Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1977, p. 44

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Couple at Churchill marks 50th anniversary By MRS SAUNTER CHURCHILL Congratula tions to Mr and MrsNeIson Browning who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary The community was shocked to learn of the sudden death of Fred Wicks of Markham hus band of Dorothy Sloan Sym gthy is extended to the bereav Winners of the womens even ing curlers for the first schedule were Flo Coutts Mandy Thompson Debbie Ferguson and Betty Akers At the end of the season the rink will be presented with the Keith Davis trophy Jim Flewelling of Ballydown has purchased Town and Coun ty Automotive from Allan Thompson Winning the South Simcoe Junior Farmer basketball finals at Georgetown were John Kell Bruce Drybrough Herbie Hughes John Faris and Gary Baynes Mina Kelly was hostess to the Tuesday evening bridge Jean Constable and Ruth Stewart were the prize winners To pay twice for addition Simcoe ounty residents will pay twice for 8353000 addition to Nottawasaga and Creemore Central Public School Interest rates at 925 per cent year for 20 year period boost the final cost to $78673250 The Simcoe County Board of Education approved the loan application Wednesday night iom Schultz superintendent of business said the interest rate may be slightly lower than 925 per cent because of recent changes by the Bank of aii ada Mr Schultz said the board decided not to use current funds to pay for the addition because of government funding re straints The addition is already built Health Unit which will check the temperature with recor ding thermometer before tak ing the issue up with the landlord If the situation is not corrected charge will be laid in provincial court Complaints about icy side walks or snow in the street should gototity Hall ity bylaws do not cover residential area sidewalks which are cleared by city staff as much as possible or does the city have any control over private walkways front steps of apartment buildings and the like Horseowners beware BARCLAY They shoot horses dont they Apparently not in Iiiiiisfil township They have to catch them first and find place to putthem Township council in response to numerous coin plaints from residents about horses running loose on Conces sion will draft bylaw giving the township animal control of ficer the authority to capture and impound roaming horses But first the township must find place to put the horses oncetheyare caught Roy Bridges bylaw enforce ment officer told council Thursday it has the authority tr establish horse control bylaw but until place is found to keep the animals there is no sense in passing such bylaw So far he said his depart ment has been unable to find anyone willing to operate horse pound Semester decision delayed Barries proposed fourth high school almost became the citys first semestercd secondary school Wednesday night But the Simcoe tounty Board of Education deferred any action until the Areas and committee reviews the pro posal Stewart Fisher Iiiiiislil trustee asked for the delay saying the decision should be made by the committee aiirl not by the board administ rat ion In semestercd program students complete half their subjects between September and January and the other halt between January and iiiic Mr Fisher said there will be about 1000 students at the school from Essa arid Iniiisfil almost filling the schools 1080 capacity What happens to students at other Barrie high schools who want to take part in semester program he said Theres possibility that two of the high schools could be semestercd he said There are three schools in Simcoe County Elinvalc Dis trict Iligh School Stayner ol legiate Institute and foil iiigwood Collegiate Institute which are semestercd IIEQLIE PRESENTED Sandy Richmond of the Sim coc County Rescue Squad was presented with cheque tor the volunteer squads fundraising efforts by Lorna McGrath president of the Silver Maple Chapter of the Womens iii stitute in Elmvale last week The group needs $55000 to equip the main truck Mr and Mrs Edgar Sturgeon and Mrs Kenneth Sturgeon spent the weekend in Toronto with Mr and Mrs William Con stable and Mr and Mrs Barry Irombley The Churchill Cubs and Beavers sponsored Valentine Dance February 12 at Lefroy Recreational entre $48M cost of new high school excludes borrowing charges Simcoe County residents will be paying $48 million to build fourth high school in Barrie The cost includes everything except borrowing charges on 20year loan Tom Schultz board superin tendent of business and treasurer said he expects the interest rate on two debentures will be around nine per cent year The first debenture he said should be issued in the fall the Beeton village clerk resigns BEEION Staff former member of Simcoe ounty council for six years Earl Brown has tendered his rtsigiiation as clerktreasurer of Beeton village effective on March