hgm mac5 an ï¬cltp 5a3 71 aft1 to whom childrens Lower backach es By RUDLEIGH MacLEAN Examiner Staff Reporter Evolution handed man one overriding universal ailment lower backache pains This is the sentiment Dr Tom Porter senior orthopedics specralist at Barries Royal Victoria Hospital expressed in his opening address at Wednes days Industrial Accident Prevention Association IAPA meeting at the Holiday Inn When man emerged from the monkey state from the chain of evolution lower backaches became mans most common problem Humans just dont have the spinal structural advantages held by animals Mans universal ailment with four legs Dr Porter said Dr Porter said persons back because man stands on two legs is forced to handle most of the bodys weight In the work force low back pain is the second most com mon reason for employees absenteeism from their jobs Dr Porter said According to medical lstatistics the main causes for 0w back pains are poor posture underdeveloped muscles psychological im pediments improper function ing of the odys internal systems athletics and heredi ty hildrens author Bryan Buchan signs autographs for students at Allandale Heights Public School Buchan 30 an elementary school teacher in Richmond Hill has had over 300000 copies of his childrens novels sold in seven years Examiner Photo Forced to go to States to have books accepted He received nothing but negative feedback from Canadian publishers so popular childrens novelist fBryan Buchan 30 of Richmond Hill approached and landed publishing contract for his first childrens book from an American publishing company received severe criticism from the Canadian publishers sent my first book The Forgotten World of Uloc In fact several of them said had no talent as writer Buchan said Buchan was the guest author at Allandale Heights Public School Tuesday He spent the day talking with students about his books and about his profession as writer Since his first childrens book was published in 1970 Buchan has written two other popular childrens books entitled Copper Sunrise 1972 and The Dragon Children 1976 His newest book is entitled Discovering Stamps 1977 Because my childrens books are published by an American company By SHEILA McGOVERN Examiner Staff Reporter In two years teaspoons cups and ounces are suppos ed to be thing of the past but if there is any one area where old imperial will be hanging on its in cooking ScholastieTAB Publications have been distributed throughout the world Over 300000 of my books have been sold since 1970 Buchan said In Canada book is con sidered bestseller if 10000 copies are sold Buchan says writing childrens books has distinct advantage over writing adult books First theres more scope the author in writing childrens books You dont have this scope with adult books because of the limited approaches for an author in trying to reach an adult readership Buchan says Buchan doesnt make fulllt time living from writing childrens books he writes parttime His fulltime profession is teaching elementary school in Richmond Hill My elementary teaching experiences have greatly helped me in writing childrens books Teaching has allowed me to view life more in ac cordance with childs point of View he says Metric measuring cups and spoons are slowly making their way into stores metric recipes are popping up here and thereand government officials are starting to talk litres But cooks across the coun Metric ki Dr Porter told the audience tint healthy person has an shaped spine But because of one or more of the above causes lower back pains the shape of the spinal curvature often becomes distorted Between the vertebrae that nuke up the spinal column are cushions or pads called discs Discs serve to protect the spine from sudden blows but when undue pressure is exerted on tie spine the disc squashes causing back pain Dr Porter said Dr Porter said squashed disc adversely affects nearby nerves that are connected to the spinal vertebrae These affected nerves not on ly cause back pain they also cause excruciating ain to the lower part of the to which they are connected Each nerve coming out of the spinal area travels to specific area of the lower ex tremities of the body such as the calfs and toes And these areas also cause uncomfortable pain Dr Porter said Accordin to Dr Porter poorl structure spines cause suc ailments as poor posture ar thritis rheumatism and chronic exhaustion To avoid unnecessary back pains you should use sound judgment in performing your job duties you should exercise regularly and you should have the proper amount of rest Dr Porter said Lack of exercise is one of the most common causes of lower backaches Dr Porter said because it is the abdominal muscles of the back and stomach that serve as protec tive for the spinal column Dr Porter offered number of preventive measures people should take to avoid un necessary back pains When you lift an object from the ground use your legs not your back Dont bend over while keeping your legs straight And keep the object yourre lifting with your legs as close to your body as possible HOW YOU SLEEP And according to Dr Porter the way you sleep can deter mine the frequency of back pains Bad sleeping habits have caused more backache injuries than anything else Lying flat on your back when sleeping isnt very good for you unless you have pillow under your knees The most comfortable and correct way to sleep is in the fetal position thats where you lie on your side with your knees tucked up toward your chesthesaid ifestyle For those persons suffering from low back pains Dr Porter recommends the following treatments Get yourself into hot bath and sit in it for 30 minutes Or else you could lie on the floor on your side with your knees tuck ed up to your chest in the fetal position for five minutes If youre at work and you have lower backache place your hands on the back of chair and uat down to the floor Or pace your back against the wall and squat down to the floor Stay in either of these positions for couple of minutes Joe Vernon is honored by membership during Cookstown Fair Board meeting By BRIAN BAKER COOKSTOWN Nearly hundred members of the Cookstown Agricultural Fair Board met at Thornton Orange Hall recently to elect new executive for the 1978 fair