2317 mu distatice Kondiak Long Angela swimmer consults 111111 coach Art l1itrcsnc Iiicsda before Workout swim at Hak Ridges 111 11 11 1111s Miss Kondiaks last workout before shc attempts to swim Lake thitaiio lhi 11111211211111 swimmer tailed In her 11111 last year to be 1111 GETTN REAIIY 19011 LAKE TRY youngest swimmer 111 cross 1111 take when she was pulled lrom the water three miles 111111111111111111 itl Illiltol GAMES F123 111E IQISABIJZIIQ US seen winning gold medal stakes 101111Nl11 itPi 11111 rase would rather 111 com pclnig tor the lnlted States squad at thetit1111111mpics for thilh1sicall llisalilcd instead of watching from the sidelines trasc public relations 111111 1111 1111 llii team is 11111 parlici paling 111 1111 Games which close today because business pressures 11111111 111111 111 relinquish 1111 spot on the team 1111111111111111111111 1111 The 17 111r old stock market 111111111111 1111111 lliii1iii i11 h11l111111111111in111111111111111111 iwntathlon class 1B 311111111 swimming event and 1111 track 111lttt1tlllliiits k11111 111 pii 111 tliis11ai 111111111111 111 11111 to train c1111ugli 1111 1111 piiitutliloii 11hi1h is 1111 ni1111111iit sol 111 101111111 lhc Stlttlltlll 11111111111111 l11111111111111l11i11ilili1said 11s1 p111l1111 1111111 1111 1111st 11111111 as result 111 car accident 111 Sept 11111111 1513l llic sclcctioii coinniitlic picked 11111 1il1i1l1111 01 1111s 11111 liss 11111pl111ti1s1 Il1$ The 111111 1111 ippcariit 111 have 140111 111111tl lt11 taking 1111111 lucsda to liiing its 111111 111 511 The Netherlands 111s s1111111111ithll gold lliil 11111111 111111 1111 gold medal title in 1972 also had 14 lltlllll4211111111110111SlVttl 11111 total of 1111 medals aiiil the unofficial overall lead taiiada 11111 of 1111 surprise teams at the Games picked 11p three more gold medals 11111 silver and 1111 broil1 lhc additions gave laiiada ttt gold iiiidals good for sith place In 1111 standings Along 111111 211 silver and 31 hioiic anadians have 1111111 111 11 medals 111111 11111is of Sherhrooke 1111c llalph lhiliodcaii of 111111 s11 1111 and Doris lhaptaiil 111 Winnipeg won gold 11111l1ls 1111111 Joanne Mcltiinald 111 St lohiis Ntld took isil11i 11111111 Iiskalin 111 Viiiiiipig 1111111111111111111 medals 11111 1611 Ball 111 tathariiiis 11111 lim Mclsaac 11t iiiiiipci 11111 111111111111111 1111111 one 11111111 each 111 ms tiiiished 111st 111 1111 open class impiilec 11111 shoot 1111 hitting 321 01 111111 111g1l Mission lhiliissnl 111 Israel 11111 second 11 1111 1711 Itlll SIIUUI 11111111111au 1111111 1111 111111 chair ritlc shouting final 111111 4711111111111111g11s 11111111111111011 1111 gold in 1111 womens pill tiiill1 liliiid 111111111111 111111 iliikc till 111111111 11111 111111 SPORTS SHORTS lI 12111 1181 lilliii 111 11 11111111 11111i 11111iss1 sssii1lili1ll 3111111 league iiiriiiiitiiiil I111s1111 111l l1111l ipiiid iit Iiiiiiikit I1iill1tl l1 1111l 11111 Iirilst 1111lili iiitili 11111i 11111111111211 1111111ss11111111 s111111111111 11 1th 1111illl 11 1h11ltt 7111 111s li llt i11l 1111 s111s111itiaii111p11111211111 111111 21111 iii 1ii lii 5111 A111 11311 1111 11 1111 11111 111111 11111 in 1i 1121 11111 1i11 1111111 111111s1s111 111til1 Illtlf liiiii 1111 lti 1111113 Hi ILI 111 1111 hipiitii l1 11 11 IIIIII1IIIIIII1 III11I11 i1il 11 lii H1 11 11 11 my 11 1111s1il 111111 111 7370800 15 THIDEN RENTA CAR 3418AYFIELD STREET 111111 lt 1111111111slich1siii 111 1111111 right 1111111 111111 11111 be unable to compete in 1111 111111 11111111il 11111 begins lhiirsd1 How high do you want to 90 GET INVOLVED WITH THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 25 St Clair Ave Toronto Ont 4161 9666564 inteiested Name Address City Postal Code NOTICE The Mobile Recruiting Team will be in Barrie on Thursday 12 August 1976 at the Canada Manpower Centre between 10 am and pm hearing more about Coriba Aims Group Please send me itormotmn 11110111 ObligaIO 1111 II 511 seconds 111111 Miirland 111 Vancouver 111111 anadas other silver medal iii finishing second to lliiliodcau iii rifle shooting iasc would have been coni petiiig in his third game if busi ness had not forced 111111 out 111 111111 