READER FORUM Annexation interference red herring Perri jected to the figure 125000 We supported more modest one of 85000 at the most It was the political task force of the Simcoe Georgian Study majority of whom were coun ty politicians that injected 125000 against Barries wishes Furthermore no municipality except Innisfil ob jected to the report of the Sim coeGeorgian Task Force until Barrie decided to adopt the task force report in its an nexation study Why did they not object when the TorontoCentered Region plan was first announced in 1970 Why did they not object to the SimcoeGeorgian Task Force Report Why did they not object and amend that report when it was in the hands of the political committee CHORUS BOYS suggest the reason is that they did not believe that anyone would do anything to put the report into action They thought that this was Elie Earth Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Wilson Advertising Manager Henshaw Managing Editor DearSir would like to congratulate Darcy McKeough treasurer of Ontario for his reply to Vespra Township on the question of an nexation believe the minister is quite correct and to the point in his reply The government and be per sonally made every effort to nt government policy long oretheOMB hearin In fact as former airman of the city development com mittee of Barrie can verify that at joint meetings with Barrie and area councils in Toronto in separate meetings with all concerned and at joint public meeting of county council and the cities the minister has made it clear that the government had accepted the population growth figure of 125000 by 2011 figure that was recom mended by task force made up of local politicians not the province At all such meetings the minister had made government The Barrie Examiner Friday January 28 1977 The municipal tax line and mayors meeting day it says Although the Red Cross home If the line can be held will the makers service is different kettle decrease in municipal services be of fish the reaction to the United just marginal Appeal of last fall should make There cannot be ratepayer in aldermen little wary of providing Barrie who doesnt agree with Ald tax money to charities Janice Lakings suggestion that That son of ditch on Brock councils general committee con Street is going to costa lot of money sider budget which would leave to cover the general tax rate unchanged or Council is obviously determined to with very slight increase do something about the Brock Street Ald Lakings suggestion which hole before the spring runoff got the full backing of council is But as with so many other things Can the line on municipal taxes be held saved from being motherhood in life what at first appears to be pollliscty very ggfatrhghaéogagg agogherfof thoï¬pchwgsttgifxl statement by her including in the simple now seems to be difficult wheregvflgvsv 85 mm question oca comes motion the phrase realizmg that and expensrve concern However Barrie took this may require very marginal Don Kirkpatrick deputy city Furthermore he has on many decrease in service responsible attitude and occasions said that financial That is toughie Most politicians would be content to statement and then to be cut Inflation as everyone knows means paying more for the same standard of living What Ald Laking suggests and what city council apparently wants to go along with is paying the same and maybe getting slightly lower standard of services pass the motherhood go ahead and set higher budget pleading that if it didnt some services would have engineer told council this week the job could be done for $30000 well quite below the $48000 council as general committee thou But the $30000 job wont be pro per job warned Mr Kirkpatrick there would be silt problems ght it would cost The proper job of ditch General committee is take another look following Ald Ross Stephens suggestion that the ditch can be made safe without That would cost $100000 and would involve covering the 400 feet going to spending $100000 There will doubtless be screams of anguish as councils intent becomes fact and garbage collec tion is cut or fewer students hired to work for the summer Council showed this week it wants to be tough about municipal spen ding and taxes We hope that are sure to come The first scream of anguish came from the Red Cross protesting councils decision to put an eight per cent ceiling on the Red Cross homemakers service Council is going to take another look at its decision and second look may set the pattern for future requests If council says yes the Red Cross per cent it wants then the agreement with Ald Lak ings motion will be seen by most as can have the 10 just words If council says no then council will show that it really means what the intent will become fact but whether aldermen as politicians can resist the screams One day week the mayor will be formally available for informal ses sions with residents Mayor Ross Archer made that one of his campaign promises It will be interesting to see how many residents show up each Mon It may day from to 530 at city hall well bet at the 90 minutes each week wont be enough it is just as possible Mayor Archer may wind up using the time to catch up meeting on paperwork Ninety minutes for council We wondered in this colum last morning week about general committee meeting which lasted until in the Apparently that was teething troubles Indications from this weeks coun cil meeting are that the citys business is going to be dealt with quickly and efficiently YOUR BUSINESS Capital spending gets green light By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service There was manbitesdog ring to the recent admission by Finance Minister Donald Mac donald that corporate rofits may be too low after and that the antiinflation rollback of profit margins should be re considered