Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1978, p. 7

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MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 555 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 558 FOCUS 600 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY UNIVERSITY OF THE AIR CAMERA CANADA ICARTOONS ON 625 WINDOW ON THE WORLD 630 CARTOON PLAYHOUSE YOGA 645 DAYBEAT FARM REPORTS 655 MISSION EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT FILE DAYBREAK 700 TODAY CBS NEWS GOOD MORNING AMERICA CANADA AM IT FIGURES GREEK HORIZONS 715 700 CLUB 730 METRO MORNING TVO PORTUGAL CF TODAY 800 CAPTAIN KANGAROO ROCKETSHIP lNSCHOOL PROGRAMMING ITALIANISSIMO 815 ED ALLEN SHOW 830 BONJOUR 845 FRIENDLY GIANT 900 NOT FOR WOMEN ONLY BONJOUR MATCH GAME IN TOUCH PHIL DONAHUE SHOW TORONTO TODAY CANADIAN CAVALCADE CINELOTTO 915 SCHOOLS 930 FOR RICHER FOR POORER TATTLETALES ROMPER ROOM 100 HUNTLEY STREET VARIOUS PROGRAMMING 945 EMISSIONS DIVERS 1000 SANFORD AND SON CANADIAN FAMILY FEUD ITS YOUR MOVE MIDDAY QVARIOUS PROGRAMMING 15x0 lUE 1200 TWO AT NOON LEAVE IT TO BEAVER NEWS BOB MCLEAN SHOW UNCLE BOBBY SHOW ID MISTER ROGERS PAY CARDS 1215 DINAH 1230 NEWS SEARCH TOMORROW RYANS HOPE FLINTSTONES ID ALL CHILDREN INSCHOOL PROGRAMMING LES COQUELUCHES SAUF LUN Spectacle Glace De Lenin rad lurIE OUR BEAUTIFUL 1255 NEWS 100 MERV GRIFFIN CONCENTRATION MON Strikes Spares and $565 FXC MONI ALL MY CHILDREN GOING PLACES CITY CLASSIFIED Th Sewrnq Show WLD TIME FOR YOU 115 TWO AT NOON 130 DAYS OF OUR LIVES AS THE WORLD TURNS JOYCE DAVIDSON SHOW WINNERS CIRCLE TELEJOURNAL 135 23 FEMME FOR MY MORNING Ali9 AFTERNOON SCHOOLS DAUJOURDHUI JOKERS WILD 137 CAMERA 12 TATTLETALES DIALING FOR 53 DOLLARS ABC NEWSBRIEF ART OF 200 COOKING MOIRA HUNT OAYBEAT RYANS HOPE 1030 $20000 HOLLYWOOD pYRAMID SQUARES ll AL HAMEL SHOW MR DRESSUP MOVIE PRICE IS 230 RIGHT DOCTORS CITYPULSE EDGE OF 11100 NIGHT WHEEL 0F GUIDING LIGHT FORTUNE ONE LIFE TO SESAME WE STREET CINEMA SAUF HAPPY DAYS MER VEN Saturniri et 1e KLARAS vacavaca lunT Wrastvand KORNER sodatmarlLe ethos Me ED AELLEN TIME Liefifmt3°lit32 xfiewg CITY gigst 1130 gKNOCKOUT 30m ANOTHER YO NG AND TH RESTLESS TAKE THIRTY THE PRISONER JOKERS WILD 315 COMMANDER TOM SHOW CD GENERAL HOSPITAL 330 CELEBRITY COOKS ALL IN FAMILY LES CHIBOUKIS VEN MATCH GAME 334 23 MINUTE MOUMOUTE VEN 400 MOVIE MON VARIOUS PROGRAMMING MERV GRIFFIN STAR TREK ID YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS ROCKET ROBIN HOOD BOBINO an FAMILY FEUD 430 PARTY GAME MIKE DOUGLAS DINAH THE EXC ELECTRIC COMPANY LITTLE RASCALS EMISSIONS DIVERS ED MY THREE SONS 500 HOGANS HEROES EMERGENCY ONE SESAME STREET 22 GILLIGANS ISLAND LHEURE DE POINTE SAUF LUN Hurt tlr 11mm thin FBl 530 NEWS ODD COUPLE ALL IN FAMILY BEWITCHED DORIS SHOW THE DAY TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING BBBHAPPY DAYS 62 ROCKIES 600 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CBC NEWS DEFINITION POLKA DOOR CE SOIR CITYPULSE 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME II READALONG GONG SHOW LACTUEL 640 COVER COVER DOT TO 655 WRITE ONI 700 HOLLYWOOD CONNECTION BMANNIX OCROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW To TELL THE TRUTH II STARS ON ICE Guests Rosemary Clooney Coleen OConner Jim Mitlns Vern Taylor Heather Kemkaran Van EIGHT IS ENOUGH DR WHO HERE COMES THE FUTURE COMMUNIQUER 730 MUPPETS SHOW if dgaNEWLYWED GAME PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED ALL STAR AL MOST ANYTHING GOES HEADLINE HUNTERS MAGIC SHADOWS hty Joe Youn SANFORD AND SON ODD COUPLE 800 MEDICINE IN AMERICA Lile Death and Dollars Tom Snyder 15 the prinCtpal oncamera reporter The program deals with the aconornics and Quality at medical care and looks at hospitals rnedical schools doc Iors Olfrces Clinics and health mono oruanrzalions Danny Thorrias quest let 13 Grandpa Cunningham dynamic girointer who has been Ir Ir Ir ruling at am 55 who arriwn it the 1nriruriohrirn home determined It Itflfl rt lltw THE FITZFA Jack any Jrgt778 some truths about hit and 101er lulu IJI it has to take drastic step to say his own lnIvqulIf and his or hoot adfJUNIOR WORLD CUP HOCKEY 