22 the examiner Wednesday Jan 1978 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CAS RATES Death Notices Engagements Births $550 maximum 40 words additional words IO cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words 10 cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events 33 22 er column inch MAILAN LAD For your convenience fill in the space below and mail in your Want Ad the examiner CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT PO Box 370 Barrie Ont L4M 4T6 WORD AD RATES up to 24 Words DAY $228 DAYS $456 DAYS $848 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS DAYS 884 DAYS $1088 DAYS lt $1224 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE CLEARLY NUMBER OF INSERTIONS SEND BILL TO Name Address Telephone SI an3 HUGHES Edgar and Ann inee Flet Cher are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Lisa Anne Sunday December 25 I977 in Kincardin GOOD NEWS STORY when you an nounce the birth of your child in The Ex aminer clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Famin Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement alter birth Call The Examiner Classified 728 2414 83 engagements HOLDCROFT LANE Mr and Mrs Harry Holdcroft ol Stroud wrsh to an nounce the engagement of daughterr Anne Elizabeth to Aeneas Patrick son ol the late Aeneas Lane and Mrs Aeneas Lane ol River Drive Park Ontario 35min CHRISTIE Harold Eugene Alter lengtth illness at Royal Victoria HOSpital Barrie on Monday January 2nd 1978 Harold Eugene Christie beiuv ed husband of Florence Irene Gurhardt Dear father of Norman and Robert of Barrie Brother of Al ol Collingwood pre deceased by one brother Ken Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Tuesday Complete serVice in the Chapel on Thursday January 5th at pm Interment at Barrie Union Cemetery As expressions ol sympathy donations to Royal Victoria Hospital Remembrance Fund would be ap preciated NORDMAN GEORGE At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sun day January Ist I978 George Nord man of Lelroy in his 7tst year Beloved husband of Pamela Kortes survived also by one brother and one Sister in Sweden Friends may call at steckley Funeral Home to Worsley Street Bar rie Complete service in the chapel on Wednesday January 4th at pm Inter mentatbth Line Cemetery Innislil ABOLINS Amorina Passed away suddenly at her residence on Berczy Street Barrie on Tuesday January 3rd I978 Amorina Denarda beloved wile ol Atlred Abolins in her 54m year Dear mother of Victor Survived also by her father eight sisters and two brothers Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Thursday Funeral mass at St Marys Church Barrie on Friday January at It am Interment St Marys Cemetery ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST 728 2530 Friendly Courteous Service AMPLE PARKING AT REAR MWFTF 86 cards of think OSBORNE would like to express my sincere thanks for visits cards and flowers from friends and relatives dur ing my recent stay in Royal Victoria Hospital Special thanks to Drs Little Porter and Dick Also to the nurses on tloor 3A and 7th Isabelle Osborne B7 in memoriams SWEENEY Mrs Irene In Iovtng memory of dear mother and grand mother who passed away January 2nd 1974 Though tears in our eyes do not glisten And our laces are not always sad There is never night or morning But we think of the mother we had Not day do welorget you In our hearts your are always there For we loved you and we miss you As itdawns another year Always remembered by Linda and grandson Jason II con events BINGO Over $700 in Prizes Kni hts of Columbus Ever Thursdo Night BASSY ALL Early Bird starts 730 pm Regulor8200 pm Cards $1 50 Everyone Welcome TF daughter WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 DAYS 88 coming events JACKPOT BINGO SOUTHWARD RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION JAN 4th I978 mo PM Early Bird 800 PM Rogdar Gaines Guaranteed $375001ackpot SOUTHWARD IlAll out AND noun OfltlllA 3256907 oat J34 BARBIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual Meeting THURSDAY JANUARY 5th pm Prince of do School Photographic Aaards Election of Officers and Directors All WELCOME 030 OPEN HOUSE for MR MRS LESTER OAKLEY 50th Wedding Anniversary to be held at the STROUD COMPLEX Sunday Jan 8th 200 pm to 400 pm Friends and welcome neighbors J4 EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 77 legal examiner patterns Theyll kick off shoes slide their feet into toe cones JIFFY GIFT slippers