555 9Focus 600 2World of Survival 9Cartoons 11Hilarious House of Frightenstein 6210 2This Is The Life Christopher Closeup 9Encounter 700 22Canadian Cavalcade 2Ecumedia News ttCmssroads 71aith For Today 9Uncle Bobby 79Chinese Show 715 2Church Imitation 730 nOral Robuts 2Day of Discovery 3Crossroads 7Directions 9Flintstones ilCircle Square 800 zzzJimmy Swaggart IntDay of Discovery +Farm Report 7Sunday Surprise 79Ukranian Show 815 5ln Touch 830 ZToronto Christian Cen tre 120 2Championship Fishing 3Gamer Armstrong 4Movie The Outsideri SLiving Tomorrow 7Tomorrows Woman 9Album TV 25Semaine verte 79Fim De Sernana 12 15 SA Way Out l9Mon Coin De Pays 1230 zMeet The Press 3Herald of Tmth 5Market Place 11News 1245 llBusiness Report 19AutoNomie 100 2Fshin Hole LsMusic To See 7Superstars 9Famiiy Finder tlMoVie Duel 19Villages Et Visages BDhier demain TotMemories of Greece 1210 College Basketball 600 24News $5Word of Disney 22 Newsweek 9Money Magazine 19Polka Dot Door 577 Declic 79 FBI 830 Wild Kingdom FConversation Wllh George Torgc IF News 11 New Faces 19 Mtdlfl 77 Nouvelles 625 Telescopic 700 Er Gong Show World of Disney 367 ReacheomlNrs +er Minutes Nancy Drew 55 Million Man 11 Are you being ser ved 197 Four For Adventure Zi Qumzc ans plus farms Boogie 730 Science International Tony Randall 117 MoVIe Ilovcboat II 19ympic Profile 25 Beaux Dimancheskoo 2er Wild Life inema Zr rMoVIe The Spell MORNING 2Jerry Falwell 3Jimmy Swaggart kTamn Rocketship tiMasters Touch iiiPolka Dot Door TitLa Voce Della Speranra 9H nSearch The Quiet Hour 3Old Time Gospel Hour tldentity 11Father Meehan 19 Hattytown Tales 25Woody le pic 79Macedonian Magazine 915 SMovie The Ghost Comes Home 19Jeremy 930 22 Come Walk The World 2Rex Humbard trBy The People 9Day of Discovery tllt ls Written t9Cucumber Mon ami Guignol 7911 Canzoniere 96 ï¬La Bible en papier 10H 2Avramis Greek Show SPeoples Church 4Lamp Unto My Feet BRex Humbard 7Flintstones AFTERNOON ï¬rsCountry Canada 9Tennis i9Mangeaille 115 PNBA Basketball 200 zzGospel Singin Time 3Cmssmads telethon 5People Of Our Time t9Che Nous 25Univers des sports 79Italianissimo Sunday 215 791talcine 230 aAngleys Crusade 51976 Olympics liMarcus Welby MD isPins and Needles 31W 22Church 7Auto Racing 19Civflisation 31M uAgape ZGrandstand 9Ironside ltRee Haw BHeure des quilles 400 2A News Special EVENING $5 Superspccial 4r Rhoda 9Sonny and Cher 77 SirMillion Man Iallisers 79 Toronto The Good MINI Phyllis 927 News Specuil Reauxltimanches 797 Free For All HID 22 Roots Part For The Record 40 Numb Movie Sccretsi 10 Judy LaMarin The lovt We Deserve 0310 Big event 11 Police Woman null 393 Marketplace 227 Stunteniivns chain pionships 7k Movn Iuppet on thaini Delvecchio 10 En Se Racontant IIlistuire liici 1030 11 What is Truth 1100 MixHI Doubles 234 Irl lNews 19 anadiens iannilles anayens llwltitlian Panorama 19 Big Blue Marble 25Jour du seigncur 79Sounds of the East 1030 22 Festival Portuguese 270m Rap tLook up and Live 7Junior Almost Anything 205 194 Long Chase BAGerman Weekly ir ror 1km 2Oral Roberts aRex Humbard 4ln5ide Albany sMeeting Place 7Gilligan 9Peoples Church 19Ruman Relations and School Discipline BSon et images 1130 ZRev James Andrews 4Face The Nation 7Animals Animals 19 olargol bCine Magazine 79Vuz Da Profecia 45 DJohnny Lombardi Festival ltaliano 19Jardin Des Sensations 1155 19Sunrunners 2Movie Stalag 17 NBA Basketball 5Crossp0int 19 Ski De Randonnee 415 19 Echec Au ROI 11 22 Money Talks 35 Money Makers 7Wide World of Sports 9Question Penod 19 Electric Company 25 Le monde en libate 797Mowe Bright Eyesi 500 22Bugs BunnyRoad Runner lsrHymn Sing Last of the Wild itWild Kingdom i9Sesame Street Zr Second Regard 51 37 Sirotas ourt 5w Ilowm Meeker 74 Golf 97 Brady Bunch 117 Lawrence Welk 515 Fr Mr Chips 25 Nouvelles ll I3 News rNations Business 20 59 News II tilt aught in the Act Moiii illullitti World At War Mary Hartman 11 Health tare Today in Jiunis SToutes lies Fons 23 lolitiqiieInivtnciali It inema Ludwigr ll 50 it MOVII The Red Shinw MoVic Sanders of The IUVIT 00 22 Movie The inat ariism Marcus Welby Peter Marshall to hand Susskind ll Unidin Line 15 ominunique International inema III Sunday Surprise With This Ring ill Alt News FIRST AID TO HOMES By ROGER WHITMAN CUPBOARDS YELLOWED After wed finished paint ing our kitchen walls white it made the formerly white kit chen cupboards look yellow Would good cleaning make them look white again in com parison to the new white paint on the walls Certainly worth try If the yellow is merely an accu mulation of airborne grease and dust you may not have to reenamel to match No labor lost because youd have to clean the cupboards thoroughly anyway before applying the newenamel PAINT STAINEI PORCH While our house was being painted some latex paint was dripped on to our concrete por ch and stoop tried to get it off with liquid soap while still wet No luck at all Ilow can remove these messy spots This removal is very tough due to the porosity of the concrete paint works in deeply have recently seen ad vertised but havent tried newtype removerspray which claims removal from any sur face or your money back Leave