Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1977, p. 7

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Curious mixture from Liona Boyd By MURIEL LEEPER Liona Boyd classical guitarist brought out good crowd to Georgian College Wednesday night The tall and beautiful artist gave performance that was curious mixture In deman ding program she exhibited Two workshops for volunteers Sunnyside Nursery is presen ting two series of workshops for volunteers The first series will be held hiesday and March and will focus on early childhood development The first workshop will feature two coop nursery school teachers who will teach normal child development The second on March will feature programing for the ban dicapped in relations to normal development The second series will be April and April 19 and will concentrate on the deprived child This will be organized by Social worker Margaret Kelly All workshops are held at ABC In Arc Industries from to 10 pm and are open to the public as well as volunteers For information call Virginia Hartley at 7371033 The executive of the Keiiipenfclt alipter Ini perial Order Daughters of the Empire was installed fine technique in pieces by Debussy The Girl with the Flaxen Hair Scarlatti Sonata and in most in teresting contemporary com position by Milton Barnes This last listed as Fantasy for Guitar is written around an Indian theme It is imaginative descriptive and captivating and Iiiona Boyd made the most of the wrok It was in the South American and Flamenco pieces for Guitar that she showed her lack of in dependent style and authority She played them well but the Four Venezuelan Dances and the two final pieces by Albeniz can be an emotional highpoint It was less than this at Wednesdays nights per formance The inherent Spanish rhythms so complex and so definite became somewhat vague Indeed per formed at their best they can become completely orchestral in sound with the thin melodic interludes breathtaking in simplicity The Four ourtly Dances by Besard that opened the pro gram were written for lute The artist produced the early music effectively Two Sonatas by Cimerosa arranged by Julian Bream were interpreted with sense of period and style It was in this first half of the program that Liona Boyd was at her best recently From left are Mrs Fraser regent Mrs Neil McBride treasurer Mrs MacDonald ANN LANDERS Were no bunnies Asays one nurse Dear iin Landcrs Would you please print this letter as sch vice to practical vocational and registered nurses everywhere Im sure many have run into the same problem The main resimnsibility of nurse is to carry out the doctors orders and to make the patient as comfortable as possible For some mysterious reason most male patients seem to think we are Playboy bunnies They talk to us and treat us as if we are there fortbeir looking and feeling pleasure When we offer male patient backiub it is not because of secret desire to work in massage parlor Backiiibs help blood circulation and prevent bedsores when the patient must lie in one posit ion for long time say man who is healthy enough to grab nurse every time she goes near his bed is healthy enough to go home told fewjiist that and Ive man wouldnt treat female doctor or dentist that way It by istheresolittle respect for usniirses Iiisiilted Dear In didnt realize male patients were so lecherous What do you look like anyway nurse who gets grabbed at sooftcii should check herself out She must be sending somesort of signals 1earnn Landirs Wonderful evenings and afternoons are sometimes spoiled because guests dont know when and how to end visit Please Ann in your own effective way will you write paragraph or so on graceful and timely departures whether at tcr lunch tea cocktails or dinner IIndless farewells can be deadly and have been victimized so often Thank you for any help you can give me and others who Iiave experieiicHl the agony My Name Is Legion Dear Legion Your plight reminds me of an old joke The difference between the Britiin and the Yiddish is that the trit isli leave without saying goodbye and the Yiddish say goodbye without leaving It is strange that soirie guests can sit for hours without saying boo then suddenly become downright chatty at the door or on the porch or iii the driveway The classy farewell is brief and speedy So do your hostess favor folks and keep this in mind the next time you make your Xll Dear nn Im in my lathtls The problem My Iiusbandsex wife For the last 12 years no matter where turn Betty is in my way tlienever theres wedding birth death or serious ill ness Betty is the first one on the scene My inylaws who are no longer her family seem overly friendly to her and underly lrieiidly to me Ive told my husband at least 30 times that Betty makes me uncomtortablc Dont you think he should be willing to leave when we arrive somewhere and she is present Weve had several fights over this and they get more bitter as time goes on My husband wouldnt tolerate it for one minute II my ex all please showed up notlicr nn tI the place Your opinion Dear nii Obviously your husbands family is fond of Bet