Choose crochet pompon moccasrn 0r knit prxre harlequrn Use double strand of worsted in or colors Pattern 7383 Childs srzes included $125 for each pattern cash Cheque or money order Add 25 each pattern for first class marl and handling Send to Alice Brooks Needlecraft Dept The Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scarborough Ontario MlP 4P7 Ont residents add 9¢ sales tax Print plain Iy Pattern Number Your Name Address Value 225 desrgns to choose from lfl NEW 1977 NEEDLE CRAFT CATALOG tree pat terns insrde Send 75¢ now Stitch Patch Quilts $125 Crochet with Squares $100 Crochet Wardrobe $100 Nifty Fifty Quilts $100 Ripple Crochet $100 Sew 8i Knit Book $125 Flower Crochet Book $100 Hairpin Crochet Book $100 Instant Crochet Book $100 Instant Macrame Book $100 Instant Money Book $100 Complete Afghans 14 $100 Easy Art of Needlepoint $100 Complete Gift Book $100 Book of 16 Quilts ltl 60¢ Museum Quilt Book 60¢ 15 Quilts for Today 60¢ Book of 16 Jiffy Rugs 60¢ 12 Prize Afghans 12 60¢ NOTICE Deadline for classrtred word lift pm day previous noon Saturday EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 79 ouction salon AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JAN 7th 1000 AM SHARP The undersigned has been in structed to sell the following household effects stored by MRS KIM DAVIS and MR LAVIGNE by Public Auction in accordance with the Warehousemans Lien Act Sole will be held at CAL NICHOLS MOVERS AND STORAGE LTD at Elliot Dr Barrie Ont off Ferndole Dr refrigerators electric range gas stove rocking horse coffee and end tables chesterfiold drapes automatic washer double bed bag rack AUCTIONEERS JOBBERS iBRYAN PACELLO 7370879 Having sale For top of the line keep us in mind DSOJ46 legal 52 is returnable NO 3855 AD 1977 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE IN THE MATTER OF THE CEMETERIES ACT RSO 1970 c57 section AND IN THE MATTER OF An Application by the Allenwood Cemetery Board of Trustees for Leave to Sell and Convey Certain Ports of Eighteen Cemetery Plots in which no interment has been made for period in excess of twenty years NOTICE OF MOTION TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made before the presiding Judge in Chambers at Barrie on Thursday the I9th day of January AD 1978 at the hour of 1000 oclock in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as the motion can be heard for an Order granting the applicant leave to sell and convey certain parts of 18 Cemetery Plots in which no interment has been made for period in excess of twenty years or for such other Order as seems iust AND TAKE NOTICE that in support of such motion will be read the Affidavit of Leonard McFadden filed the Affidavit of John Coo filed the Affidavit of Milton Trace filed and such further and other material as Counsel may advise AND TAKE NOTICE that if you wish to oppose this motion you shall file on Appearance on or before the date on which the motion AND TAKE NOTICE that in default of filing on Appearance you are not entitled to file any material on the motlon DATED at MIDLAND this 22nd d0 of November AD 1977 TESKEY HEACOCK FERGUSON Barristers and Solicitors 361 King Street Midland Ontario Solicitors for the Applicants J4 Mackenzie King and Confederation worried about OTTAWA CPI Former prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King told his cabinet in 1947 the government should go slowly in negotiating the entry of Newfoundland into Confederation because the province was certain to be great financial responsibility King wrote in his personal diaries that year released Itiesday in the Public Archives that he was worried about ad verse reaction from the other nine provinces particularly the Maritimes if they thought the then British colony was getting better deal from the federal government than they had Noting that the federal gov ernment was already at logger heads with the provinces over tax sharing King told his cabi net in March we ought to get our own provincial financial af fairs straightened out before at tempting anything else King said he considered that Angus Macdonald premier of Nova Scotia was not friendly to Ottawa JB McNair prc mier of New Brunswick was difficult man and Prince Ed ward Island premier Walter Jones was crazy man Unless we were pretty sure we would get solid backing with them we better not raise Maritime issue King wrote in his diary March 26 1947 out lining his position before cubi net that day That would hurt usthere King worried