24 The Barrie Examiner Wednesday February 16 1977 $6 BUFFALO TORONTO II HAMILTON 600 2471122 News 3Movie tA Very Missing Person 524 Hours Definition I9Ptlka Dot Door 79ITY Show News 630 22Gong Show 247797 News 11Party Game t9Readalong 513 i9 Magee and ompany 700 27 Odd Couple Bowling for Dollais Concentration Sirotas Court To Tell The Truth 977 The Practice ll Behind the Scene with lonalhali Winters by Movie ISuspicion part lit 79 My Three Sons 730 22 McLean Stevenson 27 $10001 Name That Tune Reach for the Top 877Strikes Spares Misses 3Bluff T7 Gong Show 2+7 Brady Bunch llFace The Music Iti Educatioli of Mike Ililit 22 News ame Ihe Tune eave It To Beaver News 577t0ronation Street 91liicle Bobby Show 197 Mr Rogers llMldday TieGene Taylors Bazaar 1230 Magazme 177 News 7Seareh For Tomorrow 57 Ryans Hope 97 Flintstones l9 Communique I2in 3Movle Full ill Lift l97 Magee and oinpany lztli 277iong Show 22 Canadian Cavalcade CrossWits 17 Bob McLean 97 Dick Van Dyke I7 All My hildrcli li Dimensions Iii Sclenct lzlti Days of tlur Lives The World Turns Family Feud Joy ce Dayldsoli 1273 For The Money 19 leport Metric 137 lty Lights tioo 27+ 122 News Movie zirry tin Ioc7 tor 57 24 Hours 79 CITY Show News lefiiiition l9 Polka Dot Door 137 lTl News ilo 27 Gong Show 147797 News 117 Party Game 15 Readalong ti I3 17 Magee and toinpany TJIIl £74 tdd oilple tharlics Angels It Money Game 17 Bowling for Dollars Iatsoii lteport 35 47 7oncentratioli Barney Miller 91 Minutes Live 77 My Name Harry is topc 13 Worth tiiti lit lonimunitiuc To Tell The Truth Mixed Doubles Ilztl H77 irand lild oulitry lassics lhe lgly Int 37 Movie aloe t1 Makein and Nancy tle Boy Iuiness Book of fit7 Movie Suspicion Tony Randall Records page tr Maclear lronslde 137 My Three Sons limit 1177 Movie tiltore Winter 71 22 News omesi LJmSCienie International 37 Showtriy 12 Movie Houseboat 27 Hollywood Squares 3llAltltiE BUFFALO BO TORONTO TELEVISIO 12 PETERBOROUGH BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL WEDNESDAY EVENING McManus 9Sportsbeat 79Tattleiales t9Magee and Company ii 00 tons ZCPO Sharkey zMovie tThose Magnifi cent Men In Their Fly iiig Machinest itsNature of Things 00 NBA Basketball II 20 TWonder Woman 35977News 9Funny Farm It 30 ll77Hawaii FiveO I97Movie 7977 Movie tThe Best Sexes titOntario Scene 227 Mary Hartman 23+5791Ncws 79vity Lights 22pposite Opposite 2J ohnny Carson House IA Movie tThe Sea Chase ln Londoiii Mary Hartman K130 tIIarry Solway 77Diek IIiiiery 3577 Ruzicka Movie tThe Nelson Af fairi 900 27 Monty Pythons tireus 357 Musicaliiera TllvBaretta 35 45 l1ll0 930 Woman 2277812ti000 Question Movie The Strange Ithoo Case of Dr R30 News 77 Rookies 277Tales Of The tiiex klroliSlde pected tIvMerv Griffin 3737 Musica mera +Monte arlo ircus Festival 2Tomorrow T7ll Charlies Angels Avenuei l9 Pile lit Iace It rJ7Quest 77 Movie Nightmare gtt ltiio xi t75 Kraly House Hillcresti THURSDAY AFTERNOON lt tio l97 Me And My World Zrlnvely Woman l5li 357Vtltiitll ooks 19 lteadalong +797 Match iame i153 HP Education of Mike 57 5st McManus 200 Mitt 22 ipposite Sexes 5777A iii The Family 77Stitltti Pyramid 3+ lan Hamel 19 over To over 77 Doctors Diary Ii 197 Jeremy tMnira Hunt 97Star Trek Restless 79Money Game 5790 Minutes Live litCommunique 9Movie Madison 2Muvie tThili Airi Merv Griffeii 57Its Your Choice 11 Young and The 225 Mots 1i NI 22Little Rascals 221th 22 Doctors LlFr7 Edge Ilf Night TI170iie Life to Live 422777tiuidilig Light l97L1Iillnfl taptaiii Coir sumcr 79 Magistrates oilrt 8110 35 7Vl5lon tin ll Dinah izoo ts AnotherWorld All In The Family Take to lit lrisolier Bonnie lmtlden 19 People in onflict arly ritlltit 7olnmaiider Tom +2 Adam It General Hospital Room 232 ll 77 Hot Hands 3oo Doris Day Lucy Show Whats New Emergency Sesame Sti Still 117Eilliganslsland 7797 Mike Douglas 17 