The Trudeau governments antiinflation program has been tough on business and in vestment Businesses could earn no more than 85 per cent of their revious profit margins and ividends were frozen while wages were allowed to rise considerably more than thein ationrate 6hr Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Ho idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $443 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly otor Throw Off $3900 yearly alance of Canada $3600 year National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto M1710 640 Cathcart St Mon treat Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Renter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Co yright in all original adver tisï¬igedand editorial material crea by its employees and reproduced in this news Co Num per Keyright Regis ration r203815 register 61 That may have been good pol itics but it isnt good antiin flationary economics it panders to the unthinking notion that profits are just ripoff and ignores their impor tance not only as an incentive but also as source of funds for investment in new plant mas chinery and equipment Business investment across the industrialized world is sluggish says Finance Minis ter Macdonald Abroad as in Canada there is concern about the level of profits and their recovery Funny how Ottawas admis sion of an economic imperfec tion in Canada always has to be linked to similar problem throughout the world Capital spending on new plant and equipment in Canada was about 12 per cent lower last year than in 1975 It would be wrong to blame the anemic state of capital in vestment entirely on the malign influence of the anti inflation rollback of profit Did we hear someome say Its about time margins Its true that there has been virtually no growth in cor porate profits since 1974 and that in the first six months of 1976 latest available they were running per cent below the level of the last half of 1975 Other important depressants however include strikes in the construction industry an in crease of nearly 10 per cent in construction costs last year high unitlabor costs in Canada relative to the United States and the fact that Canadian in dustry on average is operating at considerably less than its full productive capacity Under the circumstances corporate decisionmakers ap parently feel no pressing need to run counter to the govem ments economic policy of restraint Now however Ottawas big thinkers seem to be coming around to the view that the business sector has been bat tered enough and that the pub lic interest requires change Berrys World ©1977byNtAInc Q19 Fellow cabinet members weve wrong again President Carters wearing sun and tie today guessed It permits him to continue leading in the manner to which he has fircome accustomed FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Many missed the thrust of Levesques speech By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service As listened to all those high riced panel discussions which ollowed Rene Levesques speech to New York business men had this uncomfortable feeling that most participants were missing the ole point of the exercise Do you think the remier succeeded in soothing fears of American investors was the main question And then there would be those long tele vision discussions about how he might have lost points by com paring Quebec independence with the breakaway of 13 Amer ican colonies 200 years ago The cameras would switch an American banker who would say he felt bit better after the speech and another would say that he was still bit uneasy The conservation was all about economics Yet Mr Le veï¬ue himself merely skim over that subject He was much more interested in talkingpolitics Because he was speaking to the Economic Club of New York and this was his first for eign trip since the election it was automatically assumed that the Quebec premiers sole purpose was to reassure Americans their investments would be safe in the province It became an enormous television spectacular in Canada because financial experts were saying the future of Quebec might hinge on Mr Levesques suc cess or otherwise with his speech JUMP AHEAD Again have this feelingthat Mr Levesque is still one jump ahead of us The fact that he was talking to American indus trialists may have been largely incidental his speech was probably aimed directly at his constituents in Quebec where he got more television exposure than the annual NHL allstar game As former Liberal resour ces minister the premier knows all about American in dustrialists He knows they are far too sophisticated to be un duly influenced by halfhour speech from any politician He also knows that many American investors are in trigued by the prospect of an in dependent Quebec loaded with IlIE WORLD TODAY Carters campaign better than the By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Canadians will watch with special interest the emergence of President Jimmy Carters campaign for populism and staying close to the pie bearing in mind the rtive Trudeau experiment along these lines back in the heady days of his Just Society Early signs of the Carter move to keep himself and the vast Washington bureaucracy closer to the people are more convincing than the Trudeau onesof196869 Then the prime minister did good deal of talking and philo sophizing about the prospect of leader and government close to the people But he failed to translate these into personal acts For starters President Car ter is acting personally making the right moves It began with the abandonment of his limousine and his walk to the White House from Capitol Hill on inauguration day Jan 20 Then there is the enrolment of nineyearold daughter Amy at Stevens the nearly allblack public school in downtown Washington Add the end of chauffeur ser vice