it on until paint is loosened then wash off Seems well worth try PLAN N° 2342 WIDTH 50ft IluB 1910 Optional garage entry from the front This elegant French Provin cial design will bring timeless beauty to every building site The efficient floor plan in cludes full basement family room within easy access to the kitchen and four bedrooms Although the plan shows an entry to the double garage from the side ideal for corner pro perty the entry could be easily changed to front access There is door direct from the garage to the utilitymud room for cold weather con venicne and lots of storage at By WILLIAM LOVER NEW YORK AP Zero Mostcl was clearing up few points about the fantastic Fid dler on the Roof run that has brought him back to Broadway Between dicta he was ex plosively conducting losca nini cassette resolutely munch ing ptiSIlnltllllglll whitefisli and offering occasional bits of verlt bal baloney You have to be free when you act the mammoth star re plied to query about those eyevrolling rumpscratching and dialogue improvisations of ten observed from performance to performance The guy who plans everything is horrible IIe sidcstcppcd the topic of personal remuneration dont know what money is think money is vulgar he iii toncd Im not businessman did you know that few mo ments later however he as sorted This production has made more money than any thing ever has in the history of the theatre When Fiddler on the Roof which holds the Broadway run record of 3242 performances for the original incarnation which opened in i964vset out on fresh tour last June it played 10 cities and grossed $52 million setting boxoffice records at each stop Main Floor Living area Family area Utility EXAMINER HOME OF THE WEE the back of the arage The double entry leads to compact foyer and tradi tional curved stairway wide archway reveals fair size living room and opens through folding doors to the familysize dining room timeless French Provincial home built for the growing family to enjoy an elegant way of life Plans for design No 2342 may be obtained at cost of $65 for the first set and $8 for each ad ditional set plus S3 postage and Mostels stipend for theswing is matter of contractual record For 25 weeks Iic rev ccivcd guarantee of $450000 and prorata payment of$lii 000 week for threcvweek ex tension The current 21week cngagtL ment at Broadways Winter Garden entails substantially higher remuneration says the show management At $20 top for tickets the highest thus far for an extended Broadway run the potential gross is $4 million Mostels share will take his total for yearlong labors to nearly $1 million never see any of it said the man whose songs in Fiddler include the plaintive If Were Rich Man Once in while ask Kate for few dollars and she sends them to me Zero said His wife Kathryn is former Music Ilall Rockctte They have been married since 1944 have two grown sons Raving Zero back on Broad way is wonderful shot in the arm for the season coni mcnted Bernard Jacobs head of the Shubert Organization which along with the Nederlan der theatre chain and Washing tons Kennedy Centre financed the production BARGAINS SHREWEI1Y Jacobs is familiar with the DDX living 156 12 The Barrie Examiner Friday February 18 1977 3A dining 1200 sqft 326 sq ft 118 sqft handling BC residents please add per cent sales tax To view more than 81 quality homes of every type send for the current edition of Select Home Designs Series No 32 available for $2 $175 plus 25 cents postage and handling To order these items please sent cheque or money order payable to Home of the Week Address your orders to Home of the Week co The Barrie Ex aminer 382 West Broadway Vancouver BC V561R2 Fiddler brings Mos tel back to Broadway for 21 week run proclaimed Mosth naivcte about cash He doesnt know anything about it the producer said until it comes time to make contract The unending popularity of Fiddler on the Roof whose original investors have received 1300 per cent profit is something Mostcl hasnt yet quitc figured out He originated the role of Tevye milkman with five marriagcable daughters in Jewish shtetl of longago mr ist Russia after many other performers had been consid ered Danny Kaye Howard Silva Danny Thomas and Alan King The source material for the book by Joseph Stein and score by Jerry Rock and Sheldon Kar nick were stories by Sholem Alcichem Mostel suspects the Alcichcm authenticity still there makes the appeal univer sal was raised on reading him in Yiddish said the enter tainer Aleichem was Yiddish leftist writer who has notoriously been poorly tran slated He was incapable of any sentiment comedy were present together all the time like they are in life Tragedy and IOGX 116 master bedroom 1410 ml Upper Floor Area 816 sq ft $992 KELLY BARRIE PLAZA 165 Wellington KRAZY KIM KELLY HIMSELF SAYS MONEY DOW NO PAYMENTS Tll APRIL 77 on rxnuom mm PLAN 26 ZENITH COLOR $69300 MEDITERRANEAN 20 RCA Xl 100 $44900 $38800 PORTABLE TV 19 QUASAR COLOR $56900 twilight $366 PHONE TONIGHT DELIVERY TONIGHT 7371182 OPEN 10 mm pan CLOSED WEDNESDAY KRAZY KELLY INSTAMATIC 2b RCA SPANISH COLOR Barrie Plaza 165 Wellington St