Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jan 1977, p. 5

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NEWS ROUNDUP TEL AVIV AP Israel has Igrecalled its ambassador to France temporarily as an ex presswn of the Jewish states outrage at the release of Abu Daoud the alleged commander ot the Palestinian attack at the 11972 Munich Olympics in which 11 Israeli athletes were killed The French government tried Jo shift the blame to West Ger many Ior the decision to let the Palestinian leader go on Tues day French otticials said the Bonn government did not follow the proper extradition proce dure by confirming Munich judges request for extradition ot Daoud West German officials said they regretted Frances deci s10n The light against inter national terrorism has not be come easier said the justice ministry The US state department condemned the French action Our dismay reflects our abhorrence over the brutal and mindless murders at Munich and our strong conviction that terrorists should be dealt with sternly and firmly by legal authorities of all countries spokesmansaid Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Alton told the Knesset Israels parliament that Fran ce ignored international agreements on extradition and on curbing terrorism 0n trial HAMBURG Reuter For mer SS elite guard Lieut Gerhard Maywald 64 went on trial here Tuesday charged with the mass murder of Jews in Latvia during the Second World War Nearly 100 wit nesses from the United States Colombia Israel Sweden Austria and the Soviet Union are expected to be heard at the trial Protest call MOSCOW AP group 01 Ukrainian dISSidents asked Luresday that Canadian and American Communists speak out against alleged SOViet repr ession ot diSSidents The declar ation was Signed by Ukrainian members 01 an unotlicial group which monitors SOViet com pliance With the human rights sections 01 the 1975 Helstnki ac cords Fuel cut LONDON Reuter The Royal Nayy has been ordered to reduce tuel consumption by live per cent trom 1978 as an econ omy measure the detence min istry announced Tuesday Gets loan WASHINGTON AP Viet nam was granted $3lrmillion loan Tuesday by the Inter national Monetary Fund IMF largely to compensate lor loss ol export earnings resulting trom war damage The loan to Vietnam by the 129 member IMF is the lirst Since its Communist government was admitted to membership over US 0pposttion late last year Killed BELFAST Renter British soldier was shot dead by sniper late Tuesday in Beltast the third soldier to be killed here this year The army was working on the theory that the sniper belonged to tne Irish Republican Army IRA which has stepped up its campaign to oust British lorces lrom North ern Ireland Seeks job TEL AVIV AP Uetence Minister Shimon Peres an nounced his candidacy tor pre mier Tuesday setting ott an in ternal Labor party power struggle between himsell and incumbent Premier Yitzhak Rabin live months belore elec tions Asked by Israeli tele ViSion whether he is candr date Peres said The answer isattirmative Found dead PARIS AP Prince Jean Felix dc Merode 33 descend ant ot one ol Belgiums oldest noble tamilies was lound dead Tuesday in pool ol blood on the stairway 01 his Paris apart ment budding apparently the Victim it tall Police said their early suspcions that he had been beaten to death were apparently not sustained by an autopsy which tound only one wound at the base ol the skull conSistent With his havmg hit the staircase in talling Hotel fire PALM SPRINGS Calil AP About 200 guests fled their rooms as tire damaged the lasbionable Canyon llotel belore dawn Tuesday tiremen said Otticials said 13 persons were treated for minor burns and smoke inhalation No serious injuries were reported Pay raise TORONTO CP The On tario government has given Judges under its Jurisdiction oneyear raises of $2260 retro active to Oct 1976 The raises ranging trom 53 per cent to 58 per cent Will give chiet Judge an annual salaryol $44160 senior Judge $41600 and proVincial Judges $40660 Margo Davies 20 ot Wor thington Ohio pleaded gutt ty Tuesday to three counts 01 aggravated murder in Del aware County Common Pleas Court She was sen tenced to consecutive lite terms She was accused ot killing her children in November 1976 Reelected MAIHESON Ont ICP Michel Iherrien who lost his bid to become Black River Matheson Iownship reeve last Dec was reelected Ward COUIICIIIOI on Monday Mr Iherrien deteated George Gcol troy by 158 to 93 The couri crllors seat was Ielt vacant in the Dec election because no one ran Mr Therrien was run ning tor reeve