Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1976, p. 1

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wrfimmVWcn3wai unawa EXAMINER TELEPHONES Ciitiiliitrmi lussilud Attltsilq All ttliii Depot IVHH 112th Year No 187 thildren attending the city recreation summer actnity timdles Heights school piit then energy department centre at public In MN 728 2411 726 6537 good use liicsday morning At the request of the city the children scoured the woods behind the school picking up all the garbage and glass Uhr marrtr The Bat to Examiner lliey could iiiid tarot taaboii six left and Julie Mctiaryey llt helped each other fill bag with old paper and litter irixiimiiier Photo Sandycove Acres golf course closed in spraying program mlt¢WM lt flaw SANDY tt W15 The San dyiove ites gull course has been closed to allow spray mg of treated sewage ell liiciit on fair ways and greens Neil Ebree ot the ministry of environment said today that spraying on the tlltlt hole course had created se eral piiil tiles and the ministry ordered fourday ban on spraying last week Max ltiee presidciii of San dycove Acres Ltd said the golt course was closed olunlarih and it ill pioliabli remain closed to allow spiaymg ot cl fluent tiom the Sanihcoie mobile home park eight llltli south of ltairie neat lake Sim tiK The etliei retiied hi mg gone through lagoon system Hut you cant lose sight of the fact it is sewage Mr Embreesaid Whether the effluent is harm liil is hard question to answer he said but would prefer they do not spray when peopleareplaying golf lr lfiziibrcc said there may be dangerous organisms in the effluent but there is no record of any one being harmed by it Spray mg l1llt golfers are on ltii tittltst could be considered only it the lagoon ere disinfected tests were taken regularly and the Simcoe tonnty District Health tnit gaeitsqiproal It Rice said the Btill ineinbei golf club has been Two preserved bodies unearthed in Pompeii AlllS Italy Itctiei Altllthiliifi ss v1si itml the piei picsiinwl il ill nltldlll 41 the Roman it it toipr what could be the aigest cemetery cici tiiiiui tiezc as announusl ItltMiiy Iti lnneteriiii friei IOI ill the ltllltln liisctiti said thediscoicn lt ittlii teiy outside the tint the as the hurled city was iii ex tplliitldl iiiipniani llt hill is lkiztyiil ii In that ol local riiig=stiae at titethi Firino iiieiiibei awealthi lumpen tiiiil Ht it iililttlitt ill littJE cleeimns ill Hi the eai the City dtSltttii lo mutter ill ltitl totiiii esiiiiis illi ttifis iieit limb tiliii Illl itltllltl Ille tilltt lull titlltttl lllii sis opened thi cine ten Saturday was oi young woman thought to hie been We iiiagisiiate llt or laugh tt to the bodies was tll ieciici oi txiiiigiiigs including slattltllt though li the goddess nit tot fun and siier iiecklai luiiiisn was ioundei the Tl iilt Hi and by the Iillit was iiestuiyed had boiit one persons were kiiled the ttll tiot lcii re lI lttil 29 ill epiesee tt piypiiawiii of ill liners losing proposition with only 320000 in revenue last year Re fund cheques will be issued to this years members Because 01 the need for con tiiiital spraying Mr Rice said wasnt going to take chance on anything happening It as choice betu cm the ten nants and the rollers ljlfluent has been spray ed on the course for three years and no problem was eperienced during hot and dry weather There is no way anyone could spray properly this year Nlr Rice said livery toll course has puddles whether they spray or not Angry driver faces charges NEW YORK Renter taxi tIlltt annoyed because fire truck was blocking trattic allegedly ran down two tire men lllJUtlllL one critically po lice said loliie charged tiiierra with assault endangerment obstructing ginetniiiental administration leai mg the scene oi an accident and at tempted escape IIdw ardo reckless liilltt silitl llit ttllhlt as stuck in irattic tam caused by tiie truck hacking into its ga rage Tuesday lanaged he tl legally 11m down two firemen fracturing the skull ol one The Sttiifltl SMALLEST IN THREE YEARS Food price hike less OTTAWA itl= contin Hing moderation in food price 508 durmg July resulted in the smallest 12month increase ltl consumer price index in more than three yams Stalls tics anada said why omsumer prices rose by only per cent in the 12 months to Jul The last time there was lower 12m0nth index was in April 1973 when it rose by66 per cent dexthe mast wider used measure of