AIlieï¬llarket Place Wednesday ljebruaryfltttitlil Vespra to start on budgets soon MIDHURST Staff Preliminary discussion of 1977 township estimates may take place at meeting of Vespra council to be held on Monday Feb 28 It will probably be next month before there is advanced budget action said Earl Richardson clerk stating the ultimate rates are likely to be set in late May or early June The township has received approval for supplementary grant for roads allowing some in crease over last year Reeve Alan Johnston who is member of the county finance commit tee has been attending meetings at the county complex where the county budgets have been dis cussed The county levies are expected to be decid ed next month Al JOHNSTON The township also is awaiting the 1977 requisitions from the county school boards Reeve Johnston is currently serving his fifth year as reevc and his 11th as council member Deputy Reeve George Buie who has been Yespras second county representative for the past four years also is serving his llth year on couir cil here Councillor Venner Lambert who is serving his fifth year and ouncillors Lorne Wilson and Bill in their third aretlic other members To consuler Nova lev1es ANGlS Stafft Notices have been sent out to all Ill members of the Nottawasaga alley Conservation Authori ty board announcing full executive meeting to consider 1977 budget requests for lcdnesday Feb 26 at 130 Reports of details of the budget will be placed before lllt members by iordon Oldfield chairman of finance commit tee Last year total budget estimates of $944136 were ap proved alter trimming from original requests Of this tlic provincial governments share from its tax revenues amounted to 3821846 and the municipal levy against its Ltt member municipalities totalled $trlti1i The latter figure was reduced to 362061 by use of surplus amounting to $211384 from the year before For the past year there as deficit of slightly over 58000 Special municipal lcvics covering costsharing projects were estimated at $219875 The net budget for municipal levy proposed would amount to SlottlT representing an increase of lift percent over last years reduced igure without considering he overspendiiig Robert Sturgeon of West illlllllllll was chairman of thcboard May halt opera renovations ttllllll iStatti Possibility of renovations to the rillia lpera llousc ill bc brought to halt was raised at meeting of city council at which recovery of Stztooo from tliettpcia llousc Restoration Foundation was discussed The organization which has been carrying on financial drives plcdgcd that amount to the project when it wa started The city which originally committed only Slooio to the project has paid out SiloLotto for financing the initial phaseot the renovations if the Iattcrfigurc the city received 213100th grant from the ntario ministry of culture aiirl recreation which it used to help pay the costs The foundation was expected to raise Slitttlttt and Sirlooo was expected from lintario grant which is conditional on the foundation raising its shari onetime combined theatre and city hall building the Opera House is located at main loWiitowii intersection and has been the scene of dramas and concerts in recent years Four rotating presidents IllLRlllLL Four rotating presidents were clctcd by the hurchill lnited liurch Women and installed by tlic Rev Ainley rott for the new term They are Mrs Mac Stewart Mrs Gordon Mctguarric Mrs lid llillock and Mrs tleorgc Lucas Other main officers for this active group llltllltlt Mrs Ford loulden as recording srxrrctary Mrs loii lickic as corresponding secretary and Mrs Arthur Watson treasurer Committee appointments also were made The fund raising tea committee includes Mrs Kenneth Sturgeon Mrs Ed llillock and Mrs Melven Browning aiirl social tra committee Mrs MacStewart Mrs Frank Lockhart rs Thompson Mrs John Kneestiaw Other committeccs chosen were citizenship and com munity activities Mrs Croft flowers and friendship Mrs Russell Stewart Mrs Anson Mctluskic stewardship Mrs Adolph von Graffen board of stewards Mrs Mac oristable pianists Mrs Rlakc onstable Mrs lcorgc Lucas supply Mrs Edgar Sturgeon Mrs Mac onstablrn Mrs Jack onstablc Nominating committee Mrs Jack tonstablc Mrs Adolph von lraffcn Mrs Alick Sauntcr thurcli nominating committee Mrs John Kneeshaw Manse Mrs Ronald Allan Auditors Mrs Iack ampbrll Mrs lrank Kell Farm equipment show planned at Minesing MlNllSthl Expo 77 travelling audio visual presen tation highlighting the Allisr Thalincrs line of farm Hiuip merit will be making stop here iiffcn liarm IIqiiipmcnt will host the presentation at 7311 pm March it Its the local dealer for the Alllsrfllitllllttls line llill trscr salesman for iiffcn said lllt show will be first for the area Allis baliiicrs personnel will be on hand to outline the coni panys product anrl answer any questions Mr trscr said tlillcii hopes to have the complete new line of