Barrie costs Barrie is being included in Canadas Consumer Price In dex Leondard Grindley of Statistics Canada says Barrie resident is being trained to con duct price checks of over 100 stores and businesses to be iii cluded in monthly index repor ts Weve added Barrie and were anticipating adding Belleville be ause of their populations he said in an iii terview Tuesday All cities with population of over 30000 are included in the survey which Mr lrindley says measures price changes oti constant goods Elaine Fisher will be doing Barries checks monthly at specific time set out by Statistics Canada he said and shell be looking at every item mOst people would buy for their needs We price everything that people are using today for the movement of prices he said Terry Finn senior area supervisor for Statistics Canada says putting Rarrie in the index is going to take lot of work Mr Grindley project manager of consumer price surveys from the Toronto regional offices and two other representatives spent Tuesday researching basic facts at number of different Barrie businesses to lay the ground work Mr Finn says theyre looking for specific items that are sur vey ed across anada The items are determined by sur7 ioa in Ha 10pm 8a 74pm thehay 10a 1pm 10a in 10a in 10a in noon 10a in school hroomhall 10a 11a in 4pin ll 30 in on the hay noon around the haj run noon in 1230p 1p to 1p in 143 in 230 in Team 3p in ll lY games Sky Diversdisplay Stl ll ltt 8pm 8pm lly SlllIll litlllt Iixa miner Staff Reporter Motorists resent school Mayers thallenge opcnclassdog races Massey Ferguson lted Nites Snowmobile litls to be included in price index in several homes aeross veys done thousand Canada What we do is get detailed report on spending patterns right down to toothpaste said Mr Finn EVERYTHING INCLUDED Everything from household goods to the cost of housing and gasoline is included in the stir vey and the results are used to rank people in income categories People might spend 30 per cent of their income on housing 28 per cent on food and five per cent on alcohol and tobacco said Mr Finn The items were looking at are very specific down to content and quality so that in each place across anada people are looking at the same thing he said certain weight is added to each item depending on its importance in the family budget Finally we add them all together and we come up with an index said Mr ltinn That index allows you to measure prices with constant basket of goods Barrie will be one of 11 tit tario cities reporting to the Toronto Statistics Canada of fice each month with its results Other cities include loroiito Hamilton Sarnia Yindsor St athariiies and London The target group of families in Barrie the index ill relate to according to Mr linii ranges in sic from two to six people with annual incomes in lSttiTot$7ltitittto$ll000 Whats happening at the Carnival TODAY Snowsculpture judging at elementary schools THURSDAY Schools oti Skates at the Barrie Arena ltunlopStrcct Siioyy scttlpturc judging at elementary schools FRIDAY secondary schools preliminary sports 211ttpm 7p torcliliglit paradcdown ltunlopStrict llt Klondike Night at ltarric Armory SATURDAY pancakebreakfast Barrie rmory registration motorcycle races on the hay world hroonihall and snowshoe fastball oi childrens films at llarric Public Library registration slcd dog races on the hay tcc boat races on the bay motorcycle imetrials on the hay Snow Timc Arts and trafts ltcstival old anadian Tire Store lgtiinlop Street school volley ball up Snowiiiobtlc test runs motorcycle races on the hay fivedog tcam race on the bay 77 Steun hute fun games on the hay Skill junior ho and girls school sports fllll lY displays sculptures rides and teen dance onsiimcrsiashuilding Kinsmen tarnival Dance Harrie Armouries drivers They drive their big yellow vehicles down highways during 5y companys school bus drivers in llarric he was joined by local instructor liyllll Sims As of lcb 11 all 011 YUlNti safety and claims officer for Travetways is touring the province giving driver on piowitieiit courses to all his icorgc llayiiioiid lctagiic tlt cciitic rccciycs his Fellowship of coigtaii taldyycll cott ollcgc from William barrie today The liarricl Zamincr ltiilfcriii Siiii hoard piisciit college loiiday lihruary of governors chairman wliilt lilltiltl collcgc president stlaiglitcns the hood of lltTT Oro studying of ch for lakefront study ttltttSllltt Stall oyihtp ina award the cot 1tltt tor 7tid oi the toaii ships Lake inaoe shorclttic lliursdaj lion laclvay planning hoard secretary trcastirci niltl Tuesday the townhip received bids for the study ironi coin panics and planning board last week narrowed tht tltttlttll to four The liitiis and tlltll hols are Marshall Macklm Monaghaii tltii lttl 3713300 ltottot and ltedicrnlad strum iii1cy and swtiates $11300 and lld tiroiip Slljitittt 11 four urclotoiitoltttii council and lilltllllllifl hoard will meet with representative of each firm to di sttl lill li Matlvay said the coii tract could he awaidcd lhui sday hitt he added that the lowest bidder might not Uct the job We want toscc what the o1 ttrtorthc iiioiiev litsaid llaiiniiig hoard decided last month to make the utiidy to tltltllllllltlllttlt11itl11l1l and the mornmit iirh hour gt topping trallit Itt11 of thr 1tttilliit11t school bus drivers must take llthl improvement course in order to hold bus licciicc IIxaiiiiiiir