10 the examiner Monday Aprll17 1978 Raymond Garneau right raises the hand of Claude Ryan who won the Quebec Liberal leadership over Garneau Saturday at the Liberal Leadership Convention in Quebec CityCP Photo respectL your decision Garneau tells party QUEBEC Cl Eighteen yearold Marie Goyette sobbed quietly wiping tears away as she listened to Raymond Gar neau defeated candidate for leadership of the Quebec Liber als thank his supporters Since the beginning of the campaign have expressed my belief in democracy Garneau said addressing the Liberal convention Saturday after win ner laude Ryan thanked his aipporters respect your decision Garneau added calling on dele gates to make the election of Ryan as party head unanimous Ryan had margin in delegate strength when the 2611 convention delegates were elected In March and despite lairieaus efforts to lure them to his side during the final month of the campaign the 21 riiargin held as Ryan took 1746 votes to Garneaus 80 Marie loyctte piano stU dent trorn Shefford riding on the KS border was typical of young Garneau supporters who saw bright future for the All yearvold candidate with his boyish good looks SEES DIFFERENCE She said Garneau who has served the Quebec Liberals for iiiyears first as an aide to tor mer premier Jean Lesage then as minister in the government of defeated premier Robert Bourassa was an experienced politician while Ryan was dir lettantc For about month at the riding level there will he divi sions between supporters of the two candidates Miss Goyette said But were Liberals she said Well be united for the referendum and the next elec tion ther Garneau supporters were upset with the selection of Ryan Jolianne Gauthier who worked three months of 16hour days for Garneau without pay said she would not support Ryan We worked for real Lib eral said Ronald Leveille an organizer who coordinated Garneau demonstrations during the convention We will see if we support Ryan It depends on what Mr Garneau docs Others said their support will be conditional on whether Ryan agreed to follow the party pro gram SNLB Ntlllill Ryan in his victory speech made little effort to win over Garneau and his supporters al though larneau was sitting in the convention stands with his wife Pauline and children Vero nique 13 and JeanFrancois 17 The snub to Garneau did not gounnoticed That just proves he Ryan isnt politician said Guy Morin Quebec City organizer for the candidats Garneau in his final speech to delegates before the voting stressed his pride in having been in government with for mer leader Robert Bourassa Victory weakens Trudeau SOREL Que itli lro gressive Conservative leader Joe laik says the election of Claude Ryan as Quebec Liberal leader should curb the federal governments Xilarization of the national unity debate With Ryan there will be sense that there is someone in Quebec who is able to confront lrvesquc tlark said lIl an in tcrvrew here Sunday in dicating federalist Quclwcers now can turn to someone other than Prime Minister lrudeau He suggested that the crncr gence of strong provincial lig urc will weaken lrudcau ca pacity to polarilc the national unity debate Delayed for TV TORONTO Kriowlton Nash head of lit news said Sunday the Quclxc Liberal party deliberately delayed an iiouncirig the election results at its leadership convention in an attempt to get llitllt network time Saturday night Nash chief of information pnigrains said it appeared the delay in announcing the election of tlaudc Ryan as new leader was planned by the party Rt had scliedulul the elec tion coverage from in to pm EST However the vote result was not announced until aftor 731 pm and the lit ended its program at li he foreRyaiistartidspeaking The network did not carry the convention but its two main stations lll tlntario and Quebec covcrul it on their own The two lV stat ions civiitd Ryan spwci iitil pm when tho ieturied to regular magi amming Clark The Tory leader wound up day long preclection tour with routing of party organizers here He was expected back in Ottawa today lilarlicr lark was warmly received by party supporters in nearby Pierrevillc 100 kilo metres northeast of Montreal where he told Richelieu riding nomination meeting that his gincrninenl would enact two basic reforms in the dairy in dustry New in Town Youll find friend where you see this sign UUU Nlii Ilothii ior more information tall 72815751 Phone Mï¬ who is seen by some Liberals as an outcast because he led them to defeat in the Nov 15 1976 election In the end it was perhaps Garneaus loyalty to Bourassa or just the fact he had belonged to the Bourassa government that did him in as Liberals sought different face in Ryan NeWIeGder of QuebecLibemI party favorsmainiaining federal thadd QUEBEC CP Leader ship says Claude Ryan was the watchword to his steamroller victory as leader of the Quebec Liberal party But at his first formal news conference Sunday the man who garnered 684 per cent of weekend delegate votes said dont want to impose my ideas on the national assembly Liberal caucus Ryan replied to most ques tions about the direction in which he would lead the Liber als with an appeal for time to consult with party members His pilgrimage of con sultation began early Sunday with Liberal caucus leader Gerard Levesque and continued later in the day with Claude Castonguay former provincial Liberal cabinet minister who now heads the prereferendum committee uniting profederalist orces Later in the weekprobably Wednesday or Thursdayhe plans to meet with the Liberals 26 sitting members at the na tional assembly WILL RENEW PARTY The former newspaper pub lisher who 17 months ago urged the 40000 subscribers of the in fluential Montreal daily Le De voir to ditch the Liberal govern ment of Robert Bourassa also appealed for clear start on renewed Liberal party He said the provincial Liberal party should remain on the sidelines of an eventual Last curtain falls on Bourassa years QUEBEC CP Choosing outsider Claude Ryan over in sider Raymond Garneau for its new leader the Quebec Liberal party allowed the last curtain tofall on the Bourassa years Seventeen