The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau at Circula tions ABC only the Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper Published daily except NEWSROOM ADV $3333 er Kimségwh gamma Sunday and credited to CP the Associated Press Reuters or Agence FrancePresse and local Hfgégï¬gagrg 243 XEZMEN gem Mme statutory holidays news stones published in The Examiner CI Sheila McGovern asSistantcity editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Scott Haskins sports editor Claudia Krause litestyle Marina Quattrocchi photographer 11 Johnson Dorothy Bowland WEEKLY by carrier lng Boulton Gail McParland 90cents Dana Graham Vil YEARLYby carrier Aden Smith $4690 Leo Renxella BY MAIL Barrie The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper the examiner Saturday April 22 1973 serving barrie and slmcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Copyright registration number 203815 register 61 ott it St Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St REPORTERS CIRCULATON SMCOGEBOOUNTY Na ireaaadver ising ices 65 Quee Str et Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Maw cussmeo BlilHalkes manager BOYhed PM Deea Rum 3335 supervisor Linda Halkes asst manager 650 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arising out of Pat Guergis Freda Shinne Andy Haughton MOTOR THROWOlF rrors in advertsements be ond the amount aid lor the ace actually occupied bi Ello Agogn pUthher canoeeurse Karen Atkinson Alva LaPiante u9ayear Thumbs up To Harold Davis and the Barrie and District Real Estate Board and Lloyd Tufford and the Barrie Chamber Music Society for their concerts last weekend and for carrying on with celebrationsfor Barries 125th anniversary despite lack of offiCial in terest To Mary Sloan who has been Churchills librarian for 60 years To the Soroptimist Club of Barrie which has been helping to make life in the community better for the past 35 years To Barrie City Council for agreeing to pick up gar bage in condominiums and showing that it is not in flexible To Barries aldermen for agreeing to give $2000 for an artists conception and preliminary floor plans of proposed recreation centre in Barrie To Barries Mello Blends who raise money for autistic children by having fun and giving joy to others To the organizers of the Elmvale Maple Syrup Festival for their fine work and for proving once again that when the people of town get behind something things happen To the Barrie Rotary Club for sponsoring cam paign to raise money for new homes for Victims of an Indian cyclone To the Sarjeant ReadyMix Peewees winners of the Ontario AA division championship Thumbs down To skateboarders who will doubtless make life in teresting for drivers of cars by skateboarding on city streets particularly on Anne Street To The Examiner for thoroughly messing up the report of the winners of the contest to name the citys camp on Lake Simcoe and for printing the names of winners of the contest one day and having to say the next that the youngsters hadnt won the contest at all Your business By VINCENT EGAN BUSINESS and onsumcr ffziirsnalyst Thomson Ncws Service Robin Hood move over Another myth is being exploded It has often becn said that thc Trudeau government has been playing Robin Hood taking from the rich tthrough heavy taxc5 and redistributing the money to the poor Not so contends economist Irwin Gillespie of tarlcton University Ottawa The cvidcncc is that the federal govern ment has not improved the economic position of the poor relative to the highestincomc families during the 10705 he writes in study just issued by the Canadian Economic Policy ommittec and thc 71 Howe Research institutc Its true that most budgci speeches by federal financc ministcrs in this decade have ictcrrcd to thc objcctivc of maintaining or increasing thc rczil incomes of the poor Intentions are no guide to effects however says Prof Gillespie In fact he gocs on when John Turner was financi ministcr thc benefits of budgets and tax rcforni wcnt morc to the families in the high or lowcrmiddlc income brackets than to ilic poor or those with lowcr incomes lOlHJCSS lnllNlIlTlS Even tho liberalization of lncmployincnt liisiirzincc Bonefits in 1073 did nothing to write your mpp if you tiiiiiii likt to xiriii your Mcntbci oi lnilinnicnt or lcnibcr o1 limiiiciui lir liinicnt pi llllttl iiilow irI tlicii intiiling ad lllt lt you ind ll topy of your lcttir it might bv Uliitlllt for our lcttcr to the Editor columns vftcr till if tlicic is innt lci ol toiiccrn ilinl innkcs you wont to wrilc to your ll or Mll it it is not it Xrstililll ninthr it should tic o1 inicrcsl to yoiii iriciidx and neighbors too lllll Dr It ltyiiiird Ml NortliSiiiitoc lurliuincnt Buildings tttiiitnt Ross liliic Ml lccl lliiftciin Siincoc lxiiiinnicni liuiltliiitlx liliiliiltl SiiiclziirSliwns Ml oik Siincoc lnriiiiiiicnt Buildings tiilfllnl ills lilgcs Ml tlrcy Siincoc lilflltlllltlil Buildings tllallili lltthth Il icorgc lulor Mll Sinicoctcnlrc ntuiio chislziturc Qucciis lnrk Toronto iordon Smith Mll Simcoe East Ontario lcgisuturc Queens Park Toronto icorgc Vlctiiguc Mll DuffcrinSinictw Quecns lzirk Toronto Now you see it now you dont assist the poorest families Prof Gillespie contends although it did redistribute income from highestincome families to lower middleincome families IThe UI reforms were based on White Paper that had as one of its two objectives level of benefits more on the basis of need than length of time in the work force The same groups derived the greater benefit from the Turner budget measures that were said the finance minister going to protect the needy from the ravages of in flation And if the poor are defined as those with too little income to pay any income tax then they werent helped at all by such frequently invoked budgetary instruments as personal deductions exemptions credits and tax cuts To those who would argue that the in troduction of income tax on capital gains in 1072 was