Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1977, p. 16

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lt1Wficmifl wv 1va 16 The rBarrie Plxaiiiiiien leiiesdiiy February Iii i977 bite on the Barrie olt Owen Sound Steelers back into playing foitii tolts offence llll It ltgt ll SPORTS CORNER Injury bug biting Colts By RANDY MCDONALD Examiner Sports Editor The injury bug couldnt of picked worse time to put the Colts could be without the services of three key players heading into the two most important games of the Mid Ontario Junior Hockey League schedule for Barrie aptain Bob toulsoii is nursing badly bruised shoulder and is doubtful starter for lhursdays game against the Brad McDonald suffered knee iniurey saturday against rillia while defenceman olin Wits in is still trying to get it wouldnt be surprising to see the Colts go to the Barrie Alan ook Juveniles to try to pick up forward or two someone like Mike Rrooks for instance who has already pitr veii himself in the junior ranks toulson sat out nearly all of last luesdays game against tak Ridges and neverdressul for Saturdays game at itro llis absence from the lineup leaves definite sag lit the MacDonald got knee from etolt Art Wilson Saturday wlneh put him oitt of commission Losing the rookie forward could only add more woe to coach Lorne Knowles who has to try and Ili the final two gainesot theschedule tolts trail ltrillia lravelways by single point Roth cluhs time two games remaining in the schedule with that one point looininghiggereveryday lniishiiig in fourth place could spell an early 0th from the leagues playoff picture ttak Ridges ltyncs Jewellers hac had troiihle all season understanding the word lose in the nut ttntario loop The clubs speed and disciplined style of hockey has outclassed all opposition fit all but four games ttak Ridges will greet the fourth place finishers in the playoffs with third going against second place lhoinhill lhunder lllltlS bits are lit position at pick tip four big points provided they can come it uh more aggressn brand of hockey than ehihited against trillia Saturday iarrie tinishes ith games against the two weaker clubs of the league fter lhursday home encounter ith twen Sound tolts inoyed into lenetang Friday to finish their to game slieititle against the Midland lenetang llers Winning those two games would put the pressure on trillia which inoyes into tiwen Sound lriday then comes home to end the schedule agains lhornhill Saturday llioiiiliili ill liate to do the olts favor and take some of tlieedgeott the gatheringmomentum oi thelrayelways Sl1ltl lhe lltWltntk ntario llockey Stttllitii Senior league iS stillllloi11alis iitl it lottle as it its going to go itiilit to the ire tainhiidge llorncts hold one point lead over lhunder liay lwins and Whithj Warriors liaeh team has two games to play tranttord is currentl four points out of first place with liitiltt and ttrillia apparently entrenched in the fifth and sith playoff spots respectiyely ll haye still three games before they end out the schedule it happens lSarrie will go out lili tlotiristi with all three games this weekend The best lijers cat lo proyiding they will all three wanes is it points which could pll them in front of laani ford it and thats the problem the it it doesnt lit and it lljarsdo lrandoid The key games 111 the mat days of the schedule include the Saturday game tit tamhridge against liarrie vm then by the llyers could open the door to either lhunder liaj or Whitby nother iinportant clash is between lhiinder ltay Whit by Sunday and tilaniing hark at the start of the season one remembers all teams baostmg ot iinproyed rosters It was espet ted that the league would be close but not so close as to he unable to determine winner from three teams itli so few games re niaming iii the schedule Just to show how close the teams are look at the number of goals scored hf the club llornets made the most of 171 goal to presently stand ill firstplaee of the enwiek ltii sitiit