Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1977, p. 1

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79 EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 7266537 119th YearNo ll Titanic Examiner The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Friday January 14 1977 WEATHER FORECAST The Barrie Public Utilities Commissmn PUCt held its inaugural meeting Thursday at the PUC otlices on Baylield Street The commis AT PUC INAUGURAL Sion members are Ernie Alexander Sitting chair man Mayor Ross Archer lelt and Val Brucker right linance chairman The com mission Will meet the second Wednesday 01 each month at 30 pm Examiner Photo Barrie airport bid to be topic of talks Mayor Ross Archer said to day he will meet Saturday thh Reeve Howard Campbell ol ro Township to discuss Barries bid to put small airport on Cityowned land in the 0WDShIp The township has relused city application to rezone the 247acre parcel in the Fourth ConceSSion soth 01 Highway 11 and has destgnated the land as agricultural in its zoning bylaw An Ontario Municipal Board hearing into the bylaw IS scheduled to begin Monday and Barrie counCil voted this week to send City solicnor Rowe to the hearing to oppose thedestgnation City council also voted to enter an appeal with the 01le against the relusal to rezone theland Mayor Archer declined to speculate on the chances ol making progress on the issue in talks With Reeve Campbell Reeve Campbell was not member ot last years township council which voted in December not to rezone at this time and three other members ot the livemember councn are new this year as well The relusal lollowed recom Inmate complains about TV noise IURUNIU iCP lt Thun der Bay prisoner annoyed Witr loud noise lrom televiSion sets and radios in Jail lound Ontario Ombudsman Arthur Maloney to be sympathetic listener last year The ombudsman says in his annual report that the prisoner sent him number at letters lrom Jail complaining about the eltect the noise was having on his mental health While the ombudsmans ol lice was investigating the prisoner was translcrred to the Guelph orrcctional Centre but lound it Just as noisy Mr Maloncy says An investigator tor the om budsman promised to get the prisoner pair ol earplugs but betorc that was done the pris oner was released alter suc cesstul appeal In another case involvmg prisoner Mr Maloncy reports that an error by court clerk cost conyicted man an extra 11 lays inJail The man was sentenced to two concurrent terms ol stx months each lor uttering lalsc documents and to consecutive ANTHONY EDEN Jitllralldlpllflllal in 1961 twoyear term lor breaking and entering Following an appeal his two year term was reduced to ninemonth consecutive senlt tence tora total term ol 15 mon ths Mr Maloney says But court clerk wrote on the mans warrants ot commital that the two terms ot six mon ths each were to be served con secutively causing prison ol ticials to calculate his sentence as total 01 21 months Winter kills five YORK England Reuteri At least two persons have died in the severest bout 01 Winter weather to grip northern Eng land tor 14 years Blizzards and arctic tem peraturesv exceptional lor Englands temperate Cllmtlle400k motorists by sur prise blocking roads and disrupting train serViccs Three ol the dead were drivers trap ped in heavy snowdril ts Weather lorccasts said more snow is on the way Pupils cold but happy King Edward public school pupils are getting an extended holiday this weekend The 50 children were sent home early this morning alter the turnace broke down tor the second time this week Children were sent home car ly Tuesday because there was no heat in the budding mendation lrom the townships planning board which said it could not determine the suitability ol the proposal tor the land until variety ot addi tlonal studies are carried out by the City The proposed airport would take up only 40 to 50 acres ot the cityowned parcel and would have 3500loot paved runway according to statements last year by Don McNall then chairman ol the citys airport advisory committee The rest ol the stte could be developed parkland he said Under Court ot Appeal decr SIOII year ago involving the rangeville Airport in Caledon municipal zoning bylaws do not apply to airports which tall under ledcral Jurisdiction However city otl icials have ex pressed rcluctaiicc to take ad vantage ot the court ruling