itsiit whim IIILP WANTED IIILP WANTED BOYS and GIRLS Earn Extra Money and Win Prizes THE BARRIE EXAMINER NOW HAS ROUTE OPENINGS IN BARRIE AND ALL COTTAGE AREAS IN THE LAKE SIMCOE AREA Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayï¬eld St Barrie Name Address Telephone sir mm or Phone 7266539 ttnrtllstmti Excellent Career Opportunities for Pharmacists with Zellers Drug Stores Ltd in OriIlia Ont This is permanent career with an expanding retail organisation No personal investment is required Full range at personnel benefits including group life health and disability insurance penr sion plan liberal vacation discount on merchandise purchased etc Salary will be competitive and according to experience Write in conlidence gitmg details of previous experience education and other related data to ZELLERS LIMITED PO Box 850 Orillta Ont Aulb Canada Trust Dunlop at Memorial Sq TELLER WANTED You can be sure your experience as TELLER will be wellregarded here at Canada Trust We have position available at our Home Branch This position reauues minimum of one years ex perience experience we will talk about and recognise when discussing yout salary wtth you Ifyou wish on appomtment please call 726 1848 AuII KOLMAR OF CANADA LTD requues PRODUCTION SECRETARY The successful applicant should have excellent secretarial skills along with several years of manufacturing production experience Reguiar contacts with production personnel and customers MOHIOI commnments and deadlines °Organixe and tile production datuments Type inter office and customer correspondence ShOuld also have cheerful outgoing disposition with high degree of concern for detail and follow up Interested person should contact PAUL GILL 7205917betweertea 430p to arrange for an IRTQNtOW PENETANG MIDLAND COACH LINES requires parttime DRIVERS far weekends Saturdays and Sundays employment For further information contact BRIAN DUBEAU BARRIE 83530I Aul3 WAITRESS WAITERS wanted full nine niqnts apply at The New Penny Restaurant Kna St North Cookstown WANYED EXPERIENCED counter sales person by tech automotive parts and equipment ioober Orttv tully aiialiiica applicants will be considered Please reply in your own handwriting to Box R100 Barrie Examiner Salary rte portable plus liberal trinae beneï¬ts Alt applications will be treated in strict cantiaence aAavsnren to monthEta pretensva my home Ductiwortn Grove aree CMI alter pm 7265996 eAevsirrEï¬ ton coiréï¬iirlfiitFn home trUn 33 ptm to 12Nem Ster ling August 17 Telephone msm Aull EXPERIENCED PtPELAYERS GRADE PERSONS OPIPELAYERS HELPER required tor sewer crew Telephone BOBGARNER CONSTRUCTION 7284832 22 aAavsirrER REQUIRED tor children in my home pm riii mic night days week Shanty Bay area For more intormation call no 40 MOTHER ON to It snitt needs babysit ter tor two year old son in my home Dunlap and Anne sr area Needed by Auaust 17th 137 2549 ï¬ETzsou WANTED to Ieeern aplicai veeaeew in WW1 Mirror TELEPHONE SOLICITOR Partitime trom your home periencea Hourly rate plus bonus commission Writeto PO Box 960 Be rie0nterio El tint wstlm EXCLUSIVE REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY BARRIE DISTRICT Exclusive listings and clients supplied Can you put them together for top commissions Example Detached bodroom bungalow air conditioned landscaped all services and paved roads lull price $18600 down payment $4600 first mortgage at Your commission $1116 Our staff are selling up to numer0us units per man th in addition to serviced lots from $4195 and con dominiums Full training course with all expenses paid in Toronto for licen sed and graduate real estate people To arrange confidential meeting call Mrs Wright collect 416 4940050 Ontarios Retirement Resort Specialists Rolls Real Estate Ltd Broker Aul MATURE PF RSON In TII tor LTTIIUI on and do llaltt ttnusiwnrk tttriiuali thi nialil RRAI WANTED HJtVlTITrlf nmmunrty based tliatnioltl tlTTTRTlVllnl1llTllllrSTTT and traintr posflions availahlu in Bar Haliburton Huntsvillti Midland Newmarktt North Bay ptlttDOTOUQll aim Yttunaor Bey Wt nilvi llLlTIfQ up put tunilios to war and to lrarn as part at team of protossional