season The evening started off with hot beef supper followed by The ookstown Fair Board executive for ms is Front lc Ross past president and Keith Robinson president Second try are starting to grimace Cooking is not only means of survival its an art form steeped in tradition and handmedown recipes What will become of all those recipes According to the Ontario addresses by Cookstown reeve Mel Brayman and other notable people Then the business meeting and election was held Betty Geelan Cookstown Fair Queen gave short speech The evening concluded with dance for which Bob Jackson supplied the music 53 is SIC Ministry of Agriculture and Food theres nothing to worry about Jane Sills home economist for the North Simcoe office said it would be waste of time to convert imperial recipes Just keep two sets of measures around the old ones and the new ones Manufacturers say lin perial measuring cups and spoons will be in production as long as there is demand for them In fact consumers are be ing warned to watch out for recipes that have been con verted to metric from im perial Metric recipes should be designed from scratch as metric recipes Many recipes such as cakes are carefully balanc ed chemical formulas Some imperial measurements can not be translated directly in tometric If recipe calls for an odd measurement such as decilitres or 192 ml of water it is recipe that has been translated and should be avoided HEALTH TERMS In health terms there is nothing unsafe with these recipes Miss Sills said but their accuracy is ques tionable ft to right Harry row lohic Rilcy Joe Vernon who was praised for his contribution to Cookstown Fair over the years was made an honorary member of Cookstown Fair after having served on the board of directors for 40 years Outgoing president for the mens section was Harry Ross and outgoing president for the womens section was Robin Brown Elected to the presidents chairs for the 1978 season were Keith Robinson for the mens Mrs section and Mrs Helen Sturgess for the womens section Jack Self is first vice president and Cliff Sturgess is Baker Ihoto They may flo shesaid Miss Sills aso advises cooks to be careful with European metric cookbooks Europeans measure by weight or grams while Cana dians will measure by volume or litres You would need scale to follow the European recipes she said When it comes to equipping metric kitchen Miss Sills said there are only two changes needed metric measuring spoons and metric measuring cups And she warns consumers to beware that what they are buying is actually metric measure not an imperial measure with metric gradua tions painted or stamped on Proper metric measuring spoons should graduate in figures one two five 15 and ml Spoons that graduate by inconsistent numbers such as 19 37 or 43 should be avoided In these cases Miss Sills said the manufacturer has jtst taken the mold for an imperial measure and stamped metric numbers on it The same rule applies to measuring cups With metrication one cu will be replaced by 250 which in actual quantity is slightly larger than cup wa arriving So Miss Sills ex lained if tie cup is actualy an im rial measure the 250 ml ine will be so close to the top the contents would easily be spilled transferring it from table to mixing bowl STILL FUNCTIONAL All other kitchen equip ment is still functional Miss Sills said it is just matter of improvising The cookware industry manufacturers of saucepans pressure cookers per colators and electric ap pliances are taking methodical approach to metrication Bill Longhurst marketing manager for West Bend of Canada located in Barrie says new product lines will be designed to meet metric specifications but lines now in production will not be altered The cost of retooling equipment and changing the sizes of existing product lines is too high Longhurst said Imtead the compan is listing the metric an im peria sizes of the product on the packaging Metric conversion wont affect the usefulness of ex isting cookware It shouldnt take long for the average cook to realize litre is slightly larger than quart So if recipe calls for second vicepresident in the mens section Mary Self is secretarytreasurer Directors for 1978 are Harry Ross Jobie Riley Ina Reid Ernie Parker Bill Vernon Walter McCabe Allan Bell and Wib Hadwin Cookstown Fair will be held this year on Sept 15 and 16 Helen Sturgess president womens section Mary Self and Ina Reid Back Jack Self Ross hipclmse Ernie larkcr Rill Vernon and liff Sturgess Brian tiree litres it will need fourquart saucepan To cope with Celcius temperatures Miss Sills sug gests cooks go into stores where large appliances are sold and pick up conversion chart CONVERSION TABLES Most manufacturers are distributing conversion tables in scale or dial form which stick onto the stove she said People are taking gradual approach to metrication Miss Sills said Books used by the ministry are now onehalf metric The degree of metrication will in crease by quarter each year until everything is fully metric in 1980 The ministry if planning metric workshops for March and all programs conducted in the past two years have contained sections on metrication she said The government has pro duced two booklets Come on in to the Metric Kitchen and Dairy Metrics which are free and can be ob tained at ministry offices in Elmvale and Alliston Miss Sills said she believes people will find the metric system faster once the get used to it Dealing wi 105 will make it easier to double or half recipe the examlnor FrldayJan 27 1978 How male sex sq is determined Dear Ann The letter signed Plenty Shakyfrom that un ha py wife who said her husband would leave her and her baby in the hospital if she didnt produce boyasked you for something to hang on to in her seventh month of preg nancy Please tell her to hang this one on her husband The sex of the child is determined by the male Every nor mal womans chromosomal makeup is XX The normal male has the XY combination Therefore when the chromo somes split and fertilization takes place woman can con tribute only an chromosome The man however can contribute either an or His contribution is what determines the sex of the child If he adds his to her its girl If he adds his its boy So please tell Plenty Shaky to settle