10 The BarrieExaminer Wednesday February 16 I977 experiments on animals Raps needless DR IAN ILENROY veterinarian and president of the Ontario Humane Society was the guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Barrie branch of the humane society Monday night in the Barrie Public Library Examiner Photoi Soviets censured by Canadian Ms tilTAWA LIi MP5 repre sent ing all four political parties unanimously censured the So vict Lnion Tuesday for arrest ing tour human rights activists Liberal Mitchell Sharp for mer external affairs minister proposed the motion saying he realized the danger of coni menting on such activities by foreign government but failure to do so might imply indifference The motion was seconded by iordon Iairwcather Progres sive Conservative human rights spokesman and II for Fundy Royal It asked External Affairs Minister Don larniesoii to ex press to the Soviet government the disappointment and deep concern of the elected represen tatives of the anadian people in Parliament assembled at the arrest of lexander iinzburg lykola Itudenko Alexy Iikhy and Yurotirlov In preface to his motion Mr Sharp said Canada has reason to be concerned about the ar rests because the Canadian government along with the Soviet government had signed the Zifrcountry Helsinki security conference agreement which includes provision for im proved human rights lSNIIINIII The Canadian action comes days after series of US gov ernment statements voicing concern about Mr iinzburg toyearold manager of an aid fund for Soviet political prison ers and their famil res He has been accused in the Soviet press of illegal currency transactions ITS press reports say anadian spokesman for Amnesty International said Mr iinzburg and the other three men were members of an organization called the group for the assistance in the fulfilment of the Helsinki agreement in the USSR as always we guarantee the best rate around now BAANCHES Inadequate safeguards governing the use of animals in research have caused the un necessary destruction of animals says Dr Ian Glenroy Ontario Humane Society presi dent Dr Glenroy Toronto veterinarian told members of the Barrie branch of the society Monday night there is too nitich unnecessary experimentation There is too much thoughtless needless repetition of research he said There is not enough security on the use of animals for research He said many experiments by people trying for academic ac claim and doctorate degrees were done by other people but no one bothers to check The needless experiments because of the lack of research he said is bigger problem to the humane society than cruel ty to the animals by the ex perimenters special committee has been appointed he said to II vestigate the use of animals in research Allan Froom president of the Barrie branch said the humane socrety does not and will not release any animals for research purposes Dr Glcnroy said he has ap pointed himself chief shop stewart on behalf of all animals Animals are being very bad ly exploited he said Theyve earned their place in society Dogs used to guard property he said should be paid minimum salary which is put in trust fund to guarantee ade qua te and proper health are Many owners of guard or security dogs he said do not bother with proper veterinary care of the animals This type of treatment leads to phrases such as meaiier than junk yard dog he said We have to show some con cern and good starting place is with security dogs he said Coalition group suspicious of parties drift to left TORONTO UP olin Brown is true believer in Thomas Jeffersons principle that the government governs best which governs least and he is working to spread the sentir merit Mr Brown is the driving for ce and founding spirit behind the National itizcns Coalition rightofrcentrc populist movement which favors free enterprise opposes big government and frowns suspiciously on what Mr Brown sees as concerted drift to the left by anadas political parties He says the organization has between 2titlio and lTtttttt mem bers who contribute to the non profit enterprise as well as thousands of people who have expcssed support and Interest btit do not contribute The coalition sends otit regular newsletter called ton sensus as well as pamphlets leaflets and special Slooa year magazine type publication called Overview producHlevtry two months He said recently he sees the coalition as mean of allowing the people another oict lll goi ernment This is why ptriplt think llll citizens coalition llll portant he said vlltll all HAHRIE 61 iintrip St East 726 93 GRAvENHbï¬sT 05 Muskokva Rd 6782212 if lflt imiiipmi Miil Jl hind Street 726 0304 526 9364 URILLIA 43 Mississdga St East 3254451 PEMSROKE 39 Pembroke St West 7350661 Icmlier aiizula Deposit Insurance torporplion CORRECTION On Page of Sears Set Your Moneys Worth ir cular there is an error Mens Dress Shirts in Diamond Squares and floral only The low priced fashion ties are not available The Barrie Examiner regrets any inconvenience this may have caused Sears and their customers SEARS BARRIE GEORGIAN MAll 509 BAYFIELD ST political parties make mistake how are the people goingtoset it right PI ADS Thats where Mr Brown comes in Ilis group orches trates barrages of letters full page newspaper ads and other lobbying tactics against what they see as examples of govern ment shortsightedness Mr Brown has launched series of crusades in recent years against such things as the white paper on taxation re form brought in by then finance minister IIdgar Henson several years ago and the effort by fed cral Mls to raise their salaries by Bo per cent in lttTl His latest campaign is an effort to stop ittawa from indexing the pen sions of civil servants to the cost of living He called the indexing foolish and unfair another example of how governments are spending themselves into bottomless llttlt lr Brown said the people have to encourage governments to at least hold the line on sptli ding At tlttlltill time he silltl coa litiori members should try to approach thi candidate of all parties to urge them to take stands Ili taor of restraint Mr trown prosperous lli ACCO NT the munlcllnal savings loan corporation HEAD OFFICE 88 Dunlop St East BARRIE VONTARIO 726 7200 surance salesman from Lon don nt still lives there but runs the organization out of downtown Toronto office with the help of volunteers and two fulltinie office workers He has just about given up his own career spending up to so hours week on coalition business sell insurance when can TO MOVE llie ltoyal Bank of tanada announced in Montreal ll wiil begin transferring the greater art of three head office epartmeiits frorri here to Toronto this April whil emphatically denying that political or language considerations are nivolv ed ltowland Frazer ltoyals mecutive vicepresidcnt and diicf general manager told news conference the de partnients arc investments international money markets and corporate marketing and development itl 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All RSPS are Gt alike RSP OPTIONS Johnny Yesno an officer of the Indian Chiefs of Ontario is co operating with the occupiers and is trying to organize meeting today of his organ ization and the AIM members The AIM members would seek the advice of traditional Indian chiefs about the occupa tion Mr Akiwenzie said AIM does not recognize the authority of elected chiefs Examiner Want Ads 7282414 AT CANADA TRUST Canada Trust Retirement Savrrigs Plans Offer you the Widest range of investment options Put your Money into 0i ir or combination Of the following certificates Willi liltlli guaranteed rate of return on TthItt up tr ten years Canada Trust l1 Duntop at Memorial Square 7261848 Try our longer hours MonThurs to Fri to 730 Sat to savings stocks bonds mortgages The right RSP should do more than just save you bundle on taxes Its plan for nor future All RSPs are not auvc Ibhaikovslgifor only $2 89 viow Album still available for only Wlll Milt PURCI IASIC Beethoven Symphony No STILRIzt RIXXIRI 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