inflation rosc by fourtenths of one per cent in July This is down slightly from its onehalf of one percentage potnt increase in June and con tinues trend of more moder ate price rises since the start of theyear Higher costs for owning or renting home Were the main reason fat the overall index rise while mcrcasul charges for recreation and for some food items were smaller lac tor Pork prices went up by about 23 per cent and egetables cof fee and restaurant meals cost more in July than earlier But this was partly offset by lower prices for beef products and for sugar Statistics nada said The agency said that for the first time in more than five years costs for food consumed at home em down from year earlier levels There was SlX tenths of one per cent decline in these prices But Julys improved price rlormance was mainly in 00d items Excluding food costs for the other components measured by the consumer Price index rose by sixtenths of one per cent liltllldt ls ti brushed aside Besides increased shelter charges seasonally higher pricis for hotels and motels were noted bs Statistics taii ada hile increased train fares pushed up transportation charges However there was slight decline iii gasoline prices and in costs for owning and op erating automobiles Food prices the main reason for the improved consumer prices performance this year are not directly controlled by the governments anti inflation control program JeanLuc Pepin antiinflation board chairman recently issued statement rejecting an inquiry into boneless beet prices because he said that board studies show ed lower ini ported boneless beef prices were already being passed on to iiionsumers voluntarily llriice Walker ltv tell and liris liifresne seven peer through rusty chunk of metal they found in the woods behind undlcs Heights public school The Bottle Otilni iii Cmitido Wednesday August 1976 two are tteniliiig tlie recrea tioii departments activity centre at the school lucsday the children collected 20 bags of garbage Last week they collected about the same amount liildren were given liece lops as reward for their services tlIxaminei Ihiitoi May have vaccine here by end of September Peter Watson of the $1111 eoe oniity llealtli lnit said today the actual date of arrival for Swine liilliiena vaccine is still indefinite but he expects it be available by the end of September Dr Watson was one of four members of the health unit who attended meeting of provin cial health officials 111 Toronto discuss immunization plans He said the Simcoe ounty unit has two of the iniiniiniza tioii guns used to administer the vaccine and describes llllS me thod as faster and effective When the health unit receives its vaccine public announce lntttlS will be made and clinics likely set up at community to cations such as shopping cen tres and schools in the even ings He expects this will take place in October and Novem ber Mars still puzzling spacecraft scientists PASADENA alif iAlt Mars is still puzzling ikmgsci enlists with its fancy cheni islry that mmiics life but many experts feel the riddles can be solved by further Viking tests Some Stltlll 151 say it will OK Heads there life on Mars tails thee lsnt The Redcoats Six students from the Historic Naval and Military Establishment Guard at Pcnetanguishene probably take until late this month to determine whether the planets highly actiye soil is harboring any kind of life lint there is gloomier assessment li Joshua Lederberg re iioiiiicd biologist and expert in the field of extraterrestrial life said he thinks that the most likely outcome at the com plctioii of further experiments will be that scientists will be in approximately the same anlr tioii They will have set of ex citing data but will not have made definite conclusion Researchers at forum on life research said Tuesday they ha not determined yet whether surprising gas gener ation in test samples of Martian soil is sign of life or actiity produced by piiulmg chemical reactions Seieral experiments on Mars and some on earth are planned to identify the proc esses tine search for organic molecules 11 1ars soil should report its results this weekend were in Barrie Tuesday on their way tq Fort York in Toronto Thcguard dressed in the uniform of the 25th THE REDCOATS INVADE BARRIE number of institutions Slltll as nursing homes and hospitals may be able to administer the vaccine in their own facilities and clinics made he set up