PROPERTY WANTED ACCOMMODATIONS To CAMPING EQUIPMENT POULTRY AND CHICKS 4The MarketPluce Wednesday August it 1976 My TO SOarre parcel Oro township par SHAREV 1973 TRAVELMATE hardtop idlDtl READY to lay pullets Also larm fresh rially trood Cash buyer Call Rick MC for sale omplptely nqurppvrl In oan Cm Hunter pounr Fa Clorklin 7371000 bedroom homo in STigiï¬gthSnio share hlouso and mspon cellenlcondition Telephoniinï¬ was strainine IRii rm around swimming poni Allandalo Your WV Yon TE NT TRAlLER lor siii awniwmri FULLEVS ml OR SALE Rhode Heights area Jim MLCIOSkry 737 loooor Eggggagaï¬rnTZWrggnm gt613JOE°I solt top In beautIlul rendition ymrs rid whim mk and pwmouh 8132 776 7300 anytime Hamilton Real Estar 30pm tr old on $375 or qwck happim rm pullms also whim ruck cockerels Lid 726 6794 Telephone 435 7530 LOTS FOR SALE BUILDING LOT lnnislil Township Askino $7000 Make an otter Viau VliIU Real Estate 776 l77l nr 776 T603 WF LL iinwl lots 90 by 700 at Liillt Litki Ask inri $19900 With low down pnv moot viii ern Garrirk Ltd at 776 1877 mrmllpmmumrs Sardinia Tangier Naples Palermo Iracle With low prices every day on items at Hiriti Falls nrnr Bracebridqr l0l ill 0n rivvi My 775 lrm loop Askinri $10000 Trliplmnr 487 5418 $77900 ON Lake SImCOI hour lrtl lot 50 7H IUTTSCi srriv oi ltrlltiiiil Vii lm in 233°irrimMi Rome Cannes Majorca Malaga 1181850 iiiionr ll ill iiiill in Tiirrri Iiinnriwl HOUSES WANTED Just imagine two weeks aboard the TO RENT mi magnificent DELPHI comfortable THRFE BEDROOM liOusr waniiii in WES cabin iUIIy air Conditioned Wiih private rent In Barrio tistrirt RMth toupli With lirlllivn RPIPYHIICIS available Tlllpiltllll Mr Wornttrlri 776 8771 businm HOUF FARM HOUSF wanlerl in rent it lwrtroommi and use at harn Barrii Bordon llfri TPIIDNODO 728 MW islands l5 days Depart Wor doir to Hawaii Feb ll per sonally escorted Give us call for brochure or free presen tation in your home HAYS TRAVEL 7284700 facilities Super food choice of menus with breakfast lunch and dinner all included During the day sun soak by wks From TOFORiO the pool or join in the deck games Airfare Included Going ashore Strand provides optional excursions to help make the most of your time ii rm it GRADE EGGS DOZEN Partly Skimmed FRESH MILK OT BAG OR JUG Plus deposit uIi tiql 119 Hnmogoni red Pasteunzrl HOMO MILK qt hat or lug Plus deposit on iuql II Wuelwcerld 773ltNI Maple Ave Barrie For Reservations Call 7263971 MEDIUM Au7 Granulated WHITE SUGAR kg BAG Insulate NOW Cooler Summers Er Warmer Winters =1 From Sealtest Vanilla Neapolitan seesaw SLlCED BREAD 24 OZ LOAF VERMICULITE RIGID FOAM FIBRE GLAssRAITs Attic insulation pours Insulation tor walls Easy to handle trorna3cu Ft bag 005 Various mick Battsper sq ft Per hag nesses R7 H10 Sheet Mira Mart Hot Dog or Hamburger Rolls PKG 0F PKG 0i il I9C Picnic Concentrated Pink or Clear Frozen Lemonade 12 FL OZ TIN WEATHER STRIPPING CAULKING COMPOUND ALUMINUM DOORS Set White Gre From 5319 $5 95 Economy Cartridge 59c SHINGLES ROLL ROOFING ROOF COATING Crystal Per Roll From Black 595 10° 52 Gal only Sq Ft Carlton Club Asst Flavours Soft Drinks 24x10 FL OZ TIN Mira Mart Tomato Regular or Diet Faygo 30 Detergent Drinks 5L880X 33 Fl OZ BTL hrislies Egggy Layer Cake 13 or pkg Powdered Fab 20 FL OZ BTL MIRACLE leads the waywith Smith Tomato Paste 512 FL OZ TIN Nina Mart Frozen Mrs Smithsm Raisin Boston Tea Biscuits Cream Pie pkg 0t 20 oz pkg EAVESTROUGH Gdlvdliltt ready for Illhidlldiltlll for that ptlitIltllidl look End raps downspouts tt alsoavailable Per Ft Onion Raspberry Swiss Rolls 59 Chlp BID ll 01 Cup fancies Sott Egg Noodles Margarine i2 01 pkg lb sleeve pk Swrng Orange ct Lemonade Flavoured Crystals® 22 02 TIN rag Edygér Mira Mart Light Bulbs 335 60W ioow vpkg at is 750 Santeria Detergent i5um aism Smiliieet Mix Bread PiCkIes 1602 LOAF ll 01 int Asst Styles Prime Pasta LB am All Your Roofing Needs We carry complete line 0t rooting needs Plastic Cement Root Coating Shzrrgles and Roll Rooting Whether you want to liSdIi complete new root or repair broken iIt us toia shingles Iid sttt 9dk Thededlmndomszam Illitl$ WINS Per Gal we II be happy to diStUbS your rtqurrenwnts Your best friend in town HES lMiracles Policy Overall everyday prices NW t1 Liit mun Mm 8m Our