Ibettorketfloce Wednesday August I976 Ice milk the product $1 STAMPING OUT CRIME man cop Natalie Me Queen stamps out crime in the form of desperado tllol ly Bowers while the dos perados lover iMonique Dupuisi ties heartbroken nearby The youngsters all age to were part of skit at the Barrie Day amp at the Gables Wednesday even iiig It was towboys and In dians night and cam IS entertained group of out 250 parents Examiner lhor to Sign warns swimmers about dock swimming They told you once and told you again dont swim at Government Dock lIiiviionment anada offi cials recently posted multi paimelled sign at Barries Government Dock warning users not to swim park dump reliise block the wharf or drive more than I0 miles per hour The sign reinforces no swimming sign which has been on light standard on the dock tor about twoycars Purpose of the new sign says Snead of Environment aiiadas small crafts harbors branch of fisheries and marine services is properly to identify the dock as subject to federal Vi liart regulat ions These regulations swimming Mr Snead forbid says ï¬nuw mu s100 OFF 50 LB BAG DOLLAR DAYS PRICE $850 50 OFF 25 L8 BAG DtiLAR LAiS PRICE $455 PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 259 Innisfil Street no cum ms because the dock is designed for boats and boats endanger swimmers All it would take is one acci dent and newspaper scream ing like hell it the government didnt post signs warning away swimmers he said He said the cleanup of the bay bottom performed at the dock each spring largely to make the water safer for swimmers is contrary to regulations liNTlltlIlX FICDIIRAI The dock is entirely federal resimnsibility but Mr Snead says he does not know how it tawa came to budd wharf on Kempenfelt Bay in the first place He speculates that the decision may go back many decades to the days of Lake Simcoe steamers and commer cial fishing Ausnm TO AUG 21 3100 OFF PER CASE OF 48 CANS DOLLAR DANS PRICE $935 726653l How long ago was that dont think Im old enough Mr Snead in his 40s says liitil year ago Ottawa paid wharfinger or dock ade ministrator to enforce wharf regulations collect docking tees and perform related tasks NASHVILLE OCT days nights Only $I2O twin Great holiday Grand Ole Oprey and Oprylond We iust gotbockCollus 728 4700 HAYSTRAVEL Au7 s100 OFF 50 LB BAG DOLLAR DAYS PRICE $925 50c OFF 25 LB BAG CLAR JAWS PRigg $490 use UNITED cooeenmves OF ONTARIO Return to Churchill after visiting Gaspe By MRS ll SALNTER CHURCHILL Mr and Mrs Gordon McQuarrie Florence and Anson and Mrs Anson Mc Iluskie have returned from 33day trip to the eastern pro vmees They enjoyed Gaspe and other tourist attractions and talking to the farmers and fishermen At Hopewell Rock they were surprised to meet Ross Ilut Chinson weltknown Barrie man The trip included weeks tourof Newfoundland Amazing as it may seem to us the vacationers encountered rain only once on their return trip in New Brunswick Chapman 90 of Carry ing Place llay of Quinte made surprise visit last week to Mr and Mrs Boniiey Travelling by bus he had at tended the Langman reunion in Elmvalc and stopped off for the day with the Bonneys Mrs hapman was former baker in Elmvale and an oldtime friend of Mrs Bonney Mr and Mrs Edgar Sturgeon were at Mount Albert on Sun day guests of Mr and Mrs arnian Rolling the former Reta lcmeiit itlthiltHillIlilll hurcliill community salutes Ian tampbell an ntario Scholar at Bradford High School Ian has enrolled at the University of Iuelph of the fall semester Mr and Mrs Robert Shapton announce the birth Iiin of son Shawn Bradley play mate for brothers lreg and Jeff gilt Congratulations to Susan Butler former resident of Churchill who recently graduated from the sler School of Nursing Susan has accepted position in New Orleans USA Mr and Mrs Bonney at tended the 26th reunion ot the Bell family at Maple Park Wasaga Beach The park was formerly the Bell Homestead where Mrs Bouncy grew up tip of the hat to ookstown Womens Institute Celebrating its 75th birthday It was organized only four years after the first was formed at Stoney reek Attending the an niversary party from tliurcliill were Mrs Keith Sinclair Mrs Iack Constable Mary and Lillian Sloan Mrs hnlnipi Pratt and Mrs Alick Saunter Mrs Mina Kelly entertained recently at gathering for family and friends in honor ol Mr and Mrs Stanley Milne and sons Alastair and James of Edinburgh Scotland VISITS PARKVIEW On Sunday your correspon dent and her husband were guests of Joel and Lola lrosser of Barrie of Barrie