The Examiner is member of The Canadian Pres CP and Audit Bureau at Circula Published daiiv except tions ABC Only the Canadian Press may repuoilsh news stories in this newspaper newsroom ADVERTISING lustss Sundav and credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Aoence Francean and local upwamoina editor manager Marla accountant statutory holidays news stories published In The Examiner EKLY carrier Sheila McGovern assistantcity editor Litll Johnson WWW Wm oocerlts The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created Bill McFarIshe wire editor lImam Boultori Singing YEA RU by cm by its employees and published in this newspaper servin Werner semen sports na Graham Tuesday Feb 28 1913 borne and mcoe COUMY Claudia Krause mestyle Aden smith 3° Copyright registration number 203015re9lster oi Marina Ouattrocchl photographer BY MAIL Barrie Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited ï¬mflTERs ORCULATION ssuo natipnal advertising ottlces as Queen St Torontolu1710 s40 Cathcart st iMco coumv on rea l6 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Poul Delean CLASSIFIED Ellldzainliiégaagggerhanager 53650 own RUM 3W3 supervisor Andy Haugnton MOYOR THROW OFF The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of El0 AQOSIm PUbISher nuns Freda Shlnner Alva LaPIante errors In advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actuain occupied by Rudleioh MocLean Karen Atkinson Elaine Porter that portion ot the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error Is tumours CIRCULATION ADVERTISING ClASSIFIIDS BUSINESS Sue Burke Peggy Chapell Gary Prlngle ELSEWHE RE CANADA due to the negligence at its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability lor 7266537 7266539 7266537 7282414 7266537 J° WW Dana Homewood Pal Meison $3350 V9 noninsertion at any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement State religion from psychology Ontario is to get new state religion if the Ontario Psychological Association has its way Ontarios psychologists want to make sure that any ad vice nonpsychologists receive is from psychologists The CPA wants the Ontario government to pass law called with surprising precision from the masters of ob fuscation The Psychologists Act The Psychologists Act would restrict the practise of psychology to psychologists which is reasonable aim What isnt reasonable though is the Acts definition of psychology The Act gives the following definition the assessment and treatment of any condition deficiency deficit disability disorder disfunction or handicap of an emotional cognitive interpersonal men tal mindbody motivational or nervous character the intervention of counselling pyschotherapy not withstanding how the interventions may be described the evaluation planning and consulting for effective vocational learning and social situations the resolution of interpersonal conflicts and for greater certainty the interventions of marriage education or vocational counselling or therapy That covers lot of ground It could affect organiza tions such as Alcoholics Anonymous or distress and volunteer centres school guidance counsellors and could even put clergy behind bars The penalty for practising what the CPA says is psychology is $2000 fine and sixmonth jail sentence for the first offense $5000 fine and six months in jail for second offense If the Ontario government is foolish enough to pass The Psychologists Act and Health Minister Dennis Tim brell says the Act wont be considered at this session of the Legislature then Ontario will in effect have state religion Psychology is based on the assumption that there is scientific theory for the behavior of man and that scien tific theory is in effect fact The Psychologists Act is dangerous proposition it affects the civil liberties of everyone and worse it puts the government stamp of approval on science as the ex planation for everything simcoe yesteryear This photo of the main street of llawkestone is post card The post card was found in The Ex aminer files and we have no information about thephoto The card does not say who took the picture or when it was taken Our guess is that the photo was taken at the turn of the century Canada builds strong case for compensation for Cosmos UNITED NATIONS tCPl Canadian legal experts are studying ways of building the strongest case they can under international One problem is the missing and highly radioactive core of the nuclear wered satellite It might have disintegrat in near outer ace before other debris landed or it Parliament any of our readers know anything more about the picture If so wed like to hear from you write your mp 99 If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Par liament printed below are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is mat ter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors IOOl FEDERAL Dr Rynard MPrNorth Simcoc Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Ross Millie MPPeelDuflerinSlmcoo Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Sinclair Stevens MP YorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Gus Mitgcs MPGreySimcoc Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PROVINCIAL George Taylor MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smith MPPSimcoeEast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto George Mctague MPPDufferin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto might hidden under deep ice in the vast sparselypopulated area In any case the search for the core and other pieces will go on past the spring thaw adding to the bill for the cleanup which in four weeks since the Jan 24 accident has passed the $2million mark There are no cutanddried ways of presenting the bill to the Soviet Union and demanding