Electric Company ect in 227 Movie That Kind Of lsvEn Passant Par Les 797 Love nitricali Style 1977onquete De IIIZspace THURSDAY EVENING hlHI 19 Magec anti limpaiiy L22 lict tlt3 27H Movie Ito Illderstanding The tarol Burnett Earth yatinns 00 to Movie McMillani 2IH75779lt News 777 Welcome Back Kotter I9 Experience of Music 797 Movie Farewell My ii to Lovely It News xio T722vhats Happening 277ttpptislle Opposite Jziili Sexes 22 77 Wintarlo Lottery 577Johnliy arsnn 121177 Seventh Avenue Kojak Besi Sellers Mary Ilartiiian 7Hawaii Flveti ll Larry Solway +7 Bamaby Jones B777Mary Hartman ity Lights 79 Name Hf lhetianie you know rather well will seek your help Do what you can but dont be drawn into their com plicated finances VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 The type of person you associate with today has very definite in fluence on your outlook Seek out positive thinkers LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 It you let your duties go until the last minute today youll be in real bind In your rush to catch up youll only fall farther behind SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Youre not too good at disguising your true feelings today Try biting your tongue few times SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Conditions at home are apt to be unstable today The way youre likely to react could cause IIasts threeclub hid got his opponents right to six hearts You cant really fault Souths threeheart tlvcrcall anti you cant blame North for bidding lilackwood tour and live notriliiip and settling for six when South could not show kiiig South won the first trick with dumiiiys ace of clubs and studied the hand unhappi ly It looked as if the spade finesse would be wrong and that he would have to lose two 99W Pointers newspapers absorb bad odors By Iolly raincr Poltys Problem DEAR POLLY Please tell me how to eliminate cooking odors such as from bacon fish onions etc have tried many deodorizers anti many supposedly scented candles without any success at all so would ap preciate some suggestions MRS Gunman held in bizarre SALIC llllrlllil littlttlt truck tllicrs and two women tlclltlolittls lll ti Llliout téltilp7 age through bush country was flown to Melbourne hand tllllstoiltl lidytill ltllili Rustyomit tllll lttitl child kidlixippct who broke out of iil two lllttlllih ago wastliargtd llh iticounts involving ii car crash and gun battleytithpolici IIastwoml appeared to be try tilt carbon copy of his lltTL kidnapping when with col league he abducted schoolteacher and childroli liiaiiattciiipt toobtalna$l iiill lioliraiisoiii lhls lllllt he was caught fol lowing highspted Littlllllc cross country car lillt when police inarksliiali punctured one of his tires IIincrgiiig iltittl tlic tllltll tiring lll sawed oft DEAR IIIY read in the column about Mrs problem With dog odor in her rug Like her too had llltti everything for this and nothing Worked until one day read in your column about stuffing old newspapers in trunk oi anything Will an odor thought that there Wits nothing lost in trying so put newspapers under my rug It worked for me so though Mrs iiilglit like to try this as nothing tlxt ilri worked for her MRS Ii lr DEAR IDLLY tarry childs broom in your car dill mg the Winter and use it to sweep show off the windshield and ill dows of your car The long handle makes it easier to leach across than regular snow scraper and saves steps use the upholstery attachment on my vacuuln clealicl to keep the till table on my record player free of dust Mrilttitltlll DEAR Ill have neat trick for keeping my addi cw book uptodate Soak off the return name and address label oil letter anti when dry attach this in your address book with bit of glue on one end This makes it easy to remove and replace if the persons address changes Itll