aw Jg SIX MEMBERS of the His toric Naval and Military Establishments Guard from Penetanguishene were in Closing parade Bagpipes and gymnastics will be twa features of parade Saturday at 1030 of 350 male and female cadets who at tended the ach Summer Training School at Base Bor den The parade will be held at the Junior Leaders School Parade Square at the base The sixrweek course which ends with the parade was designed to give leadership and citizenship skills to all cadets according to Capt Bruce Ness Four courses were offered The senior batid course co vered musical theory practical skills and band and concert foigt motion This is the first year the course included bagpipes section The course is in its sixth year Cadets who took the rifle coaching course will be able to teach the some skills in their own corps tapt Ness said Some of these cadets are se lected to represent Canada in thc ltisle Shooting coinpet it ion held annually in llngland lhe athletic leadership course covered gymnastics track and field and aimed to instruct cadets to teach their own corps as well lecliiiical llitllllttt Included such subjects as electronics safety systems and pliotog raphy for air cadets Commanding officer for the summer school was Lt Col Arlt thurlill Review officer for the parade Will be Ilrig itll Johnson PREPARIN Barrie Tuesday and they gave musketry demonstra tion at Memorial Square The T0 LOAD six members of the guard who are walking to Torontos Fort York in reenactment of the military marches of the 18305 first prepared to load their muskets Efficiency key to keeping costs down says Bill Campbell Ward alderman By PETER DEIODESTA Examiner Staff Reporter This is the fourth in series of 12 articles on the citys aldermen The elected of ficials are being interviewed alphabetically Efficiency is the key for keep ing municipal government costs down says Bill Campbell Ward alderman Ald Campbell 53 com pleting his first term on coun cil says the elected officials should look long and hard at efficiency of city employees Theres lot to be said about increased efficiency he said There is room for in creased efficiency from city employees There cam be more effective methods of doing some jobs he said at less cost than the city is paying now feel there is lot of gold to be mined out of efficiency he said Ald Campbell has spent two MUSKET BALL RAMMED INTO WEAPONS Miisket balls were rammed into the weapons using ramrods bv the six students FOR TOURIST GROUP Iron Curtain breakthrough The Norman Tourist Associa tioii has broken through the lroiiturtain Last week Royd Robertson managing director of the association got letter from Zbignicii ltcrnat of Poznan Poland requesting totirtst in format ton on Iluronia It was the farthest such re quest liasmci cotiie was really ccited about it says Mr Robertson whose prcioiis experience llIl ox erseas requests has been pretty well limited to tlic lnited Kingdom where supplies of the associations litctxifiiic arc available ltl Illltlllt House London The litciatuic is ilso available in Canadian goiern iiient tourist bureaus ittltl but Mi Robertson ifoiibts such burcatis exist in toinniunist Poland Mr Robertson sent li LOCAL AND GENERAL IRl IVIRI The Itairic liic ltcpaltiiicnt put out IlIt in stain pick Lil truck about to this morning The ltfi lLitstii stolcii from lratt iitoiiiotiic and was found burning in the NH roperty near Minets Ioin Road The IIIIt had up parciitl becii ym titling betot setting the truck on fire ll IJI In An limisfil woman escaped ltljtlt when fici nnck struck two railway ties on the tub Concession about iiidiiight Tuesday Damage is tslttndlttl at St ooo lhc illltl was Valerie Carr of Stroud HI SIN synchronmd swim team from Branttord will give demonstration Thursday at Lions Iool at about to help promote the synchronized swimming program offered by Barrios parks and recreation department tUMEIH Hugh Herberts comedy The Moon ls Rluc the tlryphoii Theatre Companys fourth pro duction of the season be presented iiet week at Geor gian College Theatre Icrfor mances re at 830 at Mon day film It Saturday with pm matineeThursday Iitt tl hat map of Ontario with Sim coc County circled tircy Rrucc Iluronia Muskoka tourist map lltironia totirist map and the fitlrpzigc Huronia director of accomiiitxlations places to eat and sights to see He also sent covering letter asking Mr Rernat more about lio he came to hear of the association Mr Itetnats request read am tourist gtiide books maps etc collector In one of the Polish newspapers have read about your association III bc ery happy if you send me some