1978 Championship qarnr live from WCIAMES AT 15 BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATIONS Yen tor Harmony Japanese Managers Try Their Styli in in America WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT GRANDPAPA Thu fiHiiCII camber 1955 Glynis lohris Robert Newton RENE SIMARD SHOW Guests Sta FISH EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS VEDETTES EN DIR Irwitee Gmellr Havel out Inlttlpfljl dos chansons rte leanAFierre tenant 858 NEWSBREAK 900 ND MASH THREES COM PANY Jack IS caught in dilemma when Chrissy thinks hr has bought her an expensive birthday present and the qut turns out to In surprier for er wrte BARETTA ILLUSTRATED CLASSICS Agent Part II newspap owner In London is agent employed try an eastern Conan cnitiass NEWS URDATE EB LES AS 901 MARY MICHAEL 930 FIFTH ESTATE ONE DAY AT TIME SOAP Episode 15 Whili in tail for Ihe murder 01 Peter Campbell Corinne IS shocked by mysterious vrsrtor from Ecuador TELEMAG 958 ABC NEWSBRIEF 1000 LOU GRANT FAMILY VILLAGES ET VI Maven Nnrd new AND 1030 BARNEY MILLER ID GRANDEUR NATURE TELEJOURNAL 1055 SECONDE EDITION 1100 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS COMEDY SHOPPE FOREVER FERNWOOD WITNESS TO YESTERDAY 1105 RENCONTRES Invite Jean Dcltrrrmau historian profession ll Ctillofql It imnu II it 112 NEWS 122 NEWS 130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Host Johnny WTHE CBS LATE Thu Urth Daughter 1912 Shelley Wmlrern in otten MOVIE Topkaoi 1964 than MHcourn Peter Ustiriov LYNNE GORDON SHOW QUESTION PERIOD 22 WINNERS CIRCLE CITY LIGHTS Guest fibrin Fluid 135 NINETY MINUTES Host Peter Glowski ROPOS ET CON Jean Rigaux St rnronto 2e 1e 1150 SKI BASE THREE 1200 ROBERT YOUNG FAMILY DOCTOR MOVIE 1205 CINEMA ta Caravaru 1L Inu 196 John Wayne Kirk Ilouqlas 1220 WedwartJ Ho 1935 John Wayqu Shelia Mariners 100 Host Sn MERV GRIFFIN Guests Jittly Van fykic link Van Patten La Wanda Page Ronnie Schullv Jay Armies Johnny Paycheck I04 lrrirrirsu Her Anything 1966 Warren Realty Leslie Caron Street craftsmen fast disappearing SINGAPORE colorful modern Singapore As skyscrapers go up and the old shophouses of Chinatown Reuteri Ihe clogmaker calligrapher pera maskmaker and other craftsmen disappearing from the streets come are down traditional figures are being squeezed out of their old jobs and haunts Once the children ran after familiar men who offered them cin ema on wheels box with varilt ous apertures through which turbid Deviat lambmdo Wuth Slot ovsli the oxamlnor Tuesday Jan 1918 Show biz personalities who died in 77 Some of the show business personalities who died during 1977 are shown here Among those picturcd arc Leopold Stokowski the conductor Ethel Waters singer and actress Some sadness too Maria Callas the opera singer Andy evinc movic actor Toots Shor famous restaurateur whose establishment was frequented by stars Freddie Prinzc comedian Stcphcn Boyd actor and Zero Mostcl actor entertainment Exciting entertainment year HOLLYWOOD API The year 1977 was marked by in novation and renewed ex citement In the entertainment world also by sadness in the passing of longtime giants Not in many years has the en tertainment scene so engaged the public fancy or so it ap pears to this observer New stars and new forms of ex pression have emerged In every field from rock to film Even the monolithic television in dustry has been shaken up You need only consult your lo cal newsstand to gauge the pub lics interest in the show world News magazines devote cover stories to the latest movies and music luminaries Newspaprs feature pcoplcinthcnews col umns and the people are pro dominater entertainers Cov erage of celebrities has become miniindustry in publishing The music business had an other record year in earnings The same with television and radio Most of the film com panies were booming To those of us charged with covering the entertainment world 1977 has been stimu lating year But there has been more than the normal amount of sorrow In writing obituaries for figures whose unique talents contributed prominently to Hot lywood history The top entertainment storics of the year as seen by this re porter The