clip otl thc top that says Return to MRS If DICAlt ltllY If your ballpoint pen Will not Illt hilt lil try fresh approach AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Think of your purse as con tainer today rather than sieve Plug up the leaks Dont punch new holes in it PISCES Fob 20March 20 Attempting to be all things to all people is more tallaCI0us than usual today Be true to your own principles and the rest Will be easy their tliittitudloy Feb 18 1977 You will meet someone this com ing year whose Viewpomt is fresh and inspiring This person could ltrctlaliy lllfltrli liittlrics lllt tliltlil began at II it til local time Monday when first wood wallcd liito the Village sider flashlight as it will have so many uses such looking in the back of closets or shelves When you have to iltllltll slacks do not throw away the part that has been cilt oft bilt lli To continue Ontario Breweries announced pils llito the playground Monday threeyear avocado seed tareftllly peel the brown skin ott slice thin lmhr mm Hmer WIN AT BRIDGE the hand to claim hundred honors The answer is that if declarer is worried about that he can claim them any earlier time he chooses to do so However defender is not allowed to claim honors when it may be giving his partner information Minibudget raises prices ltltlSSlilS Iltcilteri The Belgian government has lin7 posed heavy tax increases on cigarettes petrol wines and from to per cent putting thelii in the luxury class of goods packet of cigarettes will go tip lttllll It trancst about flit cen ts to it francs about 31 IL and petrol will rise by one llalic to if it francs litre about $195 LHlltlll Itcilters erroneously reported on Sunday that spirits would also be subject to zitpercent ta whereas this rate at ready tpplil to spirits It also wrongly reported that the ill7 creasi on klllt would he nine percent Convicted in bribe 380 open new Vlsias 10 YOU ink in it hit the pen briskly over the side of table oi than and 73 mm ll llllllllll lluldm jiillll it Will write like new lJust did that to the pen with which am Huh IH upwidwk writing this If voii wtsh to give gift to an tiltltl ittsctl tiltl Ntiii ol his to ltlllth silt pollt chief was till ted Monday of taking Sltioo bribi from rtlb clubowlicr in thcl ll7 lawn area city of anicr with the intent of giving thcoperator mitkf IIthls If tl Mi primary school at Vooreell 74 protection troin pol ice MR5 miles olltllttist ol Melbourne prosecution THRONIU lilt LtiliiillS FAR Would kc pa WM Wm antlorilcrcd thelcachcralid pil ltichard Lillion was coir victeil of giyllig Sllltio cash pay off to thctoriiicr ailicrpo 39 Conjecture 74 II III 37 III WI III 10 Clock Sound 35 III III SIDE GLANCES III III III 42 43 45 46 47 an even higher reading the DEAR MRS Jse Different things remove l5 llf Rcmer scae different odors but you might try an open container ol i1tllllfn1 mm 49 52 CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 vinegar or one with vanilla POLLY me Hf llu mm In conversations with others youre likely to fame skeletons gtlniiian ho abducted Theres nothing to be gained so teacher nine children tour IWHW 11 l4 up DAILY CROSSWORD A5 AN ARCHITECT ZEED hipifrflbadAd0R+0LtEEH ACROSS 40 sflentiflcatlons Answer to Previous Fume CANT YOU DO 50METHNG C0 1550 ABOUT MODERN BUtLDlNGEv tétEATyI gig mpsgsAon Squeezmg the IaSL ICK 331ng mm LL aomico Bode Osol Egmgéiééfï¬g ANYONE Locke AT l5 THE NORTH 16 We The saw that he ifgitnm 45331133 For Frlday Feb 18 1977 LAUGHTER FOUNTANE BOTTOM NEI Tr mum 3th hand W951 Indefinite in 46 Respectful ti AND 5PIRE55 NSrEAp gmwmg ouTLA5T5 THE held five diamonds and the ode ARIES March 21Aprll 19 WE GET 5mm VAYMENT5 GET kin of Spades 12 Hard Lat 49 Spoons Theres possiblllty you could wxgs WITH BLACK GENIU5 RATiNGg 50 South drew trumps and 13 Woodwmd 52 Gainer be