and non professional persons tn positions on tail the functional parenting at proplititi ttilmtli tram pri Sihool tlirmiutt adultfitinci in small family units in tht ontntunity RoQun irtwnts lTN lLtdI 000 sense of humor and an ability to 11 valve and share with hlldfltt anti tamiliis Reply in writina With LSUYTI to Marsha Hardy in are at Britwndalr 80x19 Postal Station Toronto HAIR STVLlST to take over lltnllf Tap salary laid to qualified anrsan Ttlltnhoni House at 8lltnl Eavtliilct Mall 726 4621 EARN EXTRA MONEY Show UUV cl itth lini at Christmas ards and aitts to trionas twiahbors volatiyhs its tGSV protitaolt and no experience TttlelT Our boaiitittilly illustrated 108 pam ataloqut helps you to act plenty at litmus Start now Wrtv today tut fttA Christmas LGTGIOQllt avid Nttormatiml Mnlanh Grottino ants Dept 217 Cannon Hamilton ELECTROLUX Sunncnly you re tarnino many and emptying every moment it For the past 50 years Eltctrolux DVOGULS new been sold exclusively by men but because at expansion and mo tantaslic success aitnmolishtd by many lacvs hired recently we are otterno tull or part time tree dealership to both lades and men Car TPQUIIIO For phrsanai fPillW tsk tor Mi Grew ZIT 3391 HAiRDRESSING instmtnr needed years hairdressina 210 TfQUrtd tviior pa hmimvtpiwmpnt telephone 396101 728 eolStytniius OAKLEY PARK School Bfla BRDVSINQ required year mo ch in tCitadel am you name tor lunttts 30 nt and 300 to Is telephone Jo 109 atterop Tttttdtltittttttil° RELIABLE DAV CARE available Con stunt supervisim other children to plot with Must be ever one year old Allan ante area near ta0 es Phone 70s WILL EABVSIT preschoolers in My home Monday to Friar Ottaway and St Vincent area Constant supervislon Tetephone 26 4271 STUDENTS AVAILABLE to do all tunes of tabs tor an hour is on wees Call Student Manpower 26 424 to or range tor the help you need BABYSITTING 0r nouseheep no post lionwanteo telephone 9536 NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 ItllP estrus imr trsttrso SALES REPRESENTATIVE Well established New Used Car Dealership requires an aggressive SelfStarter To Start Immediately Good Working Conditions Company Car No experience needed Send Resume or Call Orval Jackson Jackson Sales Leasing Aul EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK Required III work 111 night crow ilir days lIII liuurs pill week For IUIWBIIHIOIWIIIOII call 4879311 It apply III person to FUDAS FOOD HIGHWAY 11 NORTH Aul PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Required for large manufacturer of decorative metal trim for the appliance and automotive industry to years supervision in metal processing and finishing preferred Excellent fringe benefit package Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience Apply iii conlidence to LEONARD TODD DECOR METAL PRODUCTS 140 Bay St Midland Out 705 56 545I Auld istlbsils TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Sealed tenders clearly marked as such will be received by the un dersignad until 12 00 noon on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER Ist 1976 for the supply and placing of sad in Gollhaven Estates Forms may be obtained from the Public Works Office 8th Line Stroud Ontario Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Dempslei Grohl Supt OI Roads ClerkAdministrator Public Witth Township of lnnislil Township ol Innislil Stroud Stroud Aulll8 AUCTION ssics iliction slits HER COL WILL AUCTIONEER APPRAISER BARRIE ONTARIO 7268904 Selling Successful Soles Since 1957 For SMITH STUDIO BARRIE WEDNESDAY EVENING AUGUST II at 630 pm at Embassy Hall 386 Blake Street Barrie printing machines Velox rapid printer hand printer Clark pump paper cut ter table table model drawer counter cabinet tables level shell projector stand small knee high table wooden tripods swivel chair wicker chairs battery testers movie splicers slide viewers assorted photographic batteries and bulbs assorted camera cases assorted photo floodlights movie screens proiecr tor table mowe protector assorted slide trays assorted photo flash lamps French dryer assorted cameras exeriser GE floor polisher CARPENTER