down and stop feeling it is her fault hope you will print this letter so Shaky can share it with her husbandditto all other women out there who have only daughters and secretly feel they have failed their husbands and inlaws Sign meWiiliamsport Penn Dear Williamsporté just checked with Dr James Bow manUniversityof Chicago department of geneticsand in sa you are right on lady so heard from hundreds of irate females who wanted to know if had slept thrugh my biology classes in high school steaming Houston woman wrote Why didnt you tell the wife to explain to her husband that she couldnt give him anything different from what he gave her nine montis earlier Sonow weve got that settled Dear Ann Landers have never thought of myself as being square or out of tune with the times No one has ever called me prude like little ribaldry along with the serious side of life butyesterday saw something that made me wonder if am losing touch with the real world Please set me straight You and are exactly the same age While paying dinner cheque at nice restaurant we saw teenage girl about 17 would say talking to the cashier Her back was facing us When she turned around we could read the message on her Tshirtz If you rape me please keep this side up was shocked So were the other members of our party Who Egints this garbage anyway Isnt it against the law Are teenagers in this country going to the dogsor have they already gone Sick And Disgusted in Washington Dear and First it isnt fair to judge all teenagers by one dingbat who obviously has warped sense of humor and no sense of decency Ive seen some pretty raunchy messages on Tshirts of late and have made it my business to inquire about the gar bage It seems some print shops will put anything on shirt person will pay for Ive meta lot of teenagers these last several years and think highly of most of them Theyre brighter than we were more interested in ethics in government and definitely less prejudiced against ople of other races They are against war and this in itse puts them high up on my list Erma Bombeck House mess with papers You know what you get when you cross an orthodox news paper clipper with reformed magazine saver Ahouse thats the its dont know whic is worse husband who sits around night after night ripping and tearing holes in the newspaper or woman who cant bring herself to throw away the Credit Union Quarterly from spring 1943 Something has to give told my husband at breakfast yesterday cant turn around without falling over some pitiful little paragraph about the rainfall in Venezuela or talking dog in bar Where did you find that story about the dog Ive been looking for it Besides what about you Is there any reason why am sleeping with three years of Sunsets am going through those magazines someday and clip ping out all the recipes Im curious What do clip ut them in little notebook called Recipes en why dont you throw the magazines away Because some of them have instructions for making doll out of broom for bridal shower transferring zodiac signs to guest towels and making sauna out of discarded wine barrels But you never do those things will someday when Im not busy clipping magazines Besides you have more brass than doorknob to make fun of me What about all those ridiculous things you clip never clip for myself he said defensively its always for someone else save them for people like that amusing story of what Billy Carter said when they asked him about the energy bill You never know when someone will need warmup story for serious speech All know is this house is ready to walk The stove drawer is stuffed with scraps of paper the closets and cup boards are bulging with magazines and you are sitting on Prudentials annual report is saving the end of the world asked my husband What possible harm could it do Just then our two sons came in He just stole my Sports Illustrated from 1971 And he took my football program from 1973 and wont give it back We looked at one another An orthodox newspaper clip and reformed magazine saver can marry but ey should never have children you do with all the recipes you Pollys pointers Value of negaï¬ves DEAR POLLY have about 500 old negatives that were taken during the First and Second World Wars Will you please tell me if they have any value or could be used in any way AVALON DEAR AVALON Of course the subject matter of these pictures would have something to do with their disposal Unless they are strictly personal pictures of friends you might ask your local Historical Society or library if they are interested in having them POLLY DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with needlework kits When buy one have to spend hours sorting the various colors of sequins and beads needed to make the article am sure most people would pay few cents more for kit if each color was in an individual bag Poll note do not sort them but pour out into saucer an use my needle to lck up each as needed en making up bed with printed sheets put the print to the inside on the top sheet so when it is turned down the pretty pattern shows When my baby outgrew the toy mobile on his crib cut off the cute animals and use them for Christmas tree ornaments CAROLYN DEAR POLLY have another use for old nylon stockings Cut circles out of the nylon in the different sizes of the bottoms of the pots you put plants in When planting or repotting somethin place circle in the bottom of the pot before putting in soil and this kee the soil in the pot but lets the water escape NANE DEAR POLLY Dampness made the rubber backed carpet in our den buckle up and it was fastened down all around the edges bought disposable syringe and also Mgauge need at place that sells livestock sup lies for about 70 cents gave the carpeti shot contact cement placed heavy object over area and left it for couple of hours Now the bubble is one MRS MS DEAR POLLY Do tell Marlene at bag of salt will help her get rid of the weevils in her flour Many years ago an elderly lady gave me this ti and have never had weevil since put bag of pie ling salt in flour bin Mine is large and use paper ba but or smaller container little fabric ba could be ma for the unit This does not interfere with flavor of the food and have found that it kills any existing weevils EISIE