Alexanders have scored ltl goals in games for second placed at title llarrie rlespitethe cluh strong showing in the top in seoi in list has scored lit goals one more than fourth place trillia lertiers lit the flelisle liiytsion the illi lti lillifld and Mississauga inf ftl ltitl lwins have counted the most goals little has scored 1211 followed it the lift of klyers captain lom lolaiiic was not it the llwrs praitire Monday nor did he attend the lri tli tif Herero irdaj games Tlivtftitifll ttli fainhridee Steye ripps says Where is in resting When anet aileton want to play theres no stopping him The hie rethieiiam playsd perhaps his llittbi aggressiyi porno tii pi titll Simo is big winner of bowling tourney There were tllit tor the miaiai rational tournament at Shea th lolit Simo of liairie aii3 the ltltl ion set offered top pi ie Snno ifefeaeit Sid bullet ifIIl stiida to tit lnllei iHlittlttl to tot tuseitoit lliitti tiualittei lteh tiodm earned with that llen ashmg atiotltei for insioiutti Mike lela de rolled tit ltlf iillll LL lltlt LItlltf haul the lame iotlttiitent at the tumor lIed ltonhle ment at foiono lltiflii llllilliil onnoi lati laitlti llttl llttt iatnt well liaelartenoiShea lairie qualified for llft inattli pla at Ill loionto Valentines lia tournament eariiiiigsno iorlit tlitill this Sunday at Shea tart ie double to pin tournament llii lttLitlts at and followed by the iegulai Siiitria iLliSinglc event at tip in tommg tip in the neat future is the tfltlts tournament toi tumors in oionto well the hour Step to Stardom tor tie pinhouler thi Sunda BOWLING lon ite lixedftpen LeagueStanding Silvers tot ellow 1a Itraiiges tttt line aowns lltt lant tat ilttiis It liltio told at luiples tt Seanetti Iatls lill lliLJi erages hh lohn Lynn to Ladies laiie Lloyd to tlighl riplcl lat leh loliii liynnattt IIIgh Ii iplc eekly leithilderdieottt Iligh Single fat fay leffi IlighSmgleleckly Wayne loi tei lllgli iiplel lat MartiLloyd High iiplc eekl liarlenet Ill en to High Single lat Marie Lloydfl lligh Single cekly Mai ie llo4l ttt leagueed fl Ladies LeaginStaiiiling lilaiii Sodas it lneolasltt lit leppers to tokes tt leenr lie was to laygos Spirites It Wink llonei Iiiv Iligh eagelaiies tiraee lalogli ttl lian loiris titi fiinny Stoneman tt ltolhe lieshiens ltttt llope Armstrong titt larh ltelonil ttfti iteta taldwell ttf lttith Skinner ttll Marion Morrison ttl lligh Iriple lat Lucille itsltl tilt tiltti tanm fslroptilt Iliin iiplc llilcp lticillelit hien co latte fell Lil lat tiop nil larle lrenehitt llighSinglellal lal istrop 13bit lat fleet lirl lllame ltieter ttt Lucille ltts hienslfltt High Single lldcp lat tistlop 1W lat fleet 2th tiaile lell Stoneman itll lat IT ON HIS lcannt lirard lead for the Quebec region team watches her as her shot begins its path dui mg lucsdays curling com petition of the national sei vice womens curling chain pionslnps it tll llorden The Quebec nttinher one teaiii of skip Swanson and the llurope region foursome of tlarke are the oiil two sports SER VICE WOMENS CHA MIIONSHIPS Two rinks undefeated at national playoffs lvo rink are unbeaten heading tiio today round of the national eryice ttlfttlt eiirlmgchampionshipsattaita thanloieesllaseliorden lhe guthet rink of skip lx Swanson and the foursome representing the lIurope region under skip flarke liaye recordsstartingtodaysdraws turling is one of three sports centred lit tll lorrieii this week for the national chain pionships iadinmton and howling are the other two sports ltaitts represent the llittltt Pacific region ttntario region Quebec lCiuope iiid tlaittii regions in the sport with th aim of bringing home tionalchampionship lhe ttntario number one and two rinks haye identical records lloughton of tll oiden skipot thettntaiio two team lost to the lust ttntario imk of Stettner Mondaa opeinngdraw lloltLlitoti came hat to defeat lrairie lacifie lwo ink HLandlIuropeaitluesda igltehec and lItiiope are the oiil undefeated rinks lit the round robin tournament litilt ends Friday