an example of taking from the rich worthy of Itobin Hood Prof Gillespie responds that this move was almost offset by the decision to discontinue the estate tax at the sametimc DOIBIS RAISED Some other experts remain unconvinced by these arguments however For example Prof Gillespie contends that income redistribution to the poor was non cvcnt and therefore could hardly have contributed to the inflation of the 1970s But Arthur Smith former chairman of the Economic Council of Canada disagrccs llc says that relative changes in income distributions have convinced those who have middle or high incomes that they are being distributed against and this has inserted more income push and cost push into the economy And another member of the Canadian Economic Policy Zommittce ll Irean criticizes the Gillespie study for limiting its examination to federal budgetary policies An extcnsion of the analysis to cover hospital and medical programs financed jointly by fcdcral and provincial rcvcnucs may providc substantial transfer from the bcttcr off citizcns to thosc at the lowest lov cls rczin said Obviously ii dcfinitivc rcsolutioii of the doubts rziiscd by Prof lillcspic must await furthcr study lt would be interesting as part of any such study to comparc the incomes of thc poorest anaditins with those of thc poorcst citizcns of roughly comparable countrics bible thoughts Hath not my hand made all these things Actslzstl Have anything in your life that needs fix ing Take it to the one who made it He really cares and can do anything have loved thee with an everlasting love in God pick up the brokcn pieces and make new what you made in the beginning In lesus name Amcn Wc praise you for it Let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers in word in con vesation in charity in spirit in faith in puri ty Timothy 412 What is seen far outshines anything that is said That they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven You will never rclive today make it good one with Gods help The world today By JOHN llARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Public opinion moves against the foreign aid banks when times are tough and this seems to be happening at present with two of them The US Congress is far from happy with the internal operations salary structures and lending programs of the World Bank which is the largest of the development banks The InterAmerican Development Bank has had its latest annual meeting in Van couver with its president Antonion Ortiz Mena calling for an extra $9 billion in funds for bank loans The Asian Development Bank based in far off Manila seems to have escaped current mY opinion By RANDY MCDONALD Examiner ity Editor Bill 151 still comes across as an attempt by government at appeasing public pressure Bill 151 is the new gun control legislation which has gun owners upset and members of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters OFAH downright angry Government is looking at the regulations as means of checking the rising use of firearms by criminals and as way of keep ing guns out of the hands of unstable persons Those opposed to the bill consider it unfair They feel they are being punished for the ac tions of few and are against additional government restrictions You can trace the roots of the present bill back few years when rash of violent and messy incidents involving guns triggered an avalanche of public opinion on government to do something The first attempt was Bill 083 which serv ed only to unite the gun owners clubs and organizations such as the FAH Bill 383 was squashed but from the scat tered picccs emerged the present legislation Earlier this week the Barrie and District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club came out of the closet to initiate meeting aimed at putlining the regulations contained in Bill 351 SCOOPS torts ABSOLUTELY min riisiviii AMlilTHEliE is 5MAii HisTilKE HERE resistance to development bank needs But certainly its venue in the Philippine Islands republic rife with corruption and bad government is the kind of donor country some Canadian and many American politicians are unhappy about Both the World Bank and the Inter American Development Bank with the US as the largest donor nation in each instance are based in Washington and hence are highly visible to an unhappy Congress The latter bank called the IADB for short has faced congressional and public attack several times over the years Its former president was accused by the Washington Post in 1970 of using bank staff for personal activities such as his house repairs Regulations arent clear It was obvious that many of the 60 persons at the meeting were confused Many wondered out loud why there are no clearly defined interpretations of the regulations THERE ARENT ANY There is reason for this there arent any The legislation for the most part is vague It leaves government with sweeping powers and opens the door for additional retrictions As Cpl Wes Prosser community services officer with the Barrie City Police explained the definition of terms used in the legislation and exact definition of what it means wont beknown until tested in court That means gun owners will be walking an uneasy street for couple more years while thousands of dollars are spent testing the legislation Gun owners are realistic enough to accept the fact that controls are here Who can op pose regulations aimed at stifling the ease in which firearm can end up in the hands of unstable person or criminal Whatthcy dont want is thick coating of regulations under which they cant move GLANCING AROUND Camp Tyndale how unoriginal Attention begins to focus on the Ice0ut Car Its gradually beginning its descent 0N fEHCll5 Oil WELL THATS WHY THEY PUT ERA5535 Rudleigh MacLean El that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether suchbeIrJor is peg Chape mm or ELSEWHERE CANADA due me negligence oi its servants or otherwise and there shall be no ia or 726 6537 