llie Barrie Examiner Tuesday February I977 TAKE THAT DODGER lin Ino as lagan lett shakes up the rttul Dodger played by nthony Wilson during Sundays dress re hearsal tor ttliverl at Georgian College The play produced by the leachers Music Theatre Workshop will be presented Friday and Saturday at in at the Georgian ollegc Theatre Tickets are available at Trites Book Store and Laurence Knitting tentre ililxaminer Ihotol Japanese fashion designers gain international success TOKYO Ten years ago it would not hate been pos sible tor Japanese designer like Jan shida to buy bou titiue in the tiina section of Tokyo so he was surprised when Japanese hank had enough faith in the booming fashion business to lend him nearly $1 million to purchase shop in theelieiloyiiioiidistrict The land is reputed to he the most ilitligtlt lll Japan at Shoals per square metre Were really just small company said shida inan ager liiil Jeiieis We thought we would rent it but the bank suggested we pizrchase and agreed tothe low It is sign oi the success Japanese iashion designers are enjoying presentingcollections and opening shops in Tokyo New York and Paris Most of them are the first generation to design western clothes which came to The lar liast on large scale only alter the Second World War IIll Itlll II Ilaiiae loi recently opened her hoiiiiiiie at New York ziiare she is known for he prints on flow riiiiion gr nuns and she Jail for haw laris boutique ii ii riftil litllit it lxezzo lakada became the Elis Japanese to haye Ills de siuizs chosen ior tiothes oi the Year by the liiseiiiii oi tosr tiiine in liatn ILngland asiiarii in the inidTTos can he sillllllitll zip the Age of lap lie time when Keno Tar karla row to share lill Saint Iiitflti the Jatus oi the moriii inost paee stllltlll arid iiiiliientiai titlellfl Illilsttllti tultlpliifl Japanesi designers have imez studying the lieneh spirit and eeiinil ot clothing tor say the ioiii ttine iiltl sllltlii Now we lit littllllit more con iiiieit and the aie able to make rlotne in our oii feeling Itstingiaiiitioihii styles lliit lilit oine Japanese rle tLtlitlW iie lilijtl4llil the tel the tlayor oi the tlltlii Irlliitllit iillltlt Ilil pietei piiieij lliiiopeaii and inei ii an sly iii loii he had to create diiier enl llllfs toi iiei Japanese eiis toiiwis taking away iroiii the traditional Jamibiock print she itse on materials for dresses lIl ed oi ehida iia begun to inaniitaetiiie clothes in Ililllf anti impott then into Japan iitli larie ii iianee on the lfllttl lIlII Itl II VI IIL Iiipaitiiient stores have been lillittllltiL loi licensing rights to inaniiiaetiiie the clothes oi saint Lament lina lticri ilV llll ii and iaidiii lie don Lli hack lll sales that they put ad 1i ii the aid one designers ho ine iiiaiiaeei ile coin planted the slot INIIiI iiiore itiltitilttil he French naine than the Japanese just toi ltllillt into Htlttl Ihe iotlnng market lli Japan however can ac iUIIIIIItttiJlif Illlli illilII UIII rationality of designer stnti tie shout the average Personal Business Income Taxes Year Round Service BAYFIELO MALL 7269432 DUNLOP 51 7263665 household spends more tor clothing than housing and 36 Tokyo department stores had sales in August ot Sim million of winch clothing saies ae countedtorSltlTmillion Japanese women definitely spend more money on clothing than French or llltlttlll women said Iierre liaudry ol the French Fashion tentre in lokyo think its becauseoi the lil mono Its nothing to pay iroin Saoo to Simo for one kimono and when you buy all the actes sories its away over Sltlio Just think of the type oi west erii Lltilllllt you can buy loi that SIIOWIII II III The French Fashion tentre opened year ago to help lrenr ch inantiiactiiiers export to Japan Representing the Irenr ch textile industries liiioii of French Apparel In dustries it has sponsored two Ireneh fashion iairs in Tokyo At the fairs and the re liltllitlilltltlltls show their readyrto wear lines to Japanese businessmen even ahead of the showings lll France Sales lll the first fair totalled million Haudry said they had been little worried that Japanese manuiacturcrs would resent the French intrusion but on the contrary they were anxmus to widen their lines The consumption of textile gorkls in Japan has been going up and Japanese women are ready to pay it per cent more for imported dresses Ile noted that more Ameri canrslyle clothes are being sold in Japan and said it started when the recession hit the InitedStates American tried to get into Japan but only the designeis have been sucr cesstul The real manufac turers couldnt get in They image the Japan manufacturers dont have the fashions and the Chief French have in Rynard says arrogance lost Quebec election ny on RYNARD MP Simcoe North It is an amazing fact that party dedicated to separatism was elected overwhelmingly in the province of Quebec par ticularly when you stop to con sider that only small propor tion of people in that province really want to separate The election victory of cour sc was entirely due to the bad government of the Bourassa Liberals Under it graft and corruption were rife On top of this Mr Bourassa had introduced an educational bill making the province unilingual and forcing children into Frenchspeaking schools from homes in which the paren ts had come to Canada to The high escape oppression and to enjoy some measure of freedom of choice denied them in their native land To find this freedom suddenly taken away from them in province in which they had been led to believe had no mandate to do so as it was contrary to the very terms of Confederation Confederation had guaran teed them the right to use Frenv ch or English whichever was desired The proceedings of the Legislative Assembly in Quebec City were to be recor ded in both languages There was to be no force used to make French speak English or English speak French They were both to be allowed to use their mother tongue and low in wage earners TORONTO CP Sandy Hawley and Jerry Beaulieu botliworkforaliving The comparison ends there and the disparity begins with the amount of money Hawley and Beaulieu cam for the work they do For riding thoroughbred hor ses in