13 lbThe Barrie Examiner Wednesday August 1976 elk mt in so INTEBtHaHtMOTOCRO Don Dalltmore oi the Barrie Motocross luh races home for third place in 230 class at an inter club meet recent ly between Barrie and tril lia Tlte event took place at thillia Jim Robb of the Bar sscomrnrnï¬our rie club earned first in the eiidiiro class Examiner Ihotot Womens Volleyball League has eight centres confirmed lwelve teams have been con liritted lot tlte two division Sim coe ounty omens ltecrea tioiial Volleyball League set to begin operal toti iii ictolter Barrie olliitgwood ltl land iillta ltinisiil low itship Bradford andian Forces Base Borden aitd Bond llead ill be represented It will be the first year of operation tor tlte league It has been orgatttxetl to allow women Ill ears ol age lilltl otit the op poittniih to pli cotiipetitue olle ball ttliotit taking away the recreational ilue The schedule ill have three teams meeting iit given loca tioit every two weeks it ill be roiid robin format llll each team playiiigtlieotltct oiiee Tllt season Ill begin In lie toliei with round robin tour naiiieiit at Base Borden which lll enable all teams to itteet before the season begins lit September the Barrie ity Recreation Department will sponsor volleyball cliitte for the womens league through the tiitario Sport Tra eleade Sittall clinics will be offered at Bradford atid tirillia The chines are being itlglltllitd to give the participints and coaches chance lo see and cv perieiice skills and strategy of tlte game For turtlter intortttatioti cott tact league eonveiter Mrs Deli hie Doigan at tttliotT or tlte lreatei lluroiiia Sports ouneil it 726 llillltl City ties Blues lose The lead kept changing hands but iii the end Barrie attd Kleinberg ltad to settle tor draw itt soccer action at Steele Street park this weekend Barrie took the lead after the inmates Kleiitbeig drew even atter 42 then Barries Steve UNDEFEATED representatne teant ot the Barrie liitor Lacrosse ssocta lion 1S ilttijulittil tlttS week lit the atioiial peewee lacrosse touriiliittent Ill St tatharincS and dotitgtttittevtell xltt two games the Barrie squad composed of players truth the into local teams Sadlon lietts Rottr lhe Bandstand and Herhead Door remains iiiideteateti tit tltlltll1llil itlter unbeaten teams tit elude tittawa epeat and Flora There are no games llt dnled lot toda with the semi finals on lhutsdat tllil llllll torSatiirday Barrie deteated lhoinpson Man liiesda to presere pertect record trillia IS entered iii the division and lost llii to Langley on liiesda lleld as part of the St athermes centennial celehra tioiis the tournatticiit brings together thl lioys and six girls teams from across the country The tournament utilizes ait elimination series which leads to and series champion ships for boys and the first evei Ltrls lacrosse cltaiiipionshtp Seventeen oi the teams are trout tittario with Barrie pick ed tront the to applications Selection was made on the basis oi the clubs tine play at the prmtneial peewce tournament iteld tit Redale and Hamilton titlii Junior bowlers play in Buffalo tourney trio of lllllil ttovs 2titl1 Barrie took pai ii the annual plt litl it litillaltt lllï¬ ï¬‚tthtal Sean irea ldttv liisfai and la laiw Milled three games tt tteieztt pin IIKSltbllti ti llit ll ptl pants bowling int1 till the int ltait prth llltvli will are taking place ieteztet Wu piottsstoixils liltltil tit wil ttst plaet lht flittil roll tits Btitlo llll week lt Elilllll took lop honuls ill the Sunday litght singles at Shea Barrie Bowl lhe race has tightenui up iii the ltiesdajv adult iiinior sum itei league Hlll only four poitts separating first place llappx Ling from the lutter Ling ittd linltcads 1th mes is still the leadei ii the Iednesda night Peter son with Rusty Drinkwatci iit second place There be meeting of the 1eits major to pin league at Siteas Bowl Monday at 3o in il ittale whod like to bowl to pin iii the league is in viied Knight scored theiirst of two to regain tlte one goal advantage at tlte