Religion not enough ircrusade preacher says I4II lllllli remote ï¬gure to them By IIARD DlNSIAN Examiner Staff Reporter Dont count on religion to save your soul evangelist Roy Davis told congregation of I50 Monday at tent crusade at liarries lli Way Pentecostal hurth Salvation lies otll in Jesus hrist he said and religion without hIIst Is like well without water know so man people who have relIqun but the are not saved he saIIl Jesus Is some there are some people who will slIIlI from some church pew Into hell because they have only had religion There Is an increasInIJ in Ierest III relIqun Iotla Mr llavIs said People are buying llihles who never lIouglII them before people are ltlllllllp Illll ches signing pledge cards and llIIVIlllJlllllltlllltlltllhttpllsttl There Is an awareness III lod today he said llul Is II enough to he religious ltt have an Iwareness ll some supreme IIInip that we oecasIoIIall pIII to liven acceptInI hrIstIan doctrines Is not enough he said As read my Bible am not Just encouraged to Illlltllttt lllt lIIIstIan rellmon he sold llIlIle talks alIoIIt lisIIpleslIIp The men who lollowed lesus didnt lust IIII religion The were IlttlltIlltIl IoJesustlIIIsI So It must lie tll us he saIIl going up our will to Ill ept lirIsIs IalIIIII IIp Illll cross and llllltlllL lIIII IIIII lives Inust lttIllllltll llc sIIIIl he IIItII told crusade IIIdIIIIeI lllill It their religion hadnt changed them then it was time that they changed their religion ABANDONED Blil IIII Many churches today preach only religion he said and many professing lIristIans have abandoned helicl III hrists Virgin IIIItlI and physical resureII Ion In many churches today they talk about anything else lIut Jesus he said llut the question III which IIIIIIIII III join Is sIIIIIIIlaI one he said and Pentecostal membership card Is not It ticket toheaven You may he llaptIst IIesIIterIan Itoman tholic toIIIIleI he said lint It youre sawIt oure my hrother He said IltttPllllfl tlIIIsI the only ltl IlllllIll IIIIl lttltIl the II that all who are sincere Ill IIIeII lllllllf can liesaved ltlllltl pagans llIl lIII llt conic IIrIstIJIIIs hart tllllllllttl to him that helore the II ccpted tIIIst although the weresincere the were lost Its tlllltl youre gtllllL to put your IIIIrdeII Ill sat on Jesus the sIII IIIarcr or youre gouty to carry yourown guilt lltlltl loIIIIIIu Mr IIs III the set III were llll pastor lIcI lta Human and his prI IlIIIssIII lIe llIIIIaIIl Ilttll now ol llranttord lastor ltIInn Inus assistant Iter lloward tlllllllt who led the sIIIizIIII pastor ourtneys wile tarol who provided vocal and piano music and IIIII Ill ltltIIl musicians planar piano organ electric Intar drums accordionandelectriclIass DIVINEHUNGER Mr laIs tn tlnlarIo native now livmu In llrItIslI IIlIIIIthII has divided Ins year career in the ministry IIeI ween pastor Int congreganon and hIlhlllIl asancrangelist For the past lIIIll years he has worked 15 the sole stall IlllLIlll tor the lentccostal AsseInlilIes III IIIIIaIlas Ia Iiada tor hIIsI ltlllllll ll IIII noon lllllIH and IIIIIIlIIIIIIIIJ about two dIIen IIIIsadI an nuall He Is paid stlaI In the IleIIIIIIIIIIaIIon and can conduct crusades tor tl1lltLlllIlllgt too smalltIIpalIIseprIises The thought behind the pro gram Is that the laI tt churches can help the snIallII Illlll Ihes hesatd alter IlIIsIIIee MI lll who has IIIIII tlllltllIll llll IIIIIIIII IIIJhI IIIIIls lll Illl hard on ll IIIIII lllt and IIIIIIIIII Ill llll per sonal contact he had with his IIIIIIJIIIIIIIIII when he was pastor IIIyer really pet to know the people and llltll IIIeds not In the no pasIoI does he sItItl lTIIItItIl he saId he lllII III hack