twominutc bursts around North American race tracks llawlcy earned an estimated $45000t last year Beaulieu spent last year cold and wet workingtilihour weeks in downtown Toronto car wash earned $8268 The jockey and the carwash attendant represent the high and the low of the spectrum in poll of Torontos wage earners They also epitomize the latest study by the anadian ouncrl on Social Development ouncil figures show the upper fifth of income earners get 424 per cent of anadas total income while the lower fifth get 39 per cent Although llawleys wage vire tually puts him in class by himself there are others who donicely SllINL HARNS 5200001 Albert lhornbrough president of MasseyFerguson Ltd makes $501352 year Toronto Maple Leaf hockey player Horje Salming earns Smooth II It Fraser chair man of Hudson Bay Mining and Smelling $160000 and TV news anchornian Lloyd RUIN tsoii Stooooo Out of the astronomical range but still in the upper brackets are Supreme ourt Justice Hora Laskin $68000 jazz musician Moe Kofv fman $00000 institutional $88 ROUND TRIP TO TORONTO With the purchase of one regular round trip fare $905 Orillia $695 Barrie Two adults ride together for the price of one friends husband and wife relatives in troducing TRAVELWAYS ORILLIA New Golden Carpet Hostess Service Service Days Per Week BARRIE TO TORONTO Bay Gerard AND RETURN PEOPLE ARE TALKING about our new Golden Carpet Hostess Service Heres the car at home and tra Monday January 17 to friend free Two people your chance to try it Leave vel the relaxed way From aturday January 29 take will travel for the price of one Heres how it works You buy one same day return ticket and you and friend travel onthe same fare To take advantage of this you must reserve two seats by calling the number below ORILLlA Lacli Barrie 331 Bayfi Enjoy being pampered St 3267377 eld St 7280700 Orillia and Barrie are the first two cities in Ontario to enjoy this prestige service at regular fare pr ices PARCEL EXPRESS CARRIED ON ALL DEPARTURES SAME DAY SERVICE Stock Bros TRAVELWAYS LTD Bus Lines Ltd INTRODUCTORY OFFER VALID UNTIL Jan 29th 1977 Ha inc day service Lots of Free Parking at Both Terminals Why Drive Leave your Car on our LotRelax Call 3267377 For your reservations =r stock salesman Paul Chalmers $30000 and nineyearold model Karen Stevens $25 an hour RobertLindsey Milne does well making psychic pre dictions He makes $1800 and up year Public health nurse Jean Walker earns $14300 Reaulieu has plenty of com pany in the lower range it lll eludes railway gatekeeper Har old Tregenza $10441 sewer cleaner Tom Macaroni $12500 ballet dancer leter ttman $8840 dogcatcher olin Campbell $10501 parkinglot attendant Gus Brassinos $11939 and garbage collector MikeSinith$ll737 51 Million up to this It was the arrogance of the Liberal government with its mounting corruption and graft that made the people turn against it and they voted again st Mr Bourassato get rid of him rather than voting for Mr Levesque Unfortunately perhaps they elected Mr Levesque and separatist government In other words it was negative vote Already Canada is in serious economic trouble We have priced ourselves out of many of the competitive markets of the world Indeed this might have been changed with the devaluation of the dollar to 92 cents policy which had been carried out on previous oc casion in 1962 This per cent protection might have been just enough to increase our competitiveness and our trade and in the long run wipe out our 35 billion deficit The interest alone on deficit is appalling Deficits like this cannot con tinue without destroying us IIASING INVESTORS Now we have to face the fact that investors in the United States and abroad are being warned openly of the risk of iii vesling in Canada Even Canadian capital is being frightened away mostly to the United States Mortgage money is leaving the province of Quebec and coming to Ontario or the Western provinces Real estate values Ii dropped drastically in Quebec and there is buyers market of homes which are selling below their normal value and at that there are few takers Quebec industries are looking 0000 at sites in Ontario to set up business Ontario interests are better served by placating Quebec for straight economic reasons but this does not apply in the same way to the economy of the western provinces ln dollar terms the West might be better to separate At the present moment the West is supplying Quebec with and oil at lower than world prices Canada Trust has wealth of experience in retirement savings plans Thats important because RSP should do more than save you bundle on income tax its plan for your future Canada Trust MonThurs to Fri to 730 Sat to and lower than that paid by the United States Therefore the West would be better off economically if it could sell its oil gas potash and other minerals to the United States Already the West is growing more rapidly than the rest of Canada It follows then that it is urgent that the question of separatism should be settled All RSPS are not alike Dunlop at Memorial Square 7261848 Try our longer hours 20 SPECIAL PRIZES OF $100000 AND 10 SPECIAL PRIZES OF $25000 have been added to the 2nd draw $150900 prizes available If you already have RSP consider swrtching to Canada Trust In most cases switching to us is easy Just say the word Well do the rest All RSPS are not alike now and not four years hence to stop once and for all time the uncertainty that prevails in Canada We simply have to set new direction so that the world at large will be assured to what is our position and that Canadians will present stable economy and govern ment in command which will assure continuing com petence of this stability 0000 Twenty special prizes of $100000 and ten special prizes of $25000 have been added to the second draw of Loto Canada The second draw of Loto Canada has only one series and now offers 12 grand prizes of $1 Million 28 prizes of $100000 and 10 prizes of $25000 each All grand prizes and special prizes will be awarded Buy your tickets now at banks caisses populaires most trust companies some credit unions and retailers all across Canada Your chances of winning are bettei than ever before