David and Barbara Miirliiig and their two sons Eric ilefti and Douglas are proud of triplet calves born to one of the cows recently Tri to bovine births occur on The average only once In eighty thousand iiiyes are one COUNTY GLIMPSES New day camp program at Tottenham TOTlliINILLM iSiaftl Second day camp of the sum mer sponsored by the Iot tcnhani parks and recreation committu will open on Mon day August 16 daily program will be held on week days concluding on Friday August 27 Mrs Rhoda Montgomery ot Itodcliit road is the contact representative for the commit ice in charge In the meantime the third water saieiy program which opened last week ill be con tinued to the same date Friday August 37 The first opened in June and second in July were botli well attended and there also has been good turnout for the current classes SWIM RECORD ORILIJA Staffl Bill Beven of liramalea set 40 year record tor the annual Rotary Iub across the lake swimming race from Peru resort to oiichtching park when he covered the three and quarter miles in 56 minutes and 26 seconds in wnining this years event First Orillia swimmer to finish was John MacLean who was third over all among the 1th starters FLO HR SIIO IITIIRII StaItgt Junior and senior ioiiipetitions are planned ll late summer flower shim planned by thetlro Horticultural Society lltll is to be held at Iiithric hall oii Wednesday September SHRINE Lllll ORIIIIA Staffl Annual ladies night dance of the Oriilia Shrine club has been arran ed for the Sundial Inn on Satu ay0ctober 23 ALLISION LIONS ALLISTON Staff Plans are bein considered by mem bers of tie Allistoii Lions club to celebrate the 40th an iiiveisary in the fall The club was formed in November 1936 with the late Charles Burt the charter president SLNNIDALE COUNCIL NEW LOWELIASIIIID Sunnidale township council will hold its next regular meeting on Tuesday September 14 it was announced from the municipal office $40 PER GRAVE NORTH RIVER Staffl Matchedash township council has approved flat charge of $40 grave for grave digging ani instructed that the cemetery board be so notified ALLTENDERS OLLINGWOOD The ollingwood curling club has called tenders for repairing of the roof of the curling rink after reaching agreement with the lOll on 25ycar lease for the building FLOWER SHOW ALLISTON Staffl Preparations are well ad vanced for the annual summer Ivy girls to compete in baseball tourney By JF JIIHIT IVY girls baseball tour nanient ill be held Saturday and Sunday at liy Park The host team which on both of its games at the touriia ment in IIIIIM last week will compete against sewn other teams Mr and Mrs iarry Kloosteriiiati entertained friends this week on their wed ding iliiitltl iiiii Ruths birthday IAlIIlt iIitI liiiiii Ilttons spent lllt week yisitini Mrs Irene liiriiiis latioii McVaiicI of Toronto sixiii the tk with her iatbci liriii lciiiei and Visited II lends Siielbtirne Mr and lrs Iaik ritt of Newmarket isiteii tbc Ilaiii iiiotid family this week Mr and Mrs Meeya Mi yamwa of Toronto and Mrs Ruth Hunt of Barrie were Sini day visitors with Mm Ar nold Visitors this week with Elwood and Jean Jennett were Mrs Florence Barge Belle Miller of Barrie Vera and Elwood Miller Heather Cunii ingliam and Rob Lawson II Jennett spent Sunday llll Mr and Mrs Hob Spcrling iii Midhurst Mr and Mrs Mur ray McVaneI of Toronto visited Bruce McVanel on Sunday Mrs Reta llurbidgc of Nastiyiiie and Mr and Mrs Norman Tindal and heryi were recent yisitors with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith Ontario Government Tender GENERAL CONIRACTORS IQQI TUESDAV AUGUSYJt i076 Ontario Ieiepbone No 410 905 15 Fur ronoyoipns so ousting washrooms vauin tho first to tour th floors of the East Wing at the Ministry of Community and 50001 Seiwtin MuskoliciCeMre Gravenhurst Ontario SEALED TENDERS will be 19Oived until LOCAL TIME on Ionch Doiuneits may be obtained from the Ministry of Gover nmon Seiyttes Regional Ottice 24 James Street East Orillio 05 375 NM or from the Ministry of Gavoinmen Sen as Publu Tenders Ottico Room Ml 3A Mac donold Blots Queen Pork Toronto Ontario Telephone No IW Performance Bend may be required NOTE Far further information regarding this tender plooso call Mr Campbell Ministry of Government Services Iormto Ontario Telephone No illbl 965462 or the Regional Office abon The lowest or any tondor not necessarily acceptod Ministry of Government Services TRIPLET CALVES ON cooxsrow FARM male and two