prelerring instead to act in co operation With Dro hitters Dont worry thats an oil tanker The only thing they can hit is and Tremor rocks Cobourg area CDBDURU Unt WIN tremor wakcncd residents in the Cobourg area early Thurs day but the cause ol the dis turba nce has not been totiiid The tremor was tell in an area bounded by Lake Ontario the community ol mcmec about 30 miles north ol here Millbrook about 13 miles west ol here and ralton about 10 miles to the cast Area military and ciViliaii airports say it was not sonic boom because no supersonic Jets were in the area and seismologists in Ottawa say no earth tremors were recorded Weather otlictals say it was not astorm THORNTON OUTLET HAS EXTENSIVE DISPLAY BUT Magazines not sold to children store owner THORNTON The general store in Thornton may have an extensive selection of sexuallyexplicit magazines on sale but unlike the owners of some corner stores which sell the magazines John Elson has taken precautions to keep them out of the hands ot children The magazines are displayed at the front of the Thornton general store near the cash register where the attendant can keep children away The magazines are wrapped in clear plastic so the mature buyer can see what one he is getting but denies access to the explic1t material inside The magazines Mr Elson sells came up in discussion at Wednesday nights meeting 01 the Simcoe County Board 01 Education Trustee Bruce Cumming Thornton resident said the general store has one ot the tinest arrays ol sexually explicit materials he has ever seen Baord trustees were debating motion to support resolution lrom the Prince Edward County Roman Catholic Separate School Board calling tor the removal 01 all sexuallyexplicit materials lrom store shelves SURPRISEI An emplyee at the store said she was surprised to hear of Mr Cummings comments He comes in occaSionally and shops she said Mr Elson asked how he tell about Mr Cummings remarks shrugged his shoulders and said Litterent strokes for dif terent lolks He said he does not sell the magazines to young children because he does not want any trouble With the police Im not that stupid he said We try to keep the kids out 01 them as best we can Mr Elson said he has no qualms about selling the magazines and he says he has no choice Two years ago he said there was such demand for sports and general interest magazines and comic books that he deCid ed to contract with and Distributing Toronto lirm to sup ply the store When he made the deal With and be said the lirm told him he would have to sell the sex magazmes it he wanted to be supplied With the other material It is like package deal he said While most corner stores sell wellknown magazmes such as Penthouse and Playboy Mr Elson handles lesserknown im ported magazmes including Swank and Games trom the United States and British import called Fiesta The material contained in the magazmes is no worse or bet ter than the tare available in the bettcrvknown publications One issue ot Modern Man contains an article about the deadliest hit man ol the CIA and other pieces about current events tashion records and mov1es Mr Elson said the addition 01 the magazines has been good tor his busmess We sell more 01 those than we do it the other kind he said Over 90 per cent at the people who buy the material are men he said Mr Elson sells the magazines two per package lor either $250 or $275 depending on which the customcr chooses Its tree country sothey tell us he said Mr Elson said this morning that alter Mr Summings coin ments appeared in Thursdays Examiner he got telephone calls lrom area reSIdents asking him to save some 01 those good books tor them SEEKS VERNMEN HELP By SLE ROUIIJFFE Examiner Staff Writer Barrie lawyer Roger atley is gomg to the attorney generals department to seek help tor overworked Simcoe County court Judges There hasnt been CNN Jury trial held since April 1975 he said and the problem is too lew Judges and too many cases In the last Sitting there were three ClVll Jury cases up tor trial he said in an interVIew Thursday and not one was tried Now there are probably 75 cases waiting to be heard There is no way ciVil Jury cases can be heard The wait has stretched to this April when county court sit tings will stretch lrotn tour to six weeks says Mr atley and the waiting list is growmg The Barrie lawyer entered his complaints into the record Thursday