Before his appointment seven years ago Mr Brown had scrv ed on the village council for years as well as the coiiiity council Mr Browns letter announc iiig his decision to resign was itreived with regret by Reeve Sheridan Mctiiiiity and col leagues on the council The reeve told council he had spent sometime talking to Ir Brown about his decision but he had made up his mind LABOR ULNLIL DRILLIA Staffl Action taken by organized labor leaders in opposing the federal goveiiiiiieiits antiinflation program was discussed at meeting of the rillia labor council today The wage and price control program also received attention NEW DIRECTOR ALLISIUN Staff licsi dent of the South Simcoe Soil and rop Improvement As sociatioii John Rutten will be replacing Doug Wilcox on the Ontario board of directors Ir Rutteii was elected at the re cent meeting and he will fill the vacancy made by the resig nation of Mr Wilcox The latter was commended for his five years of service on the provin cial board FRIENDSHIP lNil IIic lilLlllSllIl Unit of thc entral United liurch Women will be held on Monday February 21 at pm at the home of Dorothy lliiitoii 102 Blake Street The speaker for the evening will be Donna Hazlett minister in training lll IlIi Mrs Joseph Minnings and Mrs Marley are leaders for the lliclpstoii irll lloiiiciiiakiiig luli project The lub iirl Eii ltlliliIlS ive livi yziubreak Bu BUILDALL When you first got married your IiVing room was real Showplace All your tur niture was brand new You did all your entertaining in there and guests were quick to compliment you on it Then your kids came along And then their friends Your kids are growrng up mix your house has to too Because along with all of them came need for more RIhitt which yOu Just didn have So that lltlilll ful liVing room was forced to become family room placetowatchTV listen to records chase the dog or take an after noon nap Your furniture soon yvllll out from all that wear and tear and you Wrri tll rink yrll krrl loft Willi nrr iilirri to rritrirteiin pinata Your quests illt tirrrt yrrilr kid ian ulrLt Now ltirniturr ind tlsii lllrll yfllll iuririt rt act it our itllrf tllillfl lllt room you font want ll Iririkiiiri liki fl disaster area iririiri Yriiii llllltl rrioin rtr serves it Ijirrnik tortiy But you rzrtairil rlii Ilrrlrrlil Atari Vllrt second in October I978 The Simcoe County Board of Education accepted tender from Acme Building and on structioii Ltd of Sudbury IOI $39II0I0 The board added $6600 for brick walls on the south and west side of the building $9000 for canopy to shelter the bus loading area and subtracted $3000 for less expensive laboratory counter tops The final cost of construction is est imated at $192359 Other expenses for the pro JiCl are architects $251719 miscellaneous expenses $1452 demolition of existing barn and house on the pro pcity 5512040 turiiituie and equip ment 3741944 There will be federal sales tax refund 0340900 The final total is 9904804 $187005 under the ministry of HIucations budget Mr Schultz said this is the first llillt since the board was fees formed in I960 that the final cost for building project has been under the amount allowed by the ministry Gary Alex assistant superintendent if business plant said Acme built the new federal building in downtown Barrie and the firm has good reputation Mr Alex said the plaiis and costs will be sent to the ministry of education and the Ontario Municipal Board 0MB today for final ap proval The board should have the goaliead within two weeks Construction of the school will probably start as soon as weather permits An opening date of September 1078 has been set The school is to have capacity of 1094 students with floor space of 120123 square feet The building will be completely air conditioned ex ccpt for the welding building construction auto mechanics and auto servicing shops ldarecroom Wu an show you how to doityourself for the pllCt of the lllrllffllrtlfs alone irirrk what great place it can be for your liciiir kids to entertain their friends or Just be by riirriisolvos And it would take the pres rurr off your trying room It you dont llitf basement area you can even add tii extra room Buildall has all the materi fit you It need plus knowledgeable cant lJIIIltwl tfiwiri in your dark rriiirtiy its that can olfrir expert advice Its lbleJIlltlll Hr tl than you think Kl nood place Buildall this lllt rrution Trairufrirrrr lllill it tlioir own away from the trying room tiflllllltlf liirflllll into warm in it iiiri HCltbllltlit rrirriri iiir your luls writkririd lflltdl it Buildall hrin turn your basement into room so your kids won turn your mold of iiirir own ltlt room into Nitck rooin Enjoy The Where It Counts $359 omfort Of Carpet Underfoot rim sri vrl Interior Cork Hours Monday Thursday 8a to 6p Friday tillQprn Saturday an to 5p Buildall Interior SemiGloss Alkyd Enamel your rooms wriik Willi run It lt llliii resistant inisy to rliii siirliiHs