Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Feb 1977, p. 12

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12 The Barrie Examiner Thursday February 111 BUFFALO TORONTO II HAMILTON Rikki TELEVIS ON GUIDE BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO l2 PETERBOROUGII BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL 600 M7ll22 News 3Movie Carry On Doc tori 524 Hours 79CITY Show News 9Definition 19a Polka Dot Door TilCITY News 630 ZZGong Show 2479ANcws itParty Game l9 Readalong 645 19 Magee iind omptiny 700 22 Odd Couple 2Bowling for Dollars ltoncentrution 5My Name Is lliirry Worth 7To Tell The Truth 9erriind Old Country 11 Mukem iiiid lrincy i9i Movie iSuspicion page mrMy Three Sons 710 22 Sciencelntemiitioniil Hollywood Squares +7 Strikes Spares Misses Welcome Huck Koltcr 7Bobby Vinlon Bliinskys Beauties 11 George lliimillnn 19 Education of Mike McManus 737 Tattletiilcs I00 Name That Tune 3le2ive It To Beaver 4722 News 5rown Court 9LIiicle Bobby llMidday l9 Mister Rogers 79tlene Taylors Bazaar I212Ill ZHtlagazine News 4rSearch For Tomorrow 57 Ryans Hope 97 Flintstones 19Comniunique I245 Movie tACIltln For Slanderi I97 Magec and Company 100 ZZCanadian Cavalcade 2U Gong Show 4Cross Wits SBob McLean 711 All My Children 9Dick Van Dyke 19 Explorations in Shakespeare Izil0 zz For The Money 2Iivr Days Of Our Lives +As The World Turns 7vlannly Feud tvJoyce Davidson 000 Z+TIIZEANcws iIIoi ie Those Fantastic Flying Foolsi 24 Hours ii 77 Definition Ill Polka Dot Door 79 ity Show News 030 BGong Show 2479wNews 11 Party Game l9Readalong 650 ikMagee and ompany fl0dd Couple 2Bowling for Dollars 4Concentration 5Barrier Reef 7To Tell The Truth 9Fish ltShow Biz ISAIVInvie lSuspicion con cli 79Wrestling 730 22 Busting Loose Match Game PM 4Strikes Spares Misses SRyans Fancy Break the Bank 9Stars on Ice llEin Prosit 19 Education of Mike McManus 800 THE DOCTOR SAYS TIIURSDAY EVENING 800 ZZAlice 2ilrMovie 35urol Burnett vWaltons Movie McMilliini Welcome Back Koltcr 19 Experiencc of Music 79 Movie iFiirewcll My Lovelyi 830 722 Whtits lliippening 900 Wiiitiirio Lottery 211 Seventh IIlllt Rest SellersI Hawaii Fivet it hiirlies Angels Watson Report 77 Barney Miller 19 tope 9I0 Mixed Doubles tlnssics iThc Igly lit lIe Iliin Tony Riindnll Iiicleir 000 News Shiiwlii Honmby Ionis lpstnirs Dimnstiiirs 5L Ne vengcrs Streets of San Fran eisco 10 Paul El Virginio 73 libtisville l0io RA Faces of Small Iliiccs FRIDAY AFTERNOON 19 Report leiric 79 Ill Lights I135 I9 World of II Vibes l50 19 Ileadalong I235 News 200 mAIpptlSlIt Sexes All In The Family 7v Smiltll lyruiniil Alan Hamel 197 Big Blue lirlilc 75L Doctors thill 225 News 230 +22 Guiding Light Doctors llEriEdge of Night 7ll One Life To Live lgr Media 77 19 Magistrates Court 300 227Roiiine Prudden 20 Another World yfimTakc Thirty All In The Famin l9 Africa File 79 Peiiplc In tonfliil LI li Commander Tom lliGcncrtil Hospital 330 FRIDAY EVENING Zlod9 27ASanfurd and Son 35 Mary Tyler Moore Ten Who Diircd 79Ionny and Marie Il Hunter 19 Full of Eagles 13 Mtinnix iiiii 21I5 900 EvBrady Bunch 29 Rockford Files ISvTommy Hunter Sonny and ther 7797 Movie Dirty Mary Crazy Larry lllovic The Brilllli 19 VI Can Get It For You Wholesali 050 1th Magic and ompiiny 1000 News 24+ Quincy IySlzirsky and Hutch Iv Hunter Police Story 197 Organization ll 00 22 Mary llartinzin 21l+579ll News 19Nightmusic 79 TIIY Lights 20 350 News Ilzlli 2277 Opposite Uppositc Sexes Lhico Hill the Mon 19 Miigei and oiiipiiiiy 143 19 Understanding The Eiirth 00 234 70 ll Ntws 21 Miiiy lliiitinnn 13 tity Lights 32 Opposite Opposite Sens Johnny nisoii gtlbhr Zr lt an Minutes Live IE IS toininuiiiqnc 1300 Minlc iIiii tiuincss Rook of Rccorils liiinsidc ll Miivic illcloic nitir Comes Movie lIiiusilioiit Name It The iliimc I2to Io lt lcloiiili 100 Tomorrow Fugitive Movie Murder Inc 00 ll Merv Griffin Lively omiin 33 tclelirity tiiiiks +70 Miitih tidilit 19 Educntion of Mom McMnnus 400 Liillc Rascals Ioic IIr tloldtoot and the lIikini IIichinci Moirn lliint Ier irIIIIIl Its Your