guide books and map about llitronia of course it they ttilrttoltoslsi lhc lettci caiiic ltl an emelopc bearing secn stamps and the address lluronia loutist ssociation County Building Barrie Ontario tanaita lfic count building is actually in Midliurst from the Historic Naval and Military Establishments it Both ranks kneel and get ready to fire The students Coldwater man wins Lions carnival draw Ih SIIIIII IIIII titl lt lrli toldwatcr lions tliit fictil stiiccsstiil iitviil ti Ilt itca in front of thctoiiiintitzm ciztic cxcicil games of chaticc along with bingo and s1cct dance featuring the mom of thc I¢tqt tlt lli tttiltJ attractions ttui the past few weeks members of the club Iltt been selling tickets on sou draw The draw it as made during at final night and the luck t2 tier was Ken Reach of Cold water Next undertaking for the club is an auction sale to be held in the downtown IIKd iii the latter part of ngust tioiic lll ir tlclcs to lItIluIlI to the sale should contact member of the club II7RSU Mrs Ietct Mctuskcll isitcd her mother Mrs Mosscji of iishaw last week and attended the funeral of her uncle Mr George Jones lillsonburg Mrs George Riggs has been enjoy ing three week vacation in Rainy Rncr with her gran dsoii and family Mr and Mrs Ted Riggs Then Mrs Biggs who is one of Coldwaters senior senior citizens jour MHd to Winnipeg where she board plane for home This was her first flight but she thorougth enjoyed it and would fly agaii tomorrow if tltttl be Mr and lrs lll Cronin Stemi and Cindy spent last week camping at tiruiid Lakc lroitciil Park near Parry Sound tsitiiig with Mr and Mrs Daus Campbell on Sunday wcti Mr and Mrs Andy Camp bcll and Amanda of Allistoti Mr and Mrs John Burbidgc and family enjoyed the Steam show at the tooksiowii liir tlrotinds last weekend lohn tiong with friends Frank and Illli tlcadol had fii press on display and for demonstration toldwatcrs lIl tcrdenonnnatoiial Bible stud group will meet it the home of Mrs Charles Atkinson August It at 3e and each lednesday in August at the same location BALI DI lttI Reeve Earl Brandon has an nounced that the baseball diamond louited in the central area of the race track is now completed and ready for action in both hardball and softball leagues Members of the Legion who are most interested lIl youth sports were instrumental to getting the project com pleted Guard at Memorial Square Tuesday as they demonstrat ed the ancient art of musket ry The iiitiskets weigh pounds RANKS KNEEL T0 FIRE there are eight in all are walking about 80 of the 104 Dense clouds of smoke from the smoky black powder used iii the muskets cover the soldiers as they fire their weapons Tl soldiers marched in the full nnlc distance from len etangiiishcne to Fort York uniform of the 24th Regiment of Foot including bayonet with scabbard and crossbelt canteen backpack with bedroll food box and cars fridge belt The total weight years on the citys finance com mittee He said most people do not enjoy hanging the dog or taking it easy on the job This he said can cause boredom and lack of interest in the job The city has work manage menf system which was started few years ago and is not fully developed yet The city has not derived all the advantages from the system he said Ald Campbell said the boss or foreman of any job inside or outside of city hall should know what his subordinates are do ing at all times The philosophy for work management can apply to en gineers and draftsmen as well as outside workers in parks atid public WtilkS think there is an accepted quantity of time to do any cer tain job he said adding the time should he set by the boss for the project When an employee finishes one project the boss should have another prepared as well as the time for completion CAME HERE IN 08 Ald Campbell moved to Bar rie in 1968 after number of years of travelling in Ontario for Bell Telephone Canada Ltd Ile came to the city as the district plant manager antl is now the district laiif manager and is now the istrict central office manager responsible for about 20000 square miles from lcterborough to Wiarton and Oshawa toSouth River The Campbells Bill his wife Marjorie and two daughters Karen 11 and Susan live at llighcroft Rd in Ward Born in Verdun suburb of Montreal Ald Campbell joined Bell Telephone after serving iii the Royal Canadian Air Force in flitSecond World War Ilc has spent about 30 years with Bell with the first 10 years in Montreal After that he went to Ottawa for five years Toron to llaitiilton Sudbury back to Montreal iitl on to llarrie LACKOFCUNTRUI Ald Campbell said one of the