that the ex ternal affairs dcpurtmcnl which had been working on Newfoundlands entry into on federation for two years would attempt to rush into deal PEARSON WARNING He said he wasnt concerned about warning from Lestcr IITAWA Pl Wl Mackenzie King was instructed by ghost at scuncc in 1937 to tell Adolf Hitler England would help Germany through fi nuncial troubles if goodwill were guaranteed Ten years later King cncoun tercd Hitlcr again in mystic vision and told the dictator ho shiuld huve taken Kings ud vicc Among Kings pcrsonul letters made public Vlcdncsduy is record by his longtimc friend Lady Abcrdccn of sczincc where she asked tbc ghost of Sir Henry umpbcll Bunncrmun British politician what King should tell Hitler Among other things 10 glost advised King to suy England is the friend of all peacoloving countries shc will help Germany with hcr financial difficulties if shc IS assured other goodwill King then liltycaryold primc minister of funadu hurl been dissuaded thc previous ycui from calling on Hitler But in 1338 he met the German dictu ANSDALE Pa lAPi The day Robert Wallace died of starvation the hospital whcrc he worked as an orderly mailed him termination notice that said his work had deteriorated because of ill health Officials at North Penn Hospital say they had no wuy of saving the 26yearold lrin ccton graduate even though ROBERT WALLACE found in room Pearson then secondincom mand at external as undersec rotary of state that we will have to watch to see that the US do not get too great con trol through what they have in there of airfields in New foundland King told Pearson he was not sure Canada had much to gain by taking over all the military imtallations on the island con sidered important for the pro tection of the continent rather than sharing the burden with the United States Newfoundland had been given selfgovernment by Britain in 1917 but Britain took over responsibility again in I934 when the province went bankrupt But there was new impetus for responsible government after the Second World War Three options were consid ered union with Canada inde pendence frotn Britain with re sponsibilc government or cori tinuation of rule by appointed commission The 1947 diaries contain sev eral references to Kings appre hension about the arrival of Newfoundland delegation in OI tziwu to negotiate possible terms of entry as the countrys Illth provincc SAW ONLY IRDLBIJC can sec only trouble ahead in having to deal with this ques tion at this time he wrote Newfoundland is certain to be it great financial rcsponsi bility The terms of entry which in cludcd fedcrul assumption of the provinces Slitmillion debt and taking ovcr the provinces debtridden railway and iundcr uirport were agreed upon in the full of I947 tor and told him the Britiin Empirc would stund united against icrmuny in cusc of wur According to Kings I947 diurics also inudc public lucs day the prime ministcr tulkcd to llillcr during it psychic vision set in Bcrlin Ont Kings birthplucc now known us Kitchener King mct Hitler in ccll und uskcd did he not think lliut was right in mytqu with him in Berlin and wus hc not sorry tor having lilkll thc coursc he did Wbcn said this llitlcrs lips turncd black wrote King who described llitlcrs uppcur uncc us that of madman who did not frightcn him Two weeks later Doc 21 MIT King hurl sccond ISIOII in which hc and llitlcr tulkcd about the chances of war The visions wcrc vivid dreums King bud during thc night or just bcforc uwukcning ln I047 bc mentions ill lcust rz visions or psychic incidcnts some of thcm linkcd Io IIIS III lIlSS tbc dczith of his dog Pitt 11 University grad starves to death Illy hurt iioiiccii Ins iiiuikcd wciglil loss at month beforc hc dch on the floor of his room ut Kripulu Yogu Aslirum spiritual rctrcut By Ihc timc Wzillucc died IIIS Sfoot llincli frumc had shrunk from I45 to Kit pounds Roscllu Burcin lhc hospituls director of nursing and Wul luccs boss said He was starting to get very irritublc with my people which was un usual for him He thanked mc fortcllinghim insisted Iliut he see phy sician Other than that dont see what clsc could have done for him Wallacc apparently did visit it chiropractor who trcutcd him for sinus problem but he lid not have thorouin physical Leaders of the retreat founded by the Indian Yogi Am iit DCSiIl say they promote yoga and vegetarianism us keys to spiritual and physical wcllbcing Meals urc taken in small amounts willi light lusting the rule for once