After hard day at school theres nothing like crossing fourlane highway to get home About 18 students of Guthrie Public School on Lifestyle in STUDENTS SAFETY AT STAKE Highway ll cross the road to get to school rather than tale mg an hourlong bus ride every morning and after Jamaica is topic at Goldwater By SHIRLEY ENNETI COLDWATER The United Church Women met at the church Wednesday afternoon for their February meeting Rachael Devine program convener conducted the wor ship period and Grace Willmott read letter from Mrs Picker ing wife of the former pastor who described their new lifestyle in Jamaica Mrs Pickering stated they had not seen any of the violence so much discussed She said that the family was nicely settled but missed the anadian food The L7W Presbyterial an nual meeting will be held in ollingwood March and LTYLNII MIDHLRST IStaffI The regular monthly meeting of Simcoe County council will be held on Wednesday Feb 16 in stead of the usual third liies day Gordon Watson clerk said the opening session has been set for 10 am NYC BOARD ANGUS IStaffi meeting ofthe Nottawasaga Valley on servation Authority hoard has been called for Saturday Feb 26 at the administration office building opposite Highway Sm hue delegates will be Georgie Waterson and Cora Lane film from the Leprosy Mission was shown depicting the need of the Mission and re freshments were served by hostesses Susanne Iarke and Ruth IJanby oldwater Lt will hold rummage sale at the liions Riverside Centre Friday February 18 beginning at pm 17sed toys housewares clothing and whatever else you may have outgrown or become tired of will be gratefully received for the sale and may be left at the Gray Street home of Mrs John Waterson or at the centre the morning of the sale St Andrews Presbyterian Ladies Aid met at the home of Dorothy Wilson Feb with the assistant hostess being Mrs Jean Robbinson Dorothy Robinson gave the prayer and Mrs Evelyn Galbraith read the scripture Plans were finalized for tea and bake sale to be held on Saturday Plans were also discussed for the light lunch to be served following the annual meeting of the congregation of St Any drcws Feb 15 President Ulive Wylie closed with suitable meditation and lunch was serv ed Next meeting will be held March at the home of Mrs Jean liobbinson noon llarry Hughes prin cipal is one of many ro Township residents who are concerned about the stu dents safety if the province aminer Photo 1mmy IllSlerra Equipped with wheel drlvo 400 V8 uOIo tram power Steering power brakes AM lOdIO chroma bumper git tinted glow SuspemIon Chrome mnton Complete Kitchen Remodelling Services builds box beam median along the middle of the highway The Simcoe ounty Board of Education sent letter from the ro Township 49 Morrow Rdw Borne council expressing concern 726986l to its transportation commit Monpri 930 530 tee and the Area committee for recommendations thx 50 $1 99 PO month Show lease No Irvouitunctrn llISttlllIlP Iotou dablp deposit rammed Rite 782446 247 Bridgelond Ave TORONTO ONE HOUSE CAME BACK AHOP TOWNHOUSE AT ROSE DUCKWORTH WE SOLD OUT THE MOST SUCCESSFUL TOWNHOUSE PROJECT IN BARRIEROSE GARDENS ONE DEAL DIDNT CLOSE AND THE HOUSE IS ON THE 37209 323 INCLUDES MORTGAGE TAXES AND MAINTENANCE FEES MARKET CARRIES FROM FULL PRICE DOWN PAYMENT SO LOW YOU WONT BELIEVE IT CALL II MARIA EVANS COOPERSMITH CONSTRUCTION JI9222628MK FOR DETAILS AND INSPECTION The Market Place Wednesday February 16 1977 AEIIVI EVERYDAY L0 ICES AREAS LOW OR LOWER THAN OTHER FOOD STORE ADVERTISED PRICES WE DARE YOU TO COMPARE We Do PORK PORK CHUCK TURKEY STEAK OR tics ROAST DRUMSTICKS SHOULDER CUT CANADA ms FROZEN CANADA GRADE SLICED CANADA SELECT CANADA PACKERS GRADE BEEF SELECT IO FRESH GRADE BOX LB NEVER NEVER FROZEN FROZEN lB LIMIT PER CUSTOMER CANADA PACKERS SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDER 86 KETCHUP SUNSPUN ll 01 BOTTLE 269 VAN CAMP PROK ties $1 POTATO CHIPS HOSTESS REG 89 pkg COMPARE PKG BURNS FOOD PRODUCTS ROYAL LUNCH MEAT CANADA PACKERS PORK HOCKS 3352 493 BOLOGNA RANCH HIE 44$ PORK SAUSAGES DREAKEAST OR EARMER ms UP CARLETON FROZEN PEAS HILO ERENCH 99f WHILE SUPPLY LASTS COWBOY STEAK 0P CROSS RIB ROAST CANADA GRADE IlAII BEEF lB VIM SKIM MILK POWDER LB BAG $199 LIMIT CUSTOMER INSTANT COFFEE NESTLE IO OZ JAR 359 LIMIT JARS FRESH MILK CANADA GRADE EXTRA LARGE CARTONS DIRECT FROM PRODUCER LIMIT DOZEN DOZ PEANUT BUTTER SCHWARTZ 48 OZ ICE BOX JAR $219 BREAD KELLOGGS CHEESE PIZZAW FROZEN BUY ONE GET ONE FREE $249 FRESH MUSHROOMS BEATRICE PART SKIM 01 1° 12 um 79¢ 3m gigs f8 BAG OR JUG WHITE CHUCKWAGON DINNERS 22221 10 BEARS Sims WHEAT Amou 531331 33A mm 24 011 PLUS JUG DEPOSIT 120 SIZE ngggtthIErERs CANADA PACKERS PR JAVEX 64 oz mo FLEECY LIOUID 64 oz VGVANEULATED EADRIC SOFTENER ONE PER SIO MIA FLEECY SHEETS PUMA LIMIT PURCHASE DOES NOT INCLUDE BREAD FRESH MILK CIGARETTES 149 49 FOR DRYER 30s AIR CARE ERESHENER VALENCIA JUMBO as SIZE Doz $119 $109 vings EXTRA SPECIAL ROUND STEAK OR ROAST RUMP ROAST BONEIN Plus 100s of InStore FeuTur es 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