females Mr Marliiig operates dairy farm on the 4th Line of In show of the Alliston Horr ticultural Society which is to be held at the pttblic scooI auditoaiiiiii on Thursday August 26 VILLAGE FAIR MIDIILIRSI Siaffl An nual village fair at the MidhurA st community centre is to be held on Saturday October SEVERN RRIIHIIC FAIR SEVHRN BRIDGE Staff Youth day will be observed on the opening day of Severn Rridge fall fair on Friday Sep tember it when bicycle rodeo ball games log chop ing and 4H cliib activities will to featured Agricultural com nisfil Sire of the calves was Rockmtin Prospect of United Breeders lnc Guelph petitions will be held on Satur day September ll FAIR QUE 2N SEVERN BRIDGE Staff contest to pick the queen for the 1976 fall fair of the Severn Bridge Agricultural Socieiv will be held at pm on Satur day September 11 at the fair grounds Girls between 16 and 21 are eligible to compete POLICE BUILDING GRILLIA Staff An In tario Municipal Board hearing over an application by the city of Oriliia to construct new police building on Peter Street south has been adjourned until Wednesday September 15 Antique auto display at Midhurst Thursday MIDIHRST Staffl otr siderable interest has been shown in the announcement that the Antique Automobile Club of America will have 55 antique cars on display at the Simcoe County museum on Thursday afternoon The cars which include steam models dating back to s100 OFF 50 L8 BAG DOLLAR DAYS PRICE $850 50¢ OFF 25 LB BAG DOLLAR DAis DRICE $455 COOP 1900 are scheduled to arrive here at 130 pm after parading from Orillia stop is planned at Hawkestoiie for members to inspect the Ontario agriculture museum The parade is one of series held by the automobile associa tion members over different routes this week AUG12TH TO AUG 21 $1 tx® s100 OFF PER CASE OF 48 CANS DOLLAR DAYS PRICE $935 PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 259 Innistil Street ucn WITED COOPERATIVES OF WTARIO 7266531 Ask more local planning power MIDHURST Staffl Municipalities should have more powers in decisions on Ioctil Iiiniiing and develop ment was contended at the current convention in Toronto of the Association of Munch iiilltles of Ontario tit teiidcd iy county delegates member of the Mississauga council Mrs IIllltI McCallIon said liillllltlplllilltti wanted more power In planning and development as well as traffic contro Until few years ago we had to get provincial approval to put tip ii stop sign said Mrs Mctnllioii ii former mayor of Sireeisvillc who thS chairman of the legislation and resolutions committee Simcoe founty represen tatives iii the three day con vention at the Royal York Hotel are expected to present report on the topics discussed at the convention to the countv coitn cil at its regular session at the administration building here next Tuesday August 17 It will be the first session of the fitmember council since June 169 RESOLUTIONS Among 169 resolutions placed before the convention was another which asked the provincial government to make comprehensive review of the Ontario Municipal Act to ascer tain its relevance and con sistency with modern practices of municipalities The net needs updating in keeping with modern conditions with every care taken to ensure it strengthens the democratic process There is conflict between regional government legislation and provisions of the Municipal Act it was argued Because re ionnl governments have specia status they can do things that other municipalities cannot do Warden rvilie Hughes headed the Simcoe County delegation at the convention which also included Deputy Elmvale cow wins award ELMVALI Staffi pure bred Holstein cow bred and owned by Donald McLean has been awarded golf ribbon lifetime production award from the Holstein Priesian As sociation of Canada In 11 lactations the 12year old cow named Juliet gave 214278 pounds of milk with 8745 pounds of fat testing 408 per cent Juliet was sired by Rosafe Citation who was classified excellent and class extra Her dame was Sovereign Elaine Edith classified good plus and three star brood 50 LB BAG DOLLAR DAYS PRICE $925 50¢ OFF 25 LB BAG DOLLAR DAvs PRICE $490 Reeve Allah glasstota of Temhiseth have Bill Gibbins of lrm 8m Députy Reeve Mar joriï¬ yg wings Beach and uh harem is ter propoiiat di agate that outstation be to iiiie schoOI boa to send on separate tax bills Was not Isupmrted by the resolutions committee It who air in miniate thntthiti woudmalfbt eschool