the oxamlnor Tuesday Jan 1978 1s Erut91km Rick Hubbert trailmaster of the SnoVoyageurs Snowmobile Club works on the foundation of the clubs new snowmobile bridge over Willow Creek The bridge measures 37 frotn ap proach ramp to approach ramp with clearing the creek It took alntost two months to build with most of the work done on weekends Examiner Photo anyflr 331 Bill Grant and his rink won the onsumers ias trophy and the main event for the men in the first schedule at the Barrie urling Club From left are Bill irant ski huck Iertney vice Murdie Campbell presenting the trophy Paul Hargreaves second and Tim outts lead Examiner Photo Actor John Wayne said at the memorial service for direc tor Howard Hawks Thurs day in los Angeles Each of us has his owti memories of Howard so iio eulogy is needed llawks lied iii Palm Springs Tuesday from contplications front concus sioti AP Laserpliotoi Two crewmen of the 28ft fishing boar All Together stand on the craft after it run aground on satidbar at the Jupiter Inlet yesterday The boat was loaded with about 5000 pounds of makeral when it hit the sandbar and went awash The crewmen escaped injury The boat was total loss AP Photo frvrliA ilvl itll WORll THE QUIZ worldscope PART OF THIS NEWSPAPERS SEE THINK SCHOOL PROGRAM The doctoisays High protein and blondness By IIIOSIESON MI Dear Dr Thosteson In re cent article about woman whose husband was always tired you mentioned high protein diet My husband is the same way but he is on bland diet Can that kind of diet be combined with highprotein one and what would it consist of MrsJ In recent conversation with some dietitians was told that the word bland is fading from their dictionary There has been too much confusion over the term Essentially bland means diet low in irritants such as spices alcohol pepper condiments in general highprotein diet is quite possible with bland diet It would consist of an abun dance of meat fish fowl eggs and dairy products wall with minimum of seasoning Pureed legumes as peas or beanst are also high in protein If by bland you mean one low iii residue part of the confusion spoke ofi the above sugges tions will apply Its impossible for me to rec ommend any specific diet with out knowing the reason for it or whether your husband and his doctor have the same meanings for the terms used bland high residue loweresidue etc Best to check back and get the facts straight before devising any diet Dear Dr Thostesoii let with it Dr Your advice on charley horses was bummer You neglected common cause lack of calcium would have many miserable nights without that bit of knowledge Do your duty and pass it on to those in agony Irsl1 would if believed it was the cause of Charley horse which it isnt Charley horse is chiefly problem of muscles tendons and ligaments and brought on mainly by overuse of limbmuscle strain or muscle fatigue If you want to be technical the chief reason for the pain is an accumulation of lactic acid byproduct if you will of muscle action Blood circulation can be in voived Calcium or quinine does not help this If your calcium is helping you fine but dont think it is muscle problem its helping Be sure youre not getting too much of it Dear Dr ThOsttsoii am an eightyearold girl and go to third grade chew my finger nails and cant stop have been chewing them since first grade am very unhappy about it Do you know how can stop My mom doesnt yell at me about it But she does tell me when do it would like to stop You take the prize as my youngest reader at least the youngest who has written me The fact that you want to stop chewing your nails means you are on your way to stopping Will power will take you the rest of the way Many grownups wish theyd begun stopping at your age so youre way ahead of them Nerves are common cause of nail biting Is there anything bothering you at home or at schoo If so discuss it with your mother Another thing are you eating properly Ladies should have pretty hands and nails not chewedup ones Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag EAST c1102 VA964 OQ75 4642 sourn costs VK OAsazi dross Vulnerable EastWest Dealer East Opening lead Three of hearts West North East Pass Pass Pass Pass South Pass NT Pass 24b NT Pass Pass Pass Pass By Oswald Jacoby Alan Sontag Oswald Were starting the thirtieth year of the Jacoby column with an added starter Alan Sontag of New York who is 14 years younger than ou and 44 years younger an me will be coauthor of the column with me from now on Jim Alan has been just about the most successful American pla er the last few years and as also com pileted fine book on bridge Will be great addition Oswald Todays hand shows Alan at three notrump It is fairly nor mal contract but he had tough problem at trick two Jim East took his ace of hearts and shifted to the jack of ades If Alan cov ered wit the ueen West would take his king lead low to the ten and the defense would have five tricks Oswald Alan ducked that jack lead but covered the ten on the next lead As he ex lained later that would ave lost the hand if West held the aceking and ten but he came to the conclusion that East held both jack and ten His rea soning was based on that indefinable thing known as table presence He was there and knew what to do tit9 are lady from Milwaukee held 6V109765437 K842 Her righthand opponent opened one diamond and she bid three hearts She wants to know what she should have bid Not vulnerable we think her bid might well keep her opponents from their best contract but her hand is trifle weak for any action Still if it worked more power to her daily crossword ACROSS Over poetic Answer to Previous Puzzle floor Lliiriiiluduy Get yourself involved in organ izations that espouse causes you can believe in this coming year Being part of them will open doors for you that