YoungBiggin LIMITED REALTOR cerIng Ioi canan 89 Collier St Barrie Barrie 7264491 Toronto Linemm assist you in your Real Estate problems When you list your property with us MAIN OFFICE 1623 YONGE STREET TORONTO NORTH OFFICE 3284 YONGE STREET TORONTO WEST OFFICE 5110 DUNDAS STREET WEST TORONTO EAST OFFICE 255 MORNINGSIDE TORONTO CENTRAL OFFICE 1623 YONGE STREET TORONTO SQUARE ONE OFFICE MISSISSAUGA CENTRAL EAST OFFICE 1646 VICTORIA PARK TORONTO 10 HURONTARIO STREET MISSISSAUGA CENTRAL WEST OFFICE 1576 BLOOR WEST TORONTO NORTH EAST OFFICE 2256 BIRCHMOUNT TORONTO NORTH WEST OFFICE 1104 WILSON AVENUE TORONTO NORTH SUBURBAN OFFICE 8119 YONGE STREET THORNHILL BRAMPTON OFFICE 267 QUEEN STREET EAST ORILLIA OFFICE 189 MISSISSAGA STREET EAST MUSKOKA OFFICE MANITOBA STREET BRACEBRIDGE LINDSAY OFFICE 278 KENT STREET WEST LINDSAY BARRIE OFFICE 89 COLLIER STREET When you do business with Young Biggie Limited you are employing the services of 17 offices with over 400 trained sales agents to Board at no extra charge to youl and it comes to the attention of neariy 10000 agents serving Toronto suburbs We advertise your property not only locally also In here in Barrie Remember too that our other ofï¬ces have qualified clients wishing to locate in other areas and If it happens to be Barrie they are referred to us In addition to that we have an association with Brokers all across Canada and the United States who also refer buyers to us So doesnt it make sense to call Young Biggie WOODLAND HEIGHTS On IV acre treed lot Fabulous bedroom residence baths fireplaces indoor pool car garage Reduced $10000 for immediate sale Beth Stewardson 4364258 COUNTRY STORE Meat shop groceries and post office make healthy profit Large living quarters ideal family operation George Vale SUPER BUY Look thru this beauty and youll want it brs finished RR sauna shower brdlm thruout immaculate home Asking $54900 worth every penny George Vale 7264491 No 959 OPEN FOR INSPECTION Seven lovely chalets to choose from 33491 to 3799 Sat Jan 29th Sun Jan 30th 25 Details Eldred or Mary Lee JUSTMOVE IN East and location bd bungalow full basement at tached garage 548900 No 928 Mary Lee Latimer 726 4491 STOREY LARGE LOT Nestled in pines 15 miles lrom Barrie bdrms baths Double garage Golf and ski $40 lst No 945 No 946 PINE RIDGE Horseshoe Valley area Chalet lots min acre Well treed serviced $15900 to $24500 No 644 Mary Lee Latimer 726 4491 CHALETSI CHALETS Horseshoe Valley sugar bush Medante hills Permanent home chalet open concept models Value Priced to sell Details Eldred Clarke 8352347 7264491 No 965 7264491 Mary Lee Latimer 7264491 PAT MCGRATH MANAGER 7373394 ELDRED CLARKE 8352347 LEA BAILEY 7260436 CATHY GAFFNEY 7265518 PHILIP BISHOP 7285751 BARBARA HUGHES 4362340 BETTY BOWLER 7283876 MARY LEE LATIMER 7281268 ALDINE CLARKE 8352347 OUTOFTOWN Brick side split newly decOrated rms baths brick FP car garage Ex cellent 1st at IO4°I For in formation call Eldred Clarke 8352347 BARRIE EAST Brick side split Landscaped treed corner lot featuring living rm dining area bdrs MB FR New FP in Rm Details Eldred Clarke 8352347 we not only out put it on the Barrie Multiple Listing Board but also on the Toronto Real Estate the Toronto papers and provide Toll Free lines for our Toronto clients to call us OWN YOUROWN Fabric business Stock fix tures Good location Details statement Clarke 8352347 SUNNIDALE TWP 110 acres Victorian brick home renovated bdrms broadloom Ige barn stream Approx IO acres bush Asking $134900 terms Eldred Clarke 8352347 J28 DICK POLLOCK 7282544 BETH STEWARDSON 4364258 GEORGE VALE 7269790 DARCY WARNER 7372153 CALL AIIT or THESE rm AGENTS FOR IMMEDIATE srnvrcr III BUYING on SELLING AND REMEM Bil WHEN THEY PI 00 SIGN ON YOUR WIN HURRY HOME YOURE MOVING BEFORE YOU MOVE Any move whether arross the street or aross the nation means temporary uprooung for the family How you behave In the srtuatron WIlI determine to large extent how your youngsters rear to the Change It you are tense or worried your chIld Wlll sense your anxwty and In turn may feel unhappy and inseLure 0n the other hand If you seem cheerful and optImIstrc about the upcommg move even thoung you may have some uncertarntres you Will Ind your Child more confident about the change and better able to take II In stride Here are some IIps to help you prepare your hlldren for ovrngI la Keep In mind that these suggestions should lie related to the age and maturxty oI your hIId The older your youngster Is the more he WIII understand and III dlll Io partu Ipatv in the move In IIIl llIllllIIlrtll lltlilllllrlllil IIIaI Hll plan III IHIII xv llltlII IIlt IIIIIonx IIII llll IIIIIIuI IIIII III IIIIIII IIIII aIIIIIII II IIII IIIII Illi IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIaIw il IIIII IIIIII IwI IIII IIIII IIIII don IIIIIIIIII llIIIlI IxIIII IIIII mam Illrlll III IIIIIII hiHI1ItlIIIIIIIII unrulvrtul IIIIVIITIIIH II IIIIII III IIIIIIII III III IJIIIHIIII IIIIII111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVHIII IIIII Id III IIIIII IIIIIIII III III 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