liuiic Slur Trek Young and The Restless 197 tolirgol 73 Lovc Aiiicriiuin Sty Ic Ill0 £77 Gilligans Isltinil I5 Black Rim Theatre 779 Miki Iloiigliis Ii llinxih 19 Electrictonipnn 500 Ioris Igti Lucy Friday After school Emergency Iii Sisnmc Strict III News IEZ iliin If 57 Room 112 ll Hot Iliiiiils II Johnny liriii Miiyiir Ilic Iiiuisiiii of the Sitrm Iillllt Mono Ilii ILiiiri II Lorry Solxiiiy 15 lIIIIIiigl Til Mimij tittlltf 1313 00 Iiiiiti Liyc lllt 11 Ii¢ It SIdIItd In Naples Movic llictzziiiI Mon Moi ic From Ilii lir riicc ll 3on ic Ihosc Iirng Young Icn In Ilicii Inuiily Iilllil Movic Iiiiiili ol III Livuiil Iiinil lztiti Midnight hpwinl Alone Iitll lit Iirolu Tllt Honk Manic tnrlo Jill Itlylt New York on Ilflfllllitl 230 Movii thi ppilooi 117 Mom in iiiflii Mii II lic tiitrru 100 5on ic lliic onii Ihc iycilsi 300 Ironsidc Bomlce Bede Osol For Thurodny Feb 17 1977 ARIES March 21Aprll19Cau tion and prudence are your watchwords today Rushing into anything blindly breeds failure TAURUS Aprll 20May 20 Your image is more precious possesswn than you may realize today Dont do anything to cast shadow on it GEMINI May 21June 20 In order to make your point you may be tempted to stretch the truth bit today Words like rubber bands can snap back CANCER June 21July 22 Ex pecting more than you are en titled to is risky approach to day Such an attitude could put damper on the whole deal LEO July 22Aug 22 The un t0rtunate tendency to see things as youd like them to be clouds your judgment today VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Mov ing ahead without the bosss ap proval could be loolhardy today Dont act Without sanction from higherups LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You could fall for the old carrot danglmgonthestick ploy to day Even as you reach for it youll know you get nothing for nothing SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Be ing overly amiious to finalize Situation today is unwnse Your haste could make waste instead of gain SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 In order to get others to do your bidding today you could promise more than you should Expediency is no excuse for giv ing away the store CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Risky financml ventures that usually dont tnze you may beckon today Dont let your Judgment be overruled by false hopes AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Your chances for acqmsnion to day are not as good as youd like to believe Those aces you thought you had III the hole Could be trumped PISCES Feb 20March 20 Hunches and msxghts are usually your strong sun but not today Sitck With prove facts to be or the solo SldL our Jlnuduy Feb 17 1977 First reap the rewards due to you for past protects before seeking new fields this cominr year After youve got what you re on titlcd to then move ahead IUIIY VIEI KELLY IIIIIUNIU itlI Kclly Iirl the tcinporiiry liclp ilgtll cy lllitl provides sccrctzirics to business offices has its Iiinil qiiartirs in Detroit and IS prc sided ovcr by MW foundcr Wil liiim Kclly lhc Viinconvcr op crzition is run by Tony Kelly In cliiirgc of the London office is llziriy Kelly and Williziin Kcllic runs Ihc loronto iiffici Nonc of thcm itlf girls and nonc of tlicni arc rclzitcd OUR BOARDING HOUSE EGAD BOYEi MUST YOU HAVE THE MU6IC0 LOUD YESTERDAY THE WALLS WERE STILL 5HAK ING HOURS AFTER YOU LEFT WHATEVER BECAME OF THE OLD THESE ARE THE FADED JEANé UNCLE AM05 IN THEIR FINALE THEY SHOOT OUT THE SPOTLIGHT WITH l2HlNE$I0tIEI 51cw MIGHT BE DIFFICULT= Pollys Pointers Let aluminum pots soak with cleanser Hy Polly riinier Pollys Problem DEAR PULLY Is there in easy way to rcmovc burned on cooking oil from aluminum cooking utensils Elbow grease is not too successful MRS DEAR MRS CW have always hiid success removing most any burned on food from aluminum pans by soaking in hot water with cleanser in it and then scrubbing with soapfilled steel wool pad FULLY DEAR IIILLY am ii volunteer hospital Worker and in qucntly forgot to wear my nzime tag until ciinic