Ihc Market PlaitYVfdnosday February 16 1977 l9 E9TAFRF°UN° LOST Grey Striped cat Spayed female years old Codrinqton St School area Answers to Silver Reward Telephone 728 3430 GREY CAT lost ripayid female years old Answers to Silver Could he in Brllevue and Grove area Reward Please telephone 778 3430 HELP WANTED TRACTOR OWNER OPERATORS re wired to haul loads in Ontario andor east coast oi United States Phone 416 688 5477 BARBERHAIR STYLIST Erwier tor Stroud Shopping Centre Experience necessary Telephone 436 4715 or resudencn 726 8579 CANADAS MOST dynamic industrial lighting company requires local representative in the Barrie area Full on the ion traininq is provided and highest commission paid 85 per Lent oi income is trom repent orders lrom in dustrinl accounts It you are looking for in rwerutivt income with Canadas taskst growing company rail coilert tor nlVllW 62 2057 Mr Richardson WANTED BY Barrio Law firm legal secretary Ltrflrltï¬ftii in litigation App Iy in writino to 801 llJt Barrie stating qualitivatidns full nppluahons held in Onlllillnil rsalary ommnnsumtr With Yntvlltlrlft MANAGER IIFLJI 1IirllUlUr redUiri vmiriiiqcr prouriimiriwr to tnStun and Irvi picnii nt irroiirttiitii and distribution rlr Ulii iitioril WPG IIDIYHHI my ensiiry l77illllll0l1lrl vrirdimv prniigrrrd Sui mil reuurnr and salary rorimrrments in Hm il Barrie illnhrllr iii TiME drtsv Irrrk rcqmred tor iiidiy nights to Apply in pvrton Ila ysto The Brookdale Park lnn NDIViDUAL PEOUIPED to take full ri grionsitlility tor inventory control and ynirtitinn IplrlliriCl With Cardex sy turn tili ili nupw 0i order pro essmo in UUUHl lulyilUll Systems nece wiry all Ntrlrin will 93 1287 for apririiritmini Niirll EL rillplrlnliiili nt lull or part Vllvil to 10 QIHIle tlrntilliq and main tirmncr in Condominium Apartment Budding Apply to Superintendent Ali ï¬lrixtr Si PF 1iABF PFPSON wanted to bobS in my homo Niipiiir Striet arta one day went and onrmnonnl weekends Itrtï¬il iljufl hriti Post Oihry 30 Yit isiirrw 0in er wowx evenings in To Monday to riday Satiirdtiyy to nu inillrl rin appliance storiv MortH6108 rmqnm £TJNL DhAavcï¬ JAMggN so TOUT ltrirtl1t IAr AA 71 7F CLPE Ittiy tight your prohler iiori tAli ii triignd to It Cali Tater art my ertiltl fullHindiANONYMOUS 728 65W you drink ttmis your ouiiiiess it you wanttoquiithritaour Crillanytimp UJï¬ï¬‚NTED iiilie removrd Srlltly iiriiarirntty medically approved Ly iii Hrirthur Cirtitimi ElrCerlOQi 7372571 iNiFlNTlONI inmstiqamn 3w OI ic br nd eiSC mann yiilliirltl Dmrrwt rootioitntm 117173 soft £335 Prince Edward dimmer 0052i argarine potatoes Haitis to bag boneless cooked smoked PLANT SlTTlNG SERVICE Grim on trir or Vlf moo Leave will iir litr min lnOyvlllll your plants are tilsnr on ntly Carir1 tor For ft lorvmnom riii Barbara lOIO PiEJiNG WRTPUCMUN indoor arem Horuiv tioiirniwf Burlt ilV mlllljli wir my Hittiulil Mi 72 01° iiifIF 14 EY Fill Rnrili Yld rr tITir zom inu girthr pr in Alt5 Ni HUFFEV iuony uth Corns mo 11 Di 70 your lrorv JMi Ciiltit Corn an rm 3114 rt 7lll lgr Illllgr wnr yi rI Vt iv1 v1lurlllllrllrlai Ulr Cori or Ciiilout Clo win we Shower irisortttnil nudism JEE NG oi Pnrmt in it rr Gram Cook St Bar pm mniiiy OifltSilO Ctr liilhirinlormn mi mm is ltwll it on irii Barri ii il ivirvw pvlti ii in Ron iirv th itll to Tlll prim Mn pi Vupq givrtrd personal i1f0Ulll7Q iinyrol ltl iontrni tor ARELES FOR SALE iCi lull its hrnnd