mramw ThelirairrieEyaminer Wednesday February 161977 AREA HIGHLIGHTS Study Hillsdale water supply HILISIALE Staff 77 pumping test on the spring water supply for the village will be the deciding factor on the Size of reservoir required Medonfe council was advised at special meeting Neil Embree of the Ontario ministry of the environment also informed council report will be given on the proposed Brock and olbouriie subdivision development Reeve Ingram Amos of Medonte presided at the meeting at which all members attended IIillsdale village trustees James Rumble and Grant Dunn township consultants Brodigaii atid Garbaty and developers Don Rumble Trevor Dakiii Battison Ron Hertz and Beliiian were also present Mr Embree said the ministry requires more lll formation on capacity of water system spring supply size of mains and reservoir plans The township consultant Mr Brodigaii told of work his firm had done on booster pump house and he agreed to give plans for future expansion of Oro deputy raps bureaucracy DALSTON Staff Govern ment bureaucracy would be reduced if more attention were given to input from ordinary voters it was maintained here by Deputy Reeve Allan McLean We are getting the results of too much input from task force and commission hearings iii stead of from elected represen tatives and voters said the Oro representative to county council deploriiig the steady increases in tax spending and heavier burdens on taxpayers In calling for moves to strengthen the democratic process the deputy reeve suggested fewer commissions and task force studies and more consultation with constituents by Mls and MIIs on major issues so ultimate decisions would be based on their recom mendations WIDE IMIIIIO decisions he said After all this is the democratic way Ultimate decisions on plan ning regulations and regional government should be made at the area and local levels where the administration is closest to the people concerned These levels also should first receive task force reports so they could keep their voters up to date in just what is recommended and all the implications involved the 0m deputy reeve argued Government guidelines based on provincial views might be all right for planning but the final decisionanaking should be made by local councils and boards he felt This would help eliminate some of the redtape regulations which are often costly to individuals as well as taxpayers and frequently are actually of little value he asserted NEW PROBLEMS Annexation proceedings in an earlier era when neighboring municipalities agreed on set tlenients or the residents in suburban areas petitioned themselves for changes which would give them bctt er services well merit further study today We have new problems with increased population but the people most concerned should have the final say he said concluding That is the democratic way Now serving his ll tli year on ro council Mr McLean was former reeve and also is for mer chairman of the Not towasaga Valley onservatioii Authority Board At the county council he is current ly chairman of the null ty property coinniittec county 5tcm to Mr Ianibree these were on file at iiidlaiid and um mu dciiiociatic and considerably Shmhmb mum lhmld less costlv he argued Mr Dakiii of Brock and Colbourne gave details of hiring Wilsons hydrologisfs to pump test the spring area 1r Dakin also agreed to pay connection fee of $000 per lot in advance when discussing sixinch mains to be connected witliexistiiigiiiains The capacity of the spring area was raised by Mr Iteliiiaii hydrologist report is to be done at an early date on maximum galloiiageavailable Other discussion about llillsdalc development cerned Anne street drainage and Mill street ditch work Council passed resolution instructing clerk Iloward Robinson to advise developers in IIillsdale to meet with village trustees to obtain approval of plans of sutxlivision drainage and water system extensions before presenting items to council for approval tIl ro couiiCil approves ant Oltt SIAIIt tro township council has donated $25 to Information trillia lltitltrltl service with