halt chntberg evened the coiiiit earl iii the second hali then llltlll ahead by two before Barrie rallied to tie in other action Barrie Blues lost to Aurora iii Aurora North Stars beaten 159 WIN SttlNli mt Pt Despite taking til of 34 petial litS Brattiptoit liwelstors tlt teated Owen Sound North Stars 1341 in the only hilario Lacr osse Association Major series playoff gameluesda Brampton takes 1711 lead iii the best ot seven semi final series League playoff contests resiiitie lhursday with men Sound in Braiiiptoit The llcesltors took first period edge ot it and led to goingtittothethtrd lohn Mouradiait led the win tiers itlt tour goals huck Wil hams had titree and Tom Pat rick and lull lolan had two apiece Single goals went to John ampbell Bram ilfotii Brian Robinson and lonter ottitoi lop scorer tor the losers was Norm Hope with three goals Mike French added two with Paul Kliltirlttil A1 lhompsoii loni llyslop and like Lachap pellegettiiigtheotlters Goalie goal sinks Dawson Dawson Blues bantatns of the Barrie lptiiiiist liitor Soccer league hie totally lost game and the hue lurii Hadley totilame Hadley plaed goal for his team Brass lroiip Saints through the tirst halt of the game this week at Steel Street tield bu played torward the se tilltl halt and scored llle go ahead goal tn ictory Dawson had been undefeated in 12 games Peter lcPhemtit got the Saints other counter David Bethune replied for the Blues Lastinning single decides game and first place of minor league lastinning single by Rick Corby of and spelled vie torv and first place for the team in Barrie Minor Baseballs junior division Monday and rallied to defeat Starr Electric 54 at Allandalc and snap the tie for first in the standings With and ahead 32 Starr iit two runs across in their last Itbat totakc the lead Mmflluflfï¬k thhin one out of defeat and rallied Tim Taycraft smgled thcn scored on triple by Paul Dube Corby followed with the key single Dube scored and it was game over for Starr Scott Running was the winn ing pitcher in intermediate action Mott day at Shear Park Peter Reina rapped Simcoe Sports Car 1611 pgau the pitchers duel began in the first inning with Retno taking 75 lead Stephen OBrien knocked two home runs for the winners Daryl Lynn connecting for two triples Starting pitcher OBrien was relieved by Ken Emms The win was the sixth for Reino in eight out logs with second pla off win Barrie chop and and DriveIii padded their leads in the semifinal playoffs of the Barrie and District Major Fastball League Tuesday with wins at Queens Park op took to from larkson liotel wltile aitd Driverln emerged from coit frontation iii the opener ol the doubleheader with convincing to triumph over aiiadiaii Forces Base Borden Braves It was the second straight win for hotlt clubs The hesiof seven series continues lliurs day with meeting larksoii Hotel in ii pm game at Queens Park and and Drive in at Base Borden for 730 in encounter ilflp scored in spurts itist iiigltt to hand lim McAliister his second straight loss Cit0p first place finishers of the league bagged til hits in the nine inning nighiciip scoriii three runs in each of the second and third innings one in the fifth two in the sixth and one in the eighth Terry magma held Clarksdn to slx hits ivtng mu scottng doub in the him and homer In the ninth to Moi rison IoUp loaded the bases in the second with the first of 51x ei rorsi committed by Clarksm scoring tWO runs Pete thders fly ball gave ample time for Coops third run to reach home in the inning DriveIn hits early to overpower Braves AW Drive in came out early to take the second game of the Barrie and District Major Fastball League semiAiinal playoffs away front anadian Forces Base Borden Braves luest lay AW racked Braves pitching for six hits iii the first inning good enough for five runs and leadiii to the till win Winning pitcher Ron McKee started the ltilltlrCttllSltl first inning with single He scored on lien Richardsons single who scored on Leo Kooptiiaiis double who scored on Rick