up with Illt idczi of sewing contrasting color threiid on the pliltt on my uniform where the niimc tag belongs lhis lhltittl rcininds mc to put on the tug as the thread is never rcniovid MRS III IER PULLY Since onc usually has it limited innnlici ol maternity garments zi sleeveless blouse With an ilustic wiiist nnd slit neck makes it nice vest to wear thI rcgiiliii bloiisc Wllll thc List two or three buttons lclt unliottoncd Il DEAR ItlI You can make your own whippcd iilt margarine by whipping in thc mixcr until fluffy tlld pnnty hosc Itlt good to use for stuffing pillows tut oll lllt iliisiic II the top ithis Wlll IIILIkt waistbzinils for chiIdrins plints you may be iiiiikingi as well Its thc scams and toes so llltlt inc no lumps in the pillows Such pillows iirc wnshiililc tlltl dry wry tzist To keep your house dog from making ii incss III night shot him in It small room as dug Wlll not usc thi Ilillllltitilll ivliiic he has to sleep IEANINE DEAR POLLY Rather than hilVt to find in rcmcdy for dis colored nylon garments have found it is iiisicr to prcycni sUch discoloring To avoid discoloring which iitllil ziltci Iii qucnt washings follow the followmg siinpli Illlt Kicp thi gzirnicnts away from the heat Wuin in cold wiitcr and do not plzicc such things in it hot dryir Isc thc on dry cycle or lot it drip dry ziwuy frorii the heat have scvcriil whiti nylon blouses that have always laundered this way and thcy still look as whitc IS whcn they were new and sonic iirc scvcinl years old When WIISIIIIIL curtains iisc vincgzir in thc IlIlf cycli ll rimovcs the soup film but leaves thc ciirtiiins crisp itlltl Iiish looking Often conventional fiibric rinscs lciivc curtains limp and soft so like the yincgiir bettcr DEAR FULLY have different use for wurn pzintyhosc cut them in strips round and round the lcg going up or down and making the strips about two inchcs widc iisc thisc still to crochet around Wire cout hangers Iiirincnls do not slip off hangers so covered and the clothes hnng piopirly MARTHA WIN AT BRIDGE Opening bid tells all NORTH AA962 v95 OKde WESTIIN AJ4 VAKJIIG OA975 93 EAST 10 il IO SOUTH 10 NorthSouth vulnerable West Pass Pass pcning Iciid North East Ibl Pass Puss South luss KV By Oswald 8i James Jacoby The Unlucky Expert had cornered us again He showed us the West hand and asked if we wuuld open one heart if we werent vulnerable and our opponents were Our answer was that we would open this hand as would anyone who played any nor mal bidding system The hand counts 12 points in highcards plus two more for the doublctons In addition it in cludes three quick tricks and the band should be opened irrespective of vulnerability Then we asked what calamr ty befell him as result of opening the hand We flattered him by remarking that he was far too good player to pass Willi that nice aggregation of cards If you readers take look at all the cards you Will see what Surgical pins made of ivory YELLHWKNIEIC NWT lIi An cskiino czirvcr and ii Siiskiitclicwiin surgiyin nrc gor ing to innssproducc surgical pins of ivory froni Arctic ini iniils to hclp childrcn with growingproblcins Nick Sikkiinrk ii of the or thwcst lcrritiirics iiiid Itcginii orthopedic surgion Ir Ilordcn Itnchynski iirc using ivory from IlitlWllitl ind walrus tusks in ii surgical liNttlllll known as Icgdlcngthcnmg Mr Sikkiiiirk is It sclf tziught und sclf cinpliiyid nrtist living in IiIly liziy ilII Eskimo settlement of LL33 pmplc mori than 1200 milcs north of Win nipcg lhc ltlllliillitl govcrnmcnt is providing III with ii prccision lame to producc tlic ivory pins cuch tlic sicof toothpick IIr liiichynskin who lizis bccn working on using ivory pins lll stcnd of llltlitllfil13ttl5llilgt rcfiiicd thc surgical techniques to Illlplillll tlic pins in cliililicns ligs Itlltl hpr lliiin ilcvclop nor Illitl limbs Ihi technique of leg lcngth cning is siinplc principle The prolilcm cXists when incrcziscd blood flow in it growing childs lcg iiiiikcs thc liinli grow too qiiickly with thc result that thc yoiingstci hiis onc short Icg iiid