bit flirtatious today but be WINDOW5 CU led his losing club East won instrument 53 Recently careful Clandestine activities NEVER UREA WIISI EAST lb and led hack spade South id Spy group 300mm °°ud brew heap 93 LLEESLZï¬ we It rose with the ace and was now tabbrl EOICB cussons ORA ready for operation squeeze Patched ms U77 nunus April 20 ti If 950mm 56 59 y20Sen Just led out all his 57 Female sltlve friends require the kid Mil0M5 trumps Dummys last four Edbe MW student Mam Sh 35 63 glove treatment today Failure to cards were the queen of memmy comp Will Wm 3malV9 recognize this COUId result in Spades and kingvinhreu 20 urm 58 Bird llNIlf Western 38 Legal some strained relationships 1095152 dwmondx the tact 21 iifjriliisstffa MDIWf 39 Breach fl Pint rt GEMINI May 21Jun 20 Look triliiip poor West had to go water DOWN Ma 41 E3321 gm ing tor shortcuuoihe stars is Nlmlmh Hmme down to two diamonds to keep 23 Recent tomtio mummy 23 One billiuntti 42 éeaghfeaww cough approach for you may the king of spades South dls Em mam ftfflti 43 Solar dig sOcriallye goings 22p helps you ï¬t NM MN south carded diiinlny queen and 31 MTlfmfy tlJtStDlir 14 mmer Cunemevems inadt the last thrtt tricks Mum Wdllt 45 Young lady CANCER Juno 21Juiy 22 Pass With attends 32 min thl 6333597 £333 We who Inability to stick to your original Pass Itlss ii 33 lythlst 1917 25 rim it own 47 Lawyers plans COUId cause Spine IM ti lass Puss JU Gershwui Help 77 mm mm patron Saint problems today Lastminute 34 light brown rumtr earn 48 Sabbatical changes tend to work agains it mittnit Michigan reader asks how 35 Wall border Arm armor 2r Anglfr 50 lesicte YOU you stop arguments when 36 Furnace Colleqe 30 ring 5t Nigerian LEO July 23Au9 22 Someone By Oswald James Iacoby declarer waits until the end of 37 OW C¢i$ athletic WWII fathers lobesman fimu tit about 52 put on III 1744 KEARY +7 Strikes Spares Misses tpstairs Downstairs lIt 57 7Welcome Back Kottcr $7 New Avengers Movie lcloiidi 77 Bobby inton streets of San Fran loo Filanskys Beauties eisco Tomorrow tl7 George Hamilton to Paul lit Virginie y7 Fugitive 197 Education of Mike iibbsylllt Movie Murder Inc ticMarius ioio 2am 3477Iattletales Faces of Small Places 11 77 Merv Griffin THE DOCTOR SAY Endometri weird disorder By TIISTESN MI Dear Dr Tllosteson If 40 yearold woman has endomet riosis why would she need hysterectomy If she really does not want this operation wouldnt there be value in at least trying hormones or even and to correct the condi tionIM Im not very good second guesser77at long range Endometriosis is weird dis order in which fragments of the tissue lining the uterus tendo metriumt become displaced outside the uterus and grow This may occur on the surface of the ovary tubes bladder co lon or other pelvic structures The new tissue responds to the ovaries hormone production as though it were in the uterus This results in painful men struation Once the only answer was hysterectomy uterus removall but that did not help much unless all the newgrowlh tissue was also removed illen ovaries were removed to elimi nate hormones as factor It was found that women ac tually experienced relief during pregnancy and with the coming of the birthcontrol pills which create false pregnancy on more or less permanent basis hormone treatment came into the pic7 turn This has been effective for most women thus eliminating the need for hysterectomy There are times when hor mone therapy wont work Then hysterectomy is considered simple and will not correct the problolii So where do you go If course of hormone therapy has not been suggested then it should at least be considered If that does not end the pain then it can be repeated Some women are unable for one rea Slri in another to take such treatment and you may be one For them Ilfilflftlttflly is the ultimate inlwer