payment UN conventions im posing certain costs and liability on the launching state in such accidents are not all that specific Canadian government legal ex rt in New York recently for the meetings the UN technical and scientific subcommittee on outer space explained KEEPING TRACK Were keeping careful track of our costs At some stage when we have clear idea of the magnitude of the Canadian costs well be considering presentation of claim through bilateral channels not here at the UN Some of the debris recovered from Cosmos $54 was radioactive but there was no imme diate physical damage such as destruction of iroperty The main Canadian concern is pos sible longrange damage to the fragile ecology in the area Since the Canadian government did not accept Soviet offer of assistance in the initial cleanup the Soviet Union believes it is not obligated to pay the cost of the search But Evgeny Fedorov the Soviet Unions representative on the space subcommittee said that if there were damage his country was obliged to pay for it under the 1972 convention on international liability for dam age caused by space obiects Another conventionthe 1968 return of objects and astronauts ayeementsays expenses incurred in the recover and return of space objects shall be borne the laun chingauthority law before seeking compensation from the Soviet Union for the Cosmos satellite incident over the Northwest Territories month ago The world today By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Not for moment would question the veracity of Tom Cossitts allegations that the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa is riddled with KGB spies For all know everyone in the embassy could be spy But Mr Cossitt the ferreting Tory MP for the eastern Ontario riding of Leeds has no business leaving us out on limb like that Having made the declaration that as of January 1906 there were 28 persons out of total embassy staff of 61 working for the KGB its up to Cossitt to now tell us how those 28 spies justified their salaries SolicitorGeneral JeanJacques Blais whose varied responsibilities keep him in state of constant indignation accused Cossitt By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Democracy has not flourished in Latin America since its many republics achieved independence from Spain in the 1820s An exception has long been the tiny Central American state of Costa Rica which has just come through another successful free dection while its neighbor Nicaragua remains harsh dictatorship ruled by single family Moreover the electionssaw the over whelming victory of economist Rodrigo Carazao 51 running for the underdog Unity Party He took more than 50 per cent of the vote in this countrys seventh peaceful election in succession since 1948 from the National liberation Party and its candidate Luis Alberto Monge Under Costa Rican law as in the few other Latin American democracies the incumbent resident cannot be reelected This is to prevent an elected president from seizing power constant tempttion of the leaders of our hemispheric neigh rs Outgoing president is Canadianeducated of working against the interest of national security with his allegations Instead of shouting from the rooftops suggests Jean Jacques the Leeds MP should take his in formation to the government for more orderly investigation Cossitt to the surprise of no one said there is no point trying to cooperate with this gov ernment books like standoff dont know whether Cossitt is acting against the interests of national security But hes clearly acting against the best interests of my curiosity when he doesnt explain what this battalion of alleged Russian spies does on daytoday basis SPY SCHOOL can only conclude assuming the accuracy of Cossitts figures that the Russians are run An exception to usual rule Daniel Oduber who studied engineering at McGill University and whose wife is the former Marorie Elliott of Ottawa Senora ubers father Fraser Elliott was distinguished senior public servant in the 19405 and Canadas first minister to Chile when we began to open up our diplomatic missions in Latin America Retiring president Odubers party has dominated Costa Rican politics since its founder Jose Pepe Figueres forestalled an attempted Communist coup to found the countrys present sound emocracv 948 Costa Rica is classic democracy Its Eispulation of mainly Spanish and European inessmen and professionals has 90per cent literacy per capita income of about $1200 year the highest in Latin America no army and small police force It is in effect the Switzerland of the Western Hemisphere it wins that title for an other far less savory reason as the sixyear haven of romoter Robert Vesco He fie there to avoid facing us govern ment charges that he embezzled $224 million from Swissbased mutual fund which later collapsed How do those Soviet spies justify their salaries Tom ning school for spies here Surely little old Ottawa couldnt justify 28 graduates Come to think of it when the government recently expelled 13 Russians for spying perhaps that was the class of 78 we saw heading home for new assignments If so suppose that would make External Affairs Minister Don Jamieson the guest speaker at the graduation exercises He delivered mar vellous expulsion address Speaking about Jamieson he says that replacements for the 13 spies will be carefully screened to see whether they are legitimate diplomats Sounds reassuring but for the sake of our expanding curiosities think the external affairs minister like Cossitt has an obligation to give us all the details Since our government has had decided difficulties in screening its own cabinet in our open society it would be absolutely fascinating or perhaps amusing to hear Jamieson explain how we screen Russian