wcck But they suy they do not on courugc rudicul lusting and never kncw anything was umiss with Wullucc Dr Stunlcy Goodwin thc Bucks otinty coroncr guvc thc cuusc of dculli us malnutrition und lchydrulloli llc sturvcd todcutli Wulluccs purcnts Mrs uiid Mrs John Wullucc liud called him four duys before his death lmm lusudcnu fulif llc sounded so wcuk and it was around lunchtime his mot her said told him to please make surc he was cuting wcll and not tomiss lunch Break in tradition TORONTO CPI The deci sion by the Ontario cabinet to name two cabinet members as Quecns counsel scents to have broken the tradition of withholding the honor until lawyers have practised for 12 years Larry Grossman minister of consumer and commercial relations and Keith Norton minister of community and social services were made 75 onSunday Grossman called to the bar in 1969 Iiiild iii an intcrvicw Tuesday that he thought hc qualified to be QC because he was cubinct ministcrvan ud VlSll to llic Ouccn Norton said he was told it wus trudition for cabinct min istcis who were lawyers to be made Queens counsel at the first opportunity uftcr joining the cabinet Norton was cullcd to thc bur in I971 Michucl Bolun Libcrul incm ber of thc Icgisluturc for Nipiss iiig ulso wns mode at Ot But King withheld release of the details until after an Octo ber byclcction in New Bruns wick to fill vacancy left by the death of Frank Bridges fisheries minister in the King cabinet King was worried that the slim 126119 majority his party held in the Commons could be narrowed by loss of the New Brunswick seat He feurcd an orponcnt could make political mileage out of favorable terms toNewfoundland The terms were made public in St Johns on Nov ti and campaign began immediately in Newfoundland between the two principal factionswonc for union and one for separate gov crnmcnt IIOLI VOTES referendum was held in June with three alternatives1 including maintenance of the existing commission govern mentAon the ballot None got clear majority and commission government which placed third was dropped in second referendum held in July The choice was for union with Canada by narrow margin with 78323 votes The separate govcrnmcnt option rcccivcd 71334 votes Ncwfoundlund including Labrador entered on talcration April 1949 The agreement called for the arrangements for US military bases there to be continued The opposition from the prov inccs did not surfucc us King had fca red As one historian has noted The Canadians whutcvcr their party affiliations or per sonul opinions guvc thc union with Newfoundland vcry cnr thusiustic wclcomc Instructed at seonce to contact Hitler or thc unccrtuinty ovcr the sc lcction of his successor Ills mothcr uppcuicd to him many times in VISIOIIS MESSAGE FROM DOG King believed thc visions might signal tbc influcncc of spiritual forcc Aftcr vision of lxrry ncighbors dog his own dog Pal II cumc into IIIS room und kissed King on the nusc King said the kiss wus mcsv sugc from third dog Put and that Part II was guided by SOIIIO lorcc absurd us IIIIS muy all sound llc unticiputcd rencwcd strcngth und lcudcrship uflcr dicuirnng he climbed ropes and rodc borscbuck prominently zit tbc htild of procession llc wondcrcd if thc country might Ix perceiving his influencc iIS usurij by somconc clsc when hcdrcumcd lic lost silk und fur cools llc VISIIHI two SpllllllziIlSlS in London Inc llilllSIlIllltlI vcrbul rncssugcs from CS prcsidcnt lrunklin Itrxiscvcll about trunsplunling plants Thi othcr wrotc mcssugcs from Itrxrscvclt und Sir Iillrcd lilulltl one it lhcm ubout Kings thoughts of retiring Newfoundland Former prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King arrives at the Peace Tower entrance of tInIurliumcnt buildings to attend the opening of session of Parlianicnt in this photo tukcn in January I947 This photo was rclcascd Tuesday along with Kings I947 diary CP lhotol Sauve proud of strides she made in mediation OTTAWA lllt ommu lllitlltlIS Minister lcunnc Suuvc suys shc is proud of the stridcs shc suys shc mudc lust your III smoothing over long standing fcdcruleprovinciul dillcrcnccs III communicutions policy Mrs Suuvc also said in un iii lcrvicw shc is proud that in tho pltlltSS ol smoothing rclutions with Qucbcc shc wus itII to make provrnciul VIIIIIIIIU nicutions MIIIISII Louis Ncill swullow un insult hc IIII hurlcd ill UllilWél Shortly utlcr thc scpurutisl lurti Oucbccois govcrnmcnl wus clcctcd INcill stutcd pub Itcly hc would itcvci conic IIIltl