for his staff hangover from both the Nixon and John son administrations and the admonition to his new personal staff to keep the route open to him in the White House and Oval Office REMEMBERING FDR There is his reincarnation of the phrase fireside chat for the radio and television talks he plans to give to the American people The expression comes from the famous radio talks of the late president Franklin Roosevelt in the 305 and 40s Openness access and re fusal to be pinned in as this column intimated few days ago by the lure of the impe rial presidency are Carters clear and abouttobe imple mented instructions Lets go back to what we thought Pierre Trudeau would do along this line Un fortunately his approach was mLIIERPRETING THE NEWS Trouble or opportunity for Canada as Carter learns economics of energy By GARRY FAIRBAIRN WASHINGTON CP Jim my Carter is getting hard lesson in the economics and pol itics of energy lesson that guarantees Canada share of presidential attention That attention ma spell trouble or opportunity or Can ada Across much of the United States cold weather has brought serious shortages of natural gas About 300000 workers have already been laid off because of halts in gas shipments to indus trial plants The new president is proposing emergency legisla tion to allow him to temporarily take the lid off gas prices and allocate gas supplies to those who need it most Problems have also developed with oil and elec tricity Canada has moved to help in all areas Earlier this month the National Energy Board au thorized special additional ex port of 15 billion cubic feet of gas lus 50000 barrels of heavy oil or hardpressed Detroit utility The board noted that ex tra Canadian electrical power already is flowing south EARN POINTS While that neighborly help is earning diplomatic credits that may eventually be applied to trade or other negotiations it is also reminder to the United natural resources and free from the foreigninvestment restrictions imposed by Ot tawa And those investors who are unsure will make judgments based on the way Mr Le vesques government performs not by what he says in speech to the Economic Club in New York If it was simply case of encouraging American in vestment the premier would probably have played down separatism as he did during his election campaign The last poll taken on the subject in dicated that only seven per cent of Quebeccrs favored independ once It would have been so easy for Mr Levesque to cm hasize political stability An if he were concerned only with an American audience he probably would not have compared the current situation with the breakaway of the colonies which led to bloodshed LEVERIIIIERII This man is remarkable performer who is faced with the massive challenge of selling independence to Quebccers within five years and he is not for populism Just Society allocated all too soon to the philosophical address and the prime ministers new breed of project planners Ills new On tario desk would tell him what Ontarians wcrcthinking Where Jimmy Carter talks of frugality candor access to the people patrician Pierre asked us to prepare for participatory democracy That was almost as hard to take as The Just Society dynamic concept if you have had personal exposure to liberal Catholic education otherwise incomprehensible And then as the first Trudeau government sped its course the prime minister became more and more isolated surrounded by his burgeoning personal staff far in excess of that of any previous leader The basically introverted and shy qualities of the man sur faced and he was as withdrawn in the smaller world of 24 Sus sex Drive as was Richard Nixon in his own way in the larger White House world The prime minister was pro grammed to win the 1974 elec tion which he did with hand Statcs of the longterm Cana dian policy of cutting off all and gas exports US officials and energy in terests have recognized Can adas right to conserve its dwin dling petroleum supplies but they have also expressed wish that the hased reductions in oil exports halted if not rever sed for few years to help the United States until Alaskan oil and gas is flowing in quantit Even maximum Cana ian exports would fill only small part of US energy needs but the northern states that have been major Canadian customers are very much aware of reduced Canadian shipments going to miss any op portunities As we sat glued to our television sets totally preoccupied with how Americans were reacting no one mentioned that it was magnificent commercial message for the people back home He was almost poetic about independence Once again if you consider how delicate such matters can be the evolution is going on in an atmosphere of remarkable serenity Initially there were few tense moments but now there is nothing but patient democratic work so that after the uiet revolution we are on title to expect quiet independ ence in the near future Mr Levesque is right of courv se There is remarkable serenity surrounding separa ismlargely because no one clseissayinganything As the Quebec premier was in New York preparing cam paign masterpiece that could only accelerate the forces of in dependence guess what the Parliament of anada was wrestling with The torturous decision of whether its debates thats should be televised what some victory And in the proc ess without coaching from the political marketers the charm warmth and appeal to people which Trudeau the coir scrvative hides shone forth believe on its own You see both Trudeau and Carter are at their roots cori scrvativc men Just how much of conservative Southerner Jimmy Carter has remained waits to be seen While Pierre expressed con cern for the indigent the poor and the dispossessed in the lof ty and unworkable tones of the Just Society Carter does the same for the blacks and the American