ty and shes going to be permanent part of thescenc My advice is to accept graciously what you cannot changc before you find yourself estranged from all members of the famin NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS including your husband For Your Shopping Convenience we are open DAILY THURS FRI Quality Merchandise at Prices ALCONA Discount Dept Store MlltlEl LEEPER left past president of the Barrie Opera Guild talks with Jean McLeod centre new presi dent of the guild and Lor raine llovcy guest speaker at the guilds fourth annual general meeting Examiner Photo by Peter De Podesta Tenor receives scholarship of $200 from Opera Guild secretary and Mrs Barbara Wheeler first iceregent trlxaiiiiiiitr Photo by Bo slanne Mctahef Seminar deals with marriage Making the marriage work even better is the subject of one of three seminars tonight at pm at ollicr Inited hurcb The seminar for young mar ricd couples will kick off the weekend conference conduch by Lee Winston wellrkiiown youth leader and preacher from Wrcntham Mass youth retreat also begins tonight at pm in the cbiirch school hall in Saturday at iliiltt in Mr Winston will direct youth adult conference called All Out For God which will include singing Babysitting will be provided in Sunday at 11 am llows It Going at Work and At Home will be the subject of con fercnce for men only Registration is $3 and in cludes snack tonight breakfast and lunch Saturday and lscppiiig accommodations at thcchiirch tonight ForinformationcallTifirtfitH SIMILLS IIIIIIS NEW YORK Ztlr Itxotic shells collected Iroiii the sea are making waves as evening boxes in New York Miami and Palm teach storesiii Judith Leilars oiieofarkind shells are delicately finished with gold metal hinges and clasps and lined in gold tone leather The collection retails for $201 to soon gllIllIlIIllllllllllllIllllIIIIIIIIlllIllIIIllIIlllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllIlllIlllllllllIllllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Blacklocks Beefy Bargains All Government Top Quality Fronts llIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllIlllllIllIllIIlIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIlllIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII John Fraser rising young tenor received 32m scholar ship from the anadian Opera Guild IBaiiie and District Branch at the foiirlli annual meeting The Barrie tenor has received much encourageiiieiit from dis tinguished musicians and is continuing his studies towards career in opera and musical shows Mrs Gladys Jansen his mother was at the Guild meeting to receive ths scholar ship for him It was presented by retiring president Muriel beeper More than 4o members at tended the annual meeting which was held in the com munity room of Municipal Sav ings and Loan orp lwo guests for the affair brought interest and real enjoy ineiit loiramc llovcy well known artist who works in many different media gave talk on the history and purposes of the riie Art Iiib Several ex amples of her work were hung on the Municipal walls and ad ded great deal tothe meeting Mrs llovcy also explained some of her special techniques used in some of her works Guitar music added to the general enjoyment Gary Gon ticr gave lialfrhour recital of sensitive string music lnclud ed on the program were several compositions by Albeniz ar ranged by the cininent gui tarist Segovia Mr Goiiticr won applause from the au diciicc Muriel Lccper thanked the committees who have worked so hard to make the Barric branch of the Guild such strong organization She was presented with leather writing case by the iiiciiibcis in appreciation for her four years of service The new president Iean McLeod was welcomed to the chair The slate of officers for W778 is as follows president Jean McLeod pastprssidcnt Muriel Lecper vice president Bose Smith recording secretary Etta Dukes cor responding secretary Bctty Jackson treasurer Itobeit Jackson iiiciiilwrship Audrey CBMC meets at Holiday tonight and Saturday Sam Salton field worker for thiistian Business Mens Hair iiiittcc International of Denver to will be guest speaker at the Ilastcrn tanadian Winter oii feieiicc of the thristian Btisnicss Mens ommittcc of anada tonight at and Satin day at am at the Iloliday Inn Barrie The conference will include SAM DALTON guest speaker Inspected Meats Hinds of Beef of Beef Sides of Beef Blacklocks Farm Meats RR No Cookstown ntarioLOI on No 891 mile west of 400 705 4584232 breakfast workshops Mr Dalton will speak at the 1213luncheonSaturday thaimiaii of the conference is William ltcimer of Hshawa Bariicnicn arewclcoiiie Ihc Iiiiicheon is free For rcsciva tioiis call 43612511 Tit 3711 or 721 tilttlt programs and To Our Famous ADVENTURE AVortoty or Chinese Food 1268101 Banquet Facilities MIIIANIMI GARDENS Licenced Tavern 41 Dunlop StWBarrtc Milligan telephone Jane Rogers assistants Muriel ol will Ilelen Ilamblyz publicity Lisa Engels assistant Pat McGuire social Gladys Jansen Irene ligott Mary lbillips Billie Anderson pro grams Johannes Kleiboer assistant Susan lticketts bus tours Eileen aiiieron