TOOLS Automobile and Household Furnishings SATURDAY AUGUST 14 at 12 30 for MERVYN HOUDEN at Lot 10 Concession Flos Township miles west of Highway 27 All an tique and modern household furnishings appliances bedding and dishes complete line of carpenter tools electric drills large blacksmiths anvil 1967 Ford sedan Ferguson tractor etc FOR ESTATE OF THE LATE ALEX SIM WEDNESDAY EVENING AUGUST 11 at 630 pm at Embassy Hall 386 Blake Street Barrie All household furnishings appliances dishes bedding 1963 Dodge sedan etc Aull AUCITIONEERS JOBBERS Estate Household and farm Dispersal sales of all types Large or small consignments Auction centre sales by appointment Bryan Pacello Auctioneer 8i Appraiser 72663l 7378879 FTF SATURDAY AUGUST 14th AT 12 NOON AT 49 MORROW RD Antique bottles tins sealers books showcase china cabinet brass lamp Over 150 bundles of new clothing men women and babies Balance of variety store stock Tools and household luri niture Many more articles too numerous to mention 0R0 DISTRICT LIONS CLUB SUNDAY SEPTEMBER ORO FAIR GROUNDS AT 11 AM Aull l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE AUGUST 12 PM at Hawkestone Community Hall COOKSTOWN between Barrie and Orillia off SALES BARN Highway 11 on Simcoe Rd 20 mile east of Cookstawn sgdgboord table color and HWY 39 hand painted glass old mirror YOU anlNG brass candle holders old WE 55 lTl sealers wicker love seat dressers 1975 Honda 125 cc 16 ft canoe including paddles and TUESDAYS7 PM Livestock and Produce li hp motor Starcraft aluminum boat hp Household goods or what have Evinrude motor and trailer can you be used for boat or snow COMPLETE FARM AND machine table saw and many HOUSEHOLD DISPERSALS other items too numerous to For further details contact mention FRANK WEBB Coakstown RAYMOND DUBEAU 1705 4589I72 4589734 WTF Auctioneer 4870404 Au12 without portfolio 1967 llï¬ll THE BANKRUPTCY ACT In the matter of the bankruptcy of Leonard Gerald Kllbrlde of the City of Toronto In the Province of Ontario unem played and James Everett Kllbrlde of the City of Toronto In the Province of Ontario Security Guard carrying on business as Al AUTO BODY KILBRIDE ESTATES AI FOUN DATION CONTRACTORS In the City of Barrie In the Province of Ontario Notice is hereby given that Leonard Gerald Kllbrlde and James Everett Kllbride carrying art business as AI Auto Body Kllbride Estates AI Foundation Contractors filed an assign ment art the 29th day of July I976 that the FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS will he held on Friday the 13th day of August 1976 at the hour of 200 In the afternoon at the Brookdale Inn at 180 Dunlap Street In the City at Battle Province of Ontario Dated at the City of Toronto the 29th day of July 1976 David Title CA Trustee 485 Lawrence Avenue West Toronto Ontario MSM 1C6 Toronto Ontario MSM Aul NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET HOOK All persons having claims against the ESTATE 01 MARGARET HOOK late of the City of Barrie In the County of Sintcae Widow who died on or about March 111 1976 are required to file proof of same with the undersigned OH before August 25 1976 after which date the Estate will be distributor with regard only to the claims of which the Ad ministratrix shall then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 30th day of July I976 LILLIAN BEATTY Administratrix Smith McLean 20 Owen Street Barrie Ontario AU4II875 liglilwniplil illltI lovrliy ltlt Ilinrzlinlins tr latetiny wcnr AIIIVI lllllgilnlly at pililirU in fllzlllllltlllli capl shawl illiiltlillt illlltl yrikrl Illtltl lacy illlipn iii IJIIIlIiIINI ilillltllli Illit Wlltiltftl lrtllffttl 45 why Ir Iiillliw tIItttIItltli $100 It hitch tliIIItlttI tlllllllll III iIItttltY tlttIft Add fIII1 lillltiltl liil Iltl tlilt illili rinrl Ililnlliny Send to Alice Brooks Needlecraft cash Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scarborough Ontario MIP4P7 Ont residents mill sales Iaiil Print plain 1y Pattern Number Your Name Address The Barrie Examiner WednesdayuAugust II 727 SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births $500 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Coming