NEWS ROUNDUP Import policies could affect clothing prices OTTAWA CI The federal textile and clothing board headed back to its offices Wednesday to consider import policies that could have significant effect on clothing prices in the next few ears In month of crosscouinry hearings private and public meetings the board heard more than 100 associations and companies argue alternately that the industry should be given more protection from offshore products and that it should be forced more to compete Board chairman Gordon Bennett told the closing hearing the evidence was often confusing and cmitradictory He at pealed to inanutacturers importers retailers and con sumcrs groups to put aside their interests and make brief submission containing objective and practical solutions The industry says it cannot compete with imports from cheaplabor countries such as Taiwan and Korea which every year take larger share of the market They warn that without quotas on these cheap garments 200000 industry jobs will be in jeopardy mainly in highuneinployinent areas of Quebec and eastern ntario Wants action on legal rights llltA It Maureen lIcleer wife of Opposition Leader Joe Clark called Wednesday for an overhaul of the legal system to guar aiitce the legal rights of children Ms Mcleer thirdyear law student at the University of lttawa also advocated establishment of unified family court system ending the adversary system in divorce proceedings in creased court counselling services for children and parents and streamlining of court procedures concerning tamin problems Today the law treats children as either non iisleilt oi as sort of chat tel in an entirely negative fashion ls lcleci told an overflow crowd of about tion at iiiccting of the Womens aiiadiaiitlubotttttawa IlIIICIiy HTIIIIII hidreiis rights End seen to Metros big freeze egisincrease Ttllithltt ti Members of the tiitario legislature will be in for hefty pay increase if the government adopts recomineiidationsreleasedcdnesday The reconmiciidations contained in report of the select committee on the legislature call for an increase to brim members salaries toSJoooo annually by tlctoben mm from $13otltiiiitltie future increases to lit iiigcosts Members would still rcccivc $73 UVIItt annually for expenses The committee also sugwstcd lai gcr ott ices and research assistants be provided each member The last time members oi tIic ItLlsItIIlllt received pay increase was three ycars ago MPPS await word on pay hike lttltt tNlt Ir Metropolit an lorontos longest record ed freeingspcll of in day inith end today The Environment tziiiatla weather ofticc predicted Wednesday that todays Toronto airport temperature would likely reach degree lor Iilt lirst time since hiismas Day The longest fretring IltItIl prcyiotisly recorded days occuiictidtiri liiiyersity of Hi snoyy is not as we gi tliitftd itintTit icvordsslioxy Hw rcpt said flit winter N0 abortion law change but II IIlltIIIII fIlr itlt The government pioiinscl inaior changes in the way tla ioozw tioii law is applied after nak iiig public lcdnesday huge report that calls the current legal abortion system as con fusulaiiduiitair However liistici Minitor Ron liasfotd mtltI the dial tion law last illllflIttI lt ltttitt will not be changed despite contiinicd app2 to take abortion out of lilt riminal todc Critics of the Jew my abor tion should be priyaiw moral matter lirtwi lii woman and her doctor The authors of the govcin mciit report hovcvcr make no such appeal as they Hli appointed only to tIlltl mim whether the law is IltlliL ap plied equitably ltlti lit count kg RUN II SIt DIII still in code Energysay mg plan oi king BICLIJIVIIJJI tmt tl tlntaiios ciicigy conserva tion program seems to Iit tilIllLI and pcal demand for electricity Illtr not Iittll liiitli it cspctltd says antlntario Hydrospokesman Iack Muir public ltIlttltilh otliccr lor llydios eastern region said ycdncsdaj the only to mca llltIIlt wlltttSs of the energy tttlldl watiozi progi am to compare periods of peak electricity demand From calctilatioir the peak dcinaiid tor electricity in Untario should have hit ioxoo llltiliIII last year but it on IV hit 13 lltit iiiltltiatts he said That was rcachcd Itcc 12 Quebec may launch fuel move lli tli ginbut ltyllillt tiIIltlHIs oil the pro viiicc may post inspectors at bridgtn and roads entering the iovilictto111iiotlitilout of provincicoiiiiiiiitialvehicle citlici lrtij tlicii ItltI lll QIIIIKI oi pay lit tlll gallon liicl tax This mou INIIIL tlili mlcrcd part ol clampdown on Fuel la ct The act ha not Illtll sIllt II tllIHltNI until now but tin QtIIlirc ovciiiiiicnl ricmit Iv ilzcd pioy incial police to note out otpioy ncc Ilttlllt lillltiIMln on coiiiincicial vehicles and send form to tIltl mknm tor information about IIltlI trip The mow ls ilicady hay mg an effect in the tittawa llull area Farmers better tax deals urged not it li lli ltl Agriculture ItitIl will map up four day titltllIltll today after appioying lengthy list oI resolutiom urging rclorm in tlie tarni community Delegates to tlietanadian lcdciitioii ot llttlIIIlll ix an anal inclting arc to deal it itli policies on farm costs energy and research inancnig bcloi lnazling liomc Wednesday the tl callcd lot better