hasti notes Gertrude lIerring assis IilllI ltosc Smith archives Joan Met rackeii IIans for bustoiirs to the Guelph were discussed and fiiialied lhcrc will be two diaitcred trips sponsored by tbeGiiiId The first trip will be on Satiir day May to Itoss llaIl Inivcrsity of Guelph for the world premiere of an opera by Derek Kealcy and Norman Newton Seabird Island The opera is based on legend of tIxIacitictoast Indians The second tour will be on Sunday May to the Iiiivcr Sit of titlclph Athlct itstclitre Pick pair of SklarPeppler loveseats Your ch01ce $29 FURNITURE HIGHWAY II NORTH NAWKESTONE ONT TEL 4872040 hamyer next The Barrie Examiner FridayFebruary1 1977 More uses for microwave than in kitchen ovens By DOUGLAS GREENWOOD Science and Technology Correspondent When Marconi was sending his first coded static over the ether in 1885 with radio waves he couldnt know that the same waves would someday like genie in bottle find them selves in kitchen appliance now called microwave oven He certainly wouldnt have dreamed that his invention would be developed to the stage whereby his wireless waves could takeover from pilot and land jet liner with 350 passengers aboard as softly as kitten stepping off cushion onto the floor Microwaves are extremely short radio waves of about centimetre Their frequency is measured in billions of cycles per second compared to the thousands for commercial radio waves of several hundred metres in length The way microwaves cook your turkey or anything else with moisture in it is to start all the water molecules spin ning The water molecule has negative and positive polarity When microwaves hit the molecules spin rapidly and heat up from friction Since there is no water in the cooking dish made of glass it stays cool neat huh But the bigger game of jet liner lets microwaves really show off their form INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Theres an important civil aviation conference on Feb 28 at Montreal lhcre represen tatives from all over the world will study various competing microwave landing systems tiMlSi for aircraft and then vote for the system they deem best lhcres bitter rivalry bet ween chiefly the britisli Dop plcr system and the IS scan ningbeain system West Ger many also has an MLS thats being tried in that country too but it has not been tested as thoroughly as the others be cause of its later development Both the British and the US landing systems are based on microwave radar signals that actually take over the flight controls of the aircraft when it comes within maximum range of 30 miles from the air port The main difference is that the British Doppler system relies on the bounce back from an array of ground antennas whereas the US beam scans the ground systems Both depend on the narrow beams that radar can send out as opposed to the wider beam of ultrahigh frequency 100 million landing systems now in use The Dop ler system is named after Johann Doppler an Austrian physicist who showed how sound waves bunr ching up from an approaching sound such as train whistle increases the pitch or frequen cy of the sound and then reduces it as the sound source goes away from the listener thus lowering the apparent tone of the whistle But the important difference between the new MLS and the one now in use is that in ef fect instead of having to aim his aircraft at the runway to hit narrow landingpath beam with MIS all the pilot has to do is aim at the airport itself Its the difference between trying to hit knot in barn door as opposed to the barn door itself What this means is that the aircraft can be brought in on dogleg approach or sweeping curve instead of having to first locate relatively small spot in the sky before the automatic landing system can take ovor no mean task in thick cloud and highwind Triplicate British and duplicate US safety measures are of course built into the systems All computers BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC VI comm 01 Complete Denture Service 2647 I49A Dunlop St Member Denturist Society of Ontario ragKL ste5e Dorrie UL FINE have to agree or warning light goes on in the cockpit So take heart theres no fear of robot flying you into the ground or the nearest hangar PATHWAY IN THE SKY Most astounding of all is the development of Pathway in the sky concept as it is so called In this cathoderay display like tv screen ac tually shows in three dimensions what is ahead of the aircraft just like photograph computer works out the best path for the pilot and shows it on the screen like narrow rib bon of white crosslines All the pilot has to do is follow the highway between trees buildings bills or whatever lies along the course So now Virginia there is highway in the sky This development though is intended more for lowlevel military flying than commercial airline operations Examiner Want Ads 72824I4 Cull DARLENE Darlene Bristow For All Your Travel Information The Best Service In Town BRISTOW Travel Service all phases of travel 7370340 73703 29 Owen St Barrie Ont OPEN MON to on mi 900 pm SAI nu 600 pm

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