Events IIRTIIS Mondays liltit is Ian at lnrr tucsrtnys tiilit islullrit girlie Wednesdays Child is tiiII lit woo ttiursrteys tiilrt hastnr tiiuri rt irlrtys Child is Irivino fllllt uiviiiu Saturdays Ctttlrt wtirks Iianl for its living Amt tilltt that is burn on the Sabbath Day Is tint and WIM and 9004 amt any hlftltltlltfltltlu 1H velar liy titiiitm tullen always want In kiittw wtiii ti tiny the week was 191 In late FIIII this and Tlltl important infririiinliliii tiir your littlds tulier Ilttil raliillirl flirtti Alitiliurti elriutil Will tttt Iltll ttw tinirit IT your limit In tlny tit Ilts WinIt trtlillttl anti year of birth in wmlitit drill titticr vllrtl llitrirtliittitili Itiltlll rtmssnur ten become pltlllntlttll reliirrl in Ilnltys Illicit In family Albums Tllt with fur rt llnrlii IIHIIIIHI Iliitt Nutii is only It hit timxiliiiilii 40 wririls Altliltliilial wririlstl Pttls pm Wltll flflth III DEATHS IIRUTUN PATRI illtIIItnly lili August 19M Iattiik llTlttl belowrt husband at limit lllltt tatlmi iil Barbara Mrs John hilltrsl fittiiiiriil Paul isan IlltltI tuttiml soi vii iii tnroritii August ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYHHDSI 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service HMNAHIIIIIuh QIIIIIIIZI tili III yIui iild gyilitiitsl Illtl Miiiiility iii III IIIIItH stilitrirl wlilll iliiiiip it lliulllit lXlrcisl lithl Wttk Iriiii Marlins Wlll thll illytl IllttIiIl ill Ilil IllTi Qiiilwi innits Iiliikl lIIH Ilttlt Wllllt doing it lttlWillIl ttllltlsitllll till it springlmitiil $3 per column iiirh masochism HUIKiF RS ItltthNl Mt siill Mr Ross IIultz iit hltntlly Itty nit hitmiy to ntlflttllfltt ll IlllldetTlfIlI ltT Itll IAIIKJTIIIT Ill III In zliiiii Tllllttllly Stilt til Ml dllll Mrs ItilirllIty lit FISIIIITU Iiiriita lltlllilt if ldttltl llt wrrlttiiiu Iri taro liliti 1T il Itltillms Artillit all tiiili Ii Ml 1liii In AlliJlIit Mlli IHA at lti MAW It Ilti Mrs frtiiliiiib NTle lit MilliSilly IHIIIIIIHII us It tiiltlii iiiiiiirl trinirinrlvtif litt tiniiutilvt Ittlt fltll ti tintiii tittiis siiii rit Mi mill Ml lll Ti1llt units of flirlpsliiii Ilin Wllltltln Will IisIt Ilntt iiiuitts ilili llltll it at All III at tutti ii ii IIUII ti lliiiii iiii Wll Ill IIM Hit IfANlti Mt tlfll Mi Wit IIIIItt happy til flllttlltlt lti Iflllnllilllltll tit Ititiii tli1lltlllllt Iltil vii tin1 Ailm In nwrrii IIIittil aiiit Mix Mlll Tlllzll mm Mi ILIJ II tillflfll it ntttr Itii Illislllntl Ill Tnlt litm n1 Ir iliily lliiiJlii an Itllll ii viii i1IiltiI1 AiillilJ Ill NH RI VI WIl Mi 1IIII Ni ii NIPIT iii fltll i1llllltlllll Iltl lIIlnIlt Iltltll lit Illlll IImtllliTll wiiiii Mi itinil Watti iltTl tit Mi itlill MI Walla it t1iriii Tlll iii1rriiii Iii lnlti lilari IiiiIiiittyliiiiliil171i IHI III II s1 flapllï¬l run ii It lliltlI Illilrllttl Ni mullrs tall Willtilttilill iit NH 1m iiliiii ii Iltlllltlt II lflli1llllil it iil lit tTfllIlllltt PiIll liaisii ii liitii l1vtattrlrr Ildtliiii null lil Ni lliiIi Itiitliii i1fltl tlii it li iiiii tannin til ITtlllilll TIlttiiltl iii Itililll limit it blill lllllTlI ituiivli Ilillty ii Iriliir li HiIi iiiirlil IIIllli iwi iriiliiit $1 mil 41 iaw ism 11th tll iii liiiiiriiinliiii iii limitlid it IT 11 it iliiiiill 1i Ni livlr lliii Iii IiilItiiik IAslIiti itiiIii iii ill Ni mill Nlr liilli Illini ii 4if Il ltili II Vfllllllll will tuti rilii it itviiiiiiy iilil ll In liiilllivm TilII ti ltll1lllrtll ill HIZIHIIIltttllII tllIIINIIIil iAIi lvll lilllixltlil1lltil HIIII IIlI IMIINIIIIII Stilliirl lttlVlttIl ltl IIIiITk illltI Hwttllll III lttltltl IIIIIf Miiiirluy iiiillil swimnier iii llii llllll iwiiii liiiilll litiliili iilIl Iillllii lliiIl hill lltllt iii IIVI hiiiii liiiii IIIIIlIIltH Iii ltiiiiliil Irii lllt ltlil iiiitlm wax llii 1m It tltl group if riders from the llilrlllltltls ll£l botn VISIIITIL Iliwys Ililll Stables III rll lriwnship zis piirl of minor Illllltul tXcltltngi Last month 31 group of lowys llilll IltItrS wont to the Bilt 0N EXCHANGE VISIT HERE twins to TOTTTTXII in curios Lrlilll VOIIIS Illtrt Front Itll arr thris Krril lii Illirrlt MinnMario llilsfstl Ilzir