to pastorate lni ltllllll II IeIIuIlIIIII IIIcausi IIel that this Is IlIII tloIl wants me lll do at this pII III ltltl tune lIesaiIl The IIIsuIle lltlll Ill cw lllIIlt than Ittlti lll 11tll IIt Its two opIIIIIII sessions SIIIIIIIII Hll IIIIIIIIIIII II pm Ill IIIIJIII this tl lllIlllIlllll Saturday IIIIIwIIIIIIIsIIIIIII It Ill and pIII llIt Sun Ill eIIII last about lII hours Constable unavailable XRowbotham back Sept 15 I5 lII HUI l3alninertatt Reporter Il lIIMl ttillltltlt was llll IIIIIIle Monday so ItIIIIIII HowIIIIIlIaIII lll lll IIIItII Sept lJ IoI IIIIIIIIIIIaIIoII III pIelIIIIIIIII ltIItlllll lllltl lllltt IlIIiuIIIIIIIzIsIII1IIIII lIIIII IIIistalIle llllttt tIlIIIII lIII IIIen IIIIIleI IltltllllllIIllltIll lI lawyer lotslIe litlltl IhII the lllllll ltlltlllllltll luli 1t lll did not appear ill IIIIIII Mop Ila Illltl litll MI IIIlit lIIIl IIIIII the IIlllll llllltll II IInaIIlIIIlI llI Illltl not so ll IIIIIIIII could not tlllit llltllt lloII lIII II hads Illl lIllI AIWPIHIHI IIIII lIIlIIlI Illtl ItllltllIIl IIIlItIII Ill ltll lllllltlltfltl llIllIIlllk agent He had llltlttlll lea llllttlltlllllllllll£lllfliilllllIIlll ltoulmthani lhe prosIIIIIIIIII lIIIl lIIll IIIIIIIIs IIlIlIII lIlI IIIIIstIoIIIIII lIIII lIcIIII IIllIl lltlll Illlttlttw Him Iltltll IlIIII ttlélttllsttl lIIlIII lIp IlIIIIl tIlt It would IIIIIm lllI IIIIIIIIIIIII IIl Illtl IlelIIIII ln Illlt II III ltilllll Klll lIIIuIIIIIIIaIII alIIIII lIIIl lHIll lltllllllmllltll II tenure mo sIIIIlIlI IIIIII lllIl IIIIII ltIIllIlIl IIIIIIIIlIIl ill lIt Itlllst Iitt IIIlIIIII IIlIIIIIIeIl III IIin IIII tape to make his min llIIlt Mllltl lllIllI lIIIII ltllll llltlllllllll IIIlIII lIIIIIaI lIl llIllxt Kllll Ill IlII lIIle Illlllll tII lllt JtdIIII lIIslIIIIf lIIIIII IIII II II IIIlIII itanwwpi IIIut III III ll IIII IIIII IIIIIIIII lll5 ttlitlt Klllt llllll IRIWIITHI=H IIHIIhIf In JlHl IdlIWI Illt iHllthI ht llllIllllIllt limit mm In IIIIIM Itlli in ii lllIliIll lIIIMIII InrnluiionIIIIIII jIIIs II IvtI III lll llllII IvIl III II Ititltml not ill PHILIPS QUALITY srrnsocgmlis Bible Criminal Code moststolen volumes lwo hooks which lIIIhIIl steal IIII are uniting the volumes most IIIIIII stolen from Harrie luhlII lll7lllt say Sara lttleyIlIIIl lIlIIarIan llIe hooks lhe llilIle and Ihe IIIIIIIIIIII oIlI Mrs Male says Itihles are IIIIIIIIIIIII targets of thieves III all lIIIIarIIs There are certain kinds ot hooks that people leel they have right to and Inawa the llihle isoneol IIIIIII shesays leIIpIe lIII take hooks llll IIIII tlltthlllfl them out and peo ple lltl check them out but dont lItIIII IIIIiII hack are pIIIIIIeIII lltlt but so tor the Illllitlltlll hasnt uolttn out Ill hand statistics on the prolIleIn are lIIIIl to come II Mrs Male says ltltIHIxt the library rarer takes IIIIIIIIII The last one tIIeII tour years age the IIIIIIIIIIsIIIIIIKIIearscaIlIer there wasnt ltlll sur prIsInII loss show II III the more recent lllltli Mrs Maleysays II one knows hon many llIHllI are stolen outright lIeI IIIse stolen hooks and hooks Iltttltlll lI IIlIIaI stall are listed sIlulle Ialtuol llllttllll closer check Is kept on meIIlIIe hooks and seIIIlIIu out llIIlllI on overdue Ina lll Ials nearly lull llllll IIIlI tIIIIIIIIIItIplIIIII lSll litlllllltltl cards are sent l1 Ill IIIeI liIIIIk Is Illtt Illltl IIIIII to days later At the one month liltll leItII Is sIIII re IIIIIsIIIu IIIIIIIIII tor the hook and Ill MI ol llus IJIIIIII sIIIlI IIltIrsart ttll IIIIIII lllllt quarters III the hooks lllltll lIJlIll the letter static IIII tlllH IIaIlI Mrs IIle saw either because the IIIIIIIIuII lII nuts Illtlll hack Ill lIIIIltlt IllllIIIIll else lInIls lllllllIllllllltl lIIlll tIIl