you didnt think possible CAPRICORN Dec22Jan19 This is day when you meet people easily Your openhand edness intrigues them and they will be impressed and want to know you better AOUARIUS Jan20Feb19 Anyone who feels you can be easily bluffed today is barking up the wrong tree Theyll know Short Ribs 353 mamwe MAWEa Vllinthrop SPOULDWWEIHING ABOUTALLTHOï¬EW THE lEACHEiZWRllTO VOLIR WENT wrf PEOPlE r20 ï¬QMETHINe EXPECT lT the truth when they tramp on your toes and wish they hadnt PISCES Feb20March 20 Break your routine today and do something out of the ordi nary Youll probably meet someone very interesting in place youve never been ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Put your entire force behind things in which you have vested interest with another today If you go full steam ahead big things can be accomplished TAURUS April 20May 20 You are not that set in your ways today If someone approaches you with workable plan youll have an open mind GEMINI May 21June 20 superior with an eye to empire building may approach you HE KING WILL WALL LE FEMNfST XMANDS WHEN WAETHE LI°6T TIME SOL HADTO TAKE ONE HOME with an idea that hes ear marked for selfaggrandize merit Do it willingly for his little plot may fail CANCER June 21July 22 Li beration allows us gals to take the bull by the horns today If the guy you yearn for has been reticent invite him out instead of waiting for the phone to ring LEO July 23Aug22 The best ideas you have today are of the productive variety that deal with your work or career This is where you should direct your concentrated efforts and ener 9Y VIRGO Aug23Sept22 Early in the day you may be sober and preoccupied Later your fun side comes forth and you enjoy yourself and enliven AstroG raph Bernice BedeOsoi those around you LlBRA SBpt23Oct23 Finan cial aspects continue to be favorable for you today with one possible exception avoid entanglements with friends who expect to reap what you sow SCORPIO Oct24Nov22 To day youre what actors call quick study If someone comes up with an idea or plan you can evaluate it quickly and correct its faults SAGITTARIUS Nov23Doc21 Those who make demands of you will turn you off completely today if you are mowed by your own simpatico however you could be generous to fault AND AS LITTLE PLUS mHE WILL FALL MADLV outrunenuncimui WHAT was FROCKAQTINATION INCOME TAKs CONSULTANTS on Mac at eratwp 1N LOVE WlTH ME 44 Engrave Turn down 46 Of the hour to points for uch question answered corroctly Lazy 49 Water holes Briny expanse 53 Believer True or False Unemployment in Canada Will 12 idea Fr suffix declinethis winteraccordingto Employment 13 Wheedle 54 0f headcold Minister Bud Cullen 14 Author 56 Mao Fleming ung Prime Minister Trudeau said the federal 15 Most alone 57 lmrtated Em DICTIONARY government CHOOSE ONE will will not 17 Summer time 58 Arld act to stop scheduled petroleum and auto abbr 59 Commit faux price increases in January 18 South pas American 60 Fills out 80 Loser True or False Net farm intomein Canada has b88510l 61 Dial pornter decl ed the an two cars burden 19 Avenues DOWN glrection 40 Loved ARE CHle AND Israeli me Minister Menahcm Be ins 21 Water bird ardvarks 43 Re IIHR Proposeaniddle East peace plan icHogost 23 LanQUSh 436 de 45 Jami IMM ONE supports rejects the idea ofhome rule 24 DIYBS Wlne companion Shel 46 ET llsi for Palestinians living on the West Bank ofthc 10 point if you answer this question correctly 27 Blaseba ferson loved 20 sage sea aizfris an WT Jordan ove excess Letitral deIIPI minister Iona Campagnolo wt tiring familiar 29 Anne Smger Home 22 Buenos 47 sowet Unlon UPI oliday rostume greeted Prime Minister Trudeau it the lilierdl 32 Barometer th 24 Use Sieve Ferdinand Marcos who detlareri martial law Pd nn It raw WI tabbr 1972 ualhristmasparty umptign its urn Minis me Here Fr 25 Hairy man glen50°uy was of CHOOSE ONE Communtraltrins fitness and Amateur 34 Beaver Saw Performs no 25 Bed cover 48 California City awairugai Sum 36 Food shortage com 28 Namely 50 African tree bSouth Korea 37 Madem gmega 30 51 Merit th Phi es Palm pecral ccess ppm 38 Whisk edition 31 Merely 52 85an polntl for each question answered correctly 39 Rotate Intidental In 33 Mean do ansponalon 41 Test formation 35 Acerbity 55 Blllboards Toni Bladrin of the CHOOSL ONE Pittsburgh Pcrigutns lhlladfllphla NYE set National of key league rcurd for 10 N0 10 00m Mllflulb points St ured by delenseman in Sllixlf game lam Canadas Supply and Services Minister My name has appeared fre Andy Capp Bladon scored points in game against the ltveltind Barons to set the new mark SAW ANN WITH quently in the news late b7 mm AT VialEM ly because of reported THE Bussmp wwlslgluusls illegal 3Cl0n5 by he Rea Lennox of Toronto won the womens Singles title iii the Ws mwERo CANT RCMP While 35 World Cup of CHOOSE ONE table tennis bowling NTL FT solicitorgeneral in 1972 alnlal W35 new Controverstal baseball owner Charles linley sold the to informed about those actions Who am if matchwords mints for each correct match Ameritan leagues Oakland As The team will move to next year aBuffalo bSt louis Denver The defensive unit of the CHOOSE ONE Atlanta hiltons Washington Redskins set new National Football league rerord in 1977 holding the teams opponents to 129 points in reme ailim ortant pamy Up 14 regular season games 2papacy bstory fable 3paragon cmodel ideal roundtable Famlly discussion no Icon All Christmas Cards and Wrapping Paper 4paramount dequality similarity NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 Whirh world event would you selett as the most historitaliy ethe office of pope significant news story of 1977f 5parable rl YOUR ME 91 to 100 point TOP SCOREI 81 to 90 point Excellent 71 to 80 points Good 61 to 70 iiolntl Fair 122677 VEC lnc Medium Wisconsin ANSWERS ON PAGE THREE