The two illililltt Top rallyists coming to Twin Lakes race lwni liakes Motor tlub of arrie ll he running its an nual ltritt lug tar Rally lil Iii lhis is the first event of the i107 tintario Region Rally thampionslnp and as such will he attracting the top rallyists iroin across Hntario and Northern New York mong those expected to compete are reigning itntario champions and former iana than National hampions lam lugwellandiaiitManson The rally will start at in at the tloyernors hut in ttrilha and will work its way east of llighwm to one and half hour lunch and gas stop at Smith tiult on Highway it ill lortSydney At the lust tti will leave on the return route to tiriliia this time running southward on the west side of lhghway it arriving back at the tlovernois fun at approx imately top in throughout its zoo liillt distance the rally will he pass me such communities at Seliiight toopers alls larkway ttermania lerkinsville tardsie loirmeeand Severn laidge lnformition about the rally can he ohtained in contacting either ltenms Wharton or Ray tiregg at lioy Lttt RR letro ffitt liltiLfttlfl Norwich hammered 50 lttltt teuteit lp lll lown took the lead ill the lInghsh Soccer Leagues lirst liltl liammermiI Norwich ol nesday night lreyor Wlninark scored three goals laul Mariner and John Walk addiniI the others as lpsttit it moved to the top with to point one ahead of Liver lilili Ipswich however has two games it hand on laverpool though the leiseysideis can regain first place tonight in MISS PAY lllEQU their away match with Man chester nited Norwich earlier sought to postpone luesdays game with it llittlililts of their squad re porting niiuries and they were hard pressed to field side against lpswieh in another irst Division it ture Arsenal continued to slide from contention losing lift to Middleshrough all the goals ltillll scored til the nst halt train ititti la llatlu 141W ltll of lti ppe teit Atttltl ii lttttlti lttllttfl ed hf the ll laiutw ll1tit and tianta towns tiaii wlnehliaxt littttttl the eioiiiltiielnream ha lliilii with the laiiope aittl laiifii region rink llll tlllltillt iillto lat ltlnitot ot tlttillt appear iittttl to retail lttl slt tiltil single ile at the ltalttla5l liatlfiittiitimitiipi1toti leltiion tt po lo tttllltlltltttttltiltttl1lltll3lllltili two Unit Sln itltlittl lttl llllltttltlt sliti lit ll Itii ila liliiliiliiitt leiix llakei ot thi tlantic region tltii unbeaten to gaineseathMatt tourdreaiiof Qiiehei tinislniii thein st day of competition lli ltt wm and iifitiltis lhe tlaniie legioni llittlti rent team leader with points tillllkktfll lll tl QIltlwi until life lianie llttlt lttttill cluhhau with tniaiio next it 3o points lflinope is last with lllltllittlltl llie smelea tIititlttltllltli goes right thiongh tol hursday when iilioti ltlilllli tit lllt tlitiiliIts ttillllttflliolt llitllt ttntario and thiehec will he looking to todays round of the national stftt women howl nn competition to nap dead lock iesiilttne from play liie day lotli teams haye points followed by the lraiiie Pacific region teaiii which has si llantie region with lotir and lIuropewithfwoponits Ferdinand of the region hold the lnelisingle with is 3th game lefty lston of Quebec lioltl the high triple and high ttl£tti with scores of mi tlllllfliItstiltliHl tlantie SKI SIIII lgllIltlIl itli The nearby ski resort area at Motif Ste nne lll lie the siteol the lib World linnor Nordic skiiiii championship Yves ltuhanne tinehees tourism minister an llllillllitl IIiesday unbeaten rinks the round robin tournament wlneh ends lriday Rowling and had luSS li lil ltlunouhn leayes no doubt that she would liae liked to haye her shot over during lnesdays curling champion iiiiiitoii are also being con tested this week at rll airden ilIxaminer lhotot ship at tlilt Rorden ller Quebec rink lost to finish luesdays round with ti record tlIyanunerlhotot Molsons pulls upset to make semifinals tanadian teneral Cleclrii iitiljt and lolSoirs Will get top ltillmg Sunday lit the semi