that most III IIIIIII Illt IIIl looked lllllll peo ple Ilt IIIIIIIIIssIIl III IIltIIIt It lll IIIIIII IlIIgtIgt IIII the letter phone calls tlt illIl IIIIl It IIIIIIIl Ill Illllll Illltlll held III III IlII turn up llitl III IIIIIlI lllIllt lIIIIIhs Illli lllIlHi IIIIIIII IoI IIIIIIIIIIII lIoIIlIs IllI llllt Kllllll ILIous lAll1lllllgtlllll Ii Illiltll iIIIIlv lIuI IlIcIehas IIIII2 Ilrlt llll Ill IIIIIIIIaIIIII1 lth ln ylpIHIu thin llhltv lmos IIIIIIII IIIIIII lIIIIlI IlIt dun lllIllxl IIIIIIII on IIIII lzs ltit says lltt pond Ill lllI llll Io lllllt the Innk hnh iIIII iI IIIHI lllllIIl Iiiz III Wllltll litltlks IIIIIIlII iIIIIl IIltIIl1I lIItlll IIs lll December but Mrs Maley does not plan to announce the next one in advance ULLICITIUN AGENCY Another pOSSlhlllly is use of collection agency All large libraries use such system Mrs Maley says and so does the rillia library but she is concerned that taking such step would create the wrong at mosphere However she says It the pro lIlem gets had enough the step will he taken olleclion agen cies cost little and theyll get hack Inore hooks than we would In addition to the Hohle and the riminal Iode Mrs Maley says hooks with certain kinds of pictures are pIHIIIar with thieves hildrens ooks and lllllll hooks are rarely stolen she says The liIIIaI replaces about halt the hooks which disappear or are stolen Mrs Maley says Many ot the others are out of piIIu 61 attend reunion SIst one decendants of Joseph and Jane loss attended the ninth annual loss lleunion which was organued try Sandra loss tIoIlIItIon It was held III lrIIIIa Joseph and Jane loss came trom lIlnulanIl and settled III Medonte lownship in lIlllll lIeuIsIraIion was handled by IIIllII Moore West Hill lohn lVltIlltllll Staynet assisted with the sports events ltllll month old IanIt loss daughter III Peter and Karen loss lleelon won the prII tor the youngest hairy Harry loss IrIllIa was the oldest person at IlIeIIIIIIIIIn John and Pamela loss Mississauga married on Aug til l1l7II were the Inosl recently InaIrIeIl couple lIltIIId and Dorothy AMastltitlx Weston were married 38 years and ItItlHIl the prie as Stuart and ltItll llard Hrillia Illitlllltl t2 years lelt hctore IIIe husIness IIIeetIIIIl Allister and MarIon lclerroll travelled lltl miles troIIIIaprIIIIIIIaItInd Family llltllllltl attended tIom Heelon aprcoI luelph llaukestone Mltltll lIssIssauua rIllIa Ultl Station Scarlmrough Stayner loronIo West Ill and Weston The Market Plcice Wednesday Auggit l976ll EATONS Sflï¬lfiltffljv covers lot of ground It lAVl Nl ll Jltfsl MEAFORD imam llAl II Ill lll Vl lIlth refrigerators washers dryers treeers ranges aireonditioners humidifiers dehumidiï¬ers Barrie Urillia Newmarket Bradford Keswick Alliston Midland Bracebridge Gravenhnrst Beeverton Collingwood Meelord and all points in between 728781 in Barrie Area residents call Zenith lhlltlt toll tree the At Your Service people 35 GEAR DRIVE 20 SUPER CLIPPER TIllERS ROTARY UWNMOWER 545 353 545299 035 tour cycle Briggs and Snanon engine Otully battled front and rear prevent cloggInq mm 0a pII 1W Iowan IIi 33 AlIII1III twpIII Futt 70 cut IIdihlrvl III In Ultra IIIt Blade tor Greater vacuum and more etfrcren discharge Iwe oosnion adiostable wheels IV In 35 Gas gauge Reg l3395 gs SALE Ii cuaiu llllllllIuv It IIIWuvcvaI IT RCA Refrigerator KXEIl4 $39995 $40995 If IVOOIVC Inf gtIpDCalno Lawn Furniture Chairs Umbrellas Cushions l4 Cubic Foot Gold Ammi rat we ORIGINAL llST s569 SALE $479 Mens Boys RUNNING SHOES all or the rim um jl II Isszwwww hI HI on Life Jackets Clearing All Present Stock an PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 259 lnnisfil Street 7266531 MAIN