dispossessed in the intimate language of the devout Baptist believer REACHING OUT AGAIN Concern and an urge to reach out to lesser fellow men is there in both We have forgotten that Trudeau isolated again by the unreal world of Ottawa bureau crats and experts once ex pressed it Is the lost hope for Pierre Trudeau our renewed hope for Jimmy Carter Indications are that the United States will also look to Canada to allow construction of pipeline to carry Alaskan nat ural gas south llBLE THOUGHT For if ye forgive mcn their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you But if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasscs Matthew 11 15 If there is sin we cant seem to forget maybe its because of someone we have failed to forgive burdens or loss of financial resources by any municipality would be remedied by the provincial treasury Surely this assurance is an honest desire to work out proper and longterm solution to the issue of land loss RED HERRING Therefore this charge of in terference in the OMB hearings is political red herring that attempts to bury the facts as they really are What about the cries that this matter can be solved without theOMB From my own knowledge the issue has been around for over 10 years and the road ahead in 1976 was no clearer than in 1967 This question will not be solved as long as petty interests work to preserve their small empires in fact it is interesting to note that Barrie at first ob WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter QUEENS PARK Ontario election before June 15 By DON OHEARN Quccns Park Bureau Thomson News Service lR1NT It seems so close you can almost smell the gunpowder Pretty wcll cvciybtxly is talk ing election writing election and in many lStS breathing election Only trouble is nobody Seems to know just when why and particularly how John Rhodes made speech and he predicted spring cloc lion Dary McKcougli made speech and talked clcction Bob Nixon made speech and talked election The NDP if not always talk ing is always ready for an elec tion So when do they put up or shut up One source here and though good source its been wrong bcforc says to expect an elec tion any time between April and June 15 He says and he should know that the premier is still drag ginghis feet but that his proad visors are pressing him strongly to get to the country now Reports from throughout the province have convinced them that the Ps are well on the way back They feel Davis should strike now And they are not unaware that the Liberals have been By BOB BOWMAN When Count Frontenac re turned to Canada in 1689 to scr vc second term as governor one of his most important tasks was to try to subdue the Iroquois First he devised plan to turn the Iroquois tribes against each other The aughnuwngus who lived across the St Lawrence from Montreal haul bccn converted to Christianity lirontcnuc in cluded them in force of 100 men who were instructcd to raid Mohawk villages in New York The uughnnwugus wcrc told that the Mohuwks wcrc decided that longrange plan ningwas needed Now we hear the chorus of dissent from the same men who sat quietly when these figures and plans were in their hands to erove or amend see the attacks on Mr McKeough and the delaying tactics at the OMB hearing as means to frustrate the par ticipants so that nothing will be done see them as political manoeuvers to get Barrie to withdraw its annexation ap plication with the uncertain hope that there can be negotiated settlement However we should learn the lessons of the past 10 years of negotiations as well as listen to what the opponents of an nexation have said They are not talking about settling an issue they are talking about destroying the an nexation hearing hope that Mayor Archer and the new council of Barrie will continue to press for quick resolution through the OMB hearing They have not received any opposition from the residents of Barrie on this issue and believe the citizens will con tinue to support strong leader ship Mr McKeough has given us the leadership and for one wish to speak out and thank aim for his active role to resolve this complex issue Jim Perri BarrieOnt showing strong signs of coming tolife RONTO DEAL Even if the premier agrees there still is the big question of how he will swing it He just cant say think we should have an election and then name day There has to be bit more substance than thisthough true not all that much If he is going to call vote before the house meets he would need an issue And about the only thing in sight is the Ronto deal involving the late Ron lodgham and backroom savant Eddie Goodman in which substantial tax relief was granted This is an issue that Leslie Frost would have swallowed up He would have thrown his unchallengable honesty at the opposition and at the public and would have ramped home an easy winner But premier Davis has never shown the facility to trade on his honor that Frost had Barring an issue such as Ron to the government would probably have to wait until the session which is due for early March before calling vote Then logical course would be to present budget perhaps wait for the leadoff critics from the opposition parties and then declare it was going to the country for an expression of support from the people CANADAS STORY Frontenacs task subdue Iroquois Infidcls with nothing human but the shape and were urged to kill them The force loft hambly Jan Zl 1693 and took two weeks to get to their objectives three Mohnwk communities in what now is the State of New York There was icrce fighting and the French killed about 30 Mo hawks and captured 300 others The aughnuwngus were sup posed to kill the prisonch but could not bring themselves to doso llic lllltll lcudcrs thcn do cidcd to get back to Montreal but they were closcly followed by British forcc led by Peter Schuyler