instead and Mr Geotlroy said he missed the nomination deadline by live minutes Girl killed MOOREIOWN nt II Charlene Shelley Boyle 12 was killed Tuesday and Christine Marie Ioan also ot Moore town was wounded when ril le discharged accidentally during game at copsandrobbers Christine is in lair condition in hospital With wounds to the lace and shoulder Ski group KIMBERLEY Ont ttli Ski resort operators lrom across Canada have organized group called Canadian Ski Area Operators Assocmtion lormed during twoday meeting in this ski community about 25 miles east ot Owen Sound AW Sandy Boyd preSi dent ot IiIlicum Valley Ski Area in Vernon was elec ted president ot the new as soCiation which WIII piomote ski salety and protect the inter ests ot operators Pact OKd ST CAIIIARINES JP The Lincoln County board 01 education voted Tuesday to rat ity oneyear agreement which Will give 200 maintenance stall members 01 Local 152 Cana dian Union 01 Public Employ ees an hourly wage increase at 46 cents The workers now earn $470 to $640 an hour Second term TORONTO CP Paul God trey was reelected Iuesday as chairman ot Metropolitan Tor ronto council tor his lull second term by vote 01 31 to Mr Godlrcy has held the position Since 1921 When he was chosen to complete the term ot the late Albert ampbcll who resigned because ill health Fined IORONIO CI Three brothers and two companies they operate have been lined $60621 tor evading taxcs on work done on mens houses ht tween 1965 and 1971 The court found Samuel Black 66 had evaded $35436 in taxes Joseph Black 62 evaded $9332 in taxes and Norman Black 60 evaded $5148 The work was charged to Dalewood In vestments Ltd and Sajonor Holdings Ltd both of Toronto Is warden CHAIHAM CPI Murray Campbell 39 reeve ol Harwich Township and Chatham area tarmer was elected 1977 war den 01 Kent County on Tuesday Fewer OTTAWA CP The num ber 01 snowmobile accrdent la talities tor 197576 dropped to 110 lrom the pICVIOLIS years tally 01 132 Statistics Canada reported Tuesday There were 104 accidents iii volving Iatalities last Winter down lroin 121 in 197475 OI the accidents 596 per cent involved colliSions With ve hicles including cars trucks buses or other snowmobiles and 144 per cent involved colliSions vith ODJCCIS including trees rocks bridges and even horse and an airplane Another 106 per cent were due to snowmobiles breaking through ice or running into stretches ot open water Not as high BRAMPTON Ont CP An increase next year in elec tricin rates will not be as great as was tirst thought Dennis Timbrell Ontario energy minister told City council Iuesday The Ontario Energy Board has said Ontario Hydro may iii crease its rates by 123 per cent in 1978 but Mr limbrcll and Premier William Iavrs told council members that Ilydro Will only need to increase its rates by about 10 per cent Mr Dans who represents the Brampton riding and the energy minister were asked by council to explain why the Ori tario cabinet did not intervene when the energy board granted llydro 303percent rate in crease tor 1977 The increase which took et tect Jan worked out to 26 per cent Recovered NAPLES Renter Police recovered more than 40 stolen paintings most by Italian mas teis and Worth about $580 mil Iioii during raids on two pIL vale houses Iuesday Two per sons wcrc arrested aiid two are being sought Banker fined SAN REMO Italy Renter prominent Italian banker was tincd million Iuesday tor trying to smuggle promissory notes worth $3 million out ot the country arlo Aloisi Vicepresident ot thc Instituto Baiicario Italiano IIVIIlt bank was arrested at the French border Dec 30 To die RAMIOON Burma AP Rangoon court condemned an army captain to dcth Iucsday tor lcading plot last July to kill government leaders Iapl Ohn Kyan Myint was con demncd to death tor high trea son Rejected OSIIAWA II Durham Region separate school teachers FUJICIUI limit con tract otlcr lrom their board it SIMCOE HOTEL At the Points Finest in Canadian Chinese Cuisine Daily Buffet for under for great entertainment $200 12 noon to am entertaining this week DAZE NITES Daouds release angers Israel education Tuesday by vote of 337t074 Members of the Ontario Eng lish Catholic Ieachers Associ ation plus French Catholic teachers principals and vice principals voted They rejec ted an offer 01 an eightpercent pay increase over one year not including experience in crements The teachers have been Without contract Since Sept 1976 spokesman tor the teachers said that with increments in cluded the proposal would have been 11 per cent making an antiintlation board cut more likely