morning at the open ing ol this months county court Sittings wanted to get them in ol heially so could write the attorneygenerals otlice and tell them the problem he said later The problem is the small number ol county court Judges three with two ol them also servmg Whitby and larger Jurisdiction than ever belore County courts now handle almost everything but murder and treason says Judge Carter who called Mr atleys statements in court ap propriate rankly the situation is get ting totally despairing and lrustrating said Judge Carter in comrt The demands are iii crcasing and thc workload is overwhelming It is not healthy Sllllil lion iyil Jury cases are not as common as criminal cases says Judge Carter which is Elli til part ol the problem Iraditionally criminal cases have always been given priority said Mr atley He said the reason is lVlUS With the lrcedom ol man in ques tion Civil cases slip to the back ol the lists asa result he says The complaints arent new ones according to both Judge Carter and Mr atlcy but nothing has been done Its almost boring to hear the constant complaints ot Judges Judge Carter told the court We have been laboring With real problem here We do not have the proper lactlities or sutticicnt amount ot em ployces We do need help and we need hpr very badly Mr Datley said there has been no public outcry because not many members ol the public know the problems iii volved Its not new complaint but people have been crying qUiet ly he said linally brought it up because remembered that when had inquired nobody seemed to be at all concerned thought to myscll why do get the lccling nobody carcs He says tic liiially concluded people are so accustomed to ttic delay that they no longer work ed to solve it The people responsible have heard coin plaints lrom lawyers tor so loiig thcy Just dont care any more There is such trcmcndous sense ol despair about it he added Judgc Carter said someone needs to speak up belorc anything will ticdonc One way the situation wont be improvcd is it no one says anything about it he said must kccp up the pressurc Officials doing best they can County court otlicials are do ing the best they can says court clerk lill Dove Mr Dove responsible tor scheduling county court cases in the new Barrie courthouse said today the overload ot cases 75 tor this set ot sittings is Just case ot cases building scheduled for court today in thwarted BC robbery VANCOUVER tCPi Eight policemen sitted slowly through millions ot dollars worth ol de bris littering the loor ol base ment vault Thursday While out side angry depositors harassed lone security guard Five men charged Willi pose session ol stolen property werc to appear in provtncial court iii nearby Richmond today LOSS FOR WORDS DUNDAS nt CP wouldbe robber With halt dgun stuck in the waistband ol his trousers walked out ol the batik emptyhanded Thursday when the teller calmly handed back his holdup note Police said young man walked into Bank ol Mon treal branch here and handed teller Jackie Jones note Which said This is stick up put the money in the bag Mrs Jones tossed the note back to the man who opened his coat and showed the gun When she still tailed to respond he walked out Without saying word Policeareinvestigating AN ETERNAL ENGLISHMAN Former British PM Anthony Eden dea ALVEDISTUN England AP The Earl ol Avon who as Anthony Eden was former prime minister ot Britian died peacelully in his sleep today at his country home in southern England alter long illness his doctor announced He was 79 Lord Avon Who was elevated to the peerage as Earl ot Avon became gravely ill while spending the winter at the Florida home 01 United States diplomat Averell Harriman and Royal Air Force plane eqmpped as flying hospital him and his Wile home His doctor said he was sullen ing lrom progresswe liver tail ure ne London newspaper re ported he had had cancer ol the lung and bone tor year and it had spread to the liver Lord Avon lormcr lorcign minister was prime minister during the Anglorrench attack on the Suez canal in 1956 which lollowed Egyptian President Gamal Abdal Nassers nation alization ol the waterway The venture condemned by the United States and the Sovtet was sent lrom London to bringgt Union mined his health and he resigned in 1957 alter less than two years as prime minister Lord Avon served in the rirst World War was member ol the House ot Commons lor 34 