We had conducted tour of Iarkiiew Centre droprin spot tor those who have reached that magic age of so that dubs them Senior itizeiis iir hosts said many from lnnisfil township and other areas from around llairie enjoy the centres facilities lula was pleased to be co ordinator at the centre fora few weeks during lapse in person nel She told its membership is now creeping up to the ttoo TH mark One wonders what would happen if they all lroppedriif at once because the old Blake Street school although spacious is not that large Lula explained some join only to play cards others enjoy the bus trips sliuflleboard pot luck luncheons arts and crafts fishing or the stamp club Some members join to re ceive the newsletter issued monthly to know what is going on for Senior itizens We had game of shuf fleboard our first attempt with ego deflating scores Robert Sinclair happened by on his daily mile walk and added his prowess gained in Florida to the sluiftleboard court IVNISFIIJIIDIUS Have you visited the lnnisfil Document tentrc did on July 24 was amazed and pleased at the dozens of township lIlSr toiical pictures that have been copied and were on display lost count after 13031 But where are the old picr titres of limbys oriiers and tliurchill This centre is an acr commodatingfacility Yoytake in your old photo and moments later the original is returned to you after copying Another amazing thing is the copies are sharp and clear While do not recall seeing picture from hurcliill did see hcrry treek school pictures taken years ago that in cluded liurchill residents of today also saw large photo of John Main son ol William Main early storekeepcr and postmaster at therry rcek FR DQ eurlicue cones and Dennis the Menace have become trademarks of one product Dairy Queen Technically Dairy Queen is not involved in the ice cream business The franchise stores sell ice milk similar product but with lower butter fat con tent Irene and Wray Itevellc operate the Barrie Dairy Qucen 10 months of the year closing in the middle of December and opening in February Mr Rcvelle said according to figures released by Dairy Queen head office ice milk has about six per cent butterfat compared to at least to per cent in ice cream This means icc milk has fewer calories about 180 per serving compared to 2m in ice cream Inte person is Dairy Queen customer he is always Dairy Queen customer Mr ltevelle said The soft ice cream business at one time Dairy Queens did scll ice cream stared III 191m lIy Illitti Dairy Qiiecn lran cliises were opening with I7 stores in United States Now there are thousands of stores operating world wide Mr lievelle said llllllll Illl llic Dairy Queen IIIIVlIIIi which looks like thick milk Is put into the dispensing machines which have revolvmg blades inside cooled drum The mixture freezes to the sides of the drum and the blades scrape it off The temperature is about It to Fahrenheit Aiiy colder Mr ltevclle said and the mixture would freeze to hard ice milk If it is warm the ice milk is at Dairy Queen stores too soft and does not hold its shape Last week the store sold about 3000 ice cream cones little lower than usual The busiest time is April to June with the summer months llStltll ly steady Mr Revelle said the major difference between Dairy Queen cones and ice crearii cones is the size Ice cream cones he said have the ice cream just on top while Dairy Queen starts the ice milk inside the cone and finishes above the cone It takes about three months of training person before you get back your money for the ef forts he said We do use guidelines for weights and have scales on the machines He said quantity quality service and cleanliness com bined keep the customer satisfied at Dairy Queen Vanilla is the oiin flavor available at Dairy Queen fran chises but two toppings hot fudge and hot butterscotch are sold for the cones Mr ltevelle said chocolate is the most popular flavor sold at the franchise It is used on cones sundaes and in milk shakes ROOT BEAR to 347 Boyfield SI EUSHHWH conuecnom YOUR DOLLAR GOES FURTHER ON EW CARS BIG AND SMALL WHY LEASE WHEN YOU CAN OWN YOUR OWN CAR with no down payments 976 Pontiac Astre FROM $1 00 mic Pontiac Luurentiun PROM $130 We Also Have AVAILABLE AT SIMILAR SAVINGS AErW 728O94l it 976 Pontiac Grand Prix FROM FIREBIRDS LEMANS ELECTRAS TRUCKS BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE TO Qualiï¬ed Purchasers THE OSHRWH CONNECTION PONTIAC BUICK GMC LTD I45 BRADFORD ST BARRIE ONT 7261885 who you knou that counts GEORGIAN