llioloi Mw tlit ltasaltilttj of pertttttttnu ptitiiancii icsalciiti develop 111t1 iltmL llit ladle llllfttt dltlltllllt that time li laclvaj said thcton7htp official plan rlesltgttiitc liitgi pail Jl tlit slitiltllllt ltir rtrtitls litt thw not pcrinit permanent residcn llilfl If llanning hoard he said has consistently ttiriicd dow ii propoal7 tor pctiiiancn housing developments alone the lulushore but has felt uneasy about the rejection hecatiscotththighcostolland Some people he said l1tt bought the land lllltlltlltii to litttld IItirciiittit homes only to find the township doc not pci lttllllltlii major goal of the study li lacKay silltl is to deter iiiiiic how iiiticli permanent development tltllltl be per iiiittcd before sanitary sewers arc heeded The provincial ministry of the environment and the Sinicoc toitnty health tltitll till tfl1tls lll1l lit good wcll tttialilicd diiyci ltoiig Young safety and claimvotttccrtorlravelyyaya Motorists iic liaid on school busdrivcrs licsaid The driver lttlts lot of pressure as lllt iiiolot int around her take chances and ol tcii do stupid thing just to pet past llltlills heevplaiiicd lritiig school bus flllli11l surrounding Illtiltilld is dit lieiilt job to start with Mr Youngaddcd The drivci carrying cargo of children which is difficult cargo to carry he dtltl The driver has two full time jobs opciatiiig the tllltlt and maintainingdiscipline And you know what llitlttl to class when the teacher titi iislicrhack Student hiis patrols act as ls the drivers cycs said liyiiii Sun driver instructor htit the driver must maintain discipline lriyelways tells its drivers iiol to try and do both jobs at the same time If the students arcoitt of hand thcdriyers are told to pull the has oil the road andtakcthciicccssaryactioii Hill Illlttlllli ltcspitc tlic ptoliltliis school bits drivers have good record Mr Young contended and new government regulations will en sure that record is kept clean As of Feb 11 all school bus drivers in order to hold their hits licence lllllSl complete course in driver improvement All new drivers are required to complete the course lllll1 110 days Mr Young is currently ptit ting local lravclways drivcrs through the iiiiiclioiir course and will be teaching drivers throughout ttiitario up to the ciidot luiic tiiiit have adv tsed thc ltt11lllti that sttl may he ltttllllttl ll iilitantial ptiinanciit housing development permitted on lakcshorelaiid The study will give par l1tllltlIlliltlldd hc illtl to llli tllt het wccti the Lake Sun Roliclt 5y llZllnlt Illllttllllï¬l lLainiiiertafl Reporter llducation may he the glue that holds tanada together as nation saysltr llairy larrott tintarios inmistci of colleges indtiiiiyctstties lftllication is ill most llll poi tant aspect of life licsziid lti lairott spoke toatioiit iTio people at ticorgian tolcht Tuesday ntcht at cciciiiotiy celebrating the 1011i an niycrsary of thecollcgc llic glut kcepmg the cotin try togctlicr might very well he the fact that the provinces con coc shotelinc and ltdtt toad mm mm mml hecniiw the land has high HUI Hl MIND water table and poor still con Mhnjmmliv hp ditioti which are iiot sllllilltlt Hm hmi mmk ll illldllk down that road tonight ltt li lclvav also said plan NM mllldw hm liicsdavs ceremony was ttttly ttillltilvtitl ll 1tt lllllt 1ut he stressed that the final coiiipletioti date will dcpciid on lllnlS zll the final cost The township llt sillll might have to finance the project over two or three years hecaiiw of tight hiidilct icstiic lions He added that officials of the provincial iiiitiitry of lioustiii have told the lttllllllt that the 1ud is cligihlctora provincial grant However he could not say what portion of the final ctr71 would he covered by thi grant School bus drivers go back to school ill1 ilt Ilic government any course taken iltci 1071 is ceptahle htit Irayclyyay is only acceptini rccciit cottists said Mrs Sitic as there have liten lot of changes 111 regiilatioirwancelit1 lhc cotttuc tttl1 variety of topic driyci attitude physical fitness dctciisiyc di 111L emergency Itltitttlllllft daily litts stilcty checks itlttlIlttll1111ttlm ticesiiidittcrcntciiyiioiiiiiciits llic diiycis also take look at the tttltltlil situation in anada Mr Young began Tuesday by tclltiigthcdriverstlicrcarctcyy icctdcnts iiitaiiada Accidents irc acts of tiotl over which there is no control liccxplaiiicd but quickly added there arca lot ol colltsioiis or caused happenings which may oi may not have hccii picveii tahlc llic average of collision has increased to bet ween $000 and $1000 from $130 in 10th he said mainly because lzllitilciislS lhc number of collisions Is also increasing In the liiitcd States there are more lives lost llI one year of motor vehicle collision than were lost iii the eiitireVittiiaiii War litsaid Mr otmg said young drivers arc involved in large per cciitagc of the collisions bttt suggested people look at the times o1 day they are sclidlttt their children out driving and at the driving schools they are sciidiiigtliciiito Sonic oiilj teach the stttdciit to opcratc the vehicle not drive litsaid Anybody can be trained to opciatc vehicle he said recalling how one New York rcstdciit trained monkey to drivcdowii Madison vctitic cost day thctiaiii The provincial government llS IIMIQ for the annual y1ll hold its first pithlic inclting March it at it In business building at icorgtaii ollcgc