gygpï¬ggkgichous Dana Homewood gemPrngle $3850 year nutInsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement erson 7266537 7266539 s1il gig731 Foreignaid banks under fire from unhappy US Congress The bank had no evaluation system for the proper disbursement of loans in continent where corrupt military and civilian govem ments can and do misdirect such bank loans Ortiz Mena the present president and Mexican multimillionaire has come under attack for the way he became rich before joining the bank and its internal political operations The patrician Ortiz was former Mexican finance minister from an era in Mexican history only now ending when Mexican presidents and cabinet ministers enriched themselves immensely while in office In Washington the House of Represen tatives voted to bar any further use of American funds in the World Bank to Communist Vietnam and Laos Cuba Angola Mozambique and Uganda These are countries either under ruthless Communist regimes or in the case of Angola and Mozambique have worked closely with the Cubans in their several African military operations But the major concern of World Bank of ficials led by the impressive Robert Mac namara as its president is that Congress may order cutbacks on the 25 per cent of the banks authorized capital of $34 billion which comes from US sources The bank loans only for economic criteria But important Congressmen and supporters of President Jimmy Carters human rights program are proposing to cut back US financial involvement for political reasons In Canada strong direct attacks through the House of Commons do not take place frequently against our international lending activities though we have the same col lection of ultraconservatives and human rights supporters who have strongly different reasons for wishing Canada to reduce its foreignaid outlay Rather Canadian critics seem to be hung up on single issue where the IADB lending by Canada is concerned This is our financial and other commitments both inside the bank and elsewhere to Chiles military govern ment This is curious narrowing of the larger complaints against lending funds to dic tatorial states But the recent IADB meeting in Vancouver was under attack primarily over Chile and not much else NO MOITHAT5 WllY THEY PUT BULLET5 For all SGOSOHS We were 27 next week By TRAYNOR MCFARLANE Age Age Age Its lied about has dissolved marriages has culled awe disbelief chagrin laughter and death Weve known people who were 30 and look ed 70 weve known some who were 75 and looked 45 Its an ego thing of course and its not only women who are involved we once knew guy who in the course of conversation said How old do you think am We studied the wrinkles and eyebags for time finally coming up with Sixtyone His face fell about 15 centimetres and he said hangdoggedly Pretty close Im 62 Those of us who look our age are secretive about it just because of that fact if we are Youthy looking we go around telling anyone wholl listen just what age we are When were 17 were longing with youthful zest to be 25 When were 103 were longing desperately tobe 70 again and so on But no matter what we do how we ap proach the issue nothing ever seems to hap pen except that we dont get any younger Some of us stay young by thinking young as one part of getting older is in the mind Yet arent we always being told to Act your age All we can do personally is to think young and act old Whenever anyone has the unmitigated gall to ask us our age we always answer them quite truthfully We were 27 next week That gets them Canadas story Introduction to hell ahead By BOB BOWMAN During the First World War Canadian troops landed in France early in 1915 and got their first experience under fire at Ploegsteert which they called Plugstreet It was mild introduction to the hell ahead the Second Battle of Ypres which began April 22 Ypres which they called Wipers is in Belgium and is the gateway to the channel ports of Dunkerque Calais and Boulogne It was vital to hold this sector and the Canadians were ordered to defend part of it even though they were still green troops with perhaps six months training On the afternoon of April 22 they saw something that looked like fog drifting towards them from the German lines It was poison gas being used for the first time in warfare French colonial troops to the left broke and fled choking and gasping The Germans came pouring through the gap bayonets high and the flank of the Canadian Division was turned and practically trapped The gas destroyed the will to live Victims writhed on the ground or in ditches and cried Go away and let me die There were no gas masks but the Canadians soon learned they could save themselves by holding urine soaked rags over their nostrils It was in these conditions that they held on and attacked again and again until May Their valor and sacrifice saved the channel ports In the first six hours of fighting the 10th Regiment from Calgary lost 619 men idlled or wounded of its complement of 800 men Total Canadian casualties in the Second Battle of Ypres were 6000 men killed wounded or missing OTHER APRIL 22 EVENTS 1612Bylow and Baffin began voyage to Arctic 1737First smelter in Canada was built at Three Rivers Que l786Baron Dorchester formerly Sir Guy Carleton became governor of Canada 1848Captain Crozier and 105 survivors of Franklin expedition to Arctic left ships and tried to walk but all perished 1954National conservation conference pened in Ottawa 1960Field Marshal Montgomery arrived in Ottawa for visit 1963LB Pearson minister became prime we want your opinion something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned lci ters but if you wish pen name will be used lnclude your telephone number and address as we have to verify lcttcrs Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject lcttcrs Letters to the Editor are run every day or the editorial page Send yours to Letters to the Editor The Examiner Post Office Box 370 BARBIE Ont IAM 4T6