years and was diplomat be tore during and alter the Sec ond World War He resigned lrom NeVille Chamberlains cabinet to protest Chamber lains appeasement 0t Mussolini and Hitler Lord Avon was an eternal Englishman close lriend said He had told his lamily that it he looked like he were dying they must do all hey Charged are Kenneth risber l0 and Ward Robert ohnstonc l8 both ot Montreal Harry Jones 44 and Thomas Bruce Weir itl both ot no tixcd ad lress and John Elsworth ol ocrt 49 Surrey BC The live were charged alter Iilkvlll during the weekend at Vancouver Salcty Deposit Vaults Nine suitcases cram med With cash gold bullion and Jewels waiting at Vancouver In ernational Airport to be loaded in to lorontabound Jct were ipened and seized by the RCMP it the Air baggage counter arly Monday The sUItcascs were liscovcrcd when baggage iaiidler loutid he could barely itt one ot them thought it night be risk to the satety it he aircratt and called super nsor who opened it Police sources have 3stimated the loot at between $1 nillion and tens 01 millions The debris tell on the vault loor includes stacks ol torcign urrency silver bars and ricks large numbers 01 Cami lian lynipic com sets ttiick wads ot stocks and bonds secu rities personal papers coin collections and outoldatc Canadian currency Vault custodian Andy Easton said the burglars were highly selective They were alter cash gold and JewelryiJust picking the could tosee he died in Britain He is surVived by his second Wile Clarissa nicce ol Sir Winston Churchill whom he married in 1952 and one son by his lirst marriage Viscount Eden 46 who succeeds to his title llis lirst Wile whom he di vorced in 1950 died ot cancer in 1957 and their elder son was killed in the Second World War Born June 12 1897 Robert Anthony Eden was baronets younger son He went to France as soldier at age 18 was the youngest brigade maJor in the British army in the First World cherries ill the lowor bran ches Dctcctivc Bob Dcsmarais said the robbers wcrc cxr trcnicly competent in their chosen prolcssion very coin petcnt indeed as he thrcadcd his way through stacks ot card board boxes crammed with valuables Police plan to begin returning the valuables lclt in the vault on Monday Contents ot thc con liscatcd suitcases wtll remain iii police custody as evidence tor an undetermined length ol time Police suspect the burglars scooped up considerable amounts ol illicit cash when they cleaned out about 2500 ol the 5000 dcposn boxes last wcckcnd money slashed to avoid income tax casti that might tiavc entered the country illegally Police have not yet lound any ot the cutting and drilling eqmpment they believe was used to drill hole two leet in diameter through tect ot reintorced concrete and Ill2 llI chcs 01 steel Disappearance ol the tools leads police to believe there may have been local accom plices nc veteran policeman said there IS little doubt the tool was headed tor Montreal where it would have been converted iiilo instant cash War won the Military Cross and lost two 01 his brothers on the battlelields llis ex periencesgavc him hatred ol war and prolound under standing ot military lorcc as an instrument ot national power Alter the war he went to tx lord studied Persnin and Arabic graduated With top hon ors and developed lilelong iii tercst in the Middle East Ilc lost his lirst race lor the House ot Commons in 1922 but won year later in the con stituency ol WarWick atid Lea mington His tlst in politics upovcr pcriod ot time County court will sit through next week Delays caused by crease in cascloads largcr Jurisdiction ol county courts has caused Barrie lawyer Roger atlcy to protest in court Mr Dove who was in court Thursday during Mr atleys presentation to Judge Cartcr said later that while cases have increased the wheels ol administration havcn been able tocatch tip He said county court in Sun coc had only two Jtidgcs until year ago and now still is taxod because two ol the three Judges sharc duties in Whit by as Well There is only that certain XllDtl ol lllllt in the year they can have sittings he said to day Judges in county court also handle surrogate court matrimonial cases and appeal courts They have an awtul lot ol work hcsaid Wcrc Just making out the best way we can lhcrc arc lot ol cases wailing oii the list and Wc arc gctting to them bill it is taking tinic County court registrar Barry Dunn was unavailable