death of Bing Crosby He had been as much part of the Amrican sccnc as the Song Auld Lang Syne is one of remembrance WASHINGTLW AP Scotland they play it on bag pipes Beethoven composed setting Robert Burns wrote it maybe with help And the origi nal cup kindness wasnt scotch whisky Millions sang and listened Sunday morning to Auld Lang Syne old long since song of remembrance that dates back more than 200 years Tracing the dittys origins song Sleuths have found the grrm of the melody surfaced in NW From then until 1765 five more songs were built around it Versions of thc words ap peared in 178 and 1796 Burns generally considered the songs author said he ttxik down the words as he heard an old man sing them PLAYEDON PIIES And its played on bagpipes in Scotland offered June Smith who answered the phone at the British Embassy here in mod Ified Scottish broguc But why song of nostalgia and remembrance at the begin ning of the New Ycar Its more than that she said Its forgetting the past and looking toward the future letting bygoncs be bygones Author David Daiches wrote in his book Robert Burns The song very cunnineg combines note of present con viviality with poignant sense of the loss of earlier corn panionship brought by time and distance Such note is just right for New Years Eve when the mind hovers between retrospect and anticipation and we think equally of days gone forever and days to come But of course Auld Lang Tyne Is more than New Years 5mg It Is one of the great expressions of the tragic ambiguity of mans relation to time carrying away old friendships and bringing new IANS MADE IEALE Smith said that in the old days Scottish clans fought and then buried the hatchet at the beginning of new year The cup kindness re ferred to is pint of ale Youll find it In the third verse as pintstowp Heres the last four verses if you care to listen with most of the dialect trans lated And surely yell pay for your pintAnd surely Ill pay for mine And well tak cup okindness yctulior auld lang syne two have run about the hillsAnd plucked the daisies fine But weve wandered films could be watched for few cents Typical of the vanishing breed of street craftsmen is Yeo Chong Leong 61 who has been making and selling brightly colored Chinese opera masks for most of his life His creations are the masks of em perors generals clowns and Villains who fill the stage of the Chinese opera In many weary stcpr Since auld lang sync We two havc paddch In tho II1XkIItln morning sun till line But seas betwccn us broad have roard Sincc auld lang sync And Ilicrcs hand my trusty fricnd And give us hand othinc And wcll tak right gtxxlwill draught For auldlangsyne In Scotland and clscwhcro the last vcrsc is often accom panied by clasping of hands amundthetablc or around the group Fourth of July and his sudden departure was an ex traordinary shock to his countrymen The Star Wars fever The soaring achievement by George Lucas and his band of magic makers quickly became Ihc most successful movie in his tory Roots Alex Haleys saga of his slave ancestogs madc tclc vision history with the highest ratings and the greatest impact on the countrys consciousness The death of Elvis Presley More than singer of unparal lclcd popularity he was thc symbol of his generation Iroucho Marx dics The passing of the comedy genius was made more melancholy by tlr bittcr court battle ovcr his guardianship ti Rocky named scar champ inc of the most popular Acadcmy Awards In rcccnt timcs wont to thc unprttcntious fight picturc which Sylvcstcr Stallonc wrote for hlmstlf to starin The death of Joan raw ford Aftcr 30 years In thc pub lic cyc tho glamorous star withdrew to her New York upartmcnt and 1ch aftcr two ycars as rcclusc ABC commands lllt rat ings Long the No It nctwork AHt surgcd to the top on tho strcngth of youthappcal scrics lcaving BS and Nltt in dis array it Pctcr Finch divs wins US car posthumoust lltrcc months after the British actors suddcn death his widow ac IMPERIAL CINEMAS DOWNTOWN IARRI In world gone mad main funny fabulous story YOU Do wh low cut 1233440 our AIIYTIIIII HENRY SALLY WINK ER FIELD Tiritfiirg fllt unrirou low is 1m mg yoursr SNOWVTIMES 