round tip downtown this year as ltarric Jaycees take their iiiohile jail to various stores and companies The laycecs are looking for people who honor lr lcaguc is the second person to receive fellowship of icotgiaii following in the footsteps held to honor iiiciiihcrs of the colleges founding board of governors who first met in lehriiary 100 ltr larrott said icoigian has had truly uiihelicvcahlc history iltill1t to 1000 tiill time students enrolch last Sip tciiihcrtroiii113m ltttiT lm dained glad that it woikcdout as well is it lltl he said Georgian tollcgc has done an outstanding joh of taking coiiiintinity college to yourcommunities Mt tltli llllC lllf tut he said the community colleges in ttiitario have to become more efficient and tiiorcelfccttvc HlllttttlltflllttlttlllttVltlt better education to tiiorc people hcsaid lliatshcttcr Refdre ash illiim titllltills of Thornton cainc through without scratt but his truck had $1211 damage alter colliding with taiiadian lacitic llatlways train in lissa ltilslllt lucs ii rte ill sit the Thornton man attempted to brake on slippery ioad as he approached the tracks at the 113th stilttoad jitsl tl tit llltilll ttitictssitiii litll lost control li ticthoiis tumpcd out of fllt truck liclorc it reached the tracks loltcc say the back end of the truck was crushed by laients Invited To School liastyieu Secondary School is holding iradc night tonight starting at 10 and parents of students who will he ciitcriiii radc ï¬t at lIiist New school larcnts lll have an opportunity to meet and talk with teachers about the llltl1 school Business oininittee Meets llere committee on small business in September are asked to the in the are wearing ties skirts or other attire not judged ac ceptable for the Barrie Winter arnival leople judged guilty of dressing too education at reasonable cost ltr larrott said during the next five to 10 years colleges should stress improving in7 struction or teaching develop iiiciit of faculty and stall incin hers He said knowledge is no good ll the teachers can not pass it to thestttdcnts The community colleges hc said will have to start some type of regional ciHirdiiiation and co operation to improve the level and variety of education offered The government cannot for7 ce the collegs to cooperate he said adding it is something the colleges will have to do lr larrott said the evidence that community colleges filled an educational need is shown Marvin Shore tlt andrctorm Ylltttll bricfs are not necessary Two In ourt Tuesday Tyyo youths charged in connection with series of five in nisfil cottages brcakiiis will appear in provincial criminal court next lucsday lan James Smith lit of no fixed address and Michael scrivcns 17 of Stroud are charged in connection with the break ins Both are charged yy itli five counts of hrcak and enter say liinislil police after series Lanearcaycrediscoycrcd 110 oneeit Satin day lt111lttilltt1l is scheduled for at Saturday at Barrie Nortlitollcgiatc lllllSSlttlllSlltt laiticipating are the North tollegiate oitcert Band and thctoiirticc SecondarySchool concert hand well are driven around in the jail The Jaycces were out again this morning looking for more culprits Examiner lliotot of Premier William Davis lie was honored for his sceii years as chairman of the colleges board of governors tlIaniincr Photo Parrott praises college doing outstanding job in the growth during the last 10 years London North chairman of the com7 mittcc said its objectives are to elicit inloriiiation about specific problems of small business and second to hear the protmsals of thosc engaged in small business for innovation In the winter of 1967 the first year colleges operated there were 11830 students in post secondary programs 105 in apprenticeship classes and 38080 in evening courses Last winter enrolment clim bed to 00970 iii postsecondary programs 54020 in adult training 11503 apprentices and 3111183inparttimecourses ollege governors presidents and staffs will tell me that there is still an unfilled demand for college programs particularly in the rapid growth area he said think you can agree with me that we can take great deal of pride in our aceomplishments to date of break ms in tlic Tall Tree Barrie layeecs nailed nearly five dozen violators of winter carnival attire regulations at liiesdays meeting of the Barrie lluronia Rotary tlul laycec latil llodgert said today lroviiicial Liberal leader Stuart Smith was among the 58 violators Mr llodgert said The group gave 37 residents rides in its opeirair jail for similar violations Monday Mr llodgert said Three quarters were women wearing dresses or skirts tellers in banks part icularly We had field day with them he said Most common offence on the male side was the wearing of ties Examiner city editor Sean lllll£l was among those caught Monday The laycces didnt take their jail to the Rotary meeting but did booming business in snow babies large winter carnival lapel pins made by the AR ln7 dustrics sheltered workshop Proceeds on the pins go to the Barrie Progress tlubs womens auxiliary Today the laycees were to cruise Allaiidale and the down town area with their jail plan to arrest Police Chief Earl Snider this morning was th warted when it was learned that the chief did not wear his tie today Mr llodgert said numerous residents have called the club to inform on their fellow workers who violate the car7 iiival dress code