ttlflllli $1295 Poly Stipple lir nirrviov 7282496 Fast Friendly Servme HelPLUl Boloklels Free Ample Parking in Hill 41 Free Home Delivery rrv On Most Products VIiIIlA lillllnl ItIll mm ooons master chug HARGEX OF BREWERS RETAIL Adds fresh new atmosphere to Put your llllilfllilrllllril to llliilrlill liiiiil iiiiirit and will It Liv lllHlilll Willi lllt ltltlli liuililall Stirrirrfjloss puts light illffll on your walls rust Nlltl itt Wllll darnri tlllll iriirri ilriss ttVti ibis tr WririrIWrirk rii lllii Ilt rri lllt rlrr riratrir colours to llfIllIllly your in iririii irii ii irroi nliitni llri lair llrll or in $1 GM and llltliil Sirnil liriniri riil rill Real Wood Ceili Authentic old world beauty for your iiit lrr ill Mill00 Beams rlilllllilltll Hulily 11 irl iri ttlIIII iiirt walla irriiiiriit ilIllliilt riiiii wrtli Momma Ami iiiitriuiiitrirlrttririiiiririiiiitom IIr ii liipiiwmiiir rroiirw tilrllllllttl trutwriiiriwioiri fr it it lilill ririiiil printi llltl tiniiii ti illl iiy way lilllll easier think Hmiiririiirii liil illllrlllltlt ii 88 than you easier than you think LL Bum ASSCK IA stout 16 The Market Place Wednesdaylebruary l6 197 moron CARS FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE DOUGLAS LincolnMercury Sales Ltd 81 87 Essa Road Barrie Ontario IAN 3K4 Telephone Barrie 7285558 Toronto 361 0888 Winter Carnival ale Another selection at NEW LOWER PRICES to help you in the carnival spirit this weekend PRIME EXAMPLES FROM OUR LARGE INVENTORY OF SELECTED USED CARS At Douglas we keep only the best tradeins we prepare them we guarantee them and theyre priced right to sell this weekend Our used car policy is your assurance of getting your car of the best price Super Special 1976 TBird Rich cream With gold vinyl roof matching genuine leather interior AMFM stereo factory oir cruise control loaded Lic KKJASBB Slashed t0 L995 $7895 1975 Ford F259 Pickup 4951r15 With brand new hydraulic angle plow full time wheel drive step bumper radio lug $6995 tires and mag wheels Lic E95086 Priced to go before the next snow tht 1973 Jeep J2999 hydraulic snowplcws wheel drive cyl new paint new tires These are the super economical pickups with the long box Licence E95280 and E95396 ONE SOLD $5295 1976 Firebird Formula Yellow wrth chorltoa interior AM topsoiflw sects whrtewoll rodiols block healer YOOOOmiles Lu KMD7Q9 1975M0nteCarlo $4195 MOIGllIL topper wrth ton vinyl roof or AM with rear seat speaker One owner 40000 miles Licence JJKL 1974 Monte Carlo Tori with vinyl londou root wrre wheel covers power equrpped 47000 miles One owner Licence HTN355 Your chance to buy now Price Slashed Again $37595 $3499 $4295 1976 Mercury Marquis Brougham $6795 Air conditioning track stereo Cream wrtli tan Old upholstery and crurse control Licence KRX445 Be qul5 one of this price 1976 Montegc MX 2¢995$2695 Ermine white wrfh ton brocade interior 4door VB air conditioning Licence JFB892 Specially priced until pm February 7th Extended until Feb Id at pm choice of £7595 $3495 1973 Porsche 914 Italian raring red with dark brown interior litre speed AM FM 36000 miles Licen ce BBB847 Superb sports car at sporty price 1976 Chev Malibu Wine red with gold interior VB power equipped AM radio Pirelli rodicls Licence KRXO23 Popular model at really sharp price 1975Mercury Marquis Brougham $4559 ion 4door V8 automatic power steering and brakes oir rear window defroster Only low miles Licence JLX 026 All the usual Marquis equipment at an unusual price Note 1974 also available 1973 Mercury Comet $2999 Yellow wrtli tan interior and matching sofRutomdtrr LieiiteHOUbSS l976chaWag0n Wine colored economical and SpOIOUS AM track whitewolls bucket seats Licence $2495 KYXv525 Compare with list price 1976T0y0181299 5W5 Bl e2doorstondardsno KLS260A ws irence miserongaso amisersprice 1974 Bobcat 2995$2095 door metallic bronze standard radio Ideal shopping car of shoppers price Licence JUM 597 Special 1976 Ford Elite Metallic lime green with vinyl top and mouldings 2door hardtop 35I power steering power brakes radio electric rear window deliostei radials including snow tires superb condition low low miles Licence KDZ 287 OUR ECONOMY SELECTION FOld PllllO m$1225uiw Cream with charcoal vinyl top auto rear window defroster low mileage Licence FCT 110 Perfect second curl Its not too good to be true Come and see 1971 Pontiac Catalina Convertible WMJSO Metallic aqua with white interior and white convertible top 350 V8 automatic power steering and brakes radio whitewalls rare modnl Licence KYYISt 1971 Plymouth Fury 91799595 Metallic ocean blue vinyl lop 2door hardtop V8 power steering and brakes really exceptional cor superbly maintained and bargain priced to sell this weekend Lit FLJ 689 FOR YOUR EXTRA PEACE OF MIND AND SECURITY Our premium warranty Extra Service Protection is available on all the above cars at additional cost Not applicable to Our Economy Selection fll

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