tor com ment attending registrars conlercncc in loronto Defends Daoud release PARIS tAPI lrcniici Rays inoiid llartc says the release ol Palestinian guerrilla lcadci Abu Daoud was matter ol law not politics and did not Violate Pranccs extradition agreements Willi Israel and West Germany at 79 was rapid undersccrclary lor lorcign atlairs in his early 30s lord privy seat at 37 minister ot state tor League ol Nations al tairs at 37 and lorcign secretary at Jill in 1935 llis tailored pinstripc stats and black liomburg became model lor diplomats He once said he adopted the lioinbtirg because looked such tool in bowler But he was diplo mat ol great skill and man ol sturdy character who argued tor rearmanicnl and lirm stand against MUSSOlIIII and Miller the iii aiid the MAGAZINE DISPLAY IN STORE SA captain transferred Capt iary enables corps ollicer tor the Salvation Army and chairman ol the Barrie and District Ministcrial Associzr lion Will be leaving town at the end ol the month to take up new assignment in Montreal Capt Venablcs and his Wile Marion have been Barries corps otl iccrs since 1974 They Will be taking over the West Island corps in Montreal Their successors in Barrie Will be Licut Michael Seniscal and his Wilc Elaine currently 01 Lindsay Capt cnablcs said today he and his wile are very disap pointed to leave Barrie community they regard as almost ideal The people here have been Just woiidcrlul to work With hc Slittl Its certainly not our choice to leave Salavation Army otliccrs are required to go wherever their superiors send them unlikc clergy ol many other to nominations Capt Vcnables said he is looking torward to the challenge ol his new assignr mcnt despite his disappoint incnt The couples new con gregalion is larger than the Barrie congregation and also newer tour or live years com pared With the Barrie corps 02 years The assignment is the seventh in thc Hycarsold Alberta nativcs lopltis years isanollicci Previous postings have been to Perth int the Armys CAPT GARY ENARLES to Montreal training college in Toronto the Six Nations Indian Reserve near Brantlord Sydney Mines and youth work in Saskat chewan In addition to his work With the ministerial association Capt Vcnablcs has served as director ot Big Brothers and scrgcantvatarms ot the Barrie Rotary Club lle originated the Christmas Cheer program dur ing his lirst Christmas season in Barrie Capt cnablcs and his Wile an rangcville native have an eightyearold daughter and tour yearold son Temperatures up as snow falls By THE AD1 PRESS lcmpcratures rose as snow tell in southern thitario Thurs day night but the storm had less torce than the one earlier in the week The latest storm movnig lroni midwestcrn parts ot the United States brought moderating trend tcmr pcrattircs climbed slowly to between 73 and Cclsnis where they were to remain today weather torccastcr tor Environment Canada said Unusually cold temperatures had accompanied Mondays storm the worst ol the season which dumped between 20 and 30 cm ot snow Mount Forest about 40 miles northwest ot luclph received 13 cni ol snow Thursday night but most areas had between loiir and eight centimetres the torccastcr said Preeznig drizzle was mixed With snow in some areas CAPSULE NEWS Information agreement ANHIIHHA Reutcrl leler Nixon Australias acting minister tor national resources and Canadian Energy Minister Alastair illltSplt reached agrcenicnt today to more regular llow ot inlormation between the two countries Deny contract out WASIIINUIDN AP iv Ah opposnion Israeli political party today ltSCIIlXd as disgusting nonscnsc report that ex tremists Within its ranks conspired to assassinate US State Secretary Henry Kissinger The New York Daily News says that clique 01 Israeli right Wingcrs has put out $150000 coit tract on Kissingers lilc Pact calls for liaison BltASlLlA Arl Canadian External Attairs Minister Donald Janiicson and Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio Azcrcdo da Silveira signed three protocols today calling tor iii crcascd technical and tinancial CtHiplIltllnlt Police probe mans death WHITNEY ht Cl hitario Provincial Police said today that they are investigating the dcth ol lerrancc Benedict Peplinski 24 ot Madawaska hit Police rcliised to disclose details concerning the death but said an autopsy Will be per tormed at North Bay nt

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