesy c0unter at any Loblaws or Tamblyn store In exchange you will receive free LoblawsChe jtamily passport worth over $10 ti ll 50¢ oil the purchase of one Honeydew chicken dinner mu li xii fit My illl savmgs to you and your family and Honeydew Imam ml drink 1ll l1 hertrie ll Illtl7li Milit iH the purchase of sampler pack of Billy Bee honey otree eacasan air treshener with the purchase of Wood Special value pack in llltit iil he llllll lgt lliiili im pm ltree colour toll leaders portrait at Oro course 3Visit the memes ILoblawsPolaroid it tPhoto Fantasy 93 3°91 Located north of an llllllt in plum int he Hitiiiliilgtiitttiiiilliii llelenilini ilitiriitiiir llglllirlyllflnl Hum la Loblaws one mounted COOUF Olree Neilson otree famous otree Home Kill him Jlltlh mm was matchan numbeyed bdrm Nb MEATng ml are prm Director ileiiile in the one otree Donland Have your milkshake more food and drinks ii2iQifc11 pv Domallttagen We cream bar Shopsy hotdog Juice drink treasure hunt ecra se in mlnl llilutu ll nuns lree Mary Mlles free cake ee paCkage Buttnns available from our Cashzers wtmc sictear we rL aevn lt iariiipatirig Mililln mi limit lidtuï¬f in otree Won Win swrss milk otree Loblaws tecameras Lil egg lOll chocolate bar bag 0f lrUll Whom 25 attends hr lll iiiihiust three liniilllltSillttKt omit lltlllll the one family passports another reason why more than the price is right tiiit is ll Toronto tutu llltll illltgl ii iiieetiitg nt the prm iiieiiil lltlllhll nt health held in tllSiUgt iiil pllll tor me hi tliieiila li1lltlltliptngrnng liii =1thetimtthhenlthoi ti its ii zm iiee Lipli mile illi21i llilltllg eiiiiltliizt it ir ltlilllbl ll has stiiil there is little chance or an outbreak at St Louis En ceplmlit is iii this lltd