tax deal for fariiicn as Statistics anada rcpoi chI diopol $1 to million In Itlllii cosh iticlpls Int ltfti IhctlA said thc federal JIItlIrII ijzinr tax discliiiiiiiatw agannt lllt oipoiatcrl tamilj Iil iiiwiiid tltillsI threaten transtci ot ItllilI larm lo llit tIllit lllltl itionw Another ltHtIIlllltili led that litl Itll Iation dctci capital gains tayw il tln wilc pi llt tiom one farm is lt invcstcdm another far in itliiii two ycai OTTAWA CI blunt warning that new global or dcr is necessary to reduce the seeks to provide the increased detail of CIDA projects around that world that opposition MP5 and other critics have long do The Barrie Examiner Thursday February to I977 Have havenot gap must shrink under fire from such persons as AuditorGeneral II Mc Donnell and Douglas Roche tEdmontonStrathconal Pro ister irudeau announced that Paul GermLajoie president for six years is being replaced by Michel Dupuy assistant urr commercial 4IlllIt trawl iitliin Unibcc lllltItl the ill While the rest of the country has been suffering through blizzards and subzero tenuxratures algary has been basking in springtime weather that sent tempch Dies at 77 ioiiosio cio Joseph Mdulley former federal depr uty commissioner of penitenr tiaries died Wednesday at the ageofTT Mr Mctulley an educationist and pcnologist was graduate in education and pliilosphy from the univer sitics of Toronto and hrist liurch tlxtord Canada To in tion It Wffritit it eiirjrionm in rrztirernoi savings plans Thats ltztitiflitil bQCilllt RSI should do room itilIifffi income tar If ii ttnllt fifty itl ftitiirri SPRINGTIME IN THE FOOTIIILLS atures as high as plus li degrees this week These two young people take time out to iclas on the grass in the sun shine in downtown city park 7000 Gcg HAVE HART On Valentines Day give her JOHN HART AT THE ORGAN AvoiIobIe at Sams and Pontings Music Centre All RSPS are not alike NDGDCDVUoowt ltyrii 1llttlttiltttlti RSI tritiuirlrir umtrtnnr to Canada Trust In iiiv1 tinvz WllIllll to eti Jtiht ttIIlf1UIII VVI it If Ni it ï¬t lit AlllililHarttitanic Canada Trust now raw rit uviinw jt titiv Try our longer hours MonThurs 9m Fri 9to 730 Sat 9m HOUJARD Jounsons For Carnival Week Howard Johnson Proudly Presents NITES 0F LIVE ENTERTAINMENT in he LAMPIGHTER ROOM THURSDAY FRIDAY BITOJAZZ Harry Leek on the organ Art EIIetson on the sex John Schliesmonn on the trombone Ted Fry on the drums SATURDAY EVENING lYNN cox AND THE COMPANY CARNIVAL SPECIAL FRI SAT SUN BABY BACK BARBQ SPARERIBS Served with Potatoes Vegetables Salad from the Salad Bar Home of the Salad Bar 355 BAYFIELD ST LICENCED LLBO gap between rich and poor countries it violent con frontations are to be avoided is contained in foreign aid publication released Wed nesday The Canadian International Development Agency CIDA publication said the con frontation will be increasingly difficult to avoid unless the richpoor gap is reduced It adds that the developed world is following aid policies that are 25 years old while was ting incredible sums of money on armaments And it says Canada is in an advantageous position in the world because it exported food and fuel at time when short ages hurt Third World coun tries This country has the second highest wheat surplus after the United States and it is just such surluses that could make the difference at least in the short Free onlzrgzmzrr 00 term between starvation and survival for millions of 07 Dscounmn PCRUP people the report says orde °V°r 00 ur advanta eous situation Phone 7288811 imposes special responsibilities toward the international min 405 BAYHELD ST BARRIE manded IDA HITKISIID It comes after CIDA has been gressive Conservative aid ex pert Earlier this week Prime Min dcrsecrctary of state for ex ternalattairs CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot Iast delivery inunin The annual report for 197176 SAVE TAX DOLLARS cum is DIRWHARRYI THE ETFORGER DAILY AT 700 900 pm ADMIT TANCI if USLMS in nus 04 A0 OVH Roy Tracy letitia 7287725 larry Fike District Manager 726l890 316 DUNLOP ST 728 4681 5mm macanowst There are very good reasons why you should buy an RRSI from Investors Investor providw SIIIIIIi lied LIX reporting Inc Winner 0f form showing all Lu exempt pun hawu ch provide the fiiiantial IIdlllllily uiiviietl usually lvktltldHd With banks SIULIK brokers trunt and insurance LIIIIJIIIIM Nith hundreds of wavs ti organize All lyliid yhiii is the best way IVc can tuid out together New Iltlki iii thr ut ciiiiiients budget iaii TIItyt yotii savings piogiaii All show vou how IIlIitI vtIVli III llv to buy Jt Lytlll to voii Investors makes it easier Get your future going today SYNDICATE LIMITED WWTIAD After youve hied eiie 7IS915 sometme amused 29 ltIHvr hlltiTINIINra ALGOLM MCDOWELL Aouu NIERTAINMENT HRISIODHE pLUMMER IMON recommended Held Over 2nd Week 7108 905 inn Saturday Matinee ll5 pm Sun Mat 130 The Adventures of the WILDERNESS main LN land on story of odbrn pioneer Inmny who turnou than back clvlllzatlon cm to Mum lillt Ditiiiie FIRTH DAVIDWooi pc 1l tint at JOHN liiiicui flieron Iovnuii Rational Johnson RAY MiiiJiNi rirciipli Il HOVII ITAIJKI Itwllluil IAHIN IIV it up inn TN WAY WE WERE 645 NICKELODEON pm Tonight only mm Halod vln MA on ul Alex and The Gypsy