700 In 900 IIIEItOIas Ctrstarring IARRISON FORD locoIIan AI Adult Mandi0M OIJIITEIISIWO THE fillllfljngli If IIVIAI 092 oLv SHOWTIME an autumn smTIIIIIIII 700 In 900 Dim IIIRIOI mum at Imun IncII Mm DDR1 REYNOLDS IRIS KRISTOPFDRS All WHOcl II till ccpted his award as best actor of 1976 for Network to The death of harlic thaplin lhc hristmas passing of the screens grcatcst comedian brought thc Hollywood ncws ycar to sombre closc and marked the passing of one of the last remaining soilrstzns of the silent era BaineIIl Malt 7269940 CINE BOBBY DEERFIELO AT PM ONLY ONLY If vhhIIIIIII tigiitilt lI iili In lltliliIieitlltifE Peterson makes it look easy SAN FRANCISCO AP His presence looms large at the keyboarda gentle giant whose big strong hands dwarf the ivories as he strokes out music at an easy but incredible pace His arpeggios honed by per fect rhythm form sophisticated runs across the keys but manage to sound downhome at the same time It is music set free by disciplined technique Oscar Peterson at 52 has im proved with age and continues to rank with the greats of jazz piano His feeling for his in strument approaches love Every time you walk up to the Instrument its new af fair Peterson said in an inter view at recent performance here He recalled his early days when as young man from Montreal he first pulled up the piano stool as professional When sat down then sat down with an unknowing ego The major difference now is that sit down with certain knowledgeable confidence built on credibility but with no guarantee that it has to con tinue What supplants the ego is adult apprehension he said Peterson seemed anything but apprehensive as he deftly worked out in the San Fran cisco nightclub It was familiar music especially for the older fans but Peterson gave the standards something new STARTED FURIOUSIA He opened with fast and furious rendition of Sweet Geor gia Brown and somehow wasnt trite Then it was on to Caravan Autumn Leaves and Duke Ellingtons theme Take thcATrain If there is criticism of Peter son it is that he has chosen to innovate along muchwom track But the marvel is in the seemingly infinite variety he hears in the music he helped make part of the jazz tradition STA RTI TOMORROW NW Sometimes when you reach for dream you have to leave something behind LbuLigI1tUpSjIw it fir WHID LS Alli LITE ITIMNIII wniummr ml PACINOMAKIHEIGJJER ROLLERCOASTER AT 705 ONLY SMOKEY TN BANDIT AT 915 ONLY may be offensive The Branch0nt What we have here Is total lack of respect for the law YOU ARE RAGE OAINST TIME AND TERROR ecommen as Adult Entenalnment gm 4am Do you know anyone here In Ontario whOthrough sclflcssncss humanity and kindness without expecting anything in returnhas made this better province in which to live Thats the kind of person for whom the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship was established Recrpients are selected by an independent Advi SOTy Council of Ontario citizens whose honorary chairman Is the LieutenantSovernor of the Province Anyonc may nominate person for the Ontario Medal and nomination forms are available by writing Executive Secretary Advisory Council Ontario Medal for iood Citizenship Queens Park Toronto Ontario M7A 1A1 Making nomination is itself an act of appreciation for good citizenship All nominations should be received by April 15 1978 Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship Lo these many days we have preached the values of newspaper route management For boys How it helps boy learn the principles of business Builds him nice bank account Teaches him to deal with people Even helps him do better at school Now not for boys alone girl too can have route of her own with our newspaper Some already do And enjoy the same advantages of fun and profit boy can get from route manage ment Equal rights it is 80 phone us today young lady and talk There may be route open to you right in your neighborhood The Examiner lfiyBOyfield St Barrie would like to talk with you about managing newspaper route Mail to NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE PHONE 01 you mnyphqgc 7266539

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