The teachers are seeking wage parity With their public school counterparts in the re gion Whipped MONROVIA Liberia Reuter More than 15000 spectators packed the Monrovia sports stadium and others standing outsrde stalled trallic tor hours as 15 hardened criminals were whipped in public iti compliance with prCSideiitial decree The criminals each were given 25 lashes Gorilla dies ROIlERIAIV1 AFI Sophie the painting gorilla 0t Rotterdam Zoo has died it was learned Iuesday Captured as baby in 1948 Sophie began to show her artistic talents soon alter her arrival at the Blinorp Zoo here IIer canvasses still are on show in speCiaI room at the zoo SUSPECT Francisco Mendel 17 tctlr tre is cscortcd through New Yorks Kennedy Airport Iucsday night lollowmg his arrival troiii Iucrlo Rico where he was arrested Itics day in connection With thr Bronx social club lirc last October that claimed lives Two other suspects have been arrested in con nection With the IIIt AP Photo IARASITIIS NA MEI Gadtly is the name 01 several parasrtic tlies including the bottly anrl thc horscl ly THE BROOKDALE PRESENTS EVERY TUESDAY THURSDAY NIGHT SINGLES MINGLE SPECIAL PRIZES AND SPECIAL PRICES In Borries Most Luxurious Lounge with Disco Live Entertainment featuring this week it BILL CHAMBERS The Brookdale Inn 150 Dunlop St 7281312 WEATHER CAUSES TRAFFIC LINEUP Iractortiailers lined Essa Road east 01 Highway 400 Tuesday morning alter On tario Provincial Police close ed the highway to trallic About 40 trucks and text cars Were in the lineup Iolicc opened the highway southbound later in the day ExaminerPhoto Canadian airspace situation made pilot reroute plane OIIAA Dutch airline pilot said Tuesday his concern about ttic qmte scrious situation in anzidiaii airspace last June prompted him to take steps to reioutc hLM Royal Dutch Airliiics llight through the tiiitcd States John Ellison lavis British born pilot who has been with KLM since 1050 told the Fed eral Court anada that Ill Judged anadian air trallic control to be unreliable attcr landing at Toronto Inv ternational Airport last Juric 22 duriiiganairdisputc Mr EllisonHaws said he telephoned KLM otlicials in Amsterdam and the airline agreed to remote tlight lroni Toronto the tollowmg day through ILS airspace Ihc IIM pilot was appearing as 2i yitncss iii Federal ourt CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot lost delivery Free on orders over $700 In Barrie IO Disc0unt on PickUp Orders over 5700 Phone 72888I 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE HAPPY BURGERS only ox MILK SHAKE only 25 hearing on contempt ol coiirt charges against the aiiadiaii Air Line Pilots Association CALIA assoLiatioi Air ianada president Ken Malcy and two top ALIA otlicials who are pilots Norman Foster and Robert McKinnon FURY OF THE DRAGON AT 845 WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE PM WIMO AS AMT EITLITAIIIIIT BUFFALO BILL AND THE INDIAN AT PM THE MISSOURI BREAKS AT 645 PAUL NEWMAN BUFFALO BILL and the INDIANS or SITTING BULIIS NH an Crisp golden FRENCH FRIES small order only 25F HISTORY LESSON United Artists 341 BAYFIELD ST 7280941 The coach is waiting for his next beer he Barrie Examiner Wednesday January 12 I977 at The pitcher is waiting for her first bra The team is waiting for miracle Consider the possibilities WALTER NOW PLAYING 460UNLOP ST IMPERIAL CINEMA MATTHAU STANLEY KNEE IRl ll It THE BAD NEWS Roww 1284531 TATUM MICHAEL RITCHIE FILM REMIIXD AS AMT EITERTAIIIEIT SHOWN DAILY AT 700 It 900 PM Held Over 4th Week 705 pm pm THE NEWEST PINKEST PANTHER OF ALL Adult PETER SELLERS Entertainment stoning lrll COLIII BLAKELY LEONARD RDSSITER IESIEHIIIIE DOWII Inimtion By martin writilus sruorti lusrc HENRY MANCINI Associate Producer TONY ADAMS Comzlolt Sung by TOM JONES Written Dy FRANK WALDMAII and BLAKE EDWARDS Product and UIIKIM mBLAKE EDWARDS hinted III PANAVISIOII CDIDR hi Deluxe Held Over 3rd Week pm 910 pm mmun AS mi IIEIIAIIIEII LOVE ACTION COMEDY SUSPENSE EXCIIEMENT Before Rhett kissed Scarlett Before laurel met Hardy Before Butch Cossrdy met the Sundorice Kid Before any movie ever made you laugh or cry or toll in love their was handful 0t Odwriturcrs who made flickering DICIUWS you could sec for Hllltl CKELODEO 12A 070 ll uu glam mun Illltl litmus ohm THLA MI III INTTI ITDKAKA rmm rrwrIVV um lmmtru Al AW lAllMter Al WINNIE II IIHIINEIMMWHHS MMINIUV mHIIlIASHVIm IINIIIIIH IKVHIMWMS IIHMMMLSAWI mer IIIlDIlIl ML ll Ill ll II IIIILHIHI WW WMIIH In Ill HIMIIIII IIIIHIIIIIWWIII tirlllltiiotllriow iIliiINlt In

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