finals of the Simcoe roomhal League The two teams idanced into the semi final round with wins earlieitlnsweek till defeated the liarrie llaers 31 to win the series while Molsons tied leter ltemo to take their playoff series tlireepomtsfootie lhe wmner of the semi filial moves into the finals against ly tierry two llaycrait scored goals for ftllI while hacking three others len Satinders helped with his pair with Mike Morrison Willie Mclanden and Tom lleltl each scoring one goal Rick Marshall and Rob ook repliediorthelllalers Sith place Molsons upset third ranked leter Reino on goal by llrian Maelssac in the setond period wlneh tied the game Molsons led in the series following win in the opener IIlmer iatlaiit scored for Peter litltio Aeros pockets sagging but not their play in 42 win over divisionleading Quebec ly IlllI IltllSS llottston Aeros illtl not add to their hank halances luesday night but they did add two mints and took over first place in the World lloekev £ll ation Westci tiy ision have to go otit told the franelnsei at least well goout winners said llouston coach till ltuieen after the itios tllltlllfillllilt Nottllttltes the liast llivision leaders lIarhei lit the day an iiiiideii titted player said llouston play ers learned that they would not receive their luesday pay cheques and would also proh ably nussflieir next pay its great credit to the let lows the way they played said llineen We were down to to men because of an injury to Larry Hale and am onnors visit to Hawaii to see his ill SIS ter ifloaliet Wayne Rutledge played great when we needed it In other WIIA action iincin nati Stingets heat llllllitiliititi ii iiid talgary towhoys and WinnipegI lets skated to 31 tie liarry lundso foot slapshot at tti oi the third period was the winning goal for Houston which moved two points ahead of idle San liiego with its fth consecutivehomevictory Rich lreston and Mark llowe scored in the first period for Houston and veteran lordic llowe completed the eros scoring with lllllfllinltlttl goal lnslathoftheseason Serge Iterniei scored first period power play goal tortJue hee and hristiau ltordeleau added third period goal lhe Aeros situation is not surprise tll light of whats going off in hockey today said Wll president llill acliarand lhey the rerost arethe most current team iii the league as far as dues and assessments and as far as what they owe the league lheyre in better shape than anybody That does not matter to the players who have been asked to accept delay in payment The teams next scheduled game is at home Friday night against New England but team spokesman declined to comment on whether it will he played At lildniouton laude liaiose scored twice within 23 seconds of the second period and as sisted on thirdpcriod goal leading incinnati past Edmon ton llill iowboyt lilett hadhis sevenoi goal in five games SPORTS SHORTS Barrie players scoring goals Bob Garner scored two goals for Toronto but it wasnt enough as the Ottawa 67s defeated the Marlboros 64 in HA Major Junior hockey league play Tuesday in other games Tuesday Fincups whipped Windsor Spit fires 112 with Dale Mcourt scoring one goal and picking up three assists to give him 448 career pointsbeating the olf record of444 established by Peter Lee formerly of the 67s Niagara Falls Flyers downed Kitchener Rangers 74 and Sudhury Wolves defeated Sault Ste Marie 52 llllay resumes tonight with Oshawa Generals at Niagara ll turner former Barrie player watched his twogoal spree erased by Doug Wilsons hattrick Shane Pearsall another product of the Barrie Minor Hockey Association had one goal for the 67s The win snapped sixgame losing streak for the 67S Money raised by skiathon Stayner ollegiate Institute Outdoors Club along with the students council raised over$20tt at recent Skiathon lwctve skiers participated over km course for three and half hours The conditions were anything but ideal with wet and soft snow but all skiers successfully completed the two Circuits The money is to be used