major reasons for the increas ing tax rate iii municipalities is lack of proper control He said Barrie council has to set ati objective means of control on budgets to keep in creases at minimum feel that the budget is not controlled too well he said We havent controlled the budget An attempt was made this year by Ald Campbell to set controls on the budget before it was approved by council Council supported motion to rcestrict the budget increases of each department to eight per cent The Centennial Park spent the night at AND THE SHOTS ARE FINALLY FIRED is about 20 pounds This mot ning the soldiers and the two shipwright sailors boarded boat which was to take them to within few miles of Bradford on the But with five per cent in crease in assessment revenue most department budgets were acutually able to increase by 12 to 13 per cent Ald Campbell said he had hoped the total budget increase to taxpayers regardless of the increased assessment would have been eight per cent In the future he said council should set an exact dollar fig ure for each department based on the type of service provided and let the departments chose the projects for the year If the money runs out early in the year the department can not have any other for new pro jects or facilities This puts the control in the hands of the department head for any money spent during the year Departments for example public works which provide essential services would receive more money than the nonessential service depart ments Ald Campbell said taxes will go up as the city continues to grow because there will be an increased demand on facilities And the city is going to grow The city is going to grow whether there is annexation or not he said But with annex ation well be able to offer con trolled planned growth Ile said two or three years ago he did not believe the city could get any larger btit now that Residential District and are open for development growth will happen The two districts and an economic slump are combining to keep house prices lower in the city at the moment but the trend could reverse at any time Were in aii economic slutnp right at the moment and the tendency is for prices to level off or maybe even drop lower he said WORK iETIIER City council anti the builtlerstievelopers should be working together Ald Camp bell said to provide lower cost housing in Barrie dont think any one group can lower the cost of housing hcsaid The city might have to lower its hard core serVicc standards such as underground wiring which is an expensive route to go storm sewers curbing and pa venienf Instead developments could have overhead wiring storm ditches no curbs and far chip road The developerbinlder he said is selling his lots or houses by asking whatever the market will take which in some cases can be onable With the increased popula tion Ald Campbell says the ci ty should work to complete the lakeshore park area We should have more de velopment along the lakeshore he said wouldnt want to see highrise building but nice motel marina restaurant could be very useful Ald Campbell power boat operator said many boaters will not come to the city because of the lack of facilities But he added neither the ci ty nor other levels of govern ment can afford to build the necessary buildings and facilities PRIVATE ENTERPRISE private enterpriser he said could take advantage of the situation and put in the pro perfacilities Theres nothing to en courage boaters to come up the 10 mile trip from the lake he said Cotincil should complete the landfill plans and sod and land scape the property for use as park The city is filling in part of the bay from Bayfield to Mulcaster streets meandering road as exten sion of the present Lakeshorc Road is also proposed as twolane parkway Development of the laktshoro area he said may help to bring people downtown btit the city and the businessmen will have UIIICdS to work together to solve the problems Ald Campbell Said the city can help with proper rezonings but most of the work depends on the businessmen in the downtown core We want to get people downtown to make it viable loeation he said lot can be done With an election in Decem ber Ald Cam bell says he is still undecidet about seeking reelection Ills family he said is his major concern In 1974 he took 1380 of the 4270 votes cast in Ward finishing strong third in the ward During the past two years he said his family has been cut short because of council obliga tiotis Ald Campbell said there were many times with meet ings four or five times week But his two daughters are anxious for him to run again