If your doctor rteoiiliiitendcd surgery at the first form of treatment netk another who may contmlel hormone use Your promlit doctor may ex osis plain to you to your satisfaction why he doesnt want to try hor mones for your problem Dear Dr Ihosteson Would you please write about the toeingin defect in babies feet Cant this be checked for at birth Wouldnt early detec tion save lot of heartbreak later on My daughter had this and it wasnt found until lateMrs FA presume you are referring to serious deformity such as in pigeon toe or club foot If either then it goes without saying that the answer to your question is resounding yes These are congenital defects which should be iden tified early because that is when the most effective treat ment can be begun Most babies have some harm less toeingin at birth and it may last for some time So of ten it is not easy to recognize the congenital problem If such condition is suspected pc7 diatrician or an orthopedic doc7 tor can confirm things by skil ful manipulation of the struc tures involved Clubfoot is not as uncommon as you might think At least it is sufficiently common to rule out the possibility early even at the hospital nursery stage ï¬g ures have show clubfoot oc curs in one out of abouth bir ths If there has been history of this involving an older brother or sister then the odds narrow down to about one in 35 less if there are identical twins Early detection and treat ment can reduce the number of cases that progress to serious stage Corrective casts are usually effective but if the coil dition persists surgery can be performed to lengthen the cord that causes the toeingin Dear Dr Iliostesoti have arthritis pains in different par7 ts of my body Is it possible to have it in your headMrs III Arthritis is disease of the joints It might affect the jaw joints or upper segments of the spinal column However heati ache is not feature of arth ritis if this is what you are re ferring to slice from both top and bottolii of the seed and plant in still With twothirds above the soil It takes loitg time to lill Mic but keep watering it and have patience When seven oi eight inches tall cut off about half or it Will licycl branch out Avocados take lot of water so never let them get dry AltlilNIZ agreement to continue spon7 sorship of ilittltl Irix auto racingat Mosport Park This years anadian Grand Irix at Mosport tct it is the last of the ttSrace series said He asked me it thought he would get stioooo for his ct torts Hunter was bound and gagged llltl dilliiped iii the frolit it truck and the children Iililllltfi and pllt iii the batik illttilltl llltlt1tll 1977i tolh liieli have been re inalided in custody for sentcllc7 ilig lhilrsday lhc Illrl1lllllllll sentence on bribery conviction is 11 years in tail 71 this the price of bread gee up while the loaf shrinks in size twoway accordion inflationt 1CANTMAKEYOUOUTYOURE ALwAYSSAYINISHOULDAvE THER FRiENDS BESIDES CHALKIE or It LIl ANWHENIDO lt 19 gt tam lt 3r all amti in CANT BEAR TO BE ON THAT BED WHERE WHERE My BEAJTIFUL 80v MV muE BLUE was KILLED 57145007 01605 LET ME GIVE HER SOME WATER Kl THIS GAL rAiNrs YOJ KNOW 15 It Evervnve Minutesrkf vJEiE FEEil FRtENDH Tr H77 777x7 74 777777 It lt lt WHAT 1A an ABA Ntn gt up Never Miss Call PHILIPSCODEAPHONE telephone answering device OFFICE OUTFITTERS BARRIE PLAZA 7370201 Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 Pick Up Messages from any phone Remote and Nonremote flowing 72H 55 ISLW Am WM WW fl IINNCI rIitttzt tPi ACHANCE FOR THORlAPFLE Ltau STICK it MliLNOU HABIT yo 0N AfT0F LEM UP WW LU Lhltlb my RAISE BORN LOSER WIZARD OF ID MAY monole YOU FOR PENCIL AND sup or PADERE HERES My lOLlCOEK1NC7 gt BOTH or us kCRRUMH PEEELEJINJNEL THINK OF SEMISKILLEDI MY LEFT HAND NEVER ltNow5 How WEII MY RIGHT BUGSBUNNY FRANK ERNEST nr