16 The BarrieExiininer Thursday February 10 1977 SALES OPPORTUNITY Data banks have some citizens concerned Limpox iiiouluri iributionsand private firinsuse pass along information from computer servrce from the The Evening Standard said vance of computer mini Vomit11y to keep track of credit ratings policedata banks iguany data banks in the United recently The threat to indi tegmiques MO more money parttime or fulltime sooiiistiiated countries are and employment records But what constitutes an ttates vidual privacy posed by sucha ew Scientist magazine becoming iiicriasingl worried lhis proliferation seems to abuse The European Common Mar gigantic world computer par noted that the fire department Persons required to se Loto canada tickets about just who know what have left lawmakers several In Britain recently several kct is establishinga database ticularly in the hands of some in Malina Sweden keeps Excellent opportunity to make additional alimaiiwminilxliireandlioii yearsbehindButnowthatdata members of Parliament were system called Euronet which future totalitarian multina data bank on fire hazards thiintIlnntinn1gtrn0l banks are going international furious to learn that tax collcc will no doubt soon belinked into tional regime arises partly thereA but the computer is Wuiiinm 1i Mimi the legislators in the industrial tors use the national driving li the BritishUS system from the centralizing tendency located in Clvvtlimd money Malor supporting advertismg troni lllt ttttlll proiiieration ot ized world are beginning to cence computer to track down The link will do great deal inherent in computer Even kcypunchmfl 30 UnnluiHmi and hunks take closclook at them peopletheyliavelost of good in that it will concen technology itself and partly tual entering of the data into program progress PromOHOnal aim Lliitliilllttli use to biiseotsuchbanksis easyto Nlï¬tlSEltVKlIPLANNED trate on swapping technical because legislation geared to the system can be done in an lltztlllltil litll iiiioriiiaiion as imagine In the United States British companies and organ data on such things as cancer safeguarding the citizens her other countt 50m Cimadm we HamM LHmg Himp there have been cases of credit izations will soon be ableto suly research But once established ty is constantly stretched to social security data are key mm mii Mittii tlllll ion firms bribing technicians to scribe to twoway satellite itspOSSibilitiesarewideopen keeppacewith thelightningad punched in Taiwan material available Please call Mr Barry Williams 7057286573 day Friday and Saturday only save on Mediterraneanstyle iileetwood color console lii1 nailiixwcratted 3h Solid State colour console i4 fn the hold hiuiuti ot the liiditciiinean in miiiiia oi oak veneers and solids with rich pccan ï¬nch ltilitlltfs include supoicoloui matrix picture iiliiiilililllti iini tuning automatic colour level grim ilill ist and hiightncss lighted channel in itrsis and illchannel l7l llil ll independent iiivi minis piii up to Sltltl Better value price $599 lllttttl Ircurwaan 4I lliit Minis niinl iin liidiil Plus Iash Bonus Coupons totalling $35 ionic sIi tn Ili llltlttl Iil Saturday only save on timesaving Sanyo wWM microwave oven wars Save on Westinghouse LII munl In wfl You save time energy gymn mum and money With this handy Sanyo micro ostingliousc saves you wave ovon Plugs into time in the kitchen with any lltlvolt outlet this liiiiltin Scyclc dish Reduces cooking time washer lnatiiins include soil by up to 70 hakos builtin dishwasher Hurry in limited quantities tood dispenser Zlivol washing potato in minutes 73W 11¢th prlce action tandry system tor sale ll roast in it lust own drying thick insulation set the automatic timer and for quiet cool operation clean turn it on iroat tor defrosting and rinse dispenser and dual water reheating No pots and pans to iniiriuiliiii 1min litiltiSlitltl overflow protector scrub Better value prce tliilli lti llltlttl iill lul ClS linintni ltllll warranty included Delivered uiéiltllifi 55 Plus lash Bonus Coupons totalling $15 Total satisfaction with lifetime service guarantee on furniture 3000 TERMS ARRANGED Better value prices selection service For Finest Value Selection Visit Our New Carpet Department Highvvay 26 26 Barrie 7267053