Ald Campbell has number of interest and hobbies from boating and fishing to amateur radio operations and electrical work He is the squadron training officer for the Barrie Power Squadron which teaches safe boating through education He spent two years oti the planning board before running for council and is member of the Chamber of Chamber of Commerce director of the Red Cross and on the Board of Stewarts for Burton Avenue United Church BILL CAMBELL Ten county projects get Wintario money TORONTO Grants totall ing $t3770 have been approved for ten projects in Simcoe Counr ty from the proceeds of the Win tario Lottery The amounts range from $5000 to $148 The Midland Public Library is to receive grant of $5000 for the purchase of Canadian hooks talking books and cassette players grant of $372 will be made to the rillia Public Library for the purchase of Canadian books films and slides The Wasaga Beach Public Library is to receive grant of $1000 for the purchase of anar dian books Branch Number 34 of the Royal Canadian Legion in rillia will receive grant of $978 to assist in the purchase of uniforms and baseball equip ment The Wasaga Beach Minor Softball Association is to receive grant of $744 for the purchase of softball equtpment grant of $772 is to be made to the Elmvale and District Holland River where the men were to change to canoes and paddle to Brad ford tExaniiner photos by Rolf Kraikeri Choral Society for the purchase of music and gowns and to de fray some of the travel exr penses for performance in ollingwmxf The Navy League of Canada Hood in Collingwotxl will receive grant of 15 to assist in the purchase of musical instruments grant of $570 will be made to the Victoria Ilabour Parks Recreation and Community entrc Board for the purchase of softball equipment grant of $148 will be made to the Bradford and District Memorial Community Centre for the purchase of water polo eqinpment Opinion sought on housing plan MIDIIIRST Vespraplannr mg board wants to obtain an in dependent engineering opinion before considering two housing developments proposed at Midhurst At public meeting Monday night the board heard landvuse planner Barbara Marshall argue for aii official plan amendment to permit six two acre lots south of Doran Road The move would take latid out of an cnvironniental protcc tioii area designation under cspras official plan with precautions taken to prevent erosion on the steep and sandy tttiain The board recommended that ispra council hitc an en irontncnlalist at the 4Iliiltttitl epctise to assess lIltitItit lfic cniioiiiiientalist ilso IUII the possibility of iiiotfict official plan iiiicnil Illtltl to allow subdivision of Ho actcs cast of 4iticciil htticf lot IIIIIIIIIl large part of the second paicel owned by John Cole and Kasfiitlonca liiwstiiiciits Ltd is also designated ttH roiiinetital protection area EXIIIIIISSI IIURI The amendment to allow the would six lot dwelopinent was sup ported by three experts hired In the developer ULSafe ltcvclopiiicnts Ltd hydrologist lan Vlilson and Mle Marshall and Paul tileason of Reid and Associates Ltd consulting engineers Miss Marshall said the development is small and would not have great effect on the eiivirotiitieiif titily 5000 square feet on the 90000 squarcfont lots would be cleared of trees Ir Gleason iililetl Alistair Sutherland local resident said at the meeting he was concerned about trtisltin problems if ditches are oiilv soddetl And he said the developer should wait until the Willow trcck tllltillllltltl study is ioiiipletitl litii this year The tit lot Kashidonca pro posal lot which nooflicial plan amendment has been prepared represents the second phase of John ole subdivision as he is building on some of lots al ready approved Miss Maishall said ULSaIt also is ery close to obtaining apptmal for 20 lots south of th lot area The subdixision is called Beechwood Estates Sunday date chosen for Santa Claus visit Santa Claus is coming to town Dec While most people are still enjoying their summer vaca tion the Barrie Jaycees are busy planning the annual Santa Claus parade The parade will probably follow the same route as last year but will be held on Sun day and will not leave the fiargrounds until or 330 pm Ted Young spokesman for the club explained the club decided on the late start so chuch and Sunday school wou not be adversely af fected lhc Jaycees would like this to be fainin oriented day and are allowmg time to spare he said Further information as to theme floats and bands Will be made available when the com mittee swings into full tlttttili Auwwmm WV ww ws tE