ii pcrmiincnl linip did happen He bid heart North doubled East passed with his horror and South arrived at four spades with no trouble at all Our hero cashed the ace and king of hearts and shifted to club South drew trumps and eventually led diamond toward dummy ur friend ducked but South went right up with dummys king and wrapped up game and rubber while if West had not opened the bidding there is near cer tainty that South would have gone wrong in diamonds and lost his contract slimg It Mai Florida reader asks who wins the rubber The side with the greater number of points or the sidc that hes won two games The answer to this question is that the side that wins two games is given the rubber bonus but if this leaves their score below that of the other side then the other side wins thc rubber Ramvg story their quest NEW DELHI rltcutcri In diiin urchiologists arc rcncwing qucst for historical ividcncc to buck the Iitciziry vcrsion of thc litc of ltziiriii the godlikc hcro worshipped by rnillionsof Ilinilus Itziinzis story the Itzirnuyari is onc of thc two great epics of India along with the Miihiibhir rzitu Its impact on Indian cul turc is something like it mcrgcr of thc Biblc with lloincrs Ilizid Digging will tiikc pliicc at Ayodhyu ii villiigc in the north crn Indian sizilc of Ittzir Prii dcsh that is traditionally re gurdcd iis the birthplace of Riiinii zi princc who survived yciirs of exile and countless buttlcs zigiiinst thc demons to ruli his kingdom through goIdin igc about 1000 yczirs ligii Hibernation for humans VSIIINI iAl Iicciiiisc ziniinuls that Iiibcrniitc livc longer Ihin other Illitlll mnls of the some wcight and sizc scientists are SIXtUlitllIlL on the benefits of hibciiiiitioi for huiniins sziys Niiiioniil icogrnphic miigiilinc In hibernation all body pro ccsscs nrc slowed body Itm pciiitnri drops iind breathing is riduccd iind irrcgiiliir Iood iind oxygen rcquircincnts llt grczitly ridiiced Dormirnt liuiniins could live lliroiigli the centuries needed to make long spncc voyages scientists theorize iillhough thcy scc only it dim imssibility of inducing lrnc liilicrniilion in main Scicntists are not certain what causes hibernation DAILY CROSSWORD Answer to Prevrous Puzzle ACROSS Iltill out Alloy Mliliiiiiiinndmi prince 12 City in Ifirargl 13 Jme Window cririipiiilrninit Characlizriu tion 16 Ullltlllltti typi limde lltzl I8 LIIlfI IIi Lililir ll Wotw rlrrin Il IIII III Imid 74 Iliitriuiii 7f lilYlIV ilefiifl Imiry prod it Iriqli inniiaanzw liimii fliiir it llYIIIII 10 French pnem type 41 Japanese metropolis Ones IFr VISIIIII vapor Christian symbol Cisnlpioi land Common newt Continent American Indians Wheel thick tiillut 43 44 46 49 50 bl tintiiuior rinrisi lffllff Scumfl Weather liiifniii Idliti fly gs Us DOWN IV ltiiir grflgr mm I5Tr1tfiiil Hiliio 75 that Hi 23 an iv 30 ul 54 47 Environment agency labbr Trough to hold hay Iliniriioq Jinnp an atom IIHip lingr dIiliti Star in Orion lititdierided Up sinq Mayer Viki lui1lflhakefs Musical ComtiiSitimi Lilliws 36 Sorry 38 Sounds 39 System of moral prinCiples 40 Rascal Metric distance abbr 42 Japanese port 45 Counsellor iabbr 48 Landing boat 50 Mock SIDE GLANCES How tong TV progr eer or tour beer am is this dear twobeer three fT til TAVTWIVIVAlIIL lr it IiAyn EL 9917 tifti iiip 11 VENDUREREA LIIEfGfiIIEltt4$S THE Mic2t BE Fr JriEryiié liftAri iEAiIitiiir YEARSWHN Gt Hf LJEVECChi Hp guyAll NAI NH 444 BEHINDTHEBARSTART is chest pain By THOSTESON MI Dear Dr Thosteson re member seeing an article about angina pectoris in your column while back Frankly must confess didnt read it too closely Last month began to have chest and arm pains and sure enough angina pectoris is what it turned out to be My doctor hasnt told me much ex cept that he wants to see me again about it Can you run the article again so Ill at least have some idea of my future You mentioned the heart muscle Is that like other mus cles in the body7Mrs RY receive many requests to do what you askrerun an ar ticle If obliged Im afraid wouldnt be able to handle the variety