months to the day after Premier Robert Bou rassas numbing loss to the Parti Quebecois Garneau 43 Bourassas finance minister for six years and his heir apparent was decisively spurned in favor of latecomer to politics and to the party Gerard Levesque whose 22 unbroken years as sitting member of the national assem bly made him symbol of what party members like to call the Liberal tradition filled in as leader while successor to Bou rassa was sought Much has been said and writ ten ofthe social deadlock that developed gradually during the Bourassa years 197076 be tween what appeared to be government adrift and the forces of nationalism labor militancy and cultural and eco nomicexpectations Public weariness and exas peration at the seeming aim lessness of the Liberal govern ment signalled Parti Que becois victory in November 1976 land Bourassa im mediately dropped out of sight GRASP MEANING Yet it was recognized in the early stages of the search for his successor that the party which hardly dared mention his name would make little head way until it came to grips with the meaning of the Bourassa experience Significantly the party jumped over the Bourassa years last fall when it cast about for figure of prestige to head its special committee on the Quebec independence refer endum The man chosen was Jean Lesage Bourassas silver haired predecessor premier during the Liberals golden days in the early 19605 who wrested power from the en trenched Union Nationale and became known as the father of theQuiet Revolution Of the four former party lead ers who attended last weekends convention Lesage was the only oneapart from Gedard Leves Uecalled on toaddress the gat ering Bourassa however wasfea tured with Lesage Levesque and two other party chiefs George Marler and Georges Emile Lapalmein film shown at the convention to glor ify the Liberal tradition Lapalme civil servant stayed away from the con vention TRANSFORM BOURASSA The partys way of coming to AAAMMAA4A 4AAAAMAAA44AAAAAAJA AAA AAAA 4AA AA terms with the Bourassa years seemed to be to promote him into the hall of fame for Liberal worthies to transform him into one facet of cherished tradi tion In conversation before Sat urdays vote former Bou rassa aide and campaign staf fer said There are two major concerns in the Liberal party loyalty and power If they choose power Ryan will take it If they go for loyalty its Garneau They chose power The party showed it was prepared to coun tenance leader who 17 short months ago wrote editorials urging its downfall Rising from its ashes the party elected man who helped burn its house down federal election campaign but left the door open to possible in volvement should Ottawa make constitutional proposals an is sue Ryan whose main campaign speech said we are Quebecers first but we are also Cana dians we are also in favor of maintaining federal Canada urged infinite prudence on federal in volvement in the Quebec referendum question on in dependence He said the acceptance by the QuebecCanada movement of $275000 federal grant could cause very serious reserva tions for other unity groups participating in common front to stymie the Parti Quebecoiss bid for in dependence he said he hopes Garneau who lost the leadership bid in an 1748to807 result will con tinue to the end of his mandate at the national assembly and will continue after that as long as possible BACKERS BOOED Disappointed Garneau sup porters who had been hoping the margin would be closer booed Saturday the 13 members of the Liberals national assem bly caucus who had supported Ryan Ryan supporters greeted the seven who backed Garneau with silence Only veteran Liberal Le vesque the caretaker leader since the partys election defeat Nov 15 1976 won rousing cheers and applause from both campaign camps Ryans appeal to be allowed time to decide policy and lead Barriel728O492 ership issues plied also to questions about his intention to seek seat in the national as sembly He said there are good argu ments to be made for decision either waymore time to con sult with party members if he were free of national assembly duties higher profile to con front the government of Pre mier Rene Levesque if he were sitting member Ryan 53 has background in joumalism and in the Roman Catholic social action move ment following studies of church history at Romes Ponti icial Gregorian University Hailed by his supporters as thinker on constitutional and other issues Ryan announced he plans to define the partys constitutional position in coming months As well as consultations with party members Ryan said he may also meet with Premier Levesque and other olitical leaders in other provinces PRAISED BY TRUDEAU He said he would welcome meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau who stated the Ryan victory would greatly contrib ute to the cause of Canadian un The main campaign speeches by both Ryan and Garneau or mer finance minister stressed the themes of language con stitution and the econom Garneau pledged fr cm for parents to choose either French or English as the language of schooling for their children and bilingual approach Ryan said he would modify present language legislation which restricts choice and has introduced the language ele ment in hiring and union fields He promised to em hasizein dividual liberties an said Lib erals must force the Parti Que becois to show its true colors which are those of separatism The PQ strategy is to sweeten the pill describing their sover eigntyassociation program as third option when it is in fact breaking the federal link breaking up forever Canada as political society Ryan said Nevertheless he said Que becs nationalist aspirations must be met The task of the coming years lies not in vainly attempt ing to deny the emergence in Quebec of vigorous nation alism but to try to in corporate it into the larger ideal of Canada which is di verse brotherly tolerant with positive values which ar ticulate the new Quebec nationalism This Weeks SPECIAL SHOCKS BRAKES 00 Discount autobaus 00 finicw Rd 7370100 Colt 45 is available at your local beer store and many licensed establishments