at large plants he said but final plans are not complete Dr Watson said officials have agreed the vaccine should be administered to people bet ween the ages of 20 and 50 and over 65 People between 50 and 65 years are generally considered immune to the influenza hav ing come in contact with it durs ing the last outbreak from 1918 to 1930 The vaccine is not given to children as officials feel it could have adverse side effects small percentage of people between the ages of 50 and 60 who have certain illnesses may be given the vaccine he said but the unit will rely on family doctors to contact these people Immunization will be volun tary and it will be up to people to gotothe clinics Dr Watson said reactions to the vaccine have been few Ieo ple may sustain slight tem perature 0r sore arm the same way they would from polio iii jection Side effects present no great concern he said tlfficials attending the meeting also received posttivc information regarding St Louis IInccphalitis he said Health officials are able to determine the types of viruses present in an area he said and there is no sign of the encephalit is in anada Spraying of mosquitoes Sounthern Ontario and the cold summer have helped keep the number of mosquitoes dow It looks like it is going to be good year Dr Watson con cluded Regiment of Foot put on demonstration of 13305 mil itary drill including the lei iipy iiiiei Home Delivoiy 85 Weekly llyItltllAltlllHNSlAN IlxmnliierSliill Illporter lliirric residents will have to wait bit longer to find out whether ivic Sqiiiire lower willbctheneweilyhall spokesman for Ullnwmultti Ltd of loroiito receivers for the ollici Street office building siiid today the lift has asked the city for another extension on its deadline tor ac ceptiiig the citys $21million ofterloithcbtiildiiig The latest deadline ilrezidy extended by week passed at midnight liiesday Klllljill Sliarma assistant in the vice president said today the lllttl has been 111 contact with Mayor Dorian larkcr bout an extension and no leiis ion has been reached on the WEATHER FORECAST RAIN Sl tysbid ily council has special meeting scheduled lot pm Thursday biil lShlSltllll city clerk leler VJestwooil said lllls morning be had not yet ttttlV ed instructions to put the extcii sioii request on the agenda The previous one week extension was approved by council members telephone poll lliinwoixleo repoi ledly con sidermg anothei bid of $1 413 million from an tllltltScltihetl source liinwoodcii was appointed receiver manager of thc ding by its iiioitgage holilci the Hank of Nina Scotia attei owner biiildci llaivey llai bridge IltVlltltilllttll Ltd of Miiskoka went baiikiiipl eai liei llllhll OFFICERS SUSPECT KILLED IN CRASH lllJlMllIlS iihio iAti Two toliinibns patrolinen rushing to join suburban police in high speed car chase were killed today in head on lllllSlUll between their vehicle and that driven by man wanted on theft charge police reported Police said the wanted man Steve Sexton 32 of betI III also was killed in the wreck The dead patrolmen Huger llrown Elf and Michael Smith 32 were answering call from police in Whitehall who had spotted Sexton driving through residential section of the suburb atitliorit ies said Sexton was sought on warrant issued by thicago police plead not guilty lll MONTREAL tlt lar encc anipbell National Hockey League president Mon treal businessman Loiiis Lap ointc and Gordon Brown of Frecport Bahamas pleaded not guilty in ions court today to charges stemming from the socallcd Sky Shops alr fair The three men are charged with illegally giving or agree ing to give Senator Louis ii gucrc $95001 in benefits in re turn for ligiieres influence in extending the dutylree shop lease at Montreals torva air Fines instead of jail terms HIILLIIYIILII mt Four persons sentenced by Judge lenilenmiig to to day jail terms for first con victions on charges of impaired driving had their penalties re dnced to fines Tuesday by coun ty court Judge Patrick LeSage Iiitiitllii ln upholding the appeals made by the four Judge LcS age said the administration of justice in traffic matters is pri inarily provincial responsi blity and the principles of Jits tict are those of the province not the county firing of the muskcts More pictures on 15 iExaminer Photor Sky Shops issue port for Sky Shops Export Ltd The crime is alleged to have occurred between July 1071 and Nov 30 11172 Lawyer Harvey Yarosky said the