of subjects now do and it would be one repetition after another have discussed angina on several occasions but can go over the subject briefly for you and others in your boat Angina pectoris as you know meanschest pain ltsa sym ptom of an inefficient blood supply to the heart muscle Thats the muscle which when it contracts pumps blood through the various chambers of theheart As with any muscle in the body decrease in the blood supply to it produces pain There is one difference how ever The heart muscle cannot be rested completely It must go on working pain or no pain Thus the need for immediate treatment The object of treatment is twofoldto lessen the work of the heart muscle by careful liv ing and to ease pain through medication that increases the blood flow when needed Nit roglycerine provides blood circulation boost in emer gencies Basically thats the picture try to reserve space in this column for answers to specific questions about various ailv merits leaving the booklets to provide more detailed informa tion thus avoiding much repeti tion Dear Dr Thosteson am desperately trying to breast feed my baby but just am not getting enough milk Is there anything can do to helpMrs BI Suckling is the only way know of to increase milk sup ply The suckling ilCIlVlIy stimi ulates the milkproducing glan ds and the full milk supply follows You may be the rare woman who just cannot breastfeed But make sure you are not produc ing more than you think The babys weight gain statistics would he an in dication as to whether he is or is not getting sufficient milk sup ply Get in contact with chap ter of the La Lcchc League You should find listing in telephone directory The large city you live in has one know Dear Dr Thosteson Every winter it seems get charged up with electricity or some thing You know everything touch seems to spark and give me poke Any suggestions Is it harmfulIIE The reason it happens in winter is that houses often are overheated in winter and this static electricity can build up in lowmoisture atmospheres You may need humidifier in your house The only danger would be if these sparks which are real were to contact some ex plosive fumes Its unlikely but just possible Dear Dr Thostison read about the prevalence of vener cal disease but cannot find the answer to the riddle as to the causes of it What causes the disease in the first pliicc in the persons who infect fllll$ Mrs AK Im not going to get Ill volved in this runuroilnd us to which came first the llSttlSO or the victim All have to say about the riddle is that ii specific organism is involved Dear Dr Thostison fun you give me an address for the Retinitis Iigmentoszi Foundri tionIIII My most recent address is 3408 Rolling Road Baltimore Md 21207 Check the phone book for local chapter And yes research is continuing into the problem WINTHROP BC NSL NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 BORN lOSER IDHAI NAM If Kim IO How ilb EMTUNEE HAVE TO WAIT $515 roiz must Apounv HERE Your wedding invitations Announcemen ts Headquarters We provide loanout service AC LOW A6 leu SHORT HA Mrmir FiEF Tom roi WW DULL YA APE r3 CONFIDIN lN YOU ANDY CAPP RUN THE RISK or BEING SEEN RE MOVING THE BODY DOWNi FIRE ESCAPE WHY wouwA HIT MAN snoor TRUE BLUE AND THEN youlZE TOO QUIET LiEU IENANTWHATS BUGGIN While the police about recording Scene of the crime for the records KERRY DRAKE ITS MONEY IN THE DRAWER VICTOR has 0in iiigislio IOIIUILd to your busiiivss lflqullt ibiiiil llii iiiiliyiiliml Cltlk RISpLIIlLllIIy rind Complvtc PIOIII Coiitiol IlllItlllvOI Whitfield BARRIE PLAZA 737010l OFFICE OUTFITTERS Ui2niiTUliNLv rprt Tiir FJNO ionAyr hll It Witt Ill TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION TERM Ir itE lk it WIZARD OF ID osoooo woum MAKE YA GREAT WATCHDJG ELMER vac gr tr YA 661 TEK N17u13lztrills VERY SENSITIVT THINK HE DOESNT LOOK VEWY BUGS BUNNY FRANK ERNEST WE DONT THINK OF ouRSELvfis As 005 WE THINK OF A5 FILLING NON EXPLOIIATIVE CURSELVES EcOlOSICAL NICHE Tum

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