gold medal in the 25 metre breastioke at the 19118 Games and added silver and bronze 111 other swimming events that year Iii 11173 111 took bronze medal in 1111 2imetr1 breast lilki 111 said it business does 11111 take too much 11f his time he ma1 try 111 quality for the pen 11111111111 at the 19110 Games scheduled 111111 held in Moscow Allundale Golf Club Pay As You Play It Membership 9hole Par 38 Course Twilight Rates licensed under l11B0 1131 1111 Big Bay POIIII Rd 7285313 Prov Yelenhmne August unlucky month so far for PadresJones By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The dog days of August have not been kind to Randy Jones The Padres ace lefthandcr enteer August with an 184 record and visions of 31I runiii with telephonl pole that resulted in 311 stitches and tory season Then things got sticky disappointing 54 loss to Cincinnati heartbreaking 10 defeat by Atlanta And 1111c demolished datsiiii The telephone pole came right up into the car ex Three among 83 break par PRINCE ALBERT 1P1 Two young Pennsylvania women and 38yearold Ed monton mother were the only mics among 113 golfers to break par Tuesday as the anarlian womens amateur golf cham pioiiship began fourunderpar 69 gave roI Semplc of Scwickley Pa the IIISITOUIKI lead in the 72 hole tournament Defending champion Debbie Massey of Bethlehani Pa was two strokes back Betty olc 11f IIdmontoii playing in her 23rd national event came in at one under par to provide anadian com petition for the favored American pair Meanwhile tight race shaped up in the intcrprovincial team competition as British or Iiiiiihia took oiiestroke lead over Ontario and four strokes over Iberia lodays round will decide the team event as well as deter mine which 611 individuals dual ify for the third round Although Semplc and Massey are seen as each others chief opponent for the individual title Massey said the aiiadian entrants are better than ever and several could be strong challengers Ialc Shaw 11f Saaiiich second to Massey by nine strokes last year was four strokes off the pace lucsday at even par Seniplc 27 aiiil Massey 25 have been touring together for four years often finishing to gellicr at the top although 51111 ple did not compete in the 171 Taiiadian championship Both members of 1111 US RigidFoam Insulation saves installation time and cost basement walls The practical choice for yOur rec 100m insulation needs it super lightweight and is easy to install With the proper adhesive Rigid foam inSulation also acts as its own vapour barrier and Wlll not sag or shrink due to mOISILHt true 10ityourselt product that Will help you control those rising heating bills and keep your home Contortahle year 111r111 Other thicknesses in stock 11 V4 priced from $249 ideal for With 9111411 dOlIVULlgtlri in womens amateur golf urtis1lpte1in tlicyweictlie top two amateurs this year in the Womens International Event and tieil 101 second best amateur in the PS Womens Open Massey was ahead Iiiesday until she ran into trouble 1111 the par11111132115 yard llltliholc A11 offline drive and me diocre recovery gave her ho gcy on what she said is hir Iic hole forsurc An ciicountrr with trees on the 1131 yard par four Itltli meant another stroke lost to par Scniplc meanwhile finished with birdie and two pars gaining threc strokes on her friend Massey long hitter said she pushes hci liiritics on Illt 51166 yard ookc Municipal Golf oiirsc believing she should reach the five par fives 111 two and drive the Itith green MicaFil Insulation requtres no SpQCIal torils reduces heat loss in the attic Easypriiitl 5111 111111 IILIIITOVLIUV 4111 nziilp i1v treely 11111 against heat 11111 11011 ha that fuel 1141112 1s 111181 free lii 111 5111 ar 111111 A111 111 11111 11111i1i1i 111111 11111 1g 1th 111m 1111111111 IKigliiti rw 111 Vii V1431 mum Only $239 bog Do you remember last winters fuel bills Insulation is cheaper Fast friendy senice Free Home delivery 48 Anne Street So Barrie 7282496 The Barrie Examiner Wedngsday August 197617 plained Jones was only go ing about St miles per hour about as last as my fastball Ioiics made his first appear ancc since the Aug accident on Tuesday night and his