three elected trial by judge and jury and suggested Sept 11 as the preliminary hearing date which was accepted by Judge Andre haloux Mr Yarosky waived reading of the charges against the ac ciised Maximum lltllSllltltlll tor the offense is five years tiii prisonmeiit The three men itgiiere and James Liivcry of Toronto fact an Oct 12 preliminary hearing in titlawa on charges of con spiracy It the affair liguere also is to appear at preliintiuiry hearing heri Sept on charge of accept mg $95000 for using his in fliiciicc iii conneition with tin Sky Shii lease zimpliell Iiapomtc Brown and Lavery are former tilllttts of the Sky Shops company and were shareholders when the transport department granted the lease extension 24Paqns llic receivers called tenders lot the purchase ol the bililtlilllit In June and turned down the ty otter of $1 it million the on acceptable bid Il thctitnc oiiiicil agieml to raise the of lei to 31 million but Since then wcoiid tiller has been made by another potential biiyei The citys oltci is conditional on the approval of the Mario Municipal lliiaid ity ttilllltll has budgeted more than tit million loi con wlltltlltltl of new city hall in tint and amine ciiiiiicil ltllllllitH have argued that the tll ylititlltl toipet ivic Square Iiiwei and proceed with MS plan Upponenta iii the current bid llt aldei nieii ltoss Ai llll Jim lei Nelson Harrell and Alex Arthiii Ald Archer who supported the original bid ol $111 imllinii has said he does not ttitlsltltl the building bargain at $21 million He has iuliiiiated minimum renovation expenditure of $2001 ligiire ll says would skyrocket il an be Xptlly the building is found to lack siilfi Illll vpaie lot council chamber and Hunt an addi lion Freak mishap kills woman 81 ltlltthltl tfli An lll year old city woman was killed Tuesday when she was struck by car Wllllt shopping in lnioiitodriig store Leah Sniolkin was killed af ter car Vtttttl off the street struck another car and then tashed through the front Win downlthcstori The driver and llIS wile re ceiwdininorinpirns 26 nurses Jobssaved MlSSlSStttlA tint Th jobs of 26 Feel region pub lic health nurses scheduled to be fired Friday Will be saved says spokesmen for the re gions public health board Ronald Scarlc board chair man said Tuesday in an inter view the proi incial health min istry has agreed save the Jobs Last week the board decided to luv the nurses after it dis covered it was 8122000 short of money to pay the nurses in the 1976 budget The 1976 budget of $19 mil lion includes $1 million in sat aries for nurses ltlSpltlttrS and idtniiiistiation staff If they the tlillltslty deficit lit rilltltlltlnsi will hesaid cant absorb the CAPSULE NE WS Mother son drowned HILLH tint itli Margaret IlilllSt Mimden of Misissanga Hut and her son Mark Itaiiil drowned 111 Lake oiichiching iii trillta hcii their canoe tipped til iiesilay Israel restricts trade ABLIS Heuter Israeli military authorities have retaliated against tenday strike by Arab traders in the oc ttlt1ltt Bank by restricting trade at riiss the Jordan Hiyer an Arab mayor said today Earth tremors jolt Japan TiiKYii ttinter tral KyUshn Two moderate earth tremors pitted cen Japan main southern island today but there were no reports of damage or casualties 12 die in Paris fire PARIS Httlttr Twelve persons were killed and nine in jured hen fire swept throng hotel in the ligtille area of Paris early today Iiilii believed the dead were mostly North African migrant workers who ll in the Hotel Aiiieriqiie throughout the year France rejects proposal PARIS Heuter France today rejected proposal by State Secretary Henry Kissinger that the ITnited States France and Pakistan should get together to settle dispute mer plan ned French nuclear deal ith the Pakistani government Promise from Carter ATLANTA Ga AI Jimmy artcr promised tinted states lawyers new broom to sweep the house of iiveriiiiwnt clean and said today that if he is elected presi ent he il my turn his hack on misdeeds by officials Rhodesian city bombarded LMTALI Rhodesia iReuteri Nhite suburbs of mtalt Rhixlesias thirdlargest city came under mortar bombard merit from Mozambique early today but police said there were no casualties Israeli banks bombed TEL AVIV Reuter Small bombs went off early today out side two Israeli banks in the occupied West Bank town of Ramallah military sources said today

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