Allistlialiiicrs tractors comr bines tillagc tools and planters on exhibition to ttllltllll with thcsliow lhe pltsllllitllttll which is equipment oricntcrl lastsabout two hours liftcii will be sending out in vitations to IiXpoTT but aiiyoiir interested in attending is in vited to contact the firm in Mincsiiig Travel Consultant LAS VEGAS $299 PP WANT A05 Callmetor details PHONE 728 24h RENTACAR AND TRUCK SERVICE FEATURING CHEVROLETS ORILLIA BARRIE 93 COMMERCE RD 705 3266485 705 7370800 ERRY SMITH JIM RAWN HAYS TRAVEL SERVICEW728747TJU JEANETTE DOHERTY FIA RATES DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY 341 BAYFIELD ST Evans asks farmers to make policy suggestions on safety this policymaking posmon to Ontarios leading vegetable the labor ministry for con Emmmlamfls BRADFORD Staff Farmers have beenurged to make policy suggestions to help promote farm safety by Arthur Evans Mll for cntrc Siiiicoe nding The question of whether agriculture should be covered by legislation similar to the Employees Health and Safety Act and the new bill to replace the Construction and liidustrial Safety Act and Part of the Mining Act was discussed by the riding member lle referred to review by the Ontario labor iiiiiiistrcr lr 10 assorted markers to pouch Several packs are real barqairi ACTION Bette Stephenson when she ad dressed the labor section of Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association and chal lenged delegates to consider the need for occupational health and safety standards in modern agriculture and whether such standards should be legislated AGRHlLllRAI Statistics were quoted to show there were 34 agricultural deaths in 1973 and 45 by 197ti tractor rolling over is the prime cause of death accounting for these fatalities stated Mr lNaiis who reported tiiitelost VINYL FIGURE STAPLER AND STAPLES EXERCISE BOOKS mrl METAL SLACK GRATER WlBOWL BINDEB TERRY KITCHEN TOWELS 2tiiii 88° MATCHBOX SKYBUSTEBS ALUM BASTER LININJECTOR WOODEN PANPX PM 12 PACK SPONGES no Gives Satisfaction Always ON SALE FEBRUARY 16th T01ch WHILE QUANTITIES LAST PLY EVERDAY Paper napkins With the look at Cloth designs it to pkq LA MANUAL 88C CALCULATOR 882 885 accidents reported to the Workmens Compensation Board increased 205 per cent from 1969 to 1975 During the last fiscal year there were 1878 timelost ac cidents in agriculture With about too accidents in tobacco and 227 in the fruit and veg etable sector 0f agriculture the members reported There were also significant declines in construction from eight deaths in 1974 to zero in 1976 Mr Evans said that Dr Stephenson credited more labor ministry inspections combined FOLDING CUPBOARD ASSORTED PICTURES ADULT liJlG SAWS SPLATTER SCREEN with more safetyconscious at titudes in industry The Farm Safety Association agreed with the development of occupational health and safety legislation that would help farm workers but also raised number of issues Mr Evans said These suggestions includv ed placing these standards under separate piece of legislation because of ag ricultures unique problems the pressure of time the great dilemma between reconciling the employees physical securi ty and the employers financial 12 oz roasted DRY ROASTED PEANUTS real taste treat security the problem of coverage for all of modem agriculture or just certain segments VHCWIOlNIS ASKED Support and viewpoints of the association were asked to zmswer these questions Ap pointment of farm represen tative on the reconstituted labor Safety council was pro posed Mr Evans also drew atten tion to the request for all farm organization to submit the name of person suitable for jar of dry peanuts sideration The individual worker is the first line of an effective defence in occupational health and safeL ty in the workplace stated Mr Evans lhat worker regardless of the type of work must be aware of safe and healthy conditions which com pose such workplace At the outset Mr Evans referred to the Holland Marsh and the Bradford area which over the years has been one of ROLLN RACK REFILLS Stockup and save 30 bags per pkg handy kitchen Item AVON Make money while the kids are in school Instead OI waiting in the house for the kids to come home become an AVON representative you can meet people earn money and be home before they get there For details call 4245797 om to or write Box 485 Barrie WThMl0 88c ION Virï¬A 88 GLASS MIST ASPRAYER ALL OCCASION CARDS PEEK FHEAN P30 886 aiScmTS 10 SHEET GIFTWRAP WAFFLEWEAVE DISH CLOTHS FASHION opLL OUTFITS CHILDRENS CARD GAMES 88 TOR AA TYPEWRITER PAPER 102 ACTIVITY La STEEL ESAHPEEAN PASTRY BOAFP STEAK KNiiiEs Set ROUND DISH PAN ASSORTED FOILWARE FLOWER POT 88c PASTRY PIZZA ROLLER 88c iiiiiAiiT PLAIA mount OPEN MON 70 FRI io AM SATURDAYS AM TO BARRIE To 27 BAYFIELD ST 10 PMr SLIP JOINT PLIERS We r1 Gmhmtxmlmi Your Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Money Churtulty Rotundod not lost slogan OUT WAY OF LIFE ri