new mild tiliir tint iirtyl Unstrui tion win trgni Mm Toll cvrninqs ANTiQUE FURNiTURF intlUU no oar roll top teak linrwvt iallll oak wn IorL Witl theatminï¬tnr himis ans twirnniii tiirnituri 01L Phnno 70$ 56 lll wniiioi QUE 7E tw plum mattress IlV spring ii ionditiOii SIOO Dem midii unit old 580 Phono 776 286 rili RF in it llWQll lynx sprinu and ma lions fllwv Pis uttniiilir Kill now mii Ni tJf riuisonahlo Tclcnhon 421 ll lktfflt Rt til it titO Upright year old swam rut ntii Phone 73 3016 Tl Pit llLEFUNKFN rltl to reil tnnw iwi muni iondition Piiie SIOK Amii up Hmn tvicl or phone 718 1656 coo prOduce complete your weeks menu oranges 88 apples 88 apple cider 99 ARTICLES FOR SALE DRVL ull idle inulis poi faith on Iidisi ll brand new ENG Mat otter iiliitliillr 735 2215 otter iini Li iH ilxfi mn stor walker cor lit and nitrous itittii tintiy thian Toiwiitoni ywri HELP WANTED ll ll elfllkl BAIWSITER lot ill in innit niiiv Monti thru ll in ll to iit Wiiiiiiutnn st iiim li ilvt till if NJA EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNi ALOT Ht would liki to babysit pic at tioolii Mni lnt on and irnti flrlil iill lol till Akl iiiowdid in lily humi Nini dtli lilll lilil Js ltir0fll ititiStil i136 Alil Rt inï¬ll MAlllRF woman Will looL lllll oi iiliiliiioit vlill iind up in otii lilVlt inhl linuuokiipino Mon to ii itii lillVlli Rail in Box T54 Riii it JlVltl lleitNNi tiCkl ll tip and dilivcriti iinilv 515 poi imukot Tolephon tutti tor tiii tliii intw motion marmalade frozen New Zealand frozen Rupert Brand golden battered ameog loaf sliced pkg pkg everyday meat value freshly ground medium ground beef maXImum fat content 23 in I99 more grocery values bréaddough 99 iagagï¬a Owners to srsargsvy pay more forInnlsfll strays BARCLAY Hog owncrs in lnnistil township who lcl thcir iiiiiniiils rtin loosc may soon tind thcy irc barking tip thc wrong trcc limnship council lhursdiiy approved suhsltintitil incrciiscs in tincs lcvicd against the owitcts of dogs caught run ninth lziigc lhc itcw lincs tri $10 for thc tirst liltlltt $20 for thc sccond and $30 for lhc third ottchcc llllt wcrc$ lll till unduly tonn John Young chairman ol tlic protection sciviccs com tnittic which is icsponsililc for tuition control ill thc township Nlltl tlic hiplicr lincs wcrc sci iii nsponsc to thc scrious proh lcin ot dogs running loosc in tlictimiisliip lli ilso hopcd tlic lllRlltl lines would cncournpc dop owners to in for only 10¢ and $50 worth of Loblaws cash register tapes Passport includes il Illllllll lill liwoilliial liitfiiiy illltillillilllliilllll 71 first iiiii iiiiiviiI titutiil Ill itlilllll plus Ptltliiliiuliiui oiipiiiiL intili worth 256 oil iiiy llilil admission lL yintr ind iinitii to any iiiiwii tilJVliiti ill lllilfll vllllitltl toi iitiiiliigtii iriii iiqiiiiilii iiii hereare few of the mowes you save on Airport 77 The Enforcer tSilver Streak The Last Tycoon and 17 other top run movies see details in store specialvalue specialvalue Schneiders Farmers Market sausage previouslyfrozen cakes tllll 99 liiiiiliiiwliiijiii minidonuts 89 ii no lill lililiili urt itiliiii Loblaws passport to the movies another reason why more than the price is right special value everyday meat value special value Ziggys cooked oblaws semi boneless cooked Foods meat chubs smoked hams large boiogna iliillllvllil llllli Vi 6varieties bythe piece ironii nu halves to lb ti 802 quarters each ll