itifoiiiiatioii about local services Council gave last year and $30 iii litTfi toun Iaul Kitchen votcd iii favor of the grant but added that he phoned Information lllllltl twice and was unable to get the information he antcd lerk IIciiry Netiftltl said representatives of the service came back tw ice to council to ask for money because they thought we were pretty cheap The township grant will be used to meet the services estimated budget of Strum referring to some heavy bills for taxpayers with reconi meiidafions which were discar ded While he mentioned the On tario governments commission given the task of studying 13 proposals for property tax reform he said he was not par ticularly referring to this alone These would make far reacliing changes if all the proposals were adopted he said stating he believed that elected members should be taking up such proposals direc fly with constituents rather than through commission lcople generally should be given more information about the full implications of the new tav reforiii proposals atid how they will be affected by such things as subjecting govern iiient properties to municipal l£lillltll making public utilif ics subject to property tax and the new revised assessnicn ts accordiiigto iiiarkct valttc Iarniers are very much in tcrcstcd in the proposals for Canada Trust litlIQIttfltl All RSPS are not alike It you ititrnttiy turn éflf HUI Oro 4H club starts project RO STATION Staff Headed by Lissa Ellsmere Oro Tea Timers new 4H Homemaking girls club have started on their new project called The Club Girl En tertains Mrs Susan Leigh and Mrs Doris Crawford are club leaders instructing the group Narda Ellsmere is vice president Patricia Huggins secretary and Cathy Huggins public relations officer Other members who are ac tive in the project are Janet Ayerest MaryJean Crawford Lorie McQuay Linda Proulx and Candy Sheppard The club is seeking more new members IIIORNION WI THORNTON TheWomens Institute of Thornton will hold regular meeting on Thursday Feb 17 at the home of the secretary Mrs Lennox with World Affairs as the theme FALL FAIR SOCIETY SEVERN BRIDGE Staff Fred Oldfield has been elected new president of the Severn Bridge fall fair society we oeeding Hugh McCrindle New vicepresidents are Gordon Waugh and Tom Mara Dates set for the 1977 fair were ap proved for Friday and Satur day Sept and 10 BUILDING BUDGET MIDHURST Staff poposed budget of $186000 up slightly from last year has been asked for the county building operation and main tenance for the year this amount $88000 was for salaries and $30000 for utilities ser vices Rental and other revenues reduced the net estimated cost to$64000 BLOOD CLINIC STAYNER Staff Third annual Red Cross blood donor clinic will be held at Centennial United Church here on Thur sday Feb 17 from 04 in the afternoon and from 530 to 830 in the evening OTHER nisrincr news APPEARS ox PAGE ix CANCELLED GAME CHORLEY England CP snooker game at club in this Laneashire town was post ponedbecause it was raining The rain leaked through hole in the roof over the table 14 Guaranteed Retirement Savings Plan our tttllrllllllfttb arr irivestmf in Royal Trust 5year Guaranteed lttltiIIttIl Certificates Interest compounds SWIMannually at the SAear rah tflltfltv each Juno and Decerritmr 15 Raft is subject to lrllllfllliilltitl ti ii iiry yr Tax Spelldnlg llldlfl IICO howemu of twin residences SWggf pldl fl llirv Ni TW l5 There no sales adrruriiutratiori Iffff emem Upon retirement gt Viat it trIyirwivr My tttlIlIuI Indifference to piihln mm5 mm mark mhwmm WEN 05 non TIN is if rii it lftwtgkdcrnrp trahon rir lfrltl tr ter of rt momma rig maImum the iulcof tll men was the niottodiscusscd by nicnibersof mm pm mg mp my l0 l0 Ytrd Si WI tr fit it It 1w tlJIill totdwatcr Senior oiiiciis Institute at their iiioiitfilv th HM HIM rm In now for to your tar fvw liti meeting fiicli washeldal thchoiiieof Mrs Lane 1qu We 11 4231 tritittit in tt Julrml rmlwm SIUHEIS Pldns lis ltaii loibbiiisoii pttsidt it tla tllttllllL which mumupppmumu hpmm mmbmi Hwy stimulated some interesting discussion Ihe roll