the oxamlner Tuesday Fob 28 1978 Budget priority TORONTO tCP Ontario lreasurer Darcy McKeough Monday urged tougher stance in bargaining with civil ser vants tax incentives for manufacturing research and federal budget before federal election as aids to Canadas flagging economy McKeough who presents his 0er budget March said in speech to the Ontario Municipal Electric Association and the Association of Municipal Elec trical Utilities that new budget should be Ottawas first priority know election fever is run ning high in Ottawa today however the first order of busi rtcss before that government is to get excited about c0n firming in budget some new directions and initiatives for the economy of Canada In urging restraint in civil service wage settlements McKeough said there is no easy way for governments to ensure that publicsector wages are comparable with those in the private sector do think we must be pre pared to take stronger stand in negotiations He added that wage settle ments should take into account the full benefits including se curity of publicsector employ ment The treasurer also hinted as he has in recent speeches that there might be some tax in creases when the Ontario budget is unveiled He said this budget is the most difficult of the six he has had to present adding that there are no techniques to take away the responsibility elected officials have for making tough choices Quits party Reg 26495 CLEARANCE SAISOO Stereo Amplifier Powerful enough to drive most any speaker system at 35 watt RMS per channel With two magnetic phono inputs tuner input and two aux inputs recording outputs and tape monitor buttons and jacks Loudness for deep rich bass even at low volume Quatravoxwfor theatretype surroundsound with four speakers 319022 OFF CLEAR3355 FastAc1ion IV games in colour deck with Dolby circuit Play tennis hockey shoot skeet or ment Easy hook up tothe TV Requires moving targets squash or practice 6Ccells or AC adapter not includedl Reg Complete with remote controls 603057 NEW DELHI rlteuter photocells pistol and rifle butt attache day because Of his PaFtYS 4013000 Hz erRatio 55 dB With Cro tapeand DoibyCircuitin Wowand dismal performance in Sun Flutter lt 015 WRMS 14848 days election in the southern India state of Kamataka where Realistic SGT14 record la deck features Dolb Circuit the best in 82831213 aQEdath Roeflggiyi recordlng to reduce tapephisys bias buton for Crogyor standard cassettes pr digital counter dual VU meters AutoSt0p Pause for easy editing Outfront Congress party restgned Mon mike and headphone tacks Plus some excellent specs Frequency Response former prime minister Indira party swept to victory Reddy said in letter to the WW Congress general secretaries he was resigning as president to take responsibility for the de 8track stereo Speaker Hf Reg 2Ilsltallig ohmglijljall 62lvsvidjgrarrg feat of his party in Karnataka woofer Upfront volume control phono Latest results from Kama taka show Mrs Gandhis party jack and screw terminal inputs Genuine walnut vinyl veneer cabinetry 1314 1012x434 Realistic ModulaireWI r838 combines AMFM and FM stereo radio with an 87track stereo recordplay deck all in Reg 2495 in the 224member assembly with 35 results still to be de clared The Official Congress party has won only two seats so far while the governing Janata party has captured Prisoner since 60 KIMBERLEY APi Robert Sobukwe founder of the outlawed Pan African Congress who had been in prison or under South African government restriction since 1960 died of cancer early today in the Kim berley Hospital He was 53 The black nationalist leader was imprisoned from I960 to 198 for leading demonstrations against the pass laws requiring blacks to carry identification papers at all times Patrolman CBb 6band action radio has won majority of 127 seats one compact unit Make your own tapes by recording off the air or from other stereo components Even create your own stereo by adding two mikes or add your own voice over your favourite music with the SingeAlong feature Has input for ceramicrcartridge phono aux input and headphone Jack With two stereo speakers 14931 walkietalkie requires no ï¬cence MCflaMA Reg 2895 each 235 Each Indooroutdoor Thermometer Hear all 40 C8 channels patrol cars anrl fire ttlHS 74 hour wiliithrr no US or border areal Dualrangescale reads 40° to +120° Fahrenheitand Realisuc TRC74 With 100 DUI DUShpU trains trucks and aircraft plus AM and FM radio 410 to +500 Celsius Remote sensor mounts out aUdo f0pemV range afld IQWdiSYOVTlOn volume whole world of listennir entertainment on doors or indoors in another room Big meter comes Wm eCEVe and allsmi CVSIBS lOr Channel VHF Lo vnr iii unr ca AM and FM hands Uses battery not included 2m 14 BUY crystals for second channel of your chorce Operates on AC power icorri mild or 63651 9VbalieYlnCIUded21174 cells inot Inclri 12 761 Black White Ihaeli Vii DIVISION OF TANDY ELECTRONICS LIMIYED RADIO SHACKS POLICY ON ADVERTISEDITEMS luauow lLAlWW IUCHANANS BUCHANANS mi ow ifEUX Km WWIHSM wwsu $811M wriii Iyt iiiiii wiiy rinisiiiiuiiiu IllIIIIII In imw iinn imii at it mum mi mm mm HI mind in tiiltill im iisriiinii lIlllliIlH llJlIli try this dtlvtflfstflltfll Wt mnrimsn in Humm iii mi iiiiiiiiinii in wv lilll ItlllIHIt IN supply tit my ylrlt itii rim iiiiiii irii mil in rm ri pimp mum iii ii pinii ii min sir iiA iii ii mini minimmi si imam int Alfftfiv rIlflf irii irrii llilildlrII iii aiiii luir IIIIy iitiiiiri ilii riiti iltflll Sh MCMSCOWALW QMIIAMIS mmnv ML 11 iiiYXLICfiliniiiifWm stereo speaker Reg 95 214 Bayviow Drive Barrio each 1285694 each Realistic ODIIIIIUS 58 speakers wrth asuperb 75 watts peak program power Hear Iarger than life stereo through masswe 12 woofer two midrange Speakers and high compliance tweeter With two controls for treble and midrange response Genuine walnut veneer enclosure is 25 14 x11 12 40 2006