conluct with lorcigii govcrn tncnt incurring tluwu Mrs Suuvc Sillfl Hut Il IIIS rcqucst IIIt two IllilllSltIS Iltlfl privutc tulks lIIlS summcr und Ocil cumc out of IIIt intcling sutisficd that wus siiiccic iii wziiiting to tillow thc llOIllS to Iiiivc sonic input llI lclccoin municutions policics shc stud In other words made him swallow his words about thc foreign govcrnmcnt Sincc hut inccting shc suid shc and ONeill huvc hud good working lIiilllIISIIlp Mrs Suuvc also Silld she is confident longstanding cone Ilicts bctwccn Ihc plOYIIILLS und Ottuwu over control of cublc tclcvismn going on sincc tlic curly 19705 will be rcsolvcd during tlic coming year ABLE SPREAD DELAYED Onc udvcrsc cftcct of the squubblcs hus bccn dcluy oI tbc sprcud of cubic scrvrccs in ltll111 regions particularly in Munitobu und Suskutchcwun 1Inturiozilsocluimschcrul onr trol of cublc has ch to poor MTVILO in northern parts of that province But during the lust ycur Otr tuwu signed it landmark ugrcc mcnt with Munitobu giving thc provincial tclcphonc company tbc right to own ccrtutn essen tial cublc cquipmcnt Mrs Suuvc und hcr llllltlilIS ulso conducted cxlcnsivc tulks with Suskutchcwtin und llllilllll about forming ugrccmcnts to hand over certain powers over cublc lntcnsivc talks are still being cmductcd with Ontario and Mrs Suuvc said she is to meet Ontario ommunications Minister larncs Snow in Junuury Biit Saskatchewan has lost in tcrcst in talks with Ottawa at lcust for the time being having won some points it sought in an ugrccmcnt approved by the nudian Radiotelevision and lclccrimmunications Commis sion llRTl She said one of the main rea sons deadlock in federalpro vinciul relations over commu nications was broken was the introduction of new tele communications legislation which would allow Ottawa to Iiund over some commu lllCiIllOIIS regulation to the provinces The bill died on the order pa pci ill the cnd of the last session III Parliament But Mrs Sauve curd she hoch it will be rein trrxluccd with minor technical llSIOIIS shortly after the House rcconvcncs Jun 23 Farmers and cattlcmcn from across the crowd around cattle truck crossing from Manitoba into lnitcd States North Dakota through Pcmhinu customs Tiicsduy in pro lcst ovcr low bccf priccs Ihc pickets turned back four trucks Photo Pickets block Canadian trucks By THE ANADIAN IRICSS Amcricun furnich und cuttlcmcn turned buck four truckloads of iinudiun czittlc ut the Pcmbinu customs station Tuesday in the first coit frontations in protest ovcr imports the men say help depress cattle prices in tlic United States The truck drivers uppurcntly returned to Tunudu without in cidcnt The protest which has drawn uch hundred rmers and cut tlcmcn to number of US ports of entry in North Dulzotu is supporch by the American Agriculture Movement and thc Concerncl Tattlcmcn of thc Dukotus iISk liorcc Among the pickets wus Alun Bcrglund 2o son of US Agri culturc Sccrctuiy Robert Bcr gland lwo trucks pulled into the customs station at Icmbinu zit ubout 415 pm and soon rc ltuncd us did two others Iutcr sheriffs deputy suid hc hud conluclcd lhc lcmbinu ouiity slutcs uttorncy about the mul tor and nine othcr county dcpu tics wcrc ulcrtcd in cusc thcy wcrc nccdcd to accompany the drivers lCImo Olson furmcr from liinluy said tlic protest may lust for scvcrul morcduys think tbcsc guys are prc purcd to go to juil if ncccs sury ho suid Olson said the protest is purl of furmcrs strike to get bct tcr prices for busic food com moditics spokcsmun for tlic pltlltSltlS suid curlicr that if cuttlc imports wcrc hultcd US producers would gcl Stl to till it hundrcIWcight more for their bccf lhzit contention wus disputed lucsduy by hurlic Muycr of urbcrry Mun prcsidcnl of thc Muniton Bccf tirowms As sociution Hc suid unudiun cxporls of live cattle are moving within cstublishcd trudc rulcs IIxr ports of livc cuttlc and boot do not rcuch onc pcr cent of production while US beef exports to unudu rungc from three to eight per cent of unudiun production Muycr said in prepared stutcmcnt that current trudc ItlltS urc udvuntugcous to the US us its tariffs are often Iiighcr than unudian tariffs Those who picket the border points dont sccm to realize that they are pickcting twoway sticct but they just want to stop the southbound traffic into the United States unudiun cattlc mcn will not accept that kind of udcul BURIED HY VOLANO The city of Pompeii was bur ied by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in79AD