streak remained intact He lost to New York Mets 54011John Miliicrs pinch single in the eighth inning of National League baseball game GAME WAS IMPORTANT This game was psy chologically very very impor tant to me said Jones was up hoping to do well in my first start since the accident Its shame to waste four runs Illsewhcrc in the National Lcagia Montreal Expos edged San Francisco liants 12 At lanta Braves beat Philadelphia Iliillies Los Angelis Dodg crs trimmed Pittsburgh Pirates St Louis arilinals rocked Houston Astros it and hicago tiibs downed inciniiali ltcdsti It Jones hooked 11p Willi Mct iet ly lerry Koosman and both were tagged for four r1111 in nings early Koosmanstwo run single helped New York take lll lead in the second but the Padres got even in the third Will the hclpof Itavc Winfields tllrce riiii homer Earl Williams snapped tie with scvenlhrinning triple off loser Dave IIcavcrlo to help the Expos to victorv FIBERGIAS CANADA Fiberglas Insulation for every application Inaulate now It MUST investment for your home one Larry Parrish clubbed two run homer for the Expos and Don arrithers got the victory Steve Rogers making his first relief appearance ever bailed Carrilhers out in the ninth when he got Thris Arnold to ground into an inningending double play WINS IZIII GAME Phil Niekro picket up his 12th victory and doubled in run in the seventh inning for Atlanta Singles by Willie Montanez Tito Gaston and have May ac counted for the first BraVcs run in the fifth The Phils ral lied for run in the ninth on Larry Bowas infield single be fore reliever Adrian Devine p111 out the fire Ron cy belted basesloaded triple in the fifth inning as Los RR MINESING This Winter will betoolate Dont wait till Fall to make your homes ready for winter now is the time to paint repair remodel when the weather is right for you and your home At Buildall well help you after weve always been in the home business NEVER PAIN Old Address SIMCOE SPRAYTEX Angeles ended sixgame losian streak Don Sutton 139 won 11 with relief help from Charlie iloiigh Jerry Reuss 111 was the loser Bill RobmSOn homered for Pittsburgh Keith Hernandez drove In three runs two of them With firstinning triple and Lynn McGlolhen 11111 scattered seven hits for St Louis The ards collected 13 base IIIISDII five Houston hurlers including loser B11 McLaughlin 112 Steve Swisher hit threerun homer and Mick Kcllcher ad dcd two rim double as hicago won for the sixth time in its last seven games Joe Morgan and Dan Driesscn homered for inciniiati Ray Morris ll beat Gary Nolan Ill AGAIN New Home at Your 7263496 pours easdy and rhino11111111 HIQKITR 11181118 11d Driitliir IMrs tir g10tria U11i1ir7i iliSLllaA in wariiih and 1101111115 111113 12111 twri 111111c 113 11 iiiistah 1s 111111 rw 1711 111 1111111112r Whei 1111 111st 11 171111 twi ii 1111sai 11 11 111111 D1321 c1 11j1ilt yapc time 101 thats easy to do yourselt With permanent fuel saying and home Comtort benefits Merely Install the insula tron baits between wall Studs ceiling Or Now 101813 Friction holds them snugly in place depth 01 8111 inches is recom mended tor ettective attic insulation protection Anything less in your attic and you ll be paying unnecessarily high met bills this Winter Fiberglas inSUIation IS light easy to handle wow rot settle or develop odors 11 also has good sound proofing value and inCreases the tire eSistanre of wood frame walls qi MiifapilIIK1WS 11iibh jltlï¬lt 11017 Today more than ever before is wtally inip ha to he sure yOu home is properly insolated So be siire Ask your Buildall man to help you choose the Fiberglas insulation thickness that is best salted to your specttzc needs v01 11 earn big sevmgs in the long run 3V2 I375 carton 1270 carton 16 on centre paper face also friction fit in stock r1 11111 MILaFil 131mg ristaiar Now is the time to Cu your uei biis betiire they start wrtt nsulatiOi Buidali has the insulatiin and the Knowhnw to help you beat he gr ans 11 11121 by conserving energy afcr air 1117193 are Our business All 11agtght insuat is 8111411 yyvip 131 03 11 hp Free Ampe Parking INNV Hours Monday Thursday 83 in 106p 111 Friday till Saturday 83 to 5p VESPRA VICTORIA