call wasan swered by the question Why does tanada attract people fromothcrlands Kathleen Galbraith read paper on public relations The next regular lllltltIlL ot lllls toldwater Institute will be ltcferring again to com mission and board hearings Deputy liecvt lclcaii said lft wished to iiiakc it clear he 71 rfviilirlliltltl Royal Trust wasnt saying there arent oc Jr Stirirtrwt 5an Hours heldonlticsday March the nearby community of tarley in neighboring lcdoiite township the lonicns Institute discussed thi niotto idea why lawsarccalicd bills The roll call for the tarlcy meeting was answered by naming aiiiidiari industries an the area intnibcrs tirthtttttltttl spending Lltgt you an ttjiil when ttlISIIIl proposals shouldnt be LIIUll such at ltttltiitt before decision is iiiadi The point wish to titss that tonrs should lH consulted lIlIilt and their ltIIltVttlitllvts should be making more New bill on pensions is outlined by Milne Ihc twicral gooriiiiitiit has swcttang changes in tanada Pension Plan and itlvitlt pen tributed to the tanadian tltl the new ll be toiiinions which proposes oldagcpcnsionprograin The ttlltlltllttlltl passed tll bring lhciitd Age Icnsioic more into lttit with the tiiiiada ltil scheincs by basing thc illllltlllll Id ii itlistiit tilt illf number of fttI person has ltttl in tanada and con ttllltlllv ttlrltlltl to on llllll Liberal il or liiitfriin Sinicoc lcrl pctioo paid un tllflllt basHloti tlictiutiiberof gear person ha llll in tnnadn it lcrteachirit It vir til igc llittlttï¬ll lttI lls Ir lilnc said the pension will be tlt1tlitl into to units and the tttlplttll carir ritn tlttll for cactiyearhcliyc intanadaaf tcrhiscightccnthbirthda For example he said per son who llt ii tunada for 27 years after eighteenth birr thdaj would tIt tlt 21 ll of full pen non llllt tlllttlitft wht ltt In tanada for only 10 years aft his eighteenth lill lhdziy would receivi one quarter of full pension new lndei thr piccnt old pension plan he nid anyonc who ltl it anodn for to jeai lirioi to ictircinciil is lllLJllt ltilllltllltittlltili This changc li Iilne stiltl will make the Mid Age Icnsion fairer is people will earn pensions fll relation to time spent III tannda and to tttlllt contribution to flu tanadiancoiionij lItthHl Hi It ttltl agr peiisioii icLiiIatioii vill iltmt Ir Iihie also said he plans lttlltitlltt ed bill thr Ilouscof to hold tllth of town hall illcreek Colonial Furniture Exceptional Accessories IltttllItLis throughout his lttlltlL froiii IWb to lcb LJE Try our longer hours Canaqg Mon Thurs to Fri Ho 30 Sat 9to WIN ma at with an Introductory offer WOW only plus deposit bottles in returnable 750ml WIN only llttillttl number of taiiadiair Mr Millie said lltttt now ttrtlllL old age pension will not be affected by the change lcoplc now more than ltt years old Will receivi pensions bioHf tll her on the IIttlll regulations oi on the new aiiicn diiienfs depending on which most beneficial llilfl ItIilHlH Mr Milne also it itltl anadiaiis working abroad or be able to build up old age pm sioii tlttlllt while workiin In countries VIlli which JILJttllltlllnllJHtlittljsurnpd lrudcau government plans to gii agreements llli other countries to allow people to littitltl lltHH Wllrliti ttttllls AddWriiiiitliIoYrmiHrmit HAHN hf tllllllltll lll WllllfxflllllqbflyIIK Ilvmp in other countries Slowtime At riusBrirrit Slit your qriui it our qtiiri lot Ill of Ioliriitiry Open lliui Elli tdll in 1025 Off MILLCItICICK INTERIORS LTD tyrfltrlijlv 32 Bd mi lflriylittli Mir to to Thursday 10 am to pm Iriday 10 am it Dm Saturday to am to pm only in non returnable 750 ml bottles avalier Beverages Limited Formerly Curtis Beverages Ltd Has been appointed to bottle and distribute these quality products 11 PJAtlvllll if rut tilll it who States and 55 Diinlop St lllt llllylt ly tightfoiph tint Barrie Ontario 7Jlillil THUjwaWimpmmmay1lmybms litixio tt lit agreement with anada li Ilazleton Lanea out ti Aliliiesaid liilelIimm iiiiida France Guyana Jamaica orway and liirkiy are interested in projxisal Yorkville Village Toronto 9616852 ROOT BEER uAup trump tu ltlitl