16 the examiner Wednesday Jan 1978 INDIRA GANDHI Party spliT NEW DELHI IReuterI In dias opposition Congress party was split earlier this week when convention supporting former prime minister Indira Gandhi declared itself the real Congress party and elected her its president Official party president Kasu Brahmananda Reddi imme diater declared the election unconstitutional and illegal He summoned an emergency meeting of the partys working committee its top policy making body to consider the situation Mondays moves were the cli max of struggle raging for months over Mrs Gandhis ef forts to recapture control She had headed it with almost total control from the last split in 1969 until she lost the general elections in March The break came on the sec ond day of convention organ ized by Mrs Gandhis faction and was branded an antiparty manoeuvre by the official lead ership The convention adopted res olution authorizing Mrs Gandhi to organize her party at all levels in consultation with other leading supporters Samachar news agency reported CLAIMS SUPPORT Reddi told Samachar that he enjoyed the support of an over whelming majority of Congress members and of national and state committees Reddi said he was sure party workers and leaders would stand by the constitutionally elected Congress body Mrs Gandhi had engineered the 1969 split to free herself from the powerful party bosses who ran the Congress as their own preserve The current crisis is result of her election defeat She slipped briefly out of the political limelight follow ing the loss which ended 21 months of repressive emer gency rule Mrs Gandhi began her come back several months ago and differences over her role plunged the demoralized party into bitter factional struggle Mrs Gandhi resigned from the working committee last month This was followed by the call for rebel convention and the suspension of one of her leading supporters Devraj Urs from the party Last week six more of her top supporters resigned from the working committee to protest the suspension Decides Oil is better WHITBY Ont ICP Bowmanville Ont woman convicted of trespassing on the Darlington nuclear station site has opted for serving three day jail term instead of paying an $18 fine Jikke Miedema 29 when dered to Durham regional po lice this week and was put in the provincial jail here Jail superintendent Frank Gill said today she will be released today Ms Miedema was one of 12 persons convicted last Novem ber in provincial court of tres passing on the site of the $847 billion nuclear plant following demonstration Oct protesting construction of the plant south west of Bowmanville The plant has caused con Lroversy because it has been ex empted by the provincial gov ernment from environmental hearings The 12 including members of the Greenpeace Foundation were given the option of an $18 fine or serving three days in jail after being convicted Greenpeace spokesman Douglas Saunders said today no Greenpeace members have served time for refusing to pay fines He said arrest warrants were issued but have yet to be served on anyone from his or ganization Saunders said his people will be meeting this week to discuss thesituation Not everyone convicted will serve time but expect the majority will he said Bowmanville is about 25 kilo metres east of Whitby CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF BLADE BONE IN BLADE STEAKS SPECIAL PREVIOUSLY FROZEN SLICED BEEF LIVER SPECIAL LB MAPLE LEAF EYE OF ROUND COOKED PASTRAMI BURNS BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 259 93 BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA WIENERS P1KlGB BURNS BY THE PIECE HEADCHEESE 99 138 BURNS SLICED 54¢ COOKED HAM 3195 BURNS CHICKEN MAC CHEESE OR LUNCHEON LOAF COOKED MEATS BURNS SLICED BOLOGNA 118 78 BURNS SWEET PICKLED VAC PACKED COTTAGE ROLLS 128 SCHNEIDER HEADCHEESE $13sz ASSORTED VARIETIES MONARCH POUCH PACK CAKE SIENNA CACCIATTORE BONE IN ROUND BONE SHOULDER ROAST SHOPSY EYE OF ROUND CORNED BEEF L8 SWIFTS LAZY MAPLE FROZEN SAUSAGE PKG BITTNERS FINE OR COARSE SMALL LIVER SAUSAGE LB MARY MILES AND TASTY KING FROZEN LB HAMBURG PATTIES Box BITTNER VIRGINIA BRAND JAGDWURST 12 BITTNERS SLICED BOLOGNA U3 BITTNERS COOKED PORK SHOULDERS SMOKED PICNICS LB SIENNA BABY MORTADELLA LB CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF SPECIAL LB CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF BLADE BONE REMOVED SHORT RIB ROAST SPECIAL 188 128 159 178 79¢ 109 129 129 329 ASSORTED VARIETIES CADBURY CANDY BARS SPECIAL 42 OZ PKG OF SPECIAL DOMINION SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER 312 149 AZSORTEEgARIETIEESS SPECIAL IN TANT UPMIX LIPT CUPASOUP 49 DOMINION FROZEN FANCY SPECIAL SHOESTRING CUT POTATOES FRENCH FRIES 58 59 CO SPECIAL MINI NCANADA It TOMATOES 029 44 HUNTS SPECIAL TOMATO 1m SAUCE 73 ALORO FROZEN SPECIAL PIZZA DELUXE SSS 198 ISISSORTED VARIETIES SPECIAL AVARIN FROZEN DINNERS 12 78 BLACK DIAMOND SINGLE THINs PROCESS CHEESE SLICES LONG GRAIN CONVERTED UNCLE BENS RICE 349 89 SPECIAL 195 HIGHLINER FROZEN FISH PORTIONS FISH IN BATTER OR 26 FL OZ RETURNABLE BOTTLE PEPSICOLA SPECIAL 100 PURE CORN OIL LEISCH MANNS MARGARINE SPECIAL LB PKG KREAMY SLICED WHITE BREAD 238 33¢ DESSERT TOPPING MIX DREAM WHIP SSS 75¢ ASSORTED VARIETIES SPECIAL ROYAL INSTANT PUDDINGS 399 DOMINION SPECIAL CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES at 169 SPECIAL MCVITIES COOKIES DIGESTIVE SS 99 SPECIAL NESTLE INSTANT HOT CHOCOLATE 233 199 26 FL 02 SPECIAL RETURNABLE BOTTLE PEPSICOLA 33435 378¢ SPECIAL AUTOMATIC DRIP TREND COFFEE 399 RED ROSE SPECIAL ECONOMY PACK TEA BAGS QOZOPSO 229 TOMATO DOMINION KETOHUP SPECIAL 20 FL OZ BTI