trultlu more rd III to rntopa era The yehtion commi tee felt that tidinghout different bills from the tie 031 boardt and aotm li ministration wdut cause more confusion and woiitd in creasethobiilin costs OPIOSEEXTE MON Some delegate favored ex tension of council terms from two to three out although others felt htl the extension from one to wo yam made In recent year watt sufficient This tends to kétip councils more res naive to rate yen it was alt As in the delegates voted Most motion calling for recycnr terms Newlyelected president of the Association of Munici nlitleii of Ontario Mayor lfred Judd of Simone chartered accountant said that municipal government in On tario needs better financial base and freedom from the province to establish its own priorities and needs The delegates agreed in general session that the Ontario governments program of restraint must be accepted but asked that municipal govern ment be brought into con sultation to work out details of the programs aimed at curbing lnflatitm The delegates rejected proposal that the provincial imminent take over the en Ifé cost of education move which has often been supported at ivlc conferences asmxiiation also turned down It proposal that Would give municipal councils the right to put ii ieiiin on annual increases in school iourd Speii ding Delegates Were torn bet Ween wanting to ease the hur den for education costs on property owners while not wishing to reduce ioinl nutontiMy1t Wllls explained Mrs MchlIioii told delegates one reason the resolution coniniittm did not support provincial liIIttttVtI of the emu of education wat becuttao there was much public support for administering education front the municipal level lROVINtIAlII Ontario treasurer hairy MCKeOUmi In speech to Illf convention gathering wnrniil municipal ripresentntivm not DISTRICT NE WS 2The Barrie Examiner Wednesdo Au unï¬t11976 OFFERS TEACNES Manpower and immigration I9 SYSTIMAiic JOB SEARCH EFFECTIVE INTERVIEWS sttttstlictmiv RESULTS IF YOU HAVE BEEN RECENTLY LAID OFF THE EXPOSURE PROGRAM AJOINT MANPOWER UIC PROGRAM to expect additional financial aid from the province in ism He said that until the govern ment knows the full implication of property tax reform it is un dertaklng for 1970 he cannot recommend any change in the existing commiitnieni of 30 per cent provincial revenue to municipal government Mr McKmugli referred to negotiations with the federal governments current attitude we may end up with less he said commenting that this was as miich problem for municipalities an it was for the province The Ontario govrrntrent plant to start making next years provmcinl ixtnoilituruss public IIIIS coming Stpiinitui stating his ministry was well into planning for the budget SECURITY mums RECOGNITION COMMUNITIES WHI in VITAL INDEPENDENCE it THE CERTIFIED NEED PIPELINE TO NEW JOB IT NEEDNT DUIT YDURSELF PROJECT CL FRUSTRATION MISSED OPPORTUNITIES WASTED TIME JUB INFORMATION SERVICE ASSSTED REGISTRATION JOB SEARCH COUNSELLING SPECIAL JOB REFER IF YOU NEED ADVICE ON JOB HUNTING TIIE CREATIVE JOB SEARCH TECHNIQUES COURSE 0RGANIZATIUN OF JOB SEARCH PREPARATION OF RESUME PUTTING YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD CONSULT THE JOB EXPERTS CANADA MANPOWER I36 BAYFIELD STREET MIME ONTARIO Phone 7282468 Maindoauvre et Immigration RALS Canada Centre de Manpower Maindceuvre Centre du Canada 1977 CGA HAS tN mt KNUWI out oi AN Assunto in Int ItHLNtti Ilttllflfltl To learn how you can nun Accountant whill working iii phone or write for aimu hoolvlet it Al ASSOCIATION OF ONIth 25 Adelaide Street East Toronto IlIbIlj MSC 1V6 €16 3866501 Collect calls accepted IIIOVIIIIIMINIHUllï¬ IIIIIRHII AP In ad dition to his main office Mayor oieman Young has set up 12 neighborhood city halls throughout the cit to help bring city services oser to its citizens The minicity halls elp residents with applications for birth and death records voter registration complaints fire prcVeiiiion inspections and other community needs MANAGE TIE UP sAiitAMtzNro Calif AP When customer called piun piirior to order pizza the pnrims maria er was in no condition to til the order be causi he was tied up Robert Ilunliain told police that tasked innn rnrryin small iivolvci and rope tie him toa chair and took $285 unham unlimited to move the chair near phone wait for ring and ask llll caller to phone p0 1111 taint it lHU VHIVAIE iPi HYiSE IS ACIIOH him her General titt d1itg field ACCOUNTANTS