to pay for 13 sets of crosscountry skis purchased this year by the student is council Cook juveniles open series Barrie Alan ook juveniles head into Thornliill tonight to start final playoff series to determine which juvenile team represents the York Simcoe Minor Hockey League tYSMlllu in the ttntario Minor Hockey Association playoffs Barrie got by firstsplace Richmond Hill this week with two wins including convincing 32 triumph in Richmond Hill Monday Goaltender lohn follins has been providing the RMHA club with steady netmindingi whenever called upon in the playoffs JOHN COLLINS Sandy West betters own mark Sandy West 12 of the liuronia Mermaids swim team bet tered her personal best in five of to inth she entered at the recent Mississauga alcnt iiie Invitational swim meet ller time of 17 it fit the zoometre freestyle qualified her for the provincial Spring championships in Guelph in March The mermaids have two swimmers Sandy and Sister lerry They will be competing at the regional Champion ships in Midland this weekend Midget basketball tournament tilllthNl Eight cams will be competing at the follingwood midget boys basketball tournament Saturday one of the teams is from Barrie Eastview Secondary School will meet Stayner ollegiate in first round play beginningattt ioa in lither teams enterwi include ollingwood Base Borden collegiate iravenhurst ttrangcville Owen Sound and ttrilha lark Street onsolation final is at It with the championship final set iortittt in Eastview in Stayner tourney Sll£R The third annual senior girls volleyball tournament of Stayner iollegiate institute will have eight eainscompeting Saturday The teams have been divided into two pools to play in round robin series with the top team from each p001 advanc ingtotheplayotts lIastview Secondary School has one team in the tourna ment tuber teams represent Langstaif Secondary School of lhornhill lark Street of ttrillia Stayner akville Alliston llamiltonaiidWoixlhridge lhetinal game is expected to start at pm Back to play for rotary liarrie Rotary Mayor leewees have had long fiveday wait at the annual Quebec Invitational peewee hockey tour nainent lhat ends today when llarrie meets their archrivals lhornhill in the second game of the straight knockout tour nainent Roth tntario teams won their opening round in the major tournament last llltlt tne team will heon their way home follownigtodays game Education sports body formed ttllil itlt lhrec national swirlgoverning bodies announced fuesday the formation of the Canadian Council for thlet ics liducation lhe anadian Federation of lrovincial School Athletic ASSUtttliloli the anadian iollege Athletic Association and the tanadian Intercollegiate Athletic tnion said in ajoint news releasethat the council is designed to improve eommu nications between the three associations and provide forum for discussion of matters of mutual interest Neptuncs enter Midland meet tver 3o members of the Bar rie Neptuncs swim team will compete this weekend in the tfuionia Regional champion shipat Midland teains from Owen Sound Midland trillia Canadian Forces Rase Borden and ree more will be entering com petitors luhs will be competing fora team trophy which is awarded to the club accumulating the most points Randy Roberts is expected to be strong entry foithe Nep times in siich events as the 1002007 met re backstroke breaststroke as well as the freestyle events Tracey laddison it has qualified to compete in the pro vincial championships in the toometre backstroke in Guelph in March RANDY IlUlllCRlS SPORTS CALENDAR HOCKEY ti pan ook juveniles at lhoriihill first game playoffst 15 pan Eastview Arena Richmond Hill vs ivitan Bantams tllarrie leads bestvoffive series 20 ii pan olliiigwood at tuelph SUJllla llRLlNG at liarrie ountry tlub Revel international vs Rarrie tity lohce Dental Association vs Registry Uiilyt Royal llaiik vs lllt Reg Assess Office vs Mens tlub General Insurance vs Victoria and Grey

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