diplomat who is on his first assignment and whose only listed nextofkin is lighthouse keeper who lives besides some lagoon in Lithuania TELL ALL But thats an aside The main point here is to encourage Cossitt to tell us more about Russian spying activities in Ottawa and to furhter explain why he wants another 15 Soviet diplomats kicked out like the 13 graduates who are still searching for apartments in Moscow if we had topdrawer military secrets to protect or nuclear inventions to mother then perhaps the government should ensure that every last Communist spy has boarding pass in hand But Jamieson himself has said the Russians are mainly interested in our industrual technology so why should we have another expulsion party The Tories tell us that our dollar is on the skids that our economy is on the rocks that we have enormous trade deficits and that our industrial strategy is stultifying And Cossitt wants to prevent the Russians from learning about our industrial technology Tut tut What the Tory MP should be doing is getting his hands on the daily reports being filed to the KGB by those Russian industrial spies who live in the only Canadian city without major industry Better still he might find out what the KGB does with the reports Since our economy is sodependent on the United States it would be frightening to think the KGB might be leaking Canadian in dustrial strategy to the Americans French use is delicate By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO The question of the status and use of French in Ontario is most delicate matter that will concern the current session Delicate and potentially perhaps critical in the future of Canada as nation The situation of course is that French now has substantial status in the rovince There is considerable French sc ooling in the Ontario education system And it is available to some extent in the courts of the province But it is not an official language And the opposition parties as well as some section of the ublic say it should be Ontario government says no that the approach should be to continue to expand the usage on the present informal basis DAVIS AFRAID Critics of the government say its position is based on political fear That Premier William Davis believes that if he were to agree to official status there would be big political resentment from those in the province who are against bilingualism Frankly believe this is selling the premier short There probably is some fear involved But most likely it is fear of reaction in Quebec and of the consequences here in Ontario ABOOMERANG The big argument of those pressing for official status is that this would be gesture toward the people of Quebec that would show them that Ontario is sympathetic But others with more detached and knowledgeable view of Quebec today can see different result They can see it regarded and looked down on as strategy or trick by Ontario par ticularly after it was handled by the Quebec press to try and win FrenchCanadian favor and keep Quebec in Confederation This of course could absolutely defeat the good intent just make the situation worse Then there is the question of just what official status would mean Nobody seems to ltave really gone into this and particularly made any study of the practical con sequences Would it for example mean that all Hansards and other official documents of the legieoill as English This would be huge ob And what else might have to be handled in French Nobody knows and it seems likely nobody ever would know the one certain thing would seem to be that there never could be enough to satisfy francophones and that formal official status probably would open up continuing mares nest that could never be contained Canadas story Governor gotshock By BOB BOWMAN recent story described the Oregon Boundary Treaty in 1846 when Britain agreed with the United States that the 49th parallel should be the boundary to the Pacific coast dipping south to include Vancouver Island better deal might have been made having the Columbia River as the Pacific boundary If this had been done Canada would now own the State of Washington The Hudsons Bay Company had to move its headquarters from Fort Vancouver on the Columbia River to presentday Victoria on Vancouver Island The Hudsons Bay Company leased the island from Britain for seven shillings year Britain sent out Richard Blanshared to be governor of the colony but he stayed only one year and then the appointment was given to the logical man for the job James Douglas who was the administrator for the HBC Douglas got quite shock on Feb 28 1856 when he received instructions from Britain to stablish legislature in the colony He was fur trader and had little knowledge of parlia mentary procedure or law However he obeyed orders and established the first legislature west of the Great Lakes Perhaps no legislature in Canada except the federal has had stormier career One of the uproars took place on Feb 28 1900 Charles Semlin was the premier of the legislature which did not have litical rties He was having yeat difficulty ping his govemment in power and Lt Gov Mclnnes wanted Joseph Martin to form government although the House had voted by 28 to resolution of nonconfidence in him When Mclnnes appeared to prorogue the House every member walked out except the Speaker and Martin The lieutenant gtvemor read his speech to the empty benches and then retreated The members then went back to their seats cheering and jeering Even so Martin did form government but it lasted only until the middle of June OTHER FEB 28 EVENTS ismMississaugas surrendered 2000 acres presentday Peel County Ont 1825Britain and Russia signed treaty defining Alaska boundary lassRobert Nelson proclaimed Lower Canada to be an independent republic