budtis DIItrit IIUHIITS Ilzir budiis Jitllt Allovncu Barr trades Sammy thzinrllIr ltil Barbados inalrurliir Iinl bara Lloyd lriwys Hall in strucliir and Bob Wtttllll Barbados sturlrlil studying in the University Of Wrslrrii Frisbeethawing hilltime vacation for Toronto men WINNIIIZG lIi Throwing Irisbeo around in hot summer day at the hearh is pleasant pastime Iiir thousanr ds of people But for Jim Ktn her and Ken Wllsltrtielrl of Toronto frisheethriiwing IS fulllime vocation We earn livmg at it says the 28yearold Kenner Wovx pool to make about $10le apiece this year Kcrlner and lostertwld por liirm at exhibitions sports events alanillS and ILVISIOTI programs The frisbeo has also Hunt the ir into promotional work for biewcries and Irisboe com panics Kenner and Vtesterfield star ted throwing frlsbees around 10 years ago but it wasnt until six years later that they discovered they had developed marketable skill Now they spend at least two hours da perfecting arlnus throws and catches including serious indoor training program during lhv winter Exminister dies at 85 TORONTO ICPI Charles lTod Daley former provinCial labor minister and five times mayor of St Catharines Ont died Tuesday in hospital He was 85 Born in St Catharines Ir Daley was elected an alderman in that city in 1935 and became mayor four years later He served his terms as mayor before being elected as Pro gressive Conservative member to the Ontario legislature in 1943 He was named labor minister in Premier George Drews government and was reelected to the legislature five times He served as labor minister until 1961 then as minister he retired in Th0 hobby of Iristxeflinging has developed Windfall of spe Cialized names for the tricks practitionch employ Included in the repertoire nl Konnor and Westcriiold are the crossbody throw the corkscrew Sidearm twist air brushing and the nail delay method where the TIISIXt is kept spinning on fin ger after it is caught Westerliold 29 has dewIride particular spccmlty called the Canadian Mind Blower The trick in I€S spinning the USMC from the tip of one hand across the chest and to the tip of the other hand He says no one else in the world has managed to perform the trick Both men are com inced Irisbeos are the sport of the luv lUIt Drop In and see us today 180 Innlstl St MUFFLER This Months Special and performance to Frisbees slarttII in southirl alliurnlil and they vc botn around for 211 years already says Kenncr He says about 20 annual iiirri petitions are held across thv continent each year An ordrr from Japan for three millltttl oi the plastic discs indicates lhl he lad is latching on abroad says Variaan from standard mi player TIISIXKIIITUWIITK gilnfls have sprung up It lnlUd VP Sion called Lltimate Irisbiii The game has seven players on each Side passmg the disc TN tween them and trying to aim iiints by throwing into an 6an zone But TradlllltnalISIS prefir the moonone events and TTIUN competitions are fretstyle pair tournaments where judges SHOP THE OUTSIDERS Add the look otbeauly yow car looks great on any type 01 car or van 2622 illitnriii Mr Viriririi Ail lriivIllinpl with liir group llf LUUUT will rIllirri lti Imr IlliIIm Frill liiliu Alrqu IIwi iii iiliil will iller wrnt ti Illl Imirliurlm llhfllll by lliil reward points riri lbt ltiitis UT skill and TitltSM KfTIIlfT iiys iirriprtillriiis urn will small part IIT thi iprirl Vllrsllr IllIll says and must leldltUrt can hmi Just ii 1114 ll fun tossing lhr Iristim ilrlUTll Irir rttrffllllttl Tbats Ilt Tlll lllTIE about it says VtisHrlliZrl You don haw It bu Ill KTTIIIthl tr njtï¬ IT ï¬lioliiirst Collrgr SuOENTS AND EACHEHS inge OOEHER 1N 599193 3r 3e SEVEN first rate prvote school where boys and girls grades three to thireen CCDdO educaon and 900 to unsiiers ty Trus among students and teachers relaxes big institution pressures Midhurst College is Owned by the teachers Students have an portant influence on school mat ters im Everyone talks about better way to edJcotion We have one You should consider as Wt Celege OntIo lot no its 705 Itstoss Tee cut get grade thirtee flu lee tb theeï¬ est semester ceerses