Saunders single who scored on John Kilpatricks base hit who scored on Brian Weises triple finished with 14 hits ad ding single run off loni Micks double in the sixth and pair of runs in the seventh me of which was collected when Saunders stole liotite Richardson and Koopmans banged otit hackrtoback hits in the eighth for tlte final pair of runs Richardsons triple plated Mieks who picked up one of three walks by Borden iii the nineinning game lhird basement Koopntaiis enjoyed perfect day at the plate with five straight hits lllr RON MrKlIE eluding tliree singles and pair of doubles Ron McKee tossed four hitter against the Braves with the lone run by Borden reo citing home iii the eighth inn itig McKee nine wins against one Braves miss top anadian Forces Base Bor den Braves find theitiselves trailing 20 in the best of seven semifinal playoff series of the Barrie and District Major Fastball League Last night the Braves mustered oiin four hits against AVt iii 101 loss Missing frotii the Braves hitting attack was the hat of Rick Buchanan the Major Leagues batiitig cham pioii for the 78 season Track meet for Buchanan has missed both playoff games but is expected to see action when the series resumes in FB Borden on Monday Buchanan finished the schedule with 475 average 23 runs batted iii and five homers Fiital statistics of the Major League schedule as compiled by leagiie statisticians lus Evcrs and Doug Shedden youngsters Aug 24 highlight at Fair Barrie Fairs second annual track and field meet for boys and girls to 15 will be held Aug 24 starting at 103m Organized by the lluronia Striders Track and Field Club the meet will feature events in mite ages 67i tyke 89 atom 1111i bantamil213i and midget 14151 classifica tions Mite events are the 50 and 200 metre races and the ball throw Tyke and atoms cam compete in the 50 800 and 1500 metre races high jump and ball throw and the bantams and midgets in the 100 800 and 1500 metres high jump and shot put The entry deadline is Aug 21 and the organizers require the name birthdate and phone number of the applicants The address is lluronia Striders care of 65 MelroseSt Barrie Entries will be accepted up to one halfhour before each event on firstcome firstserved basis rests will be given to all en trants and ribbons to those finishing first through sixth trophy will be awarded the best in each age group For more information call John Ritchie 7m6292t or Mrs Mulder 7281564 Westbend wins opener of Ladies playoffs Westhend opened the semr finals of the Barrie and District Ladies Softball League with narrow 43 win over Georgian Sports Tuesday at Shear Park it was the opening game of best of five series with the se cond game set for tonight at at Shear Westbend held lead after until the sixth when Georgian came back with three runs on solid hitting rally Westbend jumped into the lead in the third triggered by THE CAR YOUVE THUND ES lfn llARRig lj AIR CONDITIONED s163 Grandview F0 rd 379 Boyfield Sf thrllIil triple by Carol Wan nica Anna Storie was picked as the games first star She struck out seven Georgian hitters in the seven inning game Pat Purvis of Westbend was selected as the second star of the game for her defensive sup port at shortstop in the nightcap of tonights doubleheader Kolmar and and meet in the first game of their best of five semifinal series ALWAYS WANTED 171 EHBIRD PER MONTH Net Lease 36 360G Vvr Fl Months ovev 01d LiNitTED IIME CFL Ft Futiw min 28 J36 LEO KOOPMANS loss durin the regular schedule ha two out when he walked Ron Slaunwhite Ray louticrs single was responsi ble for Slaunwhitc scoring McKee finished the game witthtrikeouts bat BATTING AB ll Avg Buchanan BB 59 28 475 KoopmanstAW 75 34 453 PLandersC 47 20 426 AAistropC0 81 34 420 McKeeAW1 46 is 391 Britnell 58 22 379 McNabh Mt 77 27 377 SaunderstAWi 48 18 366 Bertram Cm 67 24 358 Legend Coop Ct BaSc Borden BB AW Clarkson Hotel Minesing Not tawa Bertram of CoO led in the runsbattedin Stan logs with seasOns total of 30 Buchanan was seven behind with 23 with Jim McAllister of Clarkson noi ching t7 KooptnénS hitting re sulted in 15 runs McAllister hel to pitch and hit Clarkson 0121 into the layoffs with CoOp The right ander tied with Buchanan in the home run department Both had five John Kilpatrick and Ron Soaunwhite of Base Borden each had Our round trippefs TOP PIPCHERS CoOp chuckers Ken Payne and Terry Hodgson listed among the three top pitchers of the Major Leage At the top is and Ws Ron McKee who finished with record of nine wins against one defeat Ken Payne finished the schedule with an 8H record with Hodgson gettin six wins while losing three an tying one game SPORTS CALENDAR SOFTBALL Church Homes at Aurora Beatrice Foods at Eimvale LADIES LEAGUE at Shear Park Georgian vs Westbend 830 pmKolmar vs and RECREATIONAL LEAGUE at MacMorrison Park pm Clifton vs Floor and Wall 830 pm Optimists vs Mansfield MULCASTER MICHELIN iiAcronv cosr Plus 52 PARKLAND mum 53 an Poul Sodloti Ron arth tripled in run in the thir with Jack Shannan sacrificing the second run home dhd Aistrop cracking single for another run Aisirop finished the regular scason with 420 average good enough for fourth in the lea es top 10 hitters list Last ni the centrefieldcr finished the game with five hits in six tri stobat Jrrors hampered litrkson and led to the only run of the fifth Two miscues allowed runr nets to reach base in the sixth with Hoggnrths double sending one runin hobbled attem on hit by Keith Iowden in tlie eighth led directly to the final hop run llodgson six wins three losses and one tie for heading into the playoffs struck out niiielastnight Bob Welch reached llodgson for Clarksoits first hit in the third inning and scored on aiti Biiiiis double Morrison en tered the gaiite in the SlKlll inn ing and protiiptly struck out his first trip to the plate lie was the first batter to face llodgsoii in the ninth Willi bother the result Yotlp finished the game Willi men still left on base Iarkson stranded ioiir Nohitter leads win in opener Don Dykstra threw curve at Bentorswcll onstrtietion Tuesday several in fact The result was norhitter for Dykstra win for Convertible Pools and 20 upset of Ben iorswell Construction Barrie Mens Recreational Fastball League Division title Win ners It was also the first game of their playoff series Dykstra had 11 strikeouts faced the minimum 21 batters in the seveninning contest Convertible scored both runs in the third inning The winners were held to fotir hits in the other quarterfinal playoff series which also com menced Tuesday Allistoii Sports Screaming Eagles rap ped Molsons 54 Tonight at MacMorrision Park two other series get started with Barrie Floor and Wall tackling liftoii Hotel at pm and ptimists meeting Mansfield at 830 Mets move in to semis ELMVALF Mots head into the semifinals of the Ontario Amateur Softball Association playoffs against either Ripley or Lucknow Saturday The first game of the best of five series opens at the Elmvale ball park at8pm Eimvaie advanced into the semifinals with straight wins over Deshoro this week Mike Stone was the winning pitcher in the 1H win Monday at Desboro Earning the first win io decision was Greg Wolfenden Mets are competing in the ln termediateDdivision OUR BROCK ANNE ST OT IS Hill 276 New Cars Must Go Now SAVE BIG DURING OUR WEED OUT With Down To Earth Savings Power skating school coming The Bruce Highland Power Skating School is accepting ap plications for its fall course Sept to 30 at the Barrie Arena The annual event sponsored by the Barrie Minor Hockey Assomation has proved suc 58 over past year Cost is Silo for eight onehour lessons The school is open to boys years of age Applications cart be picked up at the Barrie Arena arners Sports PeterRemit Sports or CHOOSE FROM 02 Omega Monxus vay Duty Trucks Suburban ICJWoros 1Cro Cob Georgian Sports 35 Pig when For further inforiitation con NHQCOHO tact Bill Duncan at 726 1218 33313 Nevolois